However, the usage of an SVM in EPF is usu-
ally a component of an hybrid model for predicting
electricity price (Weron, 2014). Che et al. (Che
and Wang, 2010) combine both ARIMA and SVR,
that have shown to be effective in linear and nonlin-
ear modelling, respectively, into a new model called
SVRARIMA. The authors state that, due to the nature
of electricity price time series, which include both lin-
ear and nonlinear components, forecasting electric-
ity price using an hybrid model such as this is the
best path to achieve accurate results. They conclude
that, individually, their neural network model has the
best average value for the evaluation metrics (RMSE
and MAPE) when compared to ARIMA and SVR in-
dependently. However, the SVRARIMA model has
the best results overall, even when compared to the
hybridized model of NN and ARIMA. The authors
explain that this can be expected due to the nature
of SVR to maintain linear patterns undamaged, con-
trary to NN models, making week-ahead forecasting
of electricity price more accurate for the hybrid model
SVRARIMA. Nevertheless, Che et al. propose that
simply combining the best individual models doesn’t
necessarily produce the best results, promoting, in-
stead, a structured selection of the hybrid model.
Common variables that are included in EPF mod-
els, such as electricity load, showcase non-linear be-
havior (Busseti et al., 2012) which might lower the
effectiveness of statistical models which excel at fore-
casting linear behaviour. The authors demonstrate
that a deep learning architecture ensures more accu-
rate predictions for large datasets with nonlinear pat-
ters when compared to linear and kernelized regres-
sion models. This supports the potential of using
machine learning techniques for EPF under extreme
event circumstances, which causes high degrees of
volatility to the data. The deep recurrent neural net-
work model was the authors’ model with the best per-
formance, outperforming both linear and kernalized
regression as well as a feedforward neural network
(FFNN). Busseti et al. state that the accuracy level
achieved by their deep learning model approaches the
same accuracy level of private sector demand fore-
casting services, which demonstrate a MAPE value of
0.84%-1.56%, further more supporting the usage of
machine learning models under nonlinear conditions,
which are aggravated by extreme events.
The potential of deep learning models is not ex-
clusive to its inclusion into hybrid models. To pre-
dict the day-ahead price of electricity in the Turk-
ish market, Ugurlu et al. (Ugurlu et al., 2018) de-
veloped several neural network architectures (CNN,
ANN, LSTM and GRU) and tested their results in-
dependently, while using state-of-the-art statistical
methods (Naive method, Markov regime-switching
auto regressive model, self-exciting threshold auto-
regressive model and SARIMA) as benchmark mod-
els to assess the accuracy of their own. The results
show a success of the neural network based mod-
els in comparison to the statistical one, with special
attention to LSTM and GRU. In both seasonal and
monthly comparison of results, GRU finds success in
both analysis, and LSTM only in the latter. Both of
these variables are important for time series forecast-
ing, which can prove useful for developing a success-
ful framework to predict electricity prices in short and
Following the work of Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2020), we can identify a successful implementation
of a hybrid framework for EPF, based on deep learn-
ing models. This framework is divided in four main
modules: Feature preprocessing, deep learning-based
point prediction, error compensation and probabilistic
prediction. Feature preprocessing consists of detect-
ing outliers and find the best correlating features. The
second module is for extracting nonlinear features
by means of deep belief networks, LSTM and CNN
models. The following model, error compensation,
is aimed towards reducing the residual error between
forecasting and actual prices, and the final module is
for calculating uncertainty at different levels of confi-
dence. This proposed hybrid framework aims to over-
come the underlying limitations that physical, statis-
tical and machine learning methods have, combining
multiple machine learning techniques that results in a
competitive advantage of the model for point forecast-
ing in terms of high-speed performance, simplicity
and convenience as well as uncertainty risk control,
both important features for a model in circumstances
of high volatility and risk of the consequences of ex-
treme events.
Other authors have developed hybrid models to for
EPF. SEPNet (Huang et al., 2021) is the hybridiza-
tion of a Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD),
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Gated Re-
current Unit (GRU). Due to the seasonal variation in
the electricity price time series, the authors use elec-
tricity pricing data from New York City from 2015
to 2018 and divide it into four seasons (spring, sum-
mer, autumn, and winter). A CNN architecture is
used to extract time-domain features from these in-
trinsic mode functions (IMFs) with varying center
frequencies. The GRU is then used to process and
learn the features collected by the CNN, producing
the final prediction. Once again, the hybridization
of these models outperform their accuracy indepen-
dently, whereas the VMD-CNN algorithm, on the
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting