strategy, in which the K-Means algorithm has shown
to be the best. The most challenging part of the clus-
tering phase was to assign meaning (trip style) to the
clusters, which implied further human analysis and
inspection on the clustering results. Thus, the pro-
posed solution was found to be able to identify the
trip styles in a satisfactory way.
As future work, we may use different clustering
algorithms and perform a deeper analysis of the ev-
idence accumulation algorithm. We can use feature
selection techniques instead of feature reduction, to
identify the most relevant original features for the
trip style identification task and the smallest subset
of these features that yield robust classification.
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i-DREAMS project (Project Number: 814761)
funded by European Commission under the MG-
2-1-2018 Research and Innovation Action (RIA),
www.idreamsproject.eu, and by the European Re-
gional Development Fund (FEDER), through Por-
tugal 2020, under the Operational Competitiveness
and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) and Lis-
boa 2020 programmes (grants no. 069918 “Cardi-
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications