Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber
Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid
Arne Roar Nyg
and Sokratis Katsikas
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Gjøvik, Norway
Digital Supply Chain Attack, Smart Grid, Cyber Resilience, Hardware Reverse Engineering.
Cyber-attacks on digital supply chains are rising, and Critical Infrastructures (CIs) such as the Smart Grid
are prime targets. There is increasing evidence that vendors, service providers, and outsourced IT -providers
are at equal risk of being used by malicious actors to gain a foothold in the power grid - delivering exploits
that can disrupt electric power delivery and severely damage our economy. Long digital supply chains with
components from different manufacturers require a new approach and methods to ensure the needed security
in Critical Infrastructures. Hardware Reverse Engineering (HRE), commonly used for verifying the security of
an embedded system, includes disassembling to analyse, test, and document the functionality and vulnerability
of the target system. This paper proposes leveraging HRE for improving both the security and the resilience
of the power infrastructure against cyber-attacks enabled through the digital supply chain, by organising HRE
activities, and how this can be organized within the equipment procurement process in a Distribution System
Operator (DSO).
Many rely on suppliers to deliver products, systems,
and services. It’s how we do business. However, sup-
ply chains are often large and complex, with equip-
ment from different vendors. In addition, in recent
years, there’s been a significant increase in cyberat-
tacks resulting from vulnerabilities within the sup-
ply chain. These attacks can result in devastating,
expensive, long-term ramifications for affected or-
ganisations, their supply chains, and their customers.
Likewise, cyberattacks on digital supply chains are
officially rising, and the power grid is a prime tar-
get. It is no longer just the software and hard-
ware suppliers that are being used as doorways to
the power grid. There is increasing evidence that
service providers such as accountancy firms, legal
firms, cloud providers, outsourced Information Tech-
nology (IT) providers, and security and Security Op-
eration Centers (SOC) providers, among others, are at
equal risk of being used by malicious actors to gain
a foothold into the power grid and deliver exploits
that can result in outages and inflict severe damage
to our economy. Cybersecurity focuses on harden-
ing the system to prevent such degradation; the fo-
cus is on the degree of degradation. In contrast, cy-
ber resilience focuses on recovery. The fundamental
notion of cyber resilience is the acceptance of cyber
compromise as a likely event, and that the target sys-
tems suffer as a result of the compromise; the focus is
on the system’s ability to recover and adapt, not just
resist. Cyber resilience characterises what happens
after an adverse event and requires preparedness for
known and unknown threats (Kott, A. and Linkov, I.
(eds.), 2019). This paper focuses on Hardware Re-
verse Engineering (HRE) as a security tool. Hard-
ware Reverse Engineering (HRE), commonly used
for verifying the security of an embedded system, in-
cludes disassembling to analyse, test, and document
the functionality and vulnerability of the target sys-
tem. We propose leveraging HRE for improving both
the security and the resilience of the power infrastruc-
ture against cyber-attacks enabled through the digital
supply chain, by organising HRE activities, and how
this can be organized within the equipment procure-
ment process in a DSO. The remaining of the paper
is structured as follows: In Section II the necessary
background and the related work are presented. In
Section III we present our proposal and in Section IV
we summarize our conclusions and outline directions
for future work.
erd, A. and Katsikas, S.
Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid.
DOI: 10.5220/0012046000003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 610-616
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The main research question addressed in the paper is:
”How to improve cyber security and cyber resilience
in Operational Technology (OT) Cyber Physical Sys-
tems (CPS) in the smart grid by leveraging Hardware
Reverse Engineering?” Findings from a systematic
literature review performed in (Nyg
ard and Katsikas,
2022) and research on how the management of the
digital supply chain is organised within organizations
involved in the operation of the smart grid are used
in addressing this. A DSO is used as a case study
to showcase how the proposed approach can be inte-
grated into relevant processes.
2.1 The Smart Grid as a Critical
Infrastructures are categorised as critical when their
disruption impacts the well-being of the society. So-
ciety increasingly depends on a secure electricity sup-
ply to maintain functionality and cover basic needs.
Consequently, a secure and safe electricity supply is
critical for the community, and the electric power sys-
tem is thus one of society’s critical infrastructures and
is expected to be continuously available (Zio, 2016).
Accordingly, critical infrastructures must fulfil de-
pendability requirements that impose rigorous tech-
niques during procurement, development, commis-
sioning and training/preparedness, as well as in regu-
latory audits of the operational systems (Assenza, G.
et al, 2019).
The IoT-based Smart Grid is the empowered
form of conventional power lines with IoT technolo-
gies. As information and communication technolo-
gies (ICT) are developed and applied in traditional
power systems, the use of Smart Grid Cyber-Physical
Systems (CPS) in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
increases too. However, as ICSs for critical infrastruc-
tures are becoming increasingly interconnected, cy-
ber threats against critical infrastructure are becoming
more sophisticated and challenging to defend against
(Sperstad et al., 2020), and the IoT-based Smart Grid
systems are no exception. Indeed, the electric grid
faces significant cybersecurity risks from various ac-
tors, including criminals, terrorists, ”hacktivists,” and
foreign governments. The grid is vulnerable to cy-
berattacks that could cause catastrophic, widespread,
and lengthy blackouts (Sperstad et al., 2020), (Gun-
duz and Das, 2020), (United States Senate Republican
Policy Committee, 2016).
2.2 Cyber-Physical and Embedded
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) integrate computa-
tion, communication, and control capabilities of In-
formation and Communication Technology (ICT),
with traditional infrastructures. This integration facil-
itates the monitoring and controlling of objects in the
physical world as one of the essential requirements of
different CIs (Rath and Tomar, 2021). These cyber-
physical systems range from minuscule (e.g., pace-
makers) to large-scale (e.g., a national power grid).
The Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded sys-
tems are interdependent - one cannot function with-
out the other. Embedded systems are microcontrollers
equipped with specialized software enabling multiple
devices to connect to the internet. Embedded comput-
ers that run secure embedded software are all around
us. A large portion of the information ecosystem con-
sists of embedded connected computers that partici-
pate in the physical control and the measurement of
CIs and utilities, such as smart grid, automotive and
industrial controls. In addition, they are pervasive
near people, such as in cell phones, activity track-
ers, medical devices, or biometric tokens (Yuce et al.,
2018). Indeed, deploying Internet-enabled embedded
devices distributed over major critical domains may
create indirect and nonobvious interconnections with
the underlying CIs (Alcaraz et al., 2019). Embedded
systems have a symbiotic relationship tying hardware
to software, and it is that relationship that operates the
device, and that ”entire thing” is called firmware col-
lectively (Brash, 2020). Firmware is crucial to system
operation, providing instructions and guidance for the
device to communicate with other devices or perform
basic tasks and functions as the software intended.
Because it connects hardware to software, firmware
is necessary for a wide range of electronics such as
smart grids, traffic lights, digital watches, printers, re-
mote controls, mobile phones, network routers and
switches, and servers (U.S. Department of Commerce
and U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2022).
2.3 Securing Embedded Systems
In OT or ICS environments it is possible to iden-
tify embedded systems, their models, known vul-
nerabilities, potential network-born risks on several
legacy insecure network protocols, weak authentica-
tion schemes, and even to determine their location.
Finding a vulnerability does not require a trained eye.
Still, it does require a certain amount of knowledge
about how systems work, how they are put together,
how software is designed, and even a certain amount
Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid
of detective skills. Systems engineering, program-
ming / computer science, and cyber security can ac-
celerate vulnerability discovery (Brash, 2020). Hard-
ware components form the basis of trust in virtually
any computing system. Thus, security failures in
hardware pose a devastating threat to our daily lives.
Accordingly, detecting vulnerabilities is hardware is
paramount to ensure the security of embedded sys-
tems. As a result, security engineers commonly em-
ploy hardware reverse engineering to identify security
vulnerabilities, detect intellectual property violations,
or conduct large-scale integration (VLSI) failure anal-
ysis. Hardware Reverse Engineering is usually the
tool of choice to detect fabrication faults, copyright
infringements, counterfeit products, or malicious ma-
nipulations. It should be noted, however, that while
hardware reverse engineering is a highly complex and
universal tool for legitimate purposes, it can also be
employed with illegitimate intentions, undermining
the integrity of Integrated Circuits via piracy, subse-
quent weakening of security functions, or insertion of
Hardware Trojans (Nyg
ard. et al., 2022).
2.4 Digital Supply Chain
The term ”supply chain” denotes the ecosystem of
processes, people, organisations, and distributors in-
volved in creating and delivering a final solution or
product. In the ICT domain, the supply chain in-
volves a wide range of resources (hardware and soft-
ware), storage (cloud or local), distribution mecha-
nisms (web applications, online stores), and manage-
ment software. A supply chain attack is a powerful
cyberattack that can breach even the most sophisti-
cated security defences through legitimate third-party
vendors. In the ICT domain, ensuring the integrity
of the supply chain is becoming an essential concern,
as components are often manufactured, owned, and
operated by different entities across the globe; thus,
the cascading effects from a single attack may have
a widely propagated impact. This is even more so
when components are used in ICSs operating in CIs.
It is, therefore, essential to understand such attacks
and attack vectors, the security challenges thereof,
and measures to mitigate these (Nyg
ard and Katsikas,
2022). For example, electric power grids have heav-
ily adopted IT to perform real-time control, monitor-
ing, and maintenance tasks (Sperstad et al., 2020).
Digital Supply Chain risks may include the insertion
of counterfeits, unauthorised production, tampering,
theft, insertion of malicious software and hardware,
and poor manufacturing and development practices in
the digital supply chain (Boyens et al., 2022). When
assessing vendor security practices, the UK National
Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) (National Cyber Se-
curity Centre (NCSC), 2022) recommends that oper-
ators rely on something other than vendor documen-
tation to determine vendor security. Instead, security
assessments should be based on the vendor’s imple-
mented security behavior. A robust method to do this
is Reverse Engineering, which retrieves information
from anything artificial to understand its inner struc-
tures and workings (Fyrbiak et al., 2017).
Cyber risk cannot be completely eliminated but needs
to and can be managed, i.e., identified, assessed, and
treated (Nyg
ard and Katsikas, 2022). Nevertheless,
even after treatment, a residual risk always remains.
This implies that the probability of a cyber-attack to
succeed is larger than zero. This, in turn, implies that
the cyber risk owner should have in place processes
and procedures for responding to and recovering from
a successful cyber-attack. The current understanding
in the cyber security community is that the system it-
self should be built in a way as to facilitate the re-
sponse and recovery processes.
3.1 Resilience and Cyber Resilience
Resilience is the ability to recover from or easily ad-
just to shocks and stresses. Resilience refers to a sys-
tem’s ability to recover or regenerate its performance
after an unexpected impact produces a degradation
(Kott, A. and Linkov, I. (eds.), 2019). Resilience
needs to be distinguished from the more established
term ”robustness.” While both concepts share the ob-
jective of resisting stress, shock, disturbance, or dis-
ruption, the resilience concept is more dedicated to
doing this in a manner of being ”prepared to be sur-
prised” rather than ”preparing not to be surprised”
(Mottahedi et al., 2021). Resilience is ”the ability
to withstand and reduce the magnitude and duration
of disruptive events, which includes the capability
to anticipate, absorb, adapt to, and rapidly recover
from such an event. Importantly, we regard this ”abil-
ity” as technical, organisational, and human proper-
ties and resources. A resilient digital infrastructure is
necessary to support the platforms of a digital econ-
omy and society. The digital infrastructure is the
physical hardware and related software that enables
end-to-end information and communications systems
to operate. At the same time, critical infrastructures
are becoming digitalised and made ”smart” through
the rollout of the smart grid, smart city, and intelli-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
gent transportation system projects, which further in-
crease our reliance on resilient digital infrastructure.
At the organizational level, organizations need to in-
vest sufficiently in cybersecurity, plan for cybersecu-
rity, build a security culture among employees, and
adopt security-by-design and privacy-by-design prin-
ciples (Dig, ). The resilience of a CI can be dis-
tinguished into Soft Resilience and Hard Resilience.
Hard Resilience represents the behavior of the techni-
cal part of the CI, and Soft Resilience means the peo-
ple and the organisation running the CI before, during,
and after the disruption (Mottahedi et al., 2021).
Figure 1: The Concept of Resilience (Kott, A. and Linkov,
I. (eds.), 2019).
Cyber Resilience is the ability of an organization
to protect itself from, detect, respond to and recover
from cyber-attacks. By being resilient, organisations
can reduce the impact of an attack and ensure that they
can continue to operate effectively (IT Governance,
2023). Cyber resilience is the ability of an actor to
resist, respond and recover from cyber incidents to
ensure the actor’s operational continuity (Kott, A. and
Linkov, I. (eds.), 2019). Cyber resilience has emerged
as a priority complementary to the management of cy-
ber risk, that seeks to ensure that digital systems can
maintain basic performance levels, even while capa-
bilities are degraded by a cyber-attack (Jacobs et al.,
2018). A resilience approach reduces downtime, en-
ables response, and achieves a holistic approach to cy-
berattacks. CI needs a resilience framework for sup-
pliers to manage supply chain risks as no such frame-
works are available today. This framework should be
flexible and applicable to each supplier in the supply
chain for CI (Aarland and Gjøsæter, 2022). Hardware
device manufacturers rely on a complex chain of com-
ponent suppliers, which may present organizational
risks. Device vulnerabilities stemming from the sup-
ply chain make firmware an attractive target. Vulner-
abilities buried in device components are almost in-
visible to most users, and enterprises may be unaware
of or incapable of identifying these vulnerabilities. In
such specialised industries, only a few manufacturers
may produce most of these parts (U.S. Department of
Commerce and U.S. Department of Homeland Secu-
rity, 2022).
3.2 Reverse Engineering (RE)
“The security of hardware is of the utmost impor-
tance, just like the foundation of your house: if it’s
bad, then your house may catastrophically collapse
at some point. For an attacker, the hardware inter-
face offers more avenues than a software interface.
Yes, there may be all sorts of vulnerabilities in soft-
ware with different impacts. But if an attacker breaks
the security of a hardware interface, everything is at
risk. Software attacks are often focused on exploiting
a specific application. Weaknesses in hardware of-
ten lead to exploitation at the operating system level.
And once we’re in the operating system, every appli-
cation is at risk, not just one. The attack surface is
much bigger” (Witteman and Goncharov, 2023). To
increase security and resilience at the hardware level,
one must know how the target devices are vulnerable
and identify relevant attack vectors. A robust method
to do this is reverse engineering, which retrieves in-
formation from anything artificial to understand its
inner structures and workings (Fyrbiak et al., 2017).
Thus, RE can be very supportive in securing digital
supply chains and increasing cyber resilience. In the
software world, RE boils down to taking an existing
program for which source code or proper documenta-
tion is unavailable and attempting to recover details
regarding its design, security functions, and imple-
mentation (Nyg
ard. et al., 2022). On the hardware
side, a lack of focus on the early detection and miti-
gation of hardware vulnerabilities can have devastat-
ing consequences that are far more costly and time-
consuming to remediate than software incidents (Cy-
cuity Team, 2022). Over the past few years, hackers
have increasingly targeted firmware to launch devas-
tating attacks and that hardware security technologies
can help protect against these risks (U.S. Department
of Commerce and U.S. Department of Homeland Se-
curity, 2022). These include the highly reliable hard-
ware roots of trust technologies, which can be used
to verify, protect or restore the system, data or code
integrity and attest identity for components in a hard-
ware system. Traditionally, Hardware RE (HRE) has
been about taking shrink-wrapped products and phys-
ically dissecting them to uncover their design secrets.
Such secrets were then typically used to make similar
or better products. In many industries, HRE involves
examining the product under a microscope or taking it
apart and figuring out what each piece does (Kott, A.
and Linkov, I. (eds.), 2019). Additionally, HRE may
be employed to understand a product’s physical and
functional details to replicate or redesign the original
(Fyrbiak et al., 2017) or to improve one’s product and
analyze a competitor’s product. In contrast, HRE is in
Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid
this paper illuminated as a tool for revealing vulner-
abilities and malicious manipulations. In the context
of resilience, HRE has evolved to enable the under-
standing of increasingly complex systems.
While formal hardware security practices have
existed for decades, the connected era is rewriting
the rulebook for how semiconductor companies and
product manufacturers need to approach hardware
security. As a result, more and more cyber risk
and security management frameworks are adopting
the concept of cyber Resilience (e.g., the Depart-
ment of Homeland Security’s Cyber Resilience Re-
view (CRR) or the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-160 Vol-
ume 2). A first-ever E.U.-wide legislation of its kind:
the Cyber Resilience Act introduces mandatory cy-
bersecurity requirements for hardware and software
products throughout their lifecycle. E.U. standards
based on the Cyber Resilience Act will facilitate its
implementation and will be an asset for the E.U. cy-
bersecurity industry in global markets. The new Cy-
ber Resilience Act will complement the E.U. cyber-
security framework: the Directive on the security of
Network and Information Systems (NIS Directive),
the Directive on measures for a high common level
of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS 2 Directive),
which the European Parliament and the Council re-
cently agreed, and the E.U. Cybersecurity Act (Euro-
pean Commission, 2022).
3.3 The Use Case
Distribution System Operators (DSO), are the enti-
ties responsible for distributing and managing energy
from the generation sources to the final consumers.
DSOs are in the process of employing Digital Substa-
tions to substitute traditional substations. The Digital
Substation is a term applied to electrical substations
where operation is managed between distributed in-
telligent electronic devices (IEDs) interconnected by
communications networks. In the electric power in-
dustry, an intelligent electronic device (IED) is an
integrated microprocessor-based controller of power
system equipment, such as circuit breakers, trans-
formers and capacitor banks. IEDs receive data from
sensors and power equipment and can issue control
commands, such as tripping circuit breakers if they
sense voltage, current, or frequency anomalies, or
raise/lower tap positions in order to maintain the de-
sired voltage level. Some recent IEDs are designed
to support the IEC61850 standard for substation au-
tomation, which provides interoperability and ad-
vanced communications capabilities. IEDs are used
as a more modern alternative to, or a complement of,
setup with traditional remote terminal units (RTUs).
Unlike the RTUs, IEDs are integrated with the devices
they control and offer a standardized set of measuring
and control points that is easier to configure and re-
quire less wiring. Most IEDs have a communication
port and built-in support for standard communication
protocols (DNP3, IEC104 or IEC61850), so they can
communicate directly with the SCADA system or a
substation programmable logic controller. Alterna-
tively, they can be connected to a substation RTU that
acts as a gateway towards the SCADA server (Mc-
Donald, 2007). A phasor measurement unit (PMU)
is a device used to estimate the magnitude and phase
angle of an electrical phasor quantity (such as volt-
age or current) in the electricity grid using a common
time source for synchronization. Securing the IEDs
and PMUs in a digital substation is paramount for
the overall cybersecurity and resilience of the smart
grid. The use case focuses on mitigating the risk of
intrusion into the physical site of a digital substation:
Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) are deployed in
power systems to facilitate advanced automation and
control of critical equipment. The hardware of these
devices is considered root-of-trust. An engineer, tech-
nical staff, or an outsider with malicious purposes
intrudes into the Digital Substation-fenced area and
connects to the digital components. An attacker may
gain access to an IED or PMU device by obtaining lo-
gin credentials. Once it is compromised, an attacker
can seize control of the physical entities in substations
and may interrupt the normal functioning of switch
devices, sabotage primary equipment and manipulate
measurements to impact the stability of the power
supply. If so, the attacker may reprogram the device,
access data on the device, and/or stop/change device
functionalities. The use case aims to enhance cy-
ber resilience by developing new knowledge, research
competence and innovating methods to investigate the
potential hardware security vulnerabilities in Intelli-
gent Electronic Devices (IEDs and PMUs) used in the
”real world” smart grid. DSOs acquire equipment, in-
cluding IEDs and PMUs, by following an approach
consistent with that described in the ISO 27001 for
handling third parties. With an eye towards improv-
ing cybersecurity and resilience in the context of the
use case, this approach can be modified by introduc-
ing a “reverse engineering” subprocess, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Proposed inclusion of a Reverse Engineering sub-
process into the equipment procurement process at a DSO.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Several approaches have been proposed for securing
the digital supply chain. Certification has been advo-
cated as one of the most effective ways to ensure secu-
rity in components from different vendors. Hardware
Reverse Engineering (HRE) for uncovering vulnera-
bilities introduced through the digital supply chain in
OT components in CI is proposed as an additional,
complementary approach. The complexity of the dig-
ital supply chain ecosystem and the identified chal-
lenges create a need to address the issue of securing
the infrastructure from a resilience rather than strictly
a cybersecurity standpoint. Thus, cyber resilience has
emerged as a complementary priority that seeks to en-
sure that digital systems can maintain essential per-
formance levels, even while a cyber attack degrades
capabilities. The inclusion of a reverse engineering
subprocess within the equipment procurement pro-
cess followed by a DSO is possible, and is expected
to result in measurable improvement of bot cyberse-
curity and cyber resilience of digital substations in
the power industry. Future research includes the pilot
implementation of our proposed approach in a DSO
on one hand, the execution of laboratory experiments
for assessing the cybersecurity of IEDs and PMUs by
means of HRE, and the preparation of training mate-
rial for DSO technical staff on HRE.
This work has been funded by the Research Council
of Norway in part by Project no. 320932 “Reverse
Engineering som metodikk for verifikasjon av sikker-
het i digitale verdikjeder i en kritisk infrastruktur” and
in part by Project no. 310105 “Norwegian Centre for
Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS)”.
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