often that it is difficult to reuse these scripts within the
organisation or in a follow-on project. The first prob-
lem is that the source code is written only by software
engineers and the automation services cannot scale in
terms of development and maintenance. In addition,
the source code is closely related to the project code
itself, making it difficult to transfer it to a new project.
In addition, engineers from the different teams were
found to have different skills and a lack of knowledge
about related technologies. All of this made it difficult
to reuse the previous automation scripts. In compari-
son, when using RPA workflows, there is a separation
of concerns, with decoupled and implementation, as
our preliminary prototypes show.
This paper presents a set of areas that can be au-
tomated in the game development pipeline through
the use of RPA software robots, along with proposed
concepts and implementation details. The presented
methods are non-invasive and can be integrated into
existing projects and infrastructures, as workflows
written in graphical editors can call both internal and
external libraries and third-party tools. We believe
that the adoption of RPA can help the gaming industry
in the future by providing automation processes that
can be shared between projects, can be easily defined
by non-technical personnel, and have a high level of
maintenance. Our requirements, ideas and prototypes
have also been discussed and validated with our local
gaming industry partners. We are also exploring fur-
ther collaborations to incorporate the prototypes into
real projects and conduct an in-depth evaluation of
their benefits. Last but not least, we plan to open-
source our prototypes, so that the interested develop-
ers may use or extend them.
This research was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund, Competitiveness Oper-
ational Program 2014-2020 through project IDBC
(code SMIS 2014+: 121512). We would also like to
thank our game development industry partners from
Amber, Ubisoft, and Electronic Arts for their feed-
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies