Primitive RandBasis, introduced in (Cash and
al., 2010), is used to randomizes basis output by
ToBasis avoiding deterministic construction of
trapdoors. RandBasis outputs, from a given basis, a
new basis that is random with discrete Gaussian
random vectors. It relies on several (but bounded with
𝜎√(𝑚)) calls to Gaussian sampling until generating
a set of linearly independent vectors.
3.4 Performances Analysis
The main feature analyzed for performance analysis
is the timing of each primitive. Due to the huge size
of instances and the global computational complexity,
the performances are computed for a non-practical
(i.e., very low) security level (< 20 bits) with: 𝑑= 2,
𝑛 = 2 , 𝑘 = 2 , 𝑚 = 288 and 𝑞=
79466497377483581 . Illustrations for security
level > 80 bits leads to unpractical computational time
and memory sizes. The implementation run on an
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8168 CPU @ 2.70GHz.
To get execution time, we took the average of the
times recorded on 50 executions for each primitive.
Table 4 below provides the execution time of all
primitives of the scheme. The primitives Derive,
KeyUp and DKGen are highly time consuming.
However, in real deployment, these primitives are
called sparsely during the operating lifetime of the
application. To highlight the bottlenecks leading to
such time performances, a specific look to Derive,
KeyUp, DKGen primitives shall be done.
Table 4: Execution of the main primitive of the scheme for
the security level of (< 20 bits) and 2 hierarchical levels.
Primitives Execution time
Derive 𝑑 = 1
Derive 𝑑 = 2
KeyUp 𝑑 = 1
DKGen 𝑑 = 2
15 ms
0.65 ms
For DKGen at the second level ( 𝑑 = 2), it
appears that the main bottlenecks are the following
(linear algebra and lattices) primitives: Inverse matrix
(25%), GSO (14.3%), HNF (42%) and Trapdoor
Generation (15.7%). By doing the same analysis on
other primitives such as KeyUp and Derive, GSO and
HNF also appears as the main and common
Post-quantum RHIBE are still heavy schemes, hard to
exploit except is some contexts such as cloud
computing. The proposed implementation provides a
complete parametrization strategy of a complex
scheme, the WZH+ in the ROM model, which is the
most efficient and compact post-quantum RHIBE
from today. The bottleneck (HNF) and critical
operations (such as GSO) require a specific attention
for performance issues. It exists acceleration strategy
that does not avoid the main issue regarding lattice-
based IBE: the size of the instances.
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