usage by about 135.01 MB, while Sonarlint increased
it by about 203.36 MB. ArmorDroid used less mem-
ory than Sonarlint initially, but this may be due to
its smaller rule set and fewer features and languages.
Sonarlint has more features than ArmorDroid, which
could explain its higher memory consumption.
This article presents ArmorDroid, a plugin for An-
droid Studio that helps developers avoid common se-
curity problems in Android programming. Armor-
Droid detects insecure code patterns in real-time and
suggests fixes. It also allows users to customize and
share inspection rules with co-workers. We evalu-
ated ArmorDroid with junior Android developers and
found that they appreciated its ability to identify and
correct vulnerable code quickly and easily. They also
found the rule editing feature very useful.
The survey reveals some areas for improvement in
current ArmorDroid. First, the rule editor’s UI. They
complained that it needed to be clarified or that the
regex pattern fields were not validated. Another is-
sue is the code inspector’s inability to inspect variable
function arguments due to ArmorDroid’s limited un-
derstanding of the expression context.
In future work, we plan to redesign the UI of the
rule editor. We will also create a website where all
the rule detail explanations and examples will be pre-
sented. In addition, the link to each issue will be at-
tached to the brief description, and users can follow
the link to see the vulnerability in more detail. Fi-
nally, we are going the improve ArmorDroid’s con-
text awareness, i.e., allowing it to inspect the value of
a variable.
This research is funded by the University of Science,
VNU-HCM, Vietnam under grant number CNTT
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ArmorDroid: A Rule-Set Customizable Plugin for Secure Android Application Development