many previously undetected clones, which have been
termed ”logical clones”. This phenomenon in Java
is marginal as it amounts to 5% more clones than in
regular Java, statistically negligible in small projects.
Furthermore, the trend of software quality metrics in
the presence of clones was also studied and it emerged
that some metrics differ between the various projects.
Among the problems encountered, it should be
considered that for the detection of clones, the textual
output of the decompiler is compared, and this poses
a problem as the results will be different based on the
chosen decompiler and the configuration and version
of the decompiler itself. An example of this effect
is the presence of the dot operator for name resolu-
tion: the decompiler always imports the class using
the keyword import while some projects prefer to use
the dot operator. This created ambiguity and made it
impossible to match some methods, but at the same
time, it allowed to detection of clones that NICAD
does not consider as such because it does not differen-
tiate between the method/property access point opera-
tor and the access point operator a class in a package.
A deeper analysis should consider different decompil-
ers or work directly at the bytecode level of the JVM
to detect repeating instruction patterns. It should be
noted that at the moment there are no mature tools ca-
pable of working on Java bytecode at this level. A
possible development could be the extension of the
project to other languages. At present, NICAD sup-
ports C, C#, and Python in addition to Java. However,
the CK tool only supports Java.
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