lic lighting, according to (ANEEL, 2022b).
In this context, it is proposed the development
of a low-cost smart meter, through which the user
will identify their pattern of electricity consump-
tion and will be able to define which tariff modal-
ity to adopt. This product consists of a combina-
tion of hardware, which measures the electrical en-
ergy consumed, stores the information, and sends it
to a database; and software, which gives the user the
power to monitor their consumption in real-time and
visualize, in an intuitive way, the most appropriate tar-
iff modality given their history of energy demand.
In general, the objective of the proposed work is
to build an intelligent meter that can capture the user’s
consumption data, which will be visualized by the en-
ergy consumer, and enable him to define the tariff
mode that applies to his context, based on his con-
sumption pattern. The product to be created will ob-
serve the behavior of each user and indicate whether it
is viable for him to change his energy bill to the White
Tariff or continue with the Conventional Tariff, ac-
cording to the hours of highest and lowest consump-
tion and their respective values in kWh. Each user
will have all the information via Wi-Fi such as ex-
aggerated consumption alerts, suggesting the shutting
off of some equipment, the amount of kWh consumed
in the month, and a comparison to the year and guar-
antee that the White Tariff or the Conventional Tariff
is the most viable. In this way, if the user opts to adopt
the White Tariff, he will limit his consumption to the
hours when the tariff value is lower. This project also
benefits utility companies, considering the reduction
of energy consumption during on-peak hours and mit-
igating overloads in the grid.
Paper organization: Section 2 presents the back-
ground of the proposal, through a brief literature re-
view. Section 3 cites the Research Methodology
adopted to carry out the presented decision support
system. Section 4 details the development phase of
the project. Section 5 presents the preliminary results,
Section 6 discusses the final considerations and pos-
sible future works, followed by the acknowledgments
Considering the tariff scope, the consumer has the
possibility to define which mode to adopt for his
consumption pattern. Technologies such as certain
smart meters can assist the user in this matter. J. P.
Lima (2019) developed an energy measurement sys-
tem linked to the ability to analyze the best tariff mode
that fits the consumption pattern of the low-voltage
user (Lima, 2019). To build the meter, a resistive cir-
cuit and an H11AA1 optocoupler were used for the
voltage measurement, and the STC013 sensor for the
current measurement. The ESP8266 microcontroller
was used to process the data obtained and send the
information to the database via Wi-Fi. Furthermore,
an Android application was built, where the user can
visualize his consumption and obtain a comparison of
it when applying the conventional and hourly white
tariff modalities. It is worth mentioning that the de-
veloped meter has its application open for two-phase
and three-phase systems.
In addition to this theme, F. Brito and D. Dias
developed a system capable of simulating, based on
user consumption, which tariff mode best suits the
context. Such a system is constituted by the single-
phase digital meter PZEM-016, which, from a TTL to
RS-485 converter, communicated with an Esp32 mi-
crocontroller. This has attributes such as Dual Core
and Wi-Fi module, which contributed to the process-
ing of functions simultaneously as well as the ease
of sending data to the cloud. In this way, the energy
measurement data was sent by the Esp32 to the Fire-
base database, where it was stored. For the consumer
to visualize the information, an Android application
was developed, which also generated comparison re-
ports between white and conventional tariffs based on
the consumption of the user (de Souza Dias and Brito,
The White Tariff has three different values throughout
the day. The periods are determined by ANEEL for
each distributor and the energy users that have their
consumption concentrated in the off-peak hours will
benefit from this tariff mode instead of the conven-
tional one (Luciano et al., 2021). Thus, the proposed
system helps the user to understand his consumption
pattern and adhere to the tariff that suits his pattern.
As mentioned, it is understood that there are al-
ready systems that have been developed with the same
purpose. However, it is worth highlighting the differ-
ence between the proposed system and its benefits for
the public to which it is intended. Thus, narrowing
the comparisons to facilitate the analysis, the project
of F. Brito and D. Dias, despite its advantageous ap-
plication, does not have a system to store consump-
tion readings before sending the information to the
database (de Souza Dias and Brito, 2021). The pro-
posed system has this attribute with the intention of
not losing the captured data in case of internet con-
nection failure. Furthermore, the interface proposal
Decision Support System for Adherence to the White Tariff