section we present the example of using our method.
We provide in section 5 for our metamodel validation
conditions. The tool support in form of the graphical
editor is presented in section 6. After that, we discuss
our method and metamodel in section 7. We discuss
related work in section 8 and conclude our work in
section 9 by summarizing our contributions and pro-
viding an outlook on future research directions.
We describe the Cloud System Analysis Pattern
(CSAP) (Beckers et al., 2011) and the method to use
the pattern in this section. The description of CSAP
is needed because our method and the corresponding
metamodel build on it. We further provide an example
instance of the pattern of a rental system for vacation
homes. It serves as the initial input for our method,
which we describe in section 4. The pattern is ap-
plied in the analysis phase of the software develop-
ment lifecycle and provides guidance for context es-
tablishment. It is related to parts of the ISO 27000 se-
ries of standards for information security (ISO, 2018).
CSAP helps the user to systematically perform re-
quirements analysis in the field of cloud computing.
The method to use CSAP consists of three steps and
eleven sub-steps. Also, two templates are provided
for documenting stakeholders. One template serves to
describe direct stakeholders, e.g., the cloud providers.
The other template serves to describe indirect stake-
holders, e.g., legislators or insurances. The templates
consist of the name, description, relations to the cloud
(only in the direct template), motivation, relations
to other stakeholders, assets (only in the direct tem-
plate), compliance, and privacy. Compliance means
that all parties comply with the laws of the respec-
tive states. Privacy means that especially the cloud
provider respects the privacy of the customer. The
cloud provider must comply with the GDPR (General
Data Protection Regulation). By filling in these tem-
plates, we gather knowledge about the stakeholders.
The name is the identifier for the stakeholder, and the
description is used to describe the stakeholder infor-
mally. The relations to the cloud field are used to de-
scribe the inputs and outputs between the stakeholder
and the cloud. The motivation states why the stake-
holder wants use the cloud, e.g. cost reduction. Re-
lations to other stakeholders describe the relation of
the stakeholder to other stakeholders e.g. ”controlled
by” or ”influenced by”. Assets are considered, too.
Assets are valuable items such as the personal data of
a stakeholder, which should be protected by the cloud
provider, if the data is stored or processed by the cloud
First, we introduce and describe the actors that are
used by the CSAP, see Fig 1. The Cloud Provider
has resources and rents them to Cloud Customer who
wants to provide some service to the End Customer.
Legislators are legal entities such as Germany or the
European Union. Another indirect stakeholder in the
pattern is called Domain, which stands for any stake-
holder that is indirectly involved in the cloud system,
other than as legal entities.
There are three ways of operating cloud systems:
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as
a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service) (Mogull
et al., 2017). IaaS comprises the hardware resources
at some physical location that provide computational
power, storage, or network infrastructure. PaaS pro-
vides deployment platforms, which developers can
use to load and run application code without manag-
ing the underlying resources. Finally, SaaS is defined
as software that is offered by the cloud provider. A
cloud customer rents such software and gets access to
it for example via the internet. Thus, the cloud cus-
tomer needs no extra computational power to use it.
In Figure 1, we show an example instance of the
CSAP. The general structure is defined as follows:
The example uses PaaS, and SaaS which are com-
plemented by VacationRentalSoftware and Personal-
Data. The VacationRentalSoftware is built by the
CloudDeveloper. The PersonalData is related to the
EndCustomer. PaaS, and SaaS are Service(s) which
are provided by a CloudProvider and are based on a
Pool. A Pool is owned by the CloudProvider, and
a Pool consists of Resource(s). Resources can be
Hardware or Software. The CloudDeveloper works
for a CloudCustomer who rents Service(s) from a
CloudProvider. PaaS, SaaS, Service, Pool, Resource,
Hardware, and Software belong to the Cloud it-
self. The CloudProvider, CloudCustomer, CloudDe-
veloper, and EndCustomer belong to the Direct Sys-
tem Environment. Legislator and Domain belong to
the Indirect System Environment.
The method consists of three steps, and the steps
are divided into sub-steps (Beckers et al., 2011).
1. Instantiate the direct system environment
(a) State the instantiations of the cloud stakehold-
ers. We use the step to document the stake-
holders and companies which are involved in
the cloud system to be modeled.
(b) Define further stakeholders for the CSAP. This
step is necessary to document each stakeholder
that is involved.
(c) Instantiate for each direct stakeholder the direct
stakeholder template. The template is available
Model-Based Documentation of Architectures for Cloud-Based Systems