A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management
Georgios Stathis
1, 2 a
, Giulia Biagioni
2 b
, Athanasios Trantas
2 c
, Jaap van den Herik
1 d
and Bart Custers
1 e
eLaw - Centre for Law and Digital Technologies, Leiden University,
Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Steenschuur 25, Leiden, The Netherlands
Unit ISP, TNO, New Babylon, Anna van Buerenplein 41a, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Intelligent Contracts, Contract Risk Management, Bow-Tie Method, Legal Visualisation, Preventive/Proactive
Law, Ontology Engineering, Ontology Visualisation.
This article proposes a new visual analysis method of hazardous events to be used in contract risk management.
We present our research work for the creation of an ontological extension of the Onassis Ontology to manage,
analyse and visualise risk data. Onassis is an openly accessible ontology that we earlier designed to structure
contract automation data. Onassis and its extension for risk management contribute to the development of
trustworthy Intelligent Contracts (iContracts). They allow for the creation of explicit data out of usually im-
plicit contractual information and legal processes on which it is possible to perform cross-referencing analysis
with other collections of data. The ontological model that resulted from our study additionally contributes to
the disambiguation of the bow-tie method structure, the primary method for analysing and visualising haz-
ardous events. To achieve this, we use the following methodology. We visualise the bow-tie method in an
ontology and then investigate the presence of taxonomic ambiguities or even errors in its structure. The results
present an enriched version of bow-tie conceptualisation, in which entities and relationships are translated into
openly-accessible and ready-to-use ontological terms, whereas risk analysis becomes visible.
The world of LegalTech is facing the dawn of In-
telligent Contracts (iContracts). iContracts aim to
support end users with drafting legal documents
via the adoption of automation techniques (Mason,
2017). Thus far, iContracts have not been designed
to include the editing and visualisation of risk data
(Stathis et al., 2023). Nevertheless, risk data play a
fundamental role in contract risk management.
Definition 1: Risk Data denotes a defined set of
information (data), in any format (but increasingly
in digital form), that is used by an organisation
for diverse Risk Management and other business
Nowadays, legal experts act as legal risk man-
https://www.openriskmanual.org/wiki/Risk Data
agers who examine legal risk data in order to safe-
guard the interests and rights of the parties that are in-
volved in a given agreement. Cross-investigation be-
tween different sources (such as databases) may help
users quickly identify the risks associated with the
(legal) documents that they are drafting(Haapio and
Siedel, 2013). In analytical processes, both visuali-
sation methods and ontologies (i.e., formal represen-
tations of knowledge) can be truly beneficial to carry
out a conjoint analysis of diverse data sets (Hogan,
2020) and (Dud
s et al., 2018). They can be used to
(1) reach a deeper understanding of the risks involved
in a certain arrangement, (2) design an efficient strat-
egy to visualise the manifestation of a potential haz-
ardous event, and (3) develop remedies and repair
mechanisms prohibiting disastrous events. Although
these methods may lead towards remarkable analyt-
ical results, their potential has yet to be completely
unlocked. This is mostly owing to two reasons. First,
there is no unambiguous visual structure that is unan-
imously used to observe and analyse the core entities
of the risk management framework as well as their re-
lationships (de Ruijter and Guldenmund, 2016). Sec-
Stathis, G., Biagioni, G., Trantas, A., van den Herik, J. and Custers, B.
A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0012049600003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023) , pages 227-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ond, there is no ready-to-use and openly accessible
ontology that has been developed to disambiguate any
given reference system (Agrawal, 2016). Therefore,
to offer a contribution to the resolution of the prob-
lem areas mentioned in (1), (2), and (3), our research
will focus on the creation of an ontological model to
analyse, visualise, and manage risk data in iContracts.
In so doing, it will particularly examine and discuss
the limitations of the bow-tie visualisation medium to
manage and visualise risk data.
In 1979, a diagram to analyse hazards was first
presented at the Imperial Chemistry Industry course
of the University of Queensland in Australia (Kluwer,
2017). The shape of the figure sent back took the form
of a bow tie, from which it consequently took the
name. Today, the bow-tie diagram is de facto stan-
dard used to perform visual legal risk management
analysis. The method mirrors the conceptualisation
framed in ISO 31000:2018 that has been developed by
the International Standardization Organisation (ISO)
(Kishchuk et al., 2018) and (de Ruijter and Gulden-
mund, 2016). ISO 31000:2018 is a guideline that
provides a generic framework for the management of
all types of risks, including legal risks
. The bow-
tie visualisation system makes the relationships be-
tween the entities designated by ISO discernible and
explicit. Although attempts have been made, the theo-
retical structure of both ISO 31000:2018 and the bow-
tie method has not yet been translated into the expres-
sivity of a ready-to-use ontology (Agrawal, 2016).
Ontologies enable, inter alia, model-based meta-
analysis (Becker and Alow, 2019). Meta-analysis can
be applied to conduct different risk management anal-
yses either to infer new pieces of information or to
draft more solid clauses related to risks in contracts.
Ontologies are designed to reduce ambiguity between
the entities and clarify the relationships between them
(Nirenburg and Raskin, 2001).
According to Ruijter and Guldenmund, there is no
consensus on the specific definition of the bow-tie vi-
sualisation system except its shape and core concepts
(de Ruijter and Guldenmund, 2016). The main di-
verging points may originate from the ambiguity of
the relationships among the entities in the bow-tie
structure. This may result in subjectivity, in terms of
both interpretation and intended use.
To clarify the bow-tie and ISO 31000:2018 struc-
ISO is an independent, non-governmental interna-
tional organisation with a membership of 164 national
standard bodies, founded in 1947 and headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland. In this concern cf.https://www.iso.
ISO, (2018), 31000:2018: Risk management – Guide-
lines, iso.org, abstract
tures, and derive new insights into the method and
standard, we will therefore design an ontology mir-
roring the relationships portrayed in the bow-tie di-
agram. We will then test it against taxonomic con-
straints that lead to the creation phases of ontologies.
The resulting ontological vocabulary will be linked
to the Onassis ontology that we previously designed
(Stathis et al., 2023)
Designing a set of machine-understandable vo-
cabulary terms allowing to monitor and manage risk
in relation to the violation of specific contractual
clauses means taking the expressiveness of iContracts
a step further. Moreover, having openly accessible
ontological vocabularies for risk management data
further allows smaller entities with limited economic
availability to implement monitoring strategies to re-
duce the occurrence of hazardous events in relation
to contractual clauses. By including risk data and risk
management strategies, iContracts will not only serve
the purpose of formally describing an agreement be-
tween different parties, but will also even monitor and
prevent the occurrence of hazardous events connected
to legal risk. Thus, the avoidance of dispute conse-
quences becomes possible.
The contribution of this research is therefore two-
folded. First, it explores the limitations of the bow-tie
visualisation method to perform large scale analysis.
This will similarly bring new insights into its struc-
ture. Second, it proposes a set of openly-accessible
vocabulary terms to structure and manage legal risk
As a result of the aforementioned information the
RQ guiding our investigation is: To what extent is it
possible to translate the bow-tie method into a visu-
alisation of an ontology for contract risk management
without altering the bow-tie structure?
We structured the paper as follows. Section 1 pro-
vided the introduction. In Section 2, a brief literature
review is provided. Section 3 presents the method of
research. Section 4 states the results of our research
and Section 5 discusses those results. Finally, Section
6 answers the RQ and provides our conclusion.
In this section, the state-of-the-art literature is pre-
sented. Section 2.1 introduces sources on contract
risk management. Section 2.2 presents the latest re-
search regarding ontologies developed to structure
risk management data.
Onassis is accessible at https://github.com/
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2.1 Contract Risk Management
The most exhaustive academic source on contract
risk management, which is targeted to practition-
ers, is Haapio and Siedel’s book, Guide to Contract
Risk (Haapio and Siedel, 2013). Contract risk can be
identified in multiple sources. Ideally a database of
contract risks should exist to help legal experts iden-
tify instances more quickly and efficiently, as it hap-
pens in other domains(Patterson and Neailey, 2002)
and (Kuwahara et al., 2015).
In the industrial, energy and environmental areas,
visualisation methods, such as the bow-tie, are often
used to manage risk and prevent the occurrence of
hazardous events within domain-specific projects (for
Chemical Process Safety, 2018). A bow-tie method
is used for visualising risk in a holistic manner by
taking into consideration proactive and reactive risk
measures (Kluwer, 2019).
Figure 1: Bow-tie method.
A bow-tie diagram helps to visualise and control
contract risk (Haapio and Siedel, 2013). It has been
used in a variety of risk analysis environments and for
various risk management purposes (Khakzad et al.,
2012).The usefulness of the bow-tie method stems
from its ability to visualise the complexity of legal
risk (Dauer, 2006). Figure 1 shows a representation
of the bow-tie method.
The bow-tie method mirrors, at the level of the
entities, the conceptualisation framed in the ISO
31000:2018 standard
. The standard defines eight
concepts that are considered to be essential to man-
age risk: Risk, Risk Management, Stakeholder, Risk
Source, Event, Consequence, Likelihood and Control.
In multiple industries, including the legal industry, it
is also possible to develop a risk matrix or risk reg-
ister after visualising the risk management process
ISO, 2018, ISO 31000:2018 Risk management
Guidelines, iso.org)
via the bow-tie diagram (Leva et al., 2017). In the
risk matrix/register, beyond the Risk, Cause, Conse-
quence, Likelihood, Impact, one may also add a Pri-
ority Ranking, Response plan, the entity Responsible
for the plan, a Deadline, and a Validation section (Lu
et al., 2015). Consequently, risk ranking becomes
possible for a clearer visualisation of the immediate
risks requiring management as well as a contract risk
response. In relation to contract risk, the response
mostly relates with contract drafting and procedural
aspects (Espenschied, 2010; Fox, 2008).
2.2 Ontologies for Contract Risk
Although ontologies may be a powerful instrument to
perform contract risk management analysis, they are
not very common in the field. This is mostly due to
the scientific immaturity of the domain. However, ef-
forts have been made to build a framework enabling
both the analysis of the risk assessment process, and
the codification of the relationships (i.e., roles and re-
sponsibilities) between the various entities involved
in a risk management organisation. Examples are
provided by the Description of a Model Ontology
, and the Risk Function Ontology (RFO),
. Although DOAM and RFO offer great
contributions to the field, they still lack the needed
level of expressiveness that can allow users to struc-
ture risk management data at a processing level while
framing information within the modus operandi of the
bow-tie method. Regarding ontologies aiming to mir-
ror the implementation phases of the bow-tie process,
we could not find any vocabularies designed for this
specific purpose either on the Linked Open Vocabu-
laries (LOV) catalogue
or the Open Risk Manage-
ment (ORM) Foundation website
. Ultimately, we
did observe an attempt to develop an ontology for the
ISO risk management standards which did not result
in a ready-to-use model (Agrawal, 2016).
Our methodology aims to identify (1) the possible
presence of violations of taxonomic constraints, and
(2) ambiguous constructs in the conceptualisation of
the bow-tie visualisation medium. In 3.1, we trans-
A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management
lated the bow-tie design into the expressiveness of an
ontology by mirroring the bow-tie relationships and
entities. In 3.2 we introduce three types of taxonomic
errors. We subsequently, in 4.1, check the presence
of taxonomic ambiguities and errors by following the
best practices for the development of ontologies and
the detection of fallacies in the models. The outcomes
of our analysis are presented under results.
3.1 Ontology Visualisation of the
Bow-Tie Method
As presented in the previous section and discussed by
(de Ruijter and Guldenmund, 2016), the entities pic-
tured in the bow-tie method relate to one another as
1. The causes of a hazardous event are protected by
proactive controls.
2. The proactive controls relate to a hazardous event.
They result from the causes and are designed
based on the nature of the hazardous event.
3. The hazardous event is contained by both the
proactive and reactive controls (barriers).
4. The reactive controls are conceptualised based
upon the nature of the hazardous event to
marginalise its consequences. They relate to both
a hazardous event and its consequences.
5. The consequences are limited by the reactive con-
trols to which they relate.
6. The risk which is not represented in the bow-
tie diagram can be intuitively associated with the
hazardous event itself. This is mostly based upon
the guidelines of the ISO 31000:2018 standard.
7. The stakeholder, who is not represented in the
bow-tie diagram, can be intuitively associated
with the hazardous event. This can be derived
from the guidelines of the ISO 31000:2018 stan-
8. The likelihood, which is not represented in the
bow-tie diagram, measures the probability of the
occurrence of a hazardous event as described in
the guidelines of the ISO 31000:2018 standard.
When translating the entities and relationships of the
bow-tie diagram into the expressiveness of an ontol-
ogy, we will firstly attain the structure presented in
Figure 2.
The validity, efficiency, and consistency of the on-
tological structure presented in Figure 2 can be tested
against the presence of taxonomic errors.
Figure 2: Bow-tie Centred Ontology.
3.2 Three Types of Taxonomic Errors
According to (Gomez-Perez, 1995), (G
et al., 2004), (G
erez, 2001), (Fahad et al.,
2008) and (Fahad and Qadir, 2008), there are three
main types of taxonomic errors. They are inconsis-
tency errors, incompleteness errors, and redundancy
Inconsistency errors may be caused by circulatory
errors (i.e., entities defined as sub-entities or super-
entities of itself), partition errors (i.e., instances be-
longing to various disjointed classes), or semantic in-
consistency errors (i.e., when ontologists define con-
cepts as sub-classes of concepts to which they do not
Incompleteness errors may be of three types,
namely, (a) incomplete concept errors (they occur
when concepts and relationships of the domain are
overlooked and not defined in the structure), (b) in-
complete axiom errors (they occur when ontologists
omit important axioms and information about the
classification of a concept), or (c) sufficient knowl-
edge emission errors (they take place when concepts
have only necessary descriptions). Incompleteness er-
rors lead to ambiguity and create a lack of proper rea-
soning mechanisms.
Redundancy errors happen when pieces of infor-
mation are inferred more than once from the relation-
ships, classes, and instances of the ontology. They
can be: redundancies of sub-class/sub-property er-
rors (they may occur when classes or relationships di-
rectly or indirectly have more than one sub-class/sub-
property relationship); identical formal definition of
classes, properties and instances (i.e., proprieties,
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
classes and instances have different names but provide
the same formal definition); or redundancy of disjoint
relationships (i.e., concepts explicitly defined as dis-
jointed from other concepts more than once).
In order to derive more insights into the bow-tie
method and to test the actual taxonomic validity of
the bow-tie centred ontology displayed in Figure 2,
we tested this ontology against the three types of tax-
onomic errors discussed in the preceding paragraphs.
Our results are presented in the subsequent section.
This section presents the results of our research. The
results concern the taxonomic errors in the ontology
visualisation of (4.1) the bow-tie centred ontology and
(4.2) the enriched bow-tie ontology.
4.1 Taxonomic Errors in the Bow-Tie
Centred Ontology
The bow-tie centred ontology (Figure 2) presented in
the previous section mirrors the exact relationships
that are framed by the bow-tie method (Figure 1) and
a few of the concepts of ISO 31000:2018. As dis-
cussed above, the risk, stakeholder, and measure of
likelihood are not addressed by the bow-tie analytical
medium. This resulted in the absence of their con-
cepts from the bow-tie centred ontology. The same
can be said for the measure of likelihood regarding
the occurrence of a hazardous event. The lack of these
concepts in the diagram and ontology causes several
knowledge emission errors. Other incompleteness er-
rors that can be found in the bow-tie centred ontology
are incomplete concept errors.
In the bow-tie diagram (Figure 1), only the rela-
tionships between (1) the causes and proactive con-
trols, (2) the proactive controls and hazardous event,
(3) the hazardous event and reactive controls, and (4)
the reactive controls and consequences are described.
However, these four relationships may lead to am-
biguity when performing cross-referencing analysis
with a bow-tie centred ontology and/or diagram.
Below we discuss two types of ambiguities. First,
the problems identified in the bow-tie centred ontol-
ogy originate from the ambiguity in the relationships
between the entities that are framed by the bow-tie vi-
sualisation method. Second, the taxonomic errors that
we individualised, namely incomplete concept errors
and sufficient knowledge emission errors, do not only
concern the relationships between causes, proactive
controls, and the hazardous event (i.e., the left side of
the bow-tie visualisation method) but even the rela-
tionships between the hazardous event, reactive con-
trols, and consequences. Ultimately, no other type of
taxonomic errors have been detected in the bow-tie
centred ontology.
4.2 The Enriched Bow-Tie Ontology
To resolve the taxonomic errors identified in the bow-
tie centred ontology (Figure 2), we shifted the re-
lationships in the previously presented ontological
model from a cause-sequential order of connected en-
tities to a node-centred one. In the resulting version of
the model, the cause, proactive control, reactive con-
trol, and consequence are directly connected to the
hazardous event. We identified the hazardous event as
the most core component. The hazardous event is here
conceived as a physical occurrence possibly associ-
ated with a point in time. Furthermore, we considered
the cause, reactive control, proactive control, and con-
sequence as human-derived observations rather than
actual physical situations. This makes it so that ev-
ery time a hazardous event is identified by a legal ex-
pert, a unique identifier shall be created for it, regard-
less of whether its nature is similar or identical to an-
other event. Unlike the case of the hazardous event,
the identifiers of identical causes, reactive controls,
proactive controls, and consequences can be reused
across use cases.
As previously discussed, the bow-tie visualisation
method (Figure 1) does not include (1) the relation-
ship between the hazardous event and the risk, (2) the
relationship between the hazardous event and stake-
holders, and (3) the relationship between the mea-
sured probability of a hazardous event and the haz-
ardous event itself.
The new vocabulary terms of the Onassis ontology
demonstrate the relationships presented above as fol-
lows. The risk is connected to a hazardous event that
is, in turn, linked to a measure of probability. Based
on the structure of the risk matrix analysis, we con-
nected the stakeholder directly to the impact of a haz-
ardous event. The probability and impact measures
are then associated with a level of risk which is subse-
quently linked to the risk itself. Both probability and
impact measures are connected to a source. Figure 3
displays the new vocabulary terms that we added to
the Onassis ontology.
To conclude, the rationale behind the new classes
and properties of the Onassis Ontology can be de-
scribed as follows.
1. The Risk involves a Hazardous Event and a Risk
A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management
Figure 3: New vocabulary terms of the Onassis Ontology.
2. The Hazardous Event has a Cause, Proactive Con-
trol, Reactive Control, Impact, and Consequence.
3. The Cause is contained by the Proactive Control.
4. The Consequence is contained by the Reactive
5. The Impact of a Hazardous Event affects an
6. The Hazardous Event has a Probability number.
7. The numbers of the Probability and Impact result
in a Level of Risk.
8. They are based on a Source.
9. The Level of Risk is ultimately involved in a Risk.
To design the new vocabulary terms for Onas-
sis, we used the Resource Description Frame-
work Schema (RDF/S) and Ontology Web Language
The logical consistency of the new vocabulary
terms has been tested via an ontology reasoner
. The
coherency of the model with domain knowledge has
been validated by running competency questions on
sample data which are accessible via GitHub
The discussion concentrates on examining the re-
search consequences for (5.1) ontology visualisation,
(5.2) contract risk management, and (5.3) iContracts.
Specifically by launching reasoner Hermit on sample data in the Prot
e edi-
tor: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.sourceforge.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
5.1 Ontology Visualisation
Visualisation analysis allows users to examine and
compare large amount of data (Dud
s et al., 2018).
However, if some details are omitted, they can mis-
lead analysts by leading them to erroneous analytical
results. As it is possible to observe from the applica-
tion of ontological taxonomic constraints on the bow-
tie structure, the bow-tie visualisation system suffers
from some limitations. In a large-scale comparative
analysis, the bow-tie method can possibly lead to data
ambiguity due to the lack of direct relationships be-
tween the core component (i.e., hazardous event) and
related entities (i.e., cause, consequence, proactive
and reactive controls). Furthermore, we recognised
that the system does not represent all concepts theo-
rised in the ISO 31000:2018 standard to manage risk.
To overcome the above discussed problems, we cre-
ated an ontological model that embraces the full ex-
pressiveness of the ISO 31000:2018 standard. Ulti-
mately, we ensured the presence of connections be-
tween all entities described by ISO in order to prevent
the occurrence of ambiguity in ontological knowledge
The new vocabulary terms that we designed ex-
tend the Onassis core ontology that we previously cre-
ated. They do not aim to replace the conceptualisation
of the entities of the bow-tie method. They focus on
enriching it while providing a ready-to-use ontologi-
cal model to manage and describe risk data in iCon-
tracts. When visualised, the enriched bow-tie model
takes the shape of a more complex and amorphous
Figure 3 rather than the classical papillon Figure 1.
This is due to the granularity of the ontolology.
5.2 Contract Risk Management
Having openly-accessible vocabulary terms to de-
scribe risk data is vital for improved analysis and
management of contract risk. A legal expert is able
to (1) better define contract risk, (2) improve contract
clauses, and (3) better understand the level of risk per
contract. An additional benefit is that the open-source
nature of our work can help companies exchange risk
data to refine the measuring of impact probabilities
for improved risk ranking.
Although we identified some limitations in the
conceptualisation of the risk management visualisa-
tion framework provided by the bow-tie method, we
equally deem that such a structure can play a funda-
mental role in cross-referencing analysis with differ-
ent collections of data to manage risk if the poten-
tial cause of ambiguity is resolved. Based on this
consideration, we decided to enrich the bow-tie by
(1) adding more relationships in its structure and (2)
translating the “enriched bow-tie” into the expressive-
ness of an ontology. This will allow interoperability
between data sets while hopefully leading to the at-
tainment of new insights for the evaluation of risk in
contractual clauses.
5.3 Intelligent Contracts
Our research shows that risk data are able to con-
tribute into making iContracts more responsible. The
responsibility mainly derives from the fact that risk
data can be explicitly examined thanks to the cre-
ation of a set of interlinked metadata (i.e., the exten-
sion of the Onassis ontology that we designed) that
can be used to structure information regarding risk.
The new vocabulary terms can, in fact, make the usu-
ally implicit information about contact risk evident
and clear while fostering the possibility to compare
different data collections coming from diverse data
sets. As a result, risk management can improve due
to the large scale comparative analysis of diverse data
records (Haapio and Siedel, 2013).
The present section provides (a) the answer to the RQ,
(b) further research suggestions, and (c) the research
Regarding our RQ (viz. To what extent is it pos-
sible to translate the bow-tie method into a visuali-
sation of an ontology for contract risk management
without altering the bow-tie structure?), we provide
the following answer.
The conversion process of the bow-tie conceptu-
alisation into ontological terms highlighted the pres-
ence of missing relationships between entities in the
bow-tie method as well missing ISO-specified con-
cepts. To reduce the possibility of introducing ambi-
guity into the analytical and management processes of
risk data, we searched for and found further relation-
ships between entities in the ontology compared to
those that are represented in the bow-tie system. Ulti-
mately, we added the missing ISO-specified concepts
that were not present in the bow-tie method. This re-
sulted into a new version of the bow-tie visualisation
medium as well as an openly-accessible ontological
model to manage and describe risk data.
In relation to further research, the key question
at this point is how to best move forward from here.
An essential step in conducting further research is to
validate the successful integration of the developed
contract risk management ontological framework in
A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management
iContracts. Our following research will focus on val-
idating the integration experimentally.
The research novelty is that we have demonstrated
how it is possible to make explicit a traditionally im-
plicit process, in such a way that data processing be-
comes possible. So far, legal experts have not reached
consensus on how to manage contract risk. Our pa-
per shows how it is possible. Moreover, in relation to
the bow-tie method, we presented a new theoretical
version for it which builds upon the old one, disam-
biguate some of the bow-tie constructs, and enrich its
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