validated by the domain experts as valid and reli-
able. Consequently, the deployment phase in the
CRISP-DM process can be planned and implemented.
It has to be mentioned that we only examined a
limited number of ML and AutoML methods on four
variations of a single data set, so that general state-
ments are therefore limited by our choice of methods.
In the evaluated use case AutoML was able to pro-
vide results with a good performance, yet it still may
not be applicable for some use cases. AutoML tools
may create models with low predictive power or even
fail to generate a model at all. To resolve some of
these issues, knowledge of ML could be necessary,
which users with knowledge level three or lower do
not have.
In the future, we plan to examine the differences
between the AutoML methods in more detail and ex-
tend their usability for SMEs by adding additional
preprocessing steps like data splitting. In addition to
the MES, we aim to develop a data-centric explana-
tion of the final results to provide more insights for
domain experts. This is intended to explain the model
behavior via the dataset and should enable the domain
experts to validate the quality and reliability of the re-
sults based on the data used to train the models. These
data-centric explanations are crucial in order to gen-
erate confidence in the results and increase the will-
ingness of domain experts to use AutoML methods.
This work was partly funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action in
the research project AutoQML.
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications