Several approaches have been proposed for securing
the digital supply chain. Certification has been advo-
cated as one of the most effective ways to ensure secu-
rity in components from different vendors. Hardware
Reverse Engineering (HRE) for uncovering vulnera-
bilities introduced through the digital supply chain in
OT components in CI is proposed as an additional,
complementary approach. The complexity of the dig-
ital supply chain ecosystem and the identified chal-
lenges create a need to address the issue of securing
the infrastructure from a resilience rather than strictly
a cybersecurity standpoint. Thus, cyber resilience has
emerged as a complementary priority that seeks to en-
sure that digital systems can maintain essential per-
formance levels, even while a cyber attack degrades
capabilities. The inclusion of a reverse engineering
subprocess within the equipment procurement pro-
cess followed by a DSO is possible, and is expected
to result in measurable improvement of bot cyberse-
curity and cyber resilience of digital substations in
the power industry. Future research includes the pilot
implementation of our proposed approach in a DSO
on one hand, the execution of laboratory experiments
for assessing the cybersecurity of IEDs and PMUs by
means of HRE, and the preparation of training mate-
rial for DSO technical staff on HRE.
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Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid