A Note on a CBC-Type Mode of Operation
George Tes¸eleanu
1,2 a
Advanced Technologies Institute, 10 Dinu Vintil
a, Bucharest, Romania
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, 21 Calea Grivitei, Bucharest, Romania
Mode of Operation, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Block Cipher, Provable Security.
In this paper we formally introduce a novel mode of operation based on the cipher block chaining mode. The
main idea of this mode is to use a stateful block cipher instead of a stateless one. Afterwards, we show how to
implement our proposal and present a performance analysis of our mode. Next, we provide a concrete security
analysis by computing a tight bound on the success of adversaries based on their resources. The results of
our performance and security analyses are that this novel mode is more secure than the cipher block chaining
mode for large files, but the encryption/decryption time doubles/triples. Therefore, our novel mode is suitable
for encrypting large files, when higher security is required, but speed is not paramount. Note that the changes
required to transform the software implementations of the cipher block chaining mode into this new mode are
minimal, and therefore transitioning to this new mode is straightforward.
One of the most popular classical mode of operation is
called Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode (Ehrsam
et al., 1978). The CBC mode is widespread and very
widely used, and therefore is standardised in (ISO,
2017; Dworkin, 2001; IEEE, 2018; IETF, 2003). Im-
plementations of CBC can be found in software li-
braries such as (Legion of the Bouncy Castle, 2023;
Trusted Firmware, 2023; Crypto++, 2022; OpenSSL
Technical Committee, 2023).
In this paper we introduce a novel CBC-based
mode of operation. More precisely, we use the CBC
mode with a stateful block cipher instead of a state-
less one. Specifically, rather of using the same key to
encrypt each block of data, we modify the key sched-
ule such that after generating the round keys neces-
sary for encryption it also generates an encryption
. Therefore, after encrypting the first block of
data, we memorize the encryption key generated by
the key schedule. The memorized key is then used to
encrypt the second block of data and the process is
repeated for the remaining blocks. After finishing all
the blocks, the key is reset to the original value and
the block cipher is now ready to encrypt the next set
Formed by concatenating one or more additional gen-
erated round keys depending on the size of the round and
encryption keys
of data. Note that resetting the key before each new
set of plaintexts avoids synchronisation problems.
After formalizing our novel CBC-based mode,
we provide some implementations details. We start
with describing two possible approaches for trans-
forming a stateless block cipher into a stateful one.
Since the second one is more suitable for all three ci-
phers implemented in Mbed TLS (Trusted Firmware,
2023), namely AES (Daemen and Rijmen, 2002),
ARIA (NSRI, 2005) and Camellia (Aoki et al., 2001),
we made the necessary implementation modifica-
tions needed to obtain a stateful cipher. To analyze
the performance of our mode, we also modified the
CBC implementation found in Mbed TLS (Trusted
Firmware, 2023). We observed that our mode’s en-
cryption/decryption time is two/three times slower
than that of classical CBC.
In the last part of the paper, we provide a tight
security bound. To achieve this we first compute an
upper bound and then we devise an attack that has a
success probability close to this bound. Therefore,
there is no significantly better bound than the one
given in this paper. Based on this security bound, we
conclude that this mode is more secure than CBC for
large files. Since modifying existing CBC implemen-
tations to use a stateful block cipher is straightfor-
ward, we recommend switching to this novel mode
for large files, when the additional processing time
does not lead to bottlenecks. An example of such a
Teŧeleanu, G.
A Note on a CBC-Type Mode of Operation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012059100003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 353-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)