confidentiality of a dataset while reducing the number
of values to be obscured (Caruccio et al., 2020).
This paper extended SecTro, a requirements
modelling tool, to include privacy patterns that
incorporate GDPR principles. The extended version
of SecTro provides the analyst with a set of patterns
as models, for GDPR principles, which can be used
by the analyst for performing PbD modelling, and
checking current compliance of the modeled system
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and relevant documentation on GDPR have been used
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together with relevant literature and collaboration
with privacy/security experts (from companies and
universities) involved within the DEFeND EU
Project. The privacy patterns have been implemented
on the top of SecTro, and evaluated using a healthcare
scenario where the analyst can model the privacy
aspects at early requirements analysis stages. The
evaluation results suggest that our proposed GDPR
patterns can help analysts in PbD modeling analysis,
by representing GDPR principles and considering
relevant ready-to-use alternatives, towards achieving
GDPR compliance.
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