Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry
Ciprian Paduraru, Adelina-Nicoleta Staicu and Alin Stefanescu
Department of Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Romania
RPA, Automation, Software Robot, Gaming Industry, Artificial Intelligence.
Robotic Process Automation has recently been used in many fields to automate business-oriented processes.
Industries such as finance, transportation, and retail report significant return on investment (ROI) after replac-
ing redundant, repetitive, and error-prone work performed by human workers with RPA software agents. In
our research, we found that there is a great opportunity to use RPA to automate processes in the game devel-
opment and support industry. In this paper, we identify some of these opportunities and propose automation
domains, examples, and high-level blueprints that may be implemented and extended by both academia and
the game development industry. The requirements, missing gaps, development ideas, and prototyping work
were done in collaboration with local game development partners. Our empirical evaluation shows that the
identified automation capabilities can play an important role in automating various processes needed by the
game development industry in the future.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the
trending technologies used today to accelerate au-
tomation in the business world (Aguirre and Ro-
driguez, 2017), (Leno et al., 2021b). The use of artifi-
cial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) (Jha
et al., 2021) has made the adoption of these technolo-
gies in many domains and business applications very
attractive. In many cases, repetitive, redundant, and
error-prone tasks are performed by humans, such as
manually checking invoices, generating reports, col-
lecting data needed for internal systems, and routing
that data to other components, etc. All of these tasks
can be replaced by RPA by having software agents
perform these activities instead of humans. In this pa-
per, we refer to these software agents as RPA robots,
as is also common in the literature. Overall, the ap-
plication of RPA in business is to free humans from
unnecessary tasks by having RPA robots mimic iden-
tical human actions. In turn, the automation method
ensures greater productivity and accuracy of results,
and even boosts employee morale by allowing them
to perform more enjoyable work.
In addition to these benefits, the adoption of RPA
is highly sustainable because it is a non-invasive sys-
tem, meaning it can be easily integrated into existing
systems and infrastructures. RPA robot workflows are
defined in the form of a graph in an authoring tool
(e.g., UiPath Studio
). Authoring can be done by
both technical and non-technical stakeholders, which
is also an important feature as these business-oriented
processes can be defined and maintained on a larger
scale. The operations defined in the activity nodes
and links can call internal or external source code or
other building blocks. Thus, the system is extensi-
ble and can reuse existing work defined by other sys-
tems. Specifically, a node in the workflow defined
for an RPA robot can respond to user messages with
GPT-3-based services (Brown et al., 2020) or provide
resource scheduling with automated invocation of ex-
ternal services for a deep learning-based method with
available open source code such as (Aljunid and Dh,
As we have discussed with our industry partners,
the gaming industry (one of the most valuable sec-
tors of the entertainment industry) lacks automation
on several levels.
The main contribution of this paper is to research
areas in the gaming industry’s specific processes that
can be automated through RPA technology by using
intelligent robots to replace redundant human labor.
The software robots used in our methods can commu-
nicate via edge and cloud operations and use AI/ML
tools to achieve various proposed goals. To the au-
thors’ understanding, this is the first work that ad-
dresses the issue of combining RPA with game devel-
Paduraru, C., Staicu, A. and Stefanescu, A.
Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0012075700003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 37-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
opment and support. In short, we divide our research
and proposed automation improvement into several
Development Process: Automate the workflows
performed by stakeholders in creating and deploy-
ing the product itself.
User satisfaction and retention background pro-
cesses: Help automate and respond to specific
user needs, retain users through communication
and appropriate promotions.
Quality Assurance: Increase source code quality,
deploy, find and mitigate bugs while incorporating
more human labor.
Secure transactions and fraud prevention: Proto-
type RPA workflows that leverage other technolo-
gies to highlight potential leaks or abnormal user
Scalability and dynamic infrastructure for ser-
vices: Identify how RPA robots can be used in
migrating, creating, or shutting down services to
smooth and optimize regional spikes in the num-
ber of users connecting online to a game while re-
ducing unnecessary costs of keeping servers run-
At the technical level, our work also describes the
prototype of the proposed areas of automation for one
of the most common publicly available game engines,
Unreal Engine 5
, with RPA and game process au-
For this paper, we also collaborated with local in-
dustry partners to better understand the repetitive pro-
cesses performed by people in developing games, de-
ploying infrastructure, and providing ongoing post-
launch support for titles, and then link this accumu-
lated knowledge to the field of RPA and other indus-
tries that are already benefiting from it.
The remainder of the paper is organised as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the literature that inspired
us in identifying use cases and implementing proto-
types. The description of the identified use cases and
areas of automation used by our prototype for im-
plementation are outlined in Section 3. Furthermore,
a preliminary evaluation of the proposed methods is
presented in Section 4. Finally, in the last section, our
conclusions and a plan for future work are presented.
As this is, to the authors’ understanding, the first work
to discuss the use of RPA to automate various game
development and support services, this section pro-
vides an overview of the current state of the art in ap-
plications that combine the RPA and gaming domains,
as well as applications of RPA in other domains that
have inspired our automation use cases and prototype
The work in (Andrade, 2022) focuses on using
automation for continuous testing of game services
in cloud platforms. We reuse and extend their work
in our automation examples for game testing. In
(Yokoyama et al., 2020), the authors propose using
RPA to run various games with the goal of teach-
ing students programming languages such as Python.
They show that automating the playing of mini-games
can increase student motivation. Another interesting
application for our goals is the work in (Qasrawi et al.,
2020), which automates the processes of statistical
data collection and evaluation of feedback from indi-
viduals in the context of serious games and education.
One of the most common use cases of RPA com-
bined with AI is the automatic processing of business
documents without human supervision (Ling et al.,
2020). Software robots are able to automatically ex-
tract data from PDF documents, credit cards, and ID
photos with little or no human guidance. In addition,
they can copy data into a machine-understandable for-
mat that can be visualized by humans to easily ap-
prove or update the content, rather than performing
the error-prone task of manually copying each field
(e.g., copying data from a PDF file into a spreadsheet
format). This automated workflow can also be ap-
plied to the gaming industry, especially today where
subscriptions to services are a major trend and users’
personal documents can give access to special offers
and discounts (e.g., as a student or from an academic
RPA has also been used in human resources (HR)
(Jeeva Padmini et al., 2021) to perform web crawling
of resources such as LinkedIn
and then select poten-
tial candidates for a job. Again, a combination with
AI methods, particularly NLP and sentiment analy-
sis, is integrated into the software robot workflows.
The technology and methods behind this can also be
applied to the gaming industry, as users’ needs and
views of the products they see and what they want
can be determined through external web forums that
contain discussions and ratings on the topics of inter-
Applications of software robots in cybersecurity
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
are discussed in (Tyagi et al., 2021). Malware de-
tection and fraud prevention is a common problem in
online gaming, so combining RPA, AI-based methods
and blockchain can help the industry through simpli-
fied and reusable automation workflows.
An evaluation of chatbots for business process au-
tomation is presented in (Dan et al., 2022). The suc-
cess of integrating chatbots into robotic workflows is
also a valuable idea for the gaming industry, as the
user is often blocked or needs general help to under-
stand the game mechanics and systems or to continue
their progress in the environment. Thus, an automated
chatbot driven by tailored game-specific knowledge
can reduce the effort of staff hired to respond to user
messages while increasing response time to achieve
greater user satisfaction.
In this section, we present the ideas and proposed au-
tomation domains and concepts that we have explored
and implemented as prototypes for connecting RPA,
game development and support pipelines. Note that
the methods used integrate or hierarchically lever-
age other known methods for separation of concerns,
such as AI, ML, and blockchain technologies. Our
proposed implementation methods are non-invasive,
meaning that RPA robots can be optionally deployed
in the proposed use cases and solutions in addition
to the developer’s existing infrastructure. This can
ensure that adoption of the methods and the proto-
type can be a smooth process, as many developers in
the gaming industry reuse components from the previ-
ous source code and infrastructure that were available
in previously developed projects. We further break
down this section by area of interest and present spe-
cific use cases and areas for automation, along with
the concepts used to implement them as supported by
our internal prototypes.
3.1 Quality Assurance
The quality assurance process of a game product is
mainly performed by humans. This has serious impli-
cations, as literature research has shown (Politowski
et al., 2021). First, this can become a costly process
on the part of the developer. Second, constant updates
to released products are required, and because human
processes can be error-prone in the testing process,
new releases can often have undiscovered problems
that can lead to important data leaks or user frustra-
tion. However, there are several AI-based methods
studied in the literature that can be used in this regard
to support automated product testing (Paduraru et al.,
2022). In addition, developers typically create their
own set of scripts for setting environments, actions,
and expected results that look like typical functional
tests. Using RPA software agents, products can be
tested in the background without a human having to
worry about different pipelines involved. As a con-
crete example of such a pipeline, first a specific ver-
sion of the source code and data from the repository
needs to be downloaded, building it on the available
machines, assigning a deployment target (e.g., game
console, smart TV, smartphone, PC, etc.) from the
local server/cloud infrastructure resource pool, and fi-
nally automatically reporting the results to the devel-
oper’s own issue tracking infrastructure, Figure 1.
Another problem addressed in other industries and
solved with RPA is the concept of know your cus-
tomer (KYC) (Vijai et al., 2020), which can also be
applied to gaming products. Fraud detection with ML
can be used by robots to analyze and report abnor-
mal user behavior in the background. Then a human
can further evaluate the suggestion and allow or re-
ject it. Overall, however, this automated detection can
minimize the human effort required for analysis, as
today’s industry mostly performs this process man-
ually through sampling or textual reports from other
users. Securing transactions also falls into this area,
and robots can leverage blockchain solutions such as
the work presented in (Paduraru et al., 2023). These
automated processes are illustrated in the workflow
shown in Figure 2.
3.2 Development Process
Many stakeholders intensively involved in the devel-
opment of a game product must perform many redun-
dant or repetitive operations that can be tedious, frus-
trating, and often error-prone (Aleem et al., 2016).
In many cases, code submitted by software engi-
neers requires additional post-script builds to convert
the code and/or assets into formats that can be used
by target platforms (e.g., shader source code used in
the rendering components of game consoles or smart-
phones). The work of artists and animators is even
more tendentious: Generally, they work with third-
party tools (e.g., Maya
, Blender
, Adobe Photoshop
) to create or modify existing graphical assets for the
game product. However, after creating and submit-
ting the assets in their raw format, they must re-import
them or convert them to a custom format usable for
Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry
RPA robot for Testing
Developer's infrastructure
Issues detected
Choose a machine from
the pool to build the
code and test the game
Source code
and data repository
Get latest version (or
a specific one) from
repository and build
the game
Test the build using
different methods, i.e.,
scripts, AI agents, etc.
Report issues:
stress/loading tests,
bugs, etc.,
Set of machines for building
(local, servers, cloud resources)
Set of target test
Select Upload
Figure 1: The main workflow of the RPA robot when testing a game product in the development/update phase, from start
to finish. Note that the robot’s work is non-invasive and decoupled from the developer’s infrastructure by proxy messages.
Multiple instances of this workflow would normally run in the cloud or on local servers.
Users playing the
Developers side
human users
Collect samples
from real-users
Analyze behavioral samples using
classification models and data
Read trained
models and data
and reporting
Collect set of
normal vs
samples from
trusted human
Continuous training of
behavior classification
Store trained
models and data
Figure 2: Two different workflows that can be automated with RPA software robots. Essentially, the first application (work-
flow colored in blue) shows how samples of human behavior can be collected in real time, then evaluated through trained
classification methods, and finally reports generated in real time to help humans assigned to developers evaluate fraudulent
or unusual transactional behavior. The second workflow (colored green) shows how training of production-ready classifiers is
performed. Continuous training is required because game logic, parameters, and assets typically change constantly after the
initial release.
the game and deployment target, and then resubmit
the changes to the repository. At the end of these op-
erations, all stakeholders typically need to schedule
a series of evaluation processes to ensure that basic
functionality is maintained.
We have found that these workflows can be auto-
mated by RPA robots, as shown in Figure 3, allowing
stakeholders to focus on their assigned main task in-
stead of manually performing the repetitive and error-
prone processes observed.
3.3 Scalability and Infrastructure
Common games developed today are mainly played
online, with a large increase in the number of users
depending on external events in certain regions of the
world (e.g., World Cup events (Kim et al., 2015)) or
in certain seasons (e.g., weekends, holidays, etc.). Re-
lated to this aspect, one of the main challenges in the
gaming industry is the need to dynamically adapt the
infrastructure to sustain these situations and provide
the required quality of service (QoS) to the connected
users at all times. According to our research, this
work is mostly done manually by humans who ana-
lyze the number of users in relation to QoS and then
set up new servers or shut down existing ones. We
found that this is another potential use case for lever-
aging the automation capabilities of RPA software
robots. A pool of available resources and the reuse of
AI and ML methods to perform predictions (Mart
et al., 2022) for predicting the required resources us-
ing time series-based methods and then scheduling
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
RPA robots
Developers' side work
Software engineers Animators ActorArtists and designers
Source code
and data repository
Submit changes
need additional
data build ?
assets to
game format
data ,
the new
Run end-to-end test processes
(using RPA robots is desired)
Figure 3: The diagram shows the division of effort between
the developer side and the automation that can be performed
by the RPA robots in the development phase with respect to
code submission and the required continuous testing pro-
cesses. First and foremost, RPA software robots can sig-
nificantly reduce the cost of human users to deal with re-
importing assets, using third-party tools, and resubmitting
processes. They can also ensure that proposed changes are
effectively evaluated at a predefined rate.
the required resources in advance can efficiently scale
these processes automatically and with less human ef-
fort. At a minimum, RPA can be used in this context
to: (a) suggest scaling up or down servers in different
regions of the world, Figure 4, and (b) display contex-
tual heatmaps of real-time usage and forecasts using
continuously trained models, Figure 5. Then, human
users on the developer side can correlate the sugges-
tions made by the robots with the real-time analyzes
and heatmaps, and eventually easily approve, reject,
or adjust the proposed changes.
3.4 User Satisfaction and Retention
User satisfaction is a very important issue for busi-
ness revenue in the game industry. The game product
Deployed infrastructure
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
connected to
connected to
add back
Dynamic real-time
adjustments proposal
from RPA robots
Figure 4: Examples of dynamic scaling suggestions given
by an RPA robot. The agent can automatically propose or
self-provision a new server to meet the promised QoS for
a new group of users in an isolated area (green cluster),
and simultaneously migrate a small group of users from
one server to another (red cluster) if resources can be saved
while still meeting the QoS.
itself must be enjoyable, rewarding, understandable,
and provide live support to engage users and remove
blockages (Fu et al., 2017). Typically, companies hire
employees with titles known as community managers,
coordinators, or community moderators to manage
live support, review statistics, and provide some sort
of individual reward to users (Karabinus and Ather-
ton, 2018). Based on our findings, some of this work
can be replaced by RPA robots. Overall, we conclude
that aspects such as loyalty benefits, promotions, re-
moval of live in-game blockers, and discussions with
users can be fully or partially automated without hu-
man effort.
On a technical level, RPA robots can perform
background data mining (Ketkar and Gawade, 2021),
make decisions and provide recommendations in the
background using common ML-based recommender
systems such as (Ribeiro et al., 2021). These recom-
mendations can come from different perspectives de-
pending on the context. For example, an important is-
sue is an RPA robot that analyses the user’s activities
with the environment in the background and detects
when there are problems in understanding the game
Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry
Analyze current
infrastructure and real-
time usage
servers and
users data
Build a heatmap of
features to encapsulate
users' QoS and
resources used
Record features
Data store of real-time
analytics and models
Continuous training of
forecasting models
Predict servers
provisioning as needed or
suggest turning-off
existing ones
Use trained models
Figure 5: RPA software robots can analyze resource utilization in real time and then create a heatmap of characteristics that
contain the information needed to understand the quality of services and how well they are being delivered compared to what
was promised. In parallel, this heat map can be used to record, store, and re-train the predictive models while providing
suggestions for scaling up or down the existing infrastructure with new servers or other types of resources.
mechanics and procedures or when the game progress
is blocked. The RPA robot can then adapt to the situa-
tion and provide live feedback in the form of a tutorial
(Paduraru. et al., 2022) or a chatbot (Rosmalen et al.,
2012), (Ouyang et al., 2022), to help the user and
keep them engaged. To keep users satisfied and feel-
ing like they are making progress while being appro-
priately rewarded, robots can benefit from data col-
lection performed in the background to award game
points, items, or other game-specific objects that they
enjoy interacting with. These processes are outlined
in Figure 6.
One of the problems reported by users is also that
the game is often constantly updated or takes too long
to download due to the large amount of memory re-
quired. RPA robots can solve this problem by running
on users’ devices where the game is installed either on
smartphones, game consoles or PCs, and then updat-
ing in the background by downloading things in ad-
vance so that the user does not have to wait for these
processes to complete. Robots can be programmed
to perform all of these processes to the satisfaction of
the user and keep them updated at all times, Figure 7.
An in-depth evaluation of the implemented prototypes
and automation concepts would require quantifying
the adoption of RPA in the gaming industry from var-
ious perspectives such as cost savings, return on in-
vestment, morale of employees whose work has been
replaced by other tasks, etc. However, this can only
be done after years of implementation, which is very
difficult for an academic paper, at least when the pre-
sented topic is new. This problem of lack of theo-
retical basis and evaluation is also described in (Syed
et al., 2020).
Instead, we first conduct an empirical (and pos-
sibly subjective) evaluation based on the collected
feedback by using our prototypes in automating pre-
viously small or released projects from our industry
partners. We then motivate the adoption of RPA by
looking at the success of automation with RPA in the
other sectors mentioned along Section 2, where the
adoption is mature enough and can provide real ben-
efit metrics. Note that our prototypes have been im-
plemented as plugins in one of the most popular game
engines, namely Unreal Engine 5, so adoption and in-
tegration is smooth or at least familiar for game devel-
opers. The interfaces of the implemented prototypes
to the game products are able to call or retrieve call-
backs from the RPA software robots.
Motivation for Using RPA Instead of Previously
Used Automation Methods. After discussions with
the gaming industry partners, the conclusion is that at
the moment the automation methods used are based
on programmed pieces of code, i.e., scripts, written
by software engineers to facilitate the automation of
pipelines. We sought to explore the advantages and
disadvantages of custom scripts performing automa-
tion versus using RPA technology. While using our
prototypes on small sized released or open sourced
projects, we made a few observations by connecting
the feedback received with the potential that the RPA
is giving in automation related to our proposed goals.
The main disadvantage observed is the time re-
quired for stakeholders to become familiar with RPA
technology and the lack of confidence in integrating
new technologies alongside existing projects. How-
ever, the benefits observed appear to outweigh these
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Users playing the game
Online data mining
Use / collect data
from human users
Store features
Online retrain
and infer
promotion, in-
game tips,
rewards, etc.
Open live
chatbots with
Figure 6: Workflow of an RPA software robot that performs continuous data evaluation of features collected from players.
These features can be customized by developers, but generally relate to connections between the context of the game, game-
play, previous rewards, and objects of interest to the user. These features are processed, aggregated, and stored in a data store
for later use, which is then used to update existing clustering models commonly used for recommender systems. At the end
of the workflow, suggestions can be made automatically for other rewards, product promotions, or even using chatbots with
users to unlock their progress.
Set of devices used to
play the game on
Find/update set of user's devices
Prioritize devices by
predicting next time
of being used
Update game content or
releases in background
Continuously train
forecasting models for game
use and devices
Infer trained
Figure 7: An RPA robot that takes care of updating users’ devices in the background so that they can immediately play on the
predicted devices. Algorithms for predicting the devices on which the user will play the game (e.g., smartphones, consoles)
are continuously trained based on user data that takes into account, for example, time of day or seasonal data.
The RPA workflows (or a portion of them, i.e., a
subset of the activity nodes) may be shared among
projects within the same organisation (Neifer
et al., 2022). There is even a marketplace (e.g.,
UiPath Marketplace
for components that can be
reused between organisations or communities. As
we work with game industry partners on our
project to gather requirements and find missing
gaps for automation processes in today’s work-
flows, we believe that providing a set of reusable
components would accelerate the adoption of au-
tomation in video games and reduce costs, as the
lack of expertise in many nice/unrelated technolo-
gies is a major problem in the industry.
The graphical interface for creating RPA work-
flows can be used by non-technical stakehold-
ers too, thus providing better scale in developing
and maintaining automation services (Chakraborti
et al., 2022).
Workflows and activity nodes can be created to
execute external, existing source code. In addi-
tion, the RPA robots can be triggered by the code
as needed. This makes the method non-invasive to
existing projects and can be replaced or added at
any time during the project. Our empirical testing
in Unreal Engine 5 has also shown that there is
no significant performance penalty when calling
or registering callbacks for operations performed
by the robots, as the languages used can vary as
needed, e.g., C#/Visual Basic, Python, C++, etc.
Process and Task Mining (Leno et al., 2021a) can
help in creating a first draft of workflow defini-
tions by simply observing patterns in existing re-
dundant human work through AI-based methods.
According to studies, this can significantly reduce
the cost of implementing the technology in the
first phase. Communication mining can also be
used to understand communication channels, cap-
ture messages and manually performed work, and
then automate these processes to improve opera-
tions and their efficiency.
Compared to the above benefits, the problem with
using custom, project-specific automation scripts is
Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry
often that it is difficult to reuse these scripts within the
organisation or in a follow-on project. The first prob-
lem is that the source code is written only by software
engineers and the automation services cannot scale in
terms of development and maintenance. In addition,
the source code is closely related to the project code
itself, making it difficult to transfer it to a new project.
In addition, engineers from the different teams were
found to have different skills and a lack of knowledge
about related technologies. All of this made it difficult
to reuse the previous automation scripts. In compari-
son, when using RPA workflows, there is a separation
of concerns, with decoupled and implementation, as
our preliminary prototypes show.
This paper presents a set of areas that can be au-
tomated in the game development pipeline through
the use of RPA software robots, along with proposed
concepts and implementation details. The presented
methods are non-invasive and can be integrated into
existing projects and infrastructures, as workflows
written in graphical editors can call both internal and
external libraries and third-party tools. We believe
that the adoption of RPA can help the gaming industry
in the future by providing automation processes that
can be shared between projects, can be easily defined
by non-technical personnel, and have a high level of
maintenance. Our requirements, ideas and prototypes
have also been discussed and validated with our local
gaming industry partners. We are also exploring fur-
ther collaborations to incorporate the prototypes into
real projects and conduct an in-depth evaluation of
their benefits. Last but not least, we plan to open-
source our prototypes, so that the interested develop-
ers may use or extend them.
This research was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund, Competitiveness Oper-
ational Program 2014-2020 through project IDBC
(code SMIS 2014+: 121512). We would also like to
thank our game development industry partners from
Amber, Ubisoft, and Electronic Arts for their feed-
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Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry