EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open
Aymen A. Bazouzi
1 a
, Micka
el Foursov
1 b
, Ho
el Le Capitaine
2 c
and Zoltan Miklos
1 d
Univ. Rennes, CNRS, IRISA, France
Nantes Universit
e, LS2N, UMR 6004, F-44000 Nantes, France
Educational Resources, Embeddings, Linked Open Data.
There are a lot of educational resources publicly available online. Recommender systems and information re-
trieval engines can help learners and educators navigate in these resources. However, the available educational
resources differ in format, size, type, topics, etc. These differences complicate their use and manipulation
which raised the need for having a common representation for educational resources and texts in general.
Efforts have been made by the research community to create various techniques to homogeneously represent
these resources. Although these representations have achieved incredible results in many tasks, they seem
to be dependent on the writing style and not only on the content. Furthermore, they do not generate repre-
sentations that reflect a semantic representation of the content. In this work, we present a new task-agnostic
method (EMBEDD-ER) to generate representations for educational resources based on document annotation
and Linked Open Data (LOD). It creates representations that are focused on the content, compact, and can
be generalized to unseen resources without requiring extra training. The resulting representations encapsulate
the information found in the resources and project similar resources closer to one another than to non-similar
ones. Empirical tests have shown promising results both visually and in a subject classification task.
The use of technology has become a necessity nowa-
days, whether it is for accomplishing tasks that were
impossible to accomplish before or to facilitate and
automate other tasks. Researchers have tried to make
use of the recent technology breakthroughs and incor-
porate them in every field. The field of education is
no exception, as it was made clear early on that this
field has the potential to yield great results with mean-
ingful impact on our lives. Technology can be used
in many ways to assist educators and learners in en-
hancing their teaching and learning experiences. This
gave birth to the term Technology-Enhanced Learning
(TEL) (Kirkwood and Price, 2014).
TEL can be used in a lot of ways and in close col-
laboration with many fields. On the one hand, AI and
data mining are among the most popular disciplines
in the research community. On the other hand, the
amount of educational content available is bigger than
what humans can go through manually. Therefore,
it quickly became apparent that education can ben-
efit immensely from the use of such techniques and
methods to make the most out of the educational data
such as the different available Educational Resources
(ERs) (Romero and Ventura, 2013).
Usually, ERs are considered to be text documents
whether they contain text such as books, articles, and
presentation slides or they can be transformed into
text which is the case for the use of videos by us-
ing their transcripts. However, there are other differ-
ences that should also be taken into account such as
the differences in sizes, languages, topics, levels, and
concepts covered. This motivates the need for hav-
ing a common representation that allows systems to
process different ERs efficiently.
Let us assume that we have a set of ERs that dif-
fer in many ways (Figure 1). In order to be able to
manipulate these ERs, we need to have a common
representation for them. Otherwise, we will need to
treat different ERs in different ways following their
sizes, languages, formats, etc. One way to do that is
to project all the ERs into a latent space so that every
Bazouzi, A., Foursov, M., Le Capitaine, H. and Miklos, Z.
EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012045300003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 439-446
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ER has a vector representation, this process is known
as embedding. In Figure 1, we use similarity embed-
ding in which similar ERs are projected close to one
. Since ERs R
and R
are covering the same
subject, they are projected close to one another de-
spite the differences in size, format and author. As for
, it is projected further than the first two as it covers
a completely different subject despite the similarity in
the release year, format and author with R
Figure 1: Embedding of educational resources.
Since ERs are considered to be text documents,
researchers showed great interest in techniques based
on document representation methods when manipu-
lating them. Despite the remarkable results achieved
using these methods, there are still some particular-
ities to be considered when applying them to ERs.
In this work, we are interested in mitigating two
problems that prevent the generic text representation
techniques from being directly used on ERs. First,
these models are mostly used in tasks dependent on
the writing style rather than the content (Mukherjee,
2021). Whereas for ERs, in most cases, the con-
tent is the most important part of the document. The
content can be seen as the core of the ER. We want
two ERs that cover the same concepts and discuss the
same subject to have representations that are similar.
However, for some of the usual methods, if an author
writes two articles about different subjects, the rep-
resentations generated for these two different articles
would still have some sort of similarity because these
representations take into considerations the entirety of
the text, the writing style included. Second, the state
of the art techniques seem to not generate representa-
tions that reflect a semantic representation of the text
We opted for a 2D representation for simplicity, the
commonly used embeddings have bigger dimensions.
(Merrill et al., 2021). However, in ERs, we would like
to have representations that are grounded on some sort
of semantic structure.
In this article, we present a novel method to gen-
erate task-agnostic embeddings for ERs using doc-
ument annotations and Linked Open Data. To ex-
plain our contribution, we start by discussing the re-
lated work and some preliminary notions in Section 2.
Then, we discuss the architecture of the model used in
Section 3. In Section 4, we conduct empirical tests on
our method and prove its efficiency as it achieves bet-
ter results than the state of the art methods. We con-
clude in Section 5 by summarizing the contribution
and discussing some perspectives for future work.
2.1 State of the Art
Data mining, and text mining more specifically, have
been widely studied in education (Ferreira-Mello
et al., 2019). Many techniques were used in educa-
tion such as text classification (Lin et al., 2009), clus-
tering (Khribi et al., 2008) and many more. These
techniques were used on different texts related to ed-
ucation, namely ERs, forums, online assignment, etc.
Text mining is used in many tasks related to educa-
tion, it can be automatic evaluation of students (Cross-
ley et al., 2015), recommender systems (Drachsler
et al., 2015), program embedding learning (Cleuziou
and Flouvat, 2021), etc. However, (Ferreira-Mello
et al., 2019) reported that from the articles he ana-
lyzed in his survey, less than 3% used text mining
techniques on documents (or what we have been re-
ferring to as ERs).
Outside of education, document representation
techniques have been evolving at an incredible rate
(Liu et al., 2020). Education can benefit from these
breakthroughs and use these techniques to represent
ERs. From these techniques, we mention the bag-of-
words model, which is a one-hot document encoding
method. TF-IDF is also widely used, it quantifies im-
portance of the terms in a document. Topic Models
such as LDA (Blei et al., 2003) is another method,
but this technique identifies a list of topics that a text
covers which is different from what we want to ac-
complish. Doc2Vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014), which
is a generalization of Word2Vec, is another technique
that is still being used. It is based on the use of the
skip-gram model. Most recently, the use of large lan-
guage models is getting more and more interest, es-
pecially the pretrained ones, such as BERT (Devlin
et al., 2019) which is a model based on a bidirectional
EKM 2023 - 6th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
deep transformer architecture.
The representations used for ERs and text docu-
ments play a major role in determining the quality of
the results returned for any technique, whether it is
classification, clustering, etc. Having an ER repre-
sentation of quality is important when manipulating
it. However, sometimes we do not have an objective
function that can be optimized for the task at hand
to generate suitable representations like some recom-
mender systems. Furthermore, it can be interesting to
have a representation that is task-agnostic and can be
used as a building block for a more complex system.
Recommender systems in education have ex-
plored different ways to represent ERs (Urdaneta-
Ponte et al., 2021). Traditionally, recommender sys-
tems are divided into three categories (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005). The first one is content-based
(CB), the second is collaborative filtering (CF) and
the third and final one is hybrid recommender sys-
tems. Since we are interested in the ERs’ content, we
will be focusing in the next paragraph on CB and hy-
brid recommender systems in education as they are
the ones that focus on the ERs’ representations. Even
though we are focusing on recommender systems for
ERs and that our method can be used in such systems,
they are not the topic of this article as we are inter-
ested in ER representations in general.
To represent ERs in a recommender system,
(Broisin et al., 2010) have used WordNet-based key-
word processing combined with matrix decomposi-
tion. (Zhao et al., 2018) used a hybrid similarity mea-
sure based on link and object similarity where objects
(ERs) were similar based on a comparison of their
top-k TF-IDF terms. Other works such as (Lessa and
ao, 2018) have used pipelines that transform the
text into a vector by doing some preprocessing such
as stop word removal, stemming and other techniques
followed by the use of TF-IDF for weighting the fil-
tered terms found in the text. (Ma et al., 2017) used
a pipeline composed of some of the most used tech-
niques in the text mining community (clean-tokenize-
TFIDF-Word2Vec-Doc2Vec) to create an embedding
for the courses that are used to make recommenda-
tions based on similarity. Other representations of
ERs have been created outside of recommender sys-
tems. For example, (Li et al., 2022) have used BERT
to create an embedding for ER descriptions and used
them in a grade prediction model.
All of these representations suffer from at least
one of the two aforementioned problems. For ex-
ample, BERT is sensitive to the writing style. Other
methods such as TF-IDF are not based on a seman-
tic grounded representation. These problems, make
the representations generated by these methods un-
suitable for some tasks that require a special focus on
the content such as recommender systems.
2.2 Preliminaries
Our contribution is in the form of a pipeline. In or-
der to better present it, we first present two key con-
cepts necessary to understand the architecture chosen
for the pipeline.
Wikification: A semantic annotation technique
that uses Wikipedia as a source of possible se-
mantic annotations by disambiguating natural lan-
guage text and mapping mentions into canonical
entities also known as Wikipedia concepts (Hof-
fart et al., 2011).
Knowledge base entity embedding: Knowledge
base entity embedding consists of training models
to learn embeddings for entities in a knowledge
base such as Wikipedia, DBPedia, Wikidata, etc
(Hu et al., 2015).
Given the specificities of the ERs, our goal is to cre-
ate a model that generates an embedding representa-
tive of the ER’s content in a more compact format. In
order to go from a text representation of an ER to an
embedding, we create a pipeline composed of three
We start by taking the text of the ER and pass it
to a Wikification tool known as Wikifier (Brank et al.,
2017). Wikifier takes a text document as input (Table
1a) and annotates it with links to relevant Wikipedia
concepts. As shown in Table 1b, this process is
achieved through the identification of the different
terms found in the input text, disambiguating them
based on the context, linking them to a Wikipedia
page, then attributing an importance score to every
concept. To calculate this importance score, Wiki-
proceeds by creating a bipartite graph called the
mention-concept graph. This graph contains the men-
tions found in the text in one set and the Wikipedia
concepts in the other set. This graph is augmented by
adding links between concepts using a semantic relat-
edness measure. The pageRank algorithm is then ap-
plied to the resulting graph, and the pageRank scores
for the concepts are the importance scores for the con-
cepts returned (Brank et al., 2017). The result of this
step is a list of tuples composed of the concept found,
its Wikipedia page, and its pageRank score. This first
step allows us to focus on the content and concepts
EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data
Table 1: Generating embeddings with EMBEDD-ER on an ER text example.
(a) Input ER.
... This is really what
I mean by race being
a very unexpected un-
dercurrent in The Great
Gatsby. This really is a
completely unnecessary
detail. We’ll never see
that limousine ...
(b) Wikifier results.
Term Wikipedia Link PageRank
Gatsby http://en.wiki.../Gatsby 0.0849
Race http://en.wiki.../Race 0.0328
Limousine http://en.wiki.../Limousine 0.0077
... ... ...
(c) Wikipedia2Vec embed-
Embedding PageRank
= [0.1. . . 0.6] 0.0849
= [0.2. . . 0.6] 0.0328
= [0.2. . . 0.5] 0.0077
... ...
covered in the ER instead of the writing style and
other content-irrelevant details.
The result of the previous step is then used as
the input to the following component which is a
pretrained Knowledge base entity embedding model
named Wikipedia2Vec (Yamada et al., 2020). Wiki-
pedia2Vec is based on an extension of the skip-gram
model (Yamada et al., 2016). It is trained on the
paragraphs of the Wikipedia articles as well as a
Wikipedia graph in which the nodes are Wikipedia
entities and the edges represent the presence of hy-
perlinks between these entities, this Wikipedia graph
is a subgraph of DBPedia. The Wikipedia2Vec model
generates embeddings of size 300 for entities in
Wikipedia. The use of Wikipedia2Vec has many ad-
vantages over using a model that is trained on the
current data only, as TF-IDF. For instance, training a
model on a knowledge base, such as Wikipedia, gives
it a larger vision and a better representation of con-
cepts and their relations. If two concepts are syn-
onyms for example, Wikipedia2Vec would attribute
similar embeddings to these two concepts, this means
that if an ER uses more than one term to refer to the
same concept, Wikipedia2Vec will be able to cap-
ture the similarity. Furthermore, being trained on
Wikipedia’s articles and graph gives the model a bet-
ter semantic representation of subjects and concepts
rather than only being trained on paragraph structures
namely the popular models such as BERT that have
been trained on the tasks of tokens masking and next
sentence prediction (Devlin et al., 2019). We use
a Wikipedia2Vec model, pretrained on a 2018 snap-
shot of Wikipedia, on the results returned by Wiki-
fier to generate embeddings for the Wikipedia enti-
ties found in the text. Table 1c shows how for every
Wikipedia concept, an embedding is associated. This
step ensures the embeddings generated are grounded
on Wikipedia, thus they vehicle a semantic meaning
for the text concepts and the document as a whole.
This simulates the notion of understanding the mean-
ing of a concept.
Finally, we know that not every concept men-
tioned has the same importance within an ER. There-
fore, we aggregate the concepts using a normalized
weighted sum for every concept’s embedding and its
pageRank value to give more weight to the more im-
portant entities. The final result is an embedding for
the input ER that is representative of its content with
respect to a grounded understanding. To calculate an
embedding e for an ER that has n concepts each hav-
ing an embedding e
and a pageRank p
, we use the
following formula :
e =
× p
To illustrate how the aggregation works, we gen-
erated an embedding of an ER from a Yale course
(Figure 2). In this ER, the teacher discusses race in
the novel of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The embedding generated for the resource following
the equation 1 (in red) is closer to the key concepts of
the ER. However, the embedding generated by com-
puting an unweighted average (in orange) seems less
precise as it does not reflect the importance of the key
concepts in the result embedding. T-SNE was used
to reduce the dimensionality of the generated embed-
dings from 300 to 2 in order to plot the results.
Figure 2: Aggregating the entities’ embeddings.
EKM 2023 - 6th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
In order to verify if these embeddings are truly repre-
sentative of these ERs, we decided to make two types
of tests. First, we study the similarity of ERs through
embeddings. Second, we use the embeddings gener-
ated in a multi-class subject classification
The tests were conducted on a machine equipped
with a 64 bit Fedora Linux 35 OS with 16 GB of RAM
and an 11th Gen Intel i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz x 16
4.1 Data
In these past years, a lot of efforts were made to
make educational resources easily accessible and free
to use for both students and educators. Resources of
this type were named Open Educational Resources
(OERs) by UNESCO. In this work, we are interested
in using this type of ERs as they allow educators
and learners to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redis-
tribute them.
We have used a dataset extracted from Open Yale
Courseware (OYC)
(Connes et al., 2021). This
dataset is formed in a hierarchical manner. It is com-
posed of series, within which we find episodes, which
are divided into chapters themselves. A chapter is the
atomic building block of this dataset, it is represented
as a text that covers a specific subject. We consider
these chapters to be ERs. This dataset has in total
2550 chapters (ERs). However, we will not be using
all of them due to the class imbalance between sub-
jects for these ERs.
To measure similarity, we randomly pick four sub-
jects : African-American studies, Biomedical Engi-
neering, Economics, as well as Geology and geo-
physics. Then, from these subjects we chose 3 ERs
per subject. This is an arbitrary choice and has been
made to have a compromise between visual simplic-
ity and representativeness. We use similarity mea-
sures to compare these 12 ERs. We also use the ERs
belonging to the 3 most represented subjects in the
dataset and use them both to test similarity in a vi-
sual manner and in classification tasks. The 3 subjects
are : Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, African-
American studies, and History. They have 407 ERs,
224 ERs, and 203 ERs respectively.
Figure 3: Similarity between embeddings generated by
EMBEDD-ER and BERT for 12 ERs using the l2-norm and
cosine similarity.
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Similarity
For testing the similarity, we use two measures that
are widely used in embeddings comparison : the l2-
norm and cosine similarity. We apply these mea-
sures to embeddings generated with EMBEDD-ER
and BERT for 12 ERs from the OYC dataset, every
3 ERs belong to a different subject. The results are
reported using matrix heat-maps.
In the similarity measures computed on the
EMBEDD-ER embeddings (Figure 3), we notice that
the resources belonging to the same subject are more
similar to one another than to ERs of different sub-
jects. This can be noticed by observing the 3 × 3
tiles formed along the diagonal axis of the similar-
ity matrices. However, for the embeddings generated
by BERT, these similarities are not as visible. This
means that the embeddings generated by our method,
project similar ERs close to one another and relatively
far from different ERs. This can be explained by the
fact that our method takes only the concepts which is
not the case for BERT.
To further investigate similarity, we performed di-
mensionality reduction on the ERs belonging to the
3 most represented subjects. We reduced the dimen-
sionality using T-SNE from d=300 for EMBEDD-ER
and d=768 for BERT to d=2.
From the results presented in Figure 4, we
can observe that the generated 2D coordinates for
EMBEDD-ER have formed homogeneous clusters, in
EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data
Figure 4: T-SNE performed on the embeddings generated by BERT and EMBEDD-ER for ERs covering 3 different subjects.
which ERs covering the same subjects (in the same
color) are closer to one another than to other ERs.
However, the coordinates generated for the BERT em-
beddings are more dispersed with different ERs pro-
jected close to one another than to similar ERs in
some cases.
4.2.2 Classification
To test our method, we used embeddings of the ERs
belonging to the three most present subjects in the
OYC dataset mentioned in Section 4.1.
For the baselines, we used the following models
that have been mentioned in the related work section:
BERT: We used a pretrained BERT model to gen-
erate embeddings of size 768.
TF-IDF: We applied TF-IDF on the ERs of the
three classes which generated embeddings of size
18508. An embedding of this size is too big.
Therefore, we applied T-SNE to reduce the size
of the embeddings to 700 so that it is close to the
size of the BERT embeddings.
Doc2Vec: We created a pipeline that removes stop
words, does lemmatization then trains a Doc2Vec
model on the processed text. The generated em-
beddings have the same size as TF-IDF (700).
We used a 4-fold cross-validation grid search to
determine the best hyper-parameters for 4 classifi-
cation models : Decision trees, SVM, Naive Bayes
(GNB), and KNN. The results reported represent the
mean accuracy of a 4-fold cross validation for these
models with the best hyper-parameters found with
grid search.
Table 2: Comparison of multi-class classification accuracy
between TF-IDF, Doc2Vec, BERT, and EMBEDD-ER.
Method Decision
TF-IDF 76.97%
Doc2Vec 48.56%
BERT 78.41%
In multi-class classification, EMBEDD-ER is the
best model followed by BERT (Table 2). These re-
sults highlight the fact that despite not having trained
EMBEDD-ER on classification tasks, it still performs
better than the state of the art models used for docu-
ment representations while generating more compact
Table 3: Comparison of the time consumed (in seconds)
for the different steps of TF-IDF, Doc2Vec, BERT, and
Method Pre-
TF-IDF × × 635.80
Doc2Vec 4.15 × 705.28
BERT × 2.15 217.72
5695.89 517.19 142.32
Table 3 summarizes for each model the different
EKM 2023 - 6th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
steps and the time necessary. For EMBEDD-ER, it
takes a lot of time annotating the input ERs. However,
we notice that EMBEDD-ER and BERT generate
the embeddings faster than the TF-IDF and Docvec
with a slight advantage for EMBEDD-ER. Further-
emore, BERT is a pretrained model and EMBEDD-
ER uses Wikipedia2Vec which is also a pretrained
model which means that they need time to be loaded
into memory. Since EMBEDD-ER takes more time to
be loaded but less time to generate embeddings com-
pared to BERT, it means that for big preprocessed (an-
notated with Wikifier) datasets EMBEDD-ER can be
faster than BERT.
4.2.3 Ablation study
Given that EMBEDD-ER is made by combining three
components, it can be interesting to alter its architec-
ture and check the performance of the different gen-
erated versions and study the impact of altering the
components. For that purpose, we have created three
more versions of EMBEDD-ER:
BASE: The model presented in Section 3.
BASE UW: Same as BASE, but for the aggrega-
tion is computed using an unweighted average :
e =
BERT-ER: Same as BASE, but we use BERT in-
stead of Wikipedia2Vec for generating the con-
cepts’ embeddings.
BERT-ER UW: Same as the previous model
(BERT-ER) but we aggregate the embeddings us-
ing Equation 2’s formula.
We use the different architectures in a multi-class
classification task. Using the same experimental setup
presented in the previous section. The results are re-
ported below:
Table 4: Ablation study on multi-class classification accu-
Method Decision
BASE 91.24%
BERT-ER 81.05%
By observing the results of the multi-class clas-
sification reported in Table 4, we notice that BASE
outperforms all the models when used with Decision
trees, GNB and KNNs while BASE UW performs
better with SVM and gets the second best results with
the remaining classifiers.
As a general conclusion for the ablation study, the
most important part of the architecture is the use of
Wikipedia2Vec as the top two performing models use
it. The use of Wikipedia2Vec allows the embeddings
to vehicle semantic meaning and the use of a weighted
average adds more precision.
In this work, we presented a new method for
generating homogeneous, compact, writing-style-
independent, and content-focused representation for
ERs. This method is based on the use of a pipeline
that generates an embedding from an ER’s text by us-
ing document annotations and a knowledge base em-
bedding model pretrained on Wikipedia.
The embeddings generated by this method have
been tested in two different ways. The first was a sim-
ilarity test, it showed that embeddings of ERs cover-
ing the same subjects are projected close to one an-
other in the embedding space. The second was a sub-
ject classification task in which EMBEDD-ER per-
formed better than the state of the art text represen-
tations. This is due to EMBEDD-ER generating em-
beddings using the content while taking into account
the importance scores of the different concepts cov-
ered by the ER.
As for future works, we want to test EMBEDD-
ER on other datasets of different sizes, languages, and
subjects to test its generalization capabilities. It can
also be interesting to have a local implementation of
Wikifier to avoid using the web API or even test other
tools for annotating the input text. This might reduce
the computation time for our method. We would also
like to use this method in real world tasks such as in-
corporating it in a recommender system, especially
content-based ones, or in an automatic curriculum de-
sign task.
This work has received a French government support
granted to the Labex Cominlabs excellence laboratory
and managed by the National Research Agency in the
“Investing for the Future” program under reference
EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data
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EKM 2023 - 6th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management