working. The practice is showing that the telco itself
is searching for information mostly in the internet
space or paying external companies to establish
internal processes and stages for this transaction.
When it came to the company deciding on the
external ones as was described in the previous
chapter there are you there using analysing methods
to find the best brooch and make this transition
smooth and most efficient for the company
including the employees and the market. Opposite to
this approach are randomly written suggestions that
are trying to generalize the approach, and, in most
cases, they are not fit or they're absolutely not
applicable to the telecommunications needs and the
companies. There are a lot of examples where the
processes are agile, but a gel has a couple of sub-
methods like Kanban, SAFe, Scrum, Lean, etc
(Wanner, 2019). Each of them is specific and two of
them exactly are most used in the implementation
and telecommunication companies. Kanban or
Scrum is the most common topic under discussion
and in most cases wrongly established process of
implementation. Some of the companies prefer to
work with Kanban but unfortunately, their real need
is to work in the scrum, the same goes for vice versa
some of the telcos are working in the scrum which
is absolutely not necessary because the projects are
not requiring such complexity. The final goal is to
provide a definition of the right moment when
companies as a real need to work in Kanban and
when actually they need to switch the scrum when
the business starts to grow, and the development of
the project and product is more complicated
(Torado, 2019).
4.1 Kanban in Telco Corporations
Using Kanban will bring benefits in projects related
and especially require visualization of development
including continuous brainstorming about design.
This automatically is referring that Kanban as an
approach is more appropriate when UI is designing
or some of the R&D parts are developing
(Vasiliauskas, 2019). In other words, if need clear to
define when Kanban should be implemented as an
approach there is plenty of cases but the most
important of them are related to the continuous work
understanding alone items or when things are
dedicated to the specific work and they're focusing
only on the dedicated items in most cases went there
tidy related to the research and development
including the u x design that needs to be visualized
and maybe one of the most important things is when
the teams are more or less handling with the
operational things managing tickets resolving
problem racing defects etc. Referring to the duration
of the project execution and development there are
no strict lines they're going to put the project itself
into the framework but compared to the time when
we talk about the size of the teams usually in the
practice the recommendation for this approach is
work to be done in smaller teams not extending the
size of 7 squads or split accordingly to hybrid model
of work (Stankovski, 2022).
4.2 Scrum in Telco Corporations
When the scope of the project starts to increase, and
the launching of the minimum viable product is the
most required frequently to go on the market and
then the Kanban approach is not fitting to all those
requirements which leads telecommunication
companies to switch to more flexible agile work
called SCRUM. Here also plenty of cases can be
defined when exactly scrum needs to step in and
when the transition from Kanban to Scrum needs to
be done, but the most important is to underline that
when the project is required to achieve some
predictability and to release value very fast on the
market then the Scrum is a must. Scrum is also used
when the teams are committing the something that
will be on production after dedicated time called
Springs or Project Increments, including the
importance when running projects where velocity
and the pace of the deliverables should be stabilized
to be more productive for a longer time. And maybe
one of the most important details is when there is a
large number of dependencies between the pieces
and they need to be managed among third parties
that are requiring synchronization or simply
4.3 Definitions and Risks of Transitions
from Kanban to Scrum
All previous chapters describe the benefits and
suggestions for which of those 2 approaches need to
be used Kanban or Scrum. In real work and practice,
there is no clear definition or direction of where is the
border and when telecoms need to switch between
them. This is one of the reasons for late lesson
learning or in the worst case failure of the projects.
The final aim of this paper is to set up those
frameworks, so there will be a clear vision and
expectations when it comes to such a decision. The
major condition is to have two of the 3 main criteria
presented in Table 2 below: