derive security-aware LEMMA models based on the
current implementation of the software system to ease
the integration of our approach in MSA development.
We also plan to exploit the full-fledged prototype
to validate and evaluate our method on real-world ap-
plications, with the goal of demonstrating how our ap-
proach facilitates the development process of MSA by
providing means for security smell resolution.
In this perspective, we also plan to assist devel-
opers in deciding whether/how to refactor a secu-
rity smell detected in an MSA, e.g., by integrating
our full-fledged prototype with trade-off analyses and
code generation functionalities to automatically re-
solve the security smell also on the level of implemen-
tation. Additionally, we plan to extend our approach
to work with other microservice-related smells, e.g.,
architectural smells.
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tecnología para la innovación en salud y bien-
estar, facultad de ingeniería (Universidad Andrés
Bello, Chile), and by the project hOlistic Sustain-
able Management of distributed softWARE systems
(OSMWARE, UNIPI PRA_2022_64), funded by the
University of Pisa, Italy.
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Towards Resolving Security Smells in Microservices, Model-Driven