significantly (p < 0.05) to DNN and XAI-1 models.
Other contrasts were not significant.
Table 6: Results of Nemenyi test.
Comparison Statistic Adj. p-value
XAI-3 vs DNN 4.06663 0.00172
XAI-1 vs XAI-3 3.55023 0.01386
DNN vs DT 3.48569 0.01767
DNN vs GRA 3.29204 0.03581
To test whether the performance of the black-box
DNN model was better than that of the other models,
the adjust p-values from both the Bonferroni and
Holm corrections were applied to compare all models
based on using the DNN model as a control model.
As shown in Table 7, the post hoc tests indicated that
the DNN model produced a significantly concrete
differences (p<0.01) to XAI-3, DT and GRA models,
and no evidences were found that DNN model
performed better than the remaining models.
Table 7: Results of Bonferroni-Dunn and Holm tests.
Approach Bonf.
Adj. p-value
Adj. p-value
DNN vs XAI-3 0.00038 0.00038
DNN vs DT 0.00393 0.00344
DNN vs GRA 0.00796 0.00597
DNN vs ATM-1 0.11337 0.07086
DNN vs KNN 0.26528 0.13264
DNN vs XAI-2 1.00000 0.52573
DNN vs XAI-4 1.00000 0.52573
DNN vs XAI-1 1.00000 0.60558
This study established an innovative responsible and
trusted AI framework to analyse and predict the
learning effectiveness of students based on their
online learning activities. Various explainable
artificial intelligence (XAI) models were developed
to provide interpretable and explainable information,
such as decision rules, variable importance rankings
and case similarity for the evaluation of student
learning performance. The XAI models achieved an
overall accuracy between 0.734 and 0.785 in
predicting learning rating for students. Another three
safeguard and auditing models were built to
complement the XAI models for retrieving the at-risk
students being misidentified as normal and providing
them the after-school tutoring or remedial teaching.
The adversarial training models applied AI generated
synthetic data to train the proposed models and
explored any possible improvement for the original
models by using the diversified synthetic data. The
experimental results implied that the diversified
synthetic data was unable to increase the accuracy of
models, and led us to a deeper understanding of how
the real data and synthetic data differed in exploring
the performance limitation of models. The framework
was finally implemented by the Microsoft Power BI
tools to create various visualized and interactive
dashboards to demonstrate and deliver effective
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