Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Mario Konecki
, Mladen Konecki
and Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Higher Education, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Assistants, Chatbots, Opportunities, Challenges.
Abstract: Higher education always had its challenges that professors and other educators had to deal with. Along with
challenges there are also different opportunities that various technologies provide in the form of usable
educational aiding means. Sometimes the same technology can represent both opportunity and a challenge.
This is true for an emerging technology based on artificial intelligence that comes in the form of various
intelligent assistants and chatbots. One of the latest revolutions in this domain is artificial intelligence-based
tool ChatGPT. In this paper, opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT and other virtual assistants and
chatbots are presented and discussed. Research results about using ChatGPT in higher education by students
is also given and elaborated.
Rapid development of different technology has
resulted in various opportunities but also in different
challenges in higher education. On one side new
technology enables better visualization, more
effective performance, higher level of
automatization, quicker information retrieval, etc. On
the other side there are many challenges for educators
since the same technology can be used by students to
solve their tasks quicker and easier with the aid of
artificial intelligence, rather than using one’s own
knowledge and skills. This can consequently result in
students not understanding particular concepts and
processes. Based on this, it can be said that a special
set of challenges for educators has emerged with the
more applicable artificial intelligence tools, such as
are various virtual assistants and chatbots.
Mentioned artificial intelligence-based tools can
be of great value when used by professionals, and can
also benefit students when used properly. However,
if students opt for this it is possible to replace a
significant amount of effort by work results provided
by artificial intelligence (Cotton et al., 2023). In this
way students can skip some important steps in their
education which consequently leads to lower levels of
professional capabilities.
Virtual assistants and chatbots are rather new
addition to higher education in more widely used
capacity. Students tend to adopt new technologies
rather quickly, and their educators have to do the
same. This poses a challenge for educators since they
must incorporate this into their in most cases already
busy schedule.
Artificial intelligence in higher education opens
many questions for educators, such as:
How should artificial intelligence-based tools
be used?
What artificial intelligence-based tools should
be used for?
How can artificial intelligence-based tools be
used to support education?
How can unwanted uses of artificial
intelligence-based tools be prevented?
What teaching models should be used when
considering artificial intelligence in education?
How should tasks and assignments be modified
in order to utilize artificial intelligence and
possibilities of newly developed tools in this
How should student work be checked to detect
authentical or artificial intelligence-based work
As artificial intelligence enters higher education
educators will have to put a lot of effort into adapting
to this new paradigm and providing students with
adapted teaching models that will utilize new
possibilities while preserving genuine education
Konecki, M., Konecki, M. and Biškupi
c, I.
Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012039700003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 136-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The rapid development of technologies affects the
transformation of education in increasing capacity. In
this process many new aspects have emerged, such as
more rapid introduction of distance learning with and
without digital support, e-learning in different
development stages (1.0, 2.0 and semantic one), etc.
Along with new aspects, a specific set of challenges
has also been identified. Some of these challenges are
already known, but many challenges are new and
present something that is yet to be researched and
resolved. One such set of challenges results from
recent introduction of artificial intelligence in higher
education that includes assistive tools in the form of
various virtual assistants and chatbots, such as
ChatGPT (Kung et al., 2022).
Web technology has allowed learners to
communicate and access information and has enabled
meaningful interactivity through Web 2.0
technologies that empowered e-learning students
transforming them from recipients into active and
social contributors.
The next generation of online education is in high
capacity dictated by the academic need to personalise
learning together with the efficient automation
offered by artificial intelligence (Montebello, 2018)
and learning analytics. According to Montebello
(2018) the use and integration of artificial intelligence
in every aspect of e-learning model is crucial due to
its ability to capture the learners’ individual
characteristics and use them to personalise the e-
learning delivery while addressing typical e-learning
issues of isolation, motivation, and impersonal
Personalized learning for students can be
supported by 24/7 online feedback system which can
be quite demanding and expensive whether analytic
systems is used, or more teaching staff are hired.
Graesser and McDaniel (2017) suggest cost-effective,
and efficient virtual assistants/avatars and chatbots as
the interactive systems used to serve heterogeneous
roles to facilitate student learning, for example
intelligent tutoring system or mentor (Huff et al.,
Supported by LMS Moodle, Atif et al. (2021)
have developed and hosted a Pedagogical
Conversational Agent known as VIRTA (VIRTual
Agent) that simulates the teacher in providing support
in order to promote better understanding of a learning
unit and its requirements. Authors’ idea was to build
a character that students at universities would find
engaging, hence, they have created virtual
pedagogical agent as female character designed to be
employed in educational settings for instructional
purposes, to interact with learners using text-based
and audio-based communication (developed by using
Unity 3D game-building development environment).
The results implicate the benefits of presented
model as students continued to use VIRTA for
months after VIRTA was initially made which
indicates that students seek information when they
need it, and a small percentage of them found it
worthwhile to return to use it (Atife et al., 2021).
Tamayo at al. (2019) have implemented a virtual
assistant in the form of chatbot, a model called
EconBot that provides students with support in their
online learning of economics.
Diwan et al. (2023) have developed AI-based,
automatically generated learning content evaluated
from the aspects of grammar, semantic accuracy and
relevance, but even though the model had shown
promising results it has not been tested in the
classroom yet.
One of the novelties in the educational sector of
video games design is Codex developed by OpenAI.
Codex is a system that can autocomplete and generate
programming code by translating natural language to
a programming code. The system is proficient in more
than dozen programming languages (Python,
JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift, TypeScript,
and even Shell) and is able to interpret commands in
natural language and execute them on behalf of the
user (Chen, 2021). This opens the door for students
and developers to rely in a large extent on the
software instead their own knowledge and skills. The
same challenge comes to a design and art education
programmes due to a large extent of using OpenAI
Dall·E 2 for design of photos that never existed
(OpenAI Dall·E-2, 2022).
Journalism and Marketing students can also
benefit from using photos design by Artificial
intelligence since it can create impressive design, and
reduce costs, and skip the issues regarding publishing
rights that comes with publishing of real people. This
is possible because artificial intelligence can create
imaginary people without identity and in any city and
environment one can think of.
Educators face new challenges that come from the
usage of artificial intelligence in education almost
daily, and therefore it is challenging to analyse,
structure or suggest effective approaches and models
that can be used in education. The biggest challenge
lies in everyday machine and deep learning that
adapts artificial intelligence by enormous speed while
at the same time educators are slowly learning about
it and its effects.
Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Company OpenAI has become a worldwide market
leader in the context of artificial intelligence models
development. Their GPT-3 models can understand
and generate natural language suitable for different
purposes. But there are also many other tools based
on artificial intelligence.
Davinci is highly capable model intended for
applications requiring a lot of understanding of the
content, like summarization for a specific audience
and creative content generation explaining the
motives of characters, and Ada is the fastest. Curie is
capable for many nuanced tasks like sentiment
classification and summarization, and Babbage can
perform straightforward tasks and is efficient at
semantic search documents ranking and matching up
with search queries (OpenAI, 2023). Microsoft has
implemented OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its services,
such as Bing search engine, MS Office 365 and Azure
services (Microsoft, 2023). Google has recently
released Chatbot Bard AI (Google, 2023). The
announcement of the implementation of artificial
intelligence in the increasing number of applications
and tools suggests that the presence of artificial
intelligence is daily increasing in almost all segments
of usage. Many individuals and smaller companies
have also been developing artificial intelligence
solutions for years and they can be found in education
efforts for some time. Some authors even present
GPT as a co-author of their research paper (Thomas
et al., 2022; GPT et al., 2022).
Even though this topic requires more attention and
should be discussed more widely, what is equally
relevant and concerning is not being able to detect
student authorship in comparison to artificial
intelligence-based authorship. This represents quite a
challenge in education due to the need for very
sophisticated verification of the authenticity and
originality of the content.
In order to detect work that has resulted from
using artificial intelligence-based tools, such as
ChatGPT, several different approaches can be taken,
including manual analysis. Some of these approaches
are (Cotton et al., 2023):
Look for patterns or irregularities in the
language: chatbots often have limited language
abilities and may produce text that is not quite
human-like, with repetitive phrases or words,
or with odd or inconsistent use of language.
Examining the language used in the work can
help to identify whether it was likely written by
a chatbot.
Check for sources and citations: chatbots are
not capable of conducting original research or
producing new ideas, so work that has been
written by a chatbot is unlikely to include
proper citations or references to sources.
Examining the sources and citations in the
work can help to identify whether it was likely
written by a chatbot.
Check for originality: chatbots are not capable
of producing original work, so work that has
been written by a chatbot is likely to be very
similar to existing sources. Checking the work
for originality, either through manual review or
using plagiarism detection tools, can help to
identify whether it was likely written by a
Check for factual errors: while AI language
models can produce coherent text, they may not
always produce text that is factually accurate.
Checking the essay for factual errors or
inconsistencies could be an indication that the
text was generated by a machine.
Check the grammar and spelling: human
writing may contain errors and mistakes, such
as typos or grammatical errors, while writing
generated by AI may be more error-free.
However, this can vary depending on the
quality of the AI language model and the input
data it was trained on.
Use language analysis tools: some tools (e.g.
GPT-2 Output Detector Demo) are designed to
analyse the language used in written work and
to identify patterns or irregularities that might
indicate that the work was produced by a
Finally, human writing tends to be more
contextually aware and responsive to the needs
of the audience, while writing generated by AI
may be more generic and less tailored to a
specific context. This can impact the
effectiveness and clarity of the writing.
There are several artificial intelligence content
detectors that can be used in higher education.
One of the most popular software for checking
similarities is Turnitin Originality. It has been
recently published that their software in development
can detect artificial intelligence-assisted writing and
artificial intelligence writing generated by tools such
as ChatGPT (Caren, 2022).
Another potential solution for detection of
artificial intelligence-based content has been
presented by Princeton student Edward Tian as
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
GPTZero with built-ins for educators with one
possibility among others, to get a holistic score for
how much of the document is written by artificial
intelligence (GPTZero, 2023).
Some other tools for detection of artificial
intelligence-based content include (,
2023; OpenAI’s AI text classifier, 2023; Unicheck,
2023; Copyleaks AI Content Detector, 2023; Writer
AI Content Detector, 2023; Crossplag AI Content
Detector, 2023; Sapling AI Content Detector, 2023):
OpenAI’s AI text classifier
Unicheck’s Emma
Copyleaks AI Content Detector
Writer AI Content Detector
Crossplag AI Content Detector
Sapling AI Content Detector
For the purpose of this paper, and particularly to
benefit academic work with students, some of the
possibilities of artificial intelligence that students
regularly use have been analysed. One of the
frequently used ChatGPT usage options is creating a
written essay. In order to test how well different
artificial intelligence content detectors work a query
for the ChatGPT to create a short student essay on a
specific subject has been used. Created essay has been
checked by using artificial intelligence content
detector software to determine how efficient
detection of artificial intelligence as the author of the
text is.
There was no indication of such detection in the
first report made by current version of Turnitin
Originality (Figure 1). It should be mentioned that
current version will likely soon be updated with new
detection algorithms designed especially for artificial
intelligence-based content, according to
announcements (Turnitin, 2023).
Afterwards, the same essay was tested by
GPTZero, which successfully determined an artificial
intelligence authorship (Figure 2). OpenAI’s AI text
classifier has also successfully detected that text is
likely written by artificial intelligence (Figure 3).
Crossplag AI Content Detector has not detected
artificial intelligence writing (Figure 4), and Writer
AI Content Detector found artificial intelligence
content (Figure 5).
Obtained results have been tested in several
iterations with different artificial intelligence created
content, and consequent results have confirmed the
first-round data.
Figure 1: Turnitin Originality software.
Figure 2: GPTZero report.
Figure 3: OpenAI’s AI text classifier report.
Figure 4: Crossplag AI Content Detector.
Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Figure 5: Writer AI Content Detector.
It can be concluded that detecting of artificial
intelligence-based content will remain an ongoing
development and research effort and it is safe to
presume that all mentioned tools will get even better
and more accurate in time. However, even now there
are some good and usable options that can help
educators to detect artificial intelligence footprint in
created content.
An important step in future efforts of educators
will be finding the right way of supporting
development of students’ knowledge and skills. Some
authors suggest that the focus should be put on
improving students’ creativity and critical thinking
rather than general skills (Zhai, 2022). Artificial
intelligence has just begun to impact the world of
higher education in a more concrete and wider scale.
The challenges that will become more and more
prominent will affect both teachers and students.
More research efforts are needed in order to find the
best possible approach and best education methods to
benefit both teachers and students via new and
applicable education tools.
In order to conclude about students’ experience with
ChatGPT, research was conducted by using designed
questionnaire. The goal of the research was to
determine how familiar are students with artificial
intelligence and ChatGPT, for which purpose they
use ChatGPT and whether they think artificial
intelligence-based tools should be a standard part of
their higher education.
All questionnaire answers were based on the
Likert scale ranging from “Strongly disagree” (1) to
“Strongly agree” (5). 67 information technology
students have participated in the research. Research
results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Research results.
I am familiar with the
concepts of artificial
3,67 1,35
I am familiar with the
ChatGPT software tool
3,69 1,37
I use ChatGPT in my
her education
2,25 1,29
I use ChatGPT to help
me understand the
2,24 1,43
I use ChatGPT to help
me solve assi
ned tasks
2,07 1,39
I think that ChatGPT
should be a standard tool
in hi
her education
3,21 1,47
Research results have shown that students are
fairly well informed about artificial intelligence and
ChatGPT. It has also been shown that artificial
intelligence-based tools have started to appear in
higher student population as an aiding mean of
choice. Since ChatGPT has fairly recently been
positioned as an artificial intelligence tool suitable for
wider use, it is understandable and expected that
majority of students still do not use this tool in great
capacity, but it is notable that this trend has started
and that students are starting to adopt this artificial
intelligence tools in their higher education activities.
It will be interesting to track the popularity of this
kind of aiding software in student population as a part
of future research efforts.
Higher education is an important driving force of
development since it produces new professionals who
are necessary for all types of further development.
Higher education has had its challenges for years,
along with opportunities that came with new
One of the most recent advancements in
technology is once again opportunity and challenge at
the same time. Artificial intelligence and various
tools that are based on it can benefit both
professionals and students. It can save time, raise
efficiency, make learning more engaging, etc.
However, at the same time it offers students the
possibility to skip important lessons and rely on the
results of artificial intelligence too much.
One of the important challenges of educators will
be to get to know the possibilities of artificial
intelligence in education, to find the right approaches
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and models that will utilize the possibilities and
benefits of artificial intelligence and at the same time
promote development of one’s own knowledge and
In this paper, opportunities and challenges of
using ChatGPT and other virtual assistants and
chatbots have been presented and discussed, along
with brief analysis of current artificial intelligence
content detectors and possibilities of detecting
artificial intelligence authorship.
Further and more extensive analysis of artificial
intelligence content detectors, trends and popularity
of artificial intelligence-based tools among students
and teachers, as well as analysing different
approaches and education models will be part of
future research efforts.
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Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education