ence and engineering. Also, it is noticeable that EU-
funded projects have been conceived to devise vir-
tual laboratories. This is the case, for instance, of
the projects Next-Lab and ELLIOT. All these projects
are milestones either as general purpose tools in sci-
ence education (like the H2020 project Next-Lab) or
in their own fields of interest (IOT like in the FP7
project ELLIOTT or physical systems). The proposed
problem is modelled and solved using a python envi-
ronment which fits the recommendation of the 2013
EU Communication on Opening Up Education. To
sum up, in this context, the main features that show-
case the novelty and innovative aspects of this con-
tribution, with the direct participation of the students,
can be stated as follows:
• introducing new and paradigmatic topics in the
teaching and learning contents, which reflect the
latest EU research funding programms in the
broad field of control engineering;
• providing a technical and cultural resource among
different universities and companies to share
available expertise and knowledge promoting in
this sense a knowledge platform which struc-
turally guarantees a direct transferability;
• providing a flexible learning and teaching struc-
ture in which the user can actively interact to test
the proposed solution and to modify the virtual
This work can be seen as a paradigmatic example
of a framework for an integrated transnational ap-
proach to academic teaching and learning, that con-
tributes to the development of the engineering, and
non-engineering, communities, meeting their needs
through an innovative cloud-based virtual platform
shared by external organizations in the first instance
and spread among stakeholders in the long-term.
1.1 Starting with a Virtual Lecture
This contribution proposes a structure of the lecture in
the context of a complementary course which should
be open for Master’s students also with no back-
ground. This material is prepared by students after at-
tending some lectures in this multidisciplinary course
which is in this case dedicated to optimization tech-
niques in the context of a complementary study frame.
In this study frame, engineers and non-engineers can
be admitted. The students of these courses summa-
rized, through a case study, concepts and methods in
a straightforward but structured form. Thanks to the
help of a software tool, an original and open-learning
platform is realized for students and lecturers. This
learning platform can be used both by students and
lecturers. Students can interactively test the effect of
physical variables directly on the developed platform.
Teachers can use this material for their lectures and
they can be inspired by this material for further de-
velopments. The animated structure of the simula-
tion realizes a friendly platform to be used intuitively.
This lecture connects various disciplines. This al-
lows the students to set additional priorities in par-
allel to their special studies and it gives the oppor-
tunity to sharpen their individual competence profile
- subject-related, non-specialist or interdisciplinary.
The shipment loading problem is not only an engi-
neering one. In fact, the problem formulated in the
context of an optimization problem can be seen as an
economical one in which possible cost functions can
be defined together with possible constraints. The
shipment loading problem is highly overspread and
has variations (Aksentijevic et al., 2020). The cargo
can be relocated by different means of transport be-
tween cities or countries, or can be carried from one
department of the plant to another one, depending on
the industrial targets. This project elaborates on the
issue of fluid transportation in the uncovered carriage.
1.2 Structure of the Paper
This paper contains the problem description, see Sec-
tion 2. In this section possible issues and the main
aim are explored together with the system explana-
tion, which helps to understand its parameters, ob-
jects, conditions and states. This part is a fundamen-
tal one and includes knowledge related to the back-
ground. In Section 3, methods, which have been
used to solve the problem formulated in Section 2, are
shown. In Section 4, constraints are explicitly consid-
ered and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker criteria are used to
find the optima. Section 5 explains the obtained re-
sults in order to give the possibility to the readers to
have access to the interpretation of the visualized re-
sults. Conclusion and future work session closes the
paper. The access to the virtual lecture can be found
via the following link: link.
The project assumes a wagon that transports some
amount of fluid. The wagon has a mass M
and an
interior of cuboid shape, open at the top. The interior
has height r, length d and depth b. The wagon can
be filled with the fluid. Therefore, the volume of the
fluid is:
V = h · d · b, (1)
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education