Pump and Dump Cryptocurrency Detection Using Social Media
Domenico Alfano
1, 2
, Roberto Abbruzzese
1, 2
and Domenico Parente
Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
Eustema S.p.A., Research and Development Centre, Napoli, Italy
Cryptocurrency, Pump and Dump, Anomaly Detection, Natural Language Processing, Explainable AI.
The economic implications behind the fluctuation of cryptocurrencies prices, and, more importantly, the com-
plexity of the variables involved in the process, have made price forecasting a very popular topic among
researchers. Especially around detecting Pump & Dump events, where investors try to manipulate cryptocur-
rency owners to either buy or sell making a profit from them. Over the last decade, research has progressed by
proposing new metrics (financial and non financial) capable of influencing and tracking the reasons for price
fluctuations. Thanks to the advent of social media, major investment communities can be analysed through
social channels to create new metrics. With developments in the field of Natural Language Processing, these
social channels are used to extract opinions and mood of expert investors and cryptocurrencies owners. We
propose to apply those innovative ways of creating metrics and to demonstrate that, taking these generated
metrics into account, can significantly outperform other existing Pump & Dump detection methods. More-
over, to measure how each created metric contributes to the detection, a game theory approach called SHapley
Additive exPlanations and a method that explains each prediction using a local, interpretable model to ap-
proach any black box machine learning model called Lime will be used.
Cryptocurrencies are steadily gaining popularity, and
more people are using them as platforms for invest-
ing. Cryptocurrencies are untested and generally un-
controlled, despite the significant sums of money in-
vested in and traded in them. Its technical complexity
and lack of regulation make them a desirable target
for scammers aiming to prey on the uninformed (Kyle
and Viswanathan, 2008). Pump-and-Dump (P&D) is
a type of scam when speculators try to increase the
value of a particular cryptocurrency by disseminating
false information about it.
A P&D scheme is a sort of fraud in which perpe-
trators accumulate tokens over time, artificially raise
the market by disseminating false information (pump-
ing), and then sell what they have acquired to sub-
sequent customers at the artificially inflated price
(dumping). When the price has been boosted artifi-
cially, it typically drops, leaving the purchasers who
made their purchase based on the misinformation at a
loss (Kamps and Kleinberg, 2018).
Making specific public P&D groups is the method
used to spread misinformation in the context of cryp-
tocurrencies in order to drive up the price.
These organizations have developed as online
chat rooms on social media platforms like Telegram
with the specific aim of organizing pump-and-dump
schemes on particular cryptocurrencies.
Studies suggest that these P&D groups almost
mainly target less well-known currencies, especially
those with low market capitalization and limited cir-
culation since they are thought to be simpler to manip-
ulate, in order to get the greatest outcomes (La Mor-
gia, 2020; Mac and J., 2018). In a typical pump-and-
dump scenario, group leaders advertise that the pump
will occur at a specific time on a specific exchange,
and that the currency will only be announced after that
time. The group chat participants attempt to be among
the first to purchase the currency after it is introduced
in order to maximize their gains. They might even end
up buying at the peak and not be able to sell for a profit
if they move too slowly. Users are frequently urged to
broadcast false information about the coin during the
pump phase in an effort to get others to buy it so they
may sell it more readily. Although there are many dif-
ferent types of misinformation, some frequent strate-
gies include fake news, nonexistent ventures, phony
alliances, or false celebrity endorsements.
P&D manipulation is currently not always un-
Alfano, D., Abbruzzese, R. and Parente, D.
Pump and Dump Cryptocurrency Detection Using Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0012059300003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 235-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
lawful due to the fact that the technology underpin-
ning cryptocurrencies is still relatively new (Kramer,
This paper presents a novel application to detect
P&D schemes in crypto. As most previous research in
this area have only used financial data to address the
issue, our work focuses on utilizing the vast major-
ity of freely available data by using Telegram APIs to
generate performance advantages (La Morgia, 2020;
Kamps and Kleinberg, 2018).
The literature review led to the identification and
study of scientific publications for anomaly detec-
tion in social media. The researcher Neda Soltani
(Neda Soltani, 2018) identified anomalies and sus-
picious users through network analysis techniques,
and through the study of the structure of nodes
within communities. Another interesting work (Ryan
G. Chacon, 2022) proposed the Fama French model
to measure and demonstrate the influence of social
media as a source of inspiration for new investments.
In this case, an attempt was made to copy the invest-
ment strategy suggested by the Wallstreetbets group
to generate profits. Then, the analysis from the social
channel suggested the appropriate market to invest in.
Other researcher (Firat Akba and Askerzade, 2022)
attempted to identify Bitcoin price manipulation ac-
tivities with the use of Machine Learning techniques.
Specifically, the aim of the study was to investigate
periods of manipulation studying emotions and user
sentiments in social media.
The analysis was carried out with the use of algo-
rithms such as SVM and SARIMAX. Studies similar
to the ones mentioned above are abundant, making it
clear that social media are often used as a medium
for fraudulent activities. In recent years, many of
these have focused on the cryptocurrency market and
the Pump & Dump phenomenon. However, this phe-
nomenon was already used in the financial field be-
fore the creation of cryptocurrencies. Reviewing sim-
ilar works in the financial field can help us under-
stand more on the techniques used by malicious in-
vestors, making it easier to apply same or new ap-
proaches in the cryptocurrency market. One of the
main means used by fraudsters to pump a currency
is spreading misinformation, often with the help of
bots to automate the process (Mehrnoosh Mirtaheri
et al., 2021). On the other hand, from a financial per-
spective, market manipulation schemes are classified
into three main categories (Allen and Gale, 1992):
information-based, action-based and trade-based.
Analysing this classification, we can define pump
and dump schemes as a combination of information-
based and trade-based manipulation. The work of
Kamps (Kamps and Kleinberg, 2018) shows a first
attempt to detect pump and dump using an adaptive
threshold. They emphasise the fact that there is no
reliable dataset of the confirmed pump and dump pat-
tern, so they cannot fully validate their results.
3.1 Data Set
The financial data collection utilized in this study is
composed of manually labelled unprocessed transac-
tion data from the cryptocurrency exchange Binance,
which was first made public by (La Morgia, 2020).
Known instances of P&D were found in transactions
involving a variety of cryptocurrencies.
The authors initially joined various cryptocur-
rency P&D Telegram channels known for develop-
ing and carrying out P&D schemes in order to gen-
erate the data set. Following that, over a two-year
period, the researchers gathered timestamps of the of-
ficial pump signals that were announced in each of
these groups by the group administrators. Depending
on what was accessible for access, the authors were
able to gather all bitcoin transactions pumped up to
a week before and after pumping using these times-
tamps and the Binance API. This method led to the
collection of 104 P&D data occurrences. After ob-
taining this raw data from the Binance API, the au-
thors pre-processed it further by grouping the transac-
tions into chunks of five seconds, fifteen seconds, and
twenty-five seconds, resulting in three distinct aggre-
gated data sets. The following features are present in
each of these aggregated data sets:
PumpIndex, Symbol: The pump’s base 0 index,
identifying it as one of the 104 pumps that were
available, and the coin’s symbol that the pump
took place on;
StdRushOrder, AvgRushOrder: The average
percentage change in the number of rush orders
and the moving standard deviation;
StdTrades: The number of buy- and sell-side
trades’ moving standard deviation;
StdVolume, AvgVolume: The average percent-
age change in order volume and the moving stan-
dard deviation;
StdPrice, AvgPrice, AvgPriceMax: The asset
price’s average percentage change, standard devi-
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
ation, and maximum percentage change, respec-
On the social media side, it has been proven that ac-
tual, organized price rigging occurs there (Kamps and
Kleinberg, 2018). The least active groups only carry
out one P&D operation per week, whilst the most ac-
tive groups carry out roughly one operation every day.
Generally speaking, the following steps are taken dur-
ing the procedure (Martineau, 2018):
A few days or hours prior to the operation, the ad-
ministrators make public the fact that P&D will
occur, the exchange to be used, the precise time
the operation will begin, and whether the opera-
tion will be Free for All, in which case everyone
receives the message simultaneously, or Ranked,
in which case VIPs and members at higher levels
in the hierarchy receive the initial message before
other members;
The notice is made more frequently as the opera-
tion’s execution time draws near;
The organizers give these straightforward advice
just before the event begins: as you wait for an
outside investor, check your Internet connection,
buy low and sell high, and hold currency as much
as you can;
The free chat rooms are currently closed to pre-
vent ”Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt” (FUD) as a
result of deception efforts put out by those look-
ing to disrupt the operation and cause panic within
the group;
Depending on where you are in the group hierar-
chy, you will know exactly when the designated
time comes for the targeted cryptocurrency to be
exposed. The name of the cryptocurrency is typ-
ically written in a fuzzy image that can only be
read accurately by humans. The purpose of the
obfuscation is to hinder bots’ ability to analyze
the message using OCR methods and begin the
process more quickly than humans;
Admins release a news item shortly after the op-
eration begins and ask everyone in the group to
spread the message that the price of the cryptocur-
rency is increasing. This is done on Twitter, in
forums, and in special chats. With the use of a
special investment opportunity, this activity hopes
to draw in outside investors;
Ultimately, the admins reopen the free chat rooms
after the operation and give the users some P&D
Studying this process and starting from the times-
tamps of the manually labelled pumps and the tele-
gram group link from which the information was re-
trieved by the authors, we joined into these groups
and through the Telegram APIs we downloaded all
the messages exchanged in the chats from two days
before and two days after the pump.
However, only some of these telegram groups al-
lowed access to the message history, so we went from
a data set of 104 pumps to one of 89 pumps.
Using Natural Language Processing techniques, a
pre-processing of these messages was carried out,
consisting of the following steps:
Removal of Emoji, Images, Stop-Words and
External Links: process of reducing non-
informative text;
Lemmatization: process of grouping together the
inflected forms of a word so they can be analysed
as a single item;
Pos Tagging: process of marking up a word in a
text as corresponding to a particular part of speech
based on both its definition and its context by ex-
tracting only words referring to nouns (NOUN)
and proper nouns (PROPN).
After gathering the messages from the relevant chat
for each pump index, we proceeded to the stage of
extracting the features.
In particular, for each of the three data sets the
authors (La Morgia, 2020) created, for each of the fi-
nancial transactions and consequently for each pump
index defined within them, the new feature takes on a
value of 1 if the currency symbol occurs in the mes-
sages exchanged 5 minutes before the transaction was
made, otherwise 0. We thus produce the final data set,
which consists of 89 pumps, by only adding a categor-
ical feature to the financial ones.
3.2 Model
The authors’ adopted classifier, (La Morgia, 2020),
was employed in order to assess the scores and sig-
nificance of utilizing a new Telegram feature in the
most effective way. We are discussing the Random
Forest classifier, which is a collection of decision tree
classifiers that depend on the values of a random vec-
tor sampled independently, each of which casts a vote,
with the prediction being the class with the most votes
overall (Breiman, 2001). Since our data set consisted
of 89 pump and dumps, we did not divide it into nor-
mal train and test sets. Instead, we used a 5 fold cross-
validation to provide a more accurate assessment of
the performance. For the Random Forest classifier we
use a forest of 200 trees, each leaf node must have at
least 6 samples, and a maximum depth of 4 for each
Pump and Dump Cryptocurrency Detection Using Social Media
In all the data sets, with the integration of the social
feature, the classifier was able to beat the previous
approach by a statistically significant margin. This
demonstrates the effectiveness of using features from
social data in this previously unexplored area.
State-of-the-art results across all data sets are
showed in our table.
Table 1: 5-Folds Random Forest Performance on Financial
Chunk-Size Precision Recall F1
5 Sec 89.1% 83.1% 86.04%
15 Sec 97.5% 89.8% 93.5%
25 Sec 97.5% 91.1% 94.1%
Table 2: 5-Folds Random Forest Performance on Financial
and Social Features.
Chunk-Size Precision Recall F1
5 Sec 94.2% 91% 92.5%
15 Sec 98.8% 94.3% 96.5%
25 Sec 97.6% 94.3% 95.9%
We found that predictions using the 5-second
chunked data set are much less accurate than those on
the 15-second and 25-second chunked data set, which
suggests that predicting anomalies using smaller
chunk sizes corresponds to a harder problem in gen-
eral. This confirms findings from previous works
(La Morgia, 2020).
5.1 Features Contribution Analysis
SHAP (SHapely Additive exPlanations) is a game
theoretic approach to explain the output of any ma-
chine learning model (Strumbelj and Kononenko,
2014). SHAP is used to solve an attribution prob-
lem, distributing the prediction score of a model for a
specific input to its base set of features, showing how
influential a feature is to make a decision. One of the
leading approaches for contribution analysis is based
on the Shapley value (Lundberg and Lee, 2017), a
construct from cooperative game theory. In cooper-
ative game theory, a group of players come together
to consume a service, and this incurs some cost. The
Shapley value distributes this cost among the players.
The algorithm computes the prediction assigning
different values to the feature in order to calculate
its contribution to the predicted outcome. Multiple
Shap methods are available to explain different ma-
chine learning models. In the Random Forest case
the TreeExplainer should be used. The Python SHAP
library has multiple methods to estimate the feature
contribution, based on the model used. In this case the
model selected is the Random Forest and the method
of the library that can be used with random forest is
TreeExplainer, which explains the output of ensemble
tree models.
These are the results of the SHAP analysis:
Figure 1: Impact of Financial and Social features on RF (5
Folds) for Chunk-Size 5 Sec.
Figure 2: Impact of Financial and Social features on RF (5
Folds) for Chunk-Size 15 Sec.
As shown in these figures, the social feature has a
considerable impact on all data sets. Its importance,
however, wanes as the chunk-size window increases.
This is unsurprising and the motivation lies in the fact
that for 15-second and 25-second chunk sizes, fewer
data are required to capture the same amount of in-
formation on average when compared to the more
data contained in 5-second chunk. Consequently, this
implies a drop in the amount of social information
present in the input for larger chunk sizes.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 3: Impact of Financial and Social features on RF (5
Folds) for Chunk-Size 25 Sec.
5.2 Single Instance Explanation
LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explana-
tions) is an explanation technique that learns an in-
terpretable model locally around the prediction to ex-
plain any classifier’s prediction in a way that is under-
standable and accurate (Marco Tulio Ribeiro, 2016).
Each component of the name reflects an explanation
we seek. Local fidelity means that we want the ex-
planation to accurately capture how the classifier be-
haved ”around” the instance that is being predicted.
This explanation is pointless unless it can be under-
stood by a person, or else it cannot be interpretable.
LIME is model-agnostic because it can describe any
model without having to ”peak” into it and concen-
trates on training local models to explain specific pre-
dictions rather than developing a global model. The
objective is to comprehend why a particular predic-
tion was made by the machine learning model. LIME
investigates what happens to predictions when differ-
ent sets of data are fed into a machine learning model
and creates a brand-new data set made up of altered
samples and the related black box model predictions.
These are the results coming from Lime analysis:
In particular, for each data set, instances that the
(La Morgia, 2020) model predict as class 0 (Noth-
ing) and the proposed model incorporating social fea-
tures predict as class 1 (Pump&Dump) are taken into
account. The analysis demonstrates the significant
weight of social characteristics for all types of data
sets. In many instances, especially when the other
features’ values are absent, it is able to fully overturn
the local forecast (all equal to 0).
This paper studies the application of social features in
addition to the cryptocurrencies fraud detection prob-
(a) Without Social feature.
(b) With Social feature.
Figure 4: Single Instance Explanation Chunk-Size 5 Sec.
(a) Without Social feature.
(b) With Social feature.
Figure 5: Single Instance Explanation Chunk-Size 15 Sec.
(a) Without Social feature.
(b) With Social feature.
Figure 6: Single Instance Explanation Chunk-Size 25 Sec.
lem space. We propose a novel method that can reach
state-of-the-art performance on the data available.
Future work includes fine-tuning this model with
new features to better account for the volatility gener-
ally found in cryptocurrencies, and exploring the po-
tential for deep learning techniques (V. Chadalapaka
and Vasil, 2022).
Pump and Dump Cryptocurrency Detection Using Social Media
Moreover, having proved the impact of the social
feature within the proposed models, future research
will focus on improving the construction of new and
more complex social features capable of capturing
more information contained in the Telegram text mes-
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications