Figure 9: Quality of prediction according to grid cell size.
result seen in the previous sections, corresponding to
33% with the embeddings. On the other hand, for
larger grid cells, the quality drops to 27% for 500m.
We can conclude that the quality increase as the cell
size decreases, and that the methods with embeddings
are always performing better than the methods with-
out embeddings.
Using a grid cell size smaller than 100m results in
a better prediction quality of up to 67% for 10m wide
cells. However, with such small cell sizes, the dataset
is not dense enough in terms of the number of check-
ins per POI, and thus it does not meet the requirement
stated in section 4.1.
This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of using
embeddings with the Word2Vec model for the next
POI recommendation, highlighting that embeddings
provide a better recommendation quality than classi-
cal methods. Our contributions are :
• The POI identification to handle check-in records
without POI information.
• The extention of JACCARD and MRR metrics
to embeddings, validating the benefits of embed-
dings in terms of recommendation quality.
• The analysis of parameters that influence recom-
mendation quality.
Results show that embedding-based methods out-
perform classical methods for next POI prediction.
However, the study also notes some limitations of the
JACCARD and MRR metrics. The JACCARD metric
doesn’t consider the order in which POIs are visited
in trajectories, while MRR can be imprecise due to its
sequential nature, which takes into account the visit
order. To overcome these limitations, future work will
define other metrics that better address the problem
of similarity/distance between trajectories to achieve
better prediction accuracy.
In this study, we consider trajectories whith POIs
visited in a given order. However, this approach is not
always relevant. For example, tourists may visit sev-
eral museums in no particular order. This limitation
can affect the similarity measures between trajecto-
ries, which in turn affects the quality of the predic-
tion. An alternative approach that does not take into
account the order in the trajectory could strengthen
the validity and relevance of this study.
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications