Table 3: Illustrative overview of the different methods available in the specialized literature to investigate the context of
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Reference Approach ACC (%) AUC
(Tuncer et al., 2020)
ResExLBP, RelieF,
100% -
(Kedia et al., 2021)
CoVNet-19, Ensemble Learning,
Transfer learning
99.71% 0.99
(Ashour et al., 2021)
Bag of features, Ensemble
98.60% 0.98
(Deb et al., 2022) Multi model ensemble architecture 98.58% 0.95
Transfer learning, DenseNet-201,
RelieF, SMO
98.38% 0.98
(Walvekar et al., 2020)
96.23% 0.96
(Shamila Ebenezer et al., 2022)
EfficientNet-b0, Image Enchancement
94.56% 0.93
(Rajpal et al., 2021)
Handpicked Features, ResNet-50
94.40% 0.97
(Hemdan et al., 2020)
DenseNet-121, VGG19
90.00% 0.90
This study was financed in part by the: National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment CNPq (Grants #313643/2021-0, #311404/2021-
9 and #120993/2020-1); State of Minas Gerais Re-
search Foundation - FAPEMIG (Grant #APQ-00578-
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