Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR
Mohammed Ghazi Al-Obeidallah
, Luca Piras
, Onyinye Iloanugo
, Haralambos Mouratidis
Duaa Alkubaisy
and Daniele Dellagiacoma
Department of Software Engineering, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
School of Computing, Middlesex University, London, U. K.
School of Computing, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, U. K.
Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex, Colchester, U. K.
College of Applied Studies and Community Service, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems, University of Brighton, Brighton, U. K.
daalkubaisy@iau.edu.sa, D.Dellagiacoma@brighton.ac.uk
Keywords: Requirements Modeling, Requirements Engineering, Privacy-by-Design, Goal Modeling, GDPR, Design
Abstract: The introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has imposed obligations on
organisations collecting data in the EU. This has been beneficial to citizens due to rights reinforcement
achieved as data subjects. However, obligations heavily affected organisations, and their privacy requirements
analysts, having issues with interpreting and implementing GDPR principles. This paper proposes visual
GDPR Patterns supporting analysts through Privacy-by- Design (PbD) and GDPR compliance analysis. In
order to achieve that, we extended a requirements modeling tool, SecTro, which is used to assist analysts in
creating visual requirements models. Specifically, we extended SecTro with novel visual GDPR patterns
representing GDPR principles. We evaluated the patterns in a healthcare case study. The evaluation results
suggest that the GDPR patterns can help analysts in PbD modeling analysis, by representing GDPR principles
and considering relevant ready-to-use alternatives, towards achieving GDPR compliance.
Data protection regulations are rising, and businesses
are facing problems to determine whether their data
processing operations are legal, especially in an
international setting. Data has become a significant
asset in recent years, and it has even been dubbed the
“Currency of the future” (Voigt & Von dem Bussche,
Non-GDPR-compliant organisations can be
affected with a fine of a maximum amount of 20
million euros, or 4 percent of the total annual
worldwide turnover (Voigt & Von dem Bussche,
2017). Organisations need to exercise extreme
caution while implementing their data protection
procedures to meet the new GDPR principles.
This paper tries to answer the research question:
RQ1. How to support privacy requirements analyst to
perform Privacy-by-Design (PbD) analysis through
representation and fulfilment of GDPR Principles,
towards GDPR compliance? During workshops and
the final evaluation of DEFeND in the premises of
four pilots (Piras et al., 2019), participants have
considered several useful methods to support them in
PbD activities through modeling. However, even
though finding such methods supportive, the most
challenging aspect has been the identification of
privacy and security mechanisms for fulfilling GDPR
This paper focuses on designing privacy patterns
on the top of a goal-modeling tool called SecTro
Al-Obeidallah, M., Piras, L., Iloanugo, O., Mouratidis, H., Alkubaisy, D. and Dellagiacoma, D.
Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR Compliance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012080700003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 361-368
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Mouratidis & Giorgini, 2007), (Pavlidis et al., 2012),
(Pavlidis et al., 2017).
The proposed extended SecTro can be used to
assist an organisation in being GDPR compliant. The
extended version of SecTro provides the analyst with
a set of patterns as models, for GDPR principles,
which can be used by the analyst for performing PbD
modelling, and checking current compliance of the
modeled system with GDPR principles.
Each pattern we designed represents concepts and
alternatives for fulfilling one of the GDPR principles.
SecTro enables security analysts in creating diagrams
that are needed to discover, model, and analyse
security and privacy aspects. Thanks to the GDPR
Privacy patterns we designed on top of SecTro, the
extended SecTro assists analysts in the early and late
requirements and architectural design stages of
modeling activities by supporting them in the
production of relevant concepts and models required
during the new (GDPR compliance) modeling
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the paper baseline and our
designed patterns. Section 3 illustrates our case study
and evaluation. Section 4 presents the related work,
and Section 5 concludes the paper.
This section illustrates the paper baseline, the
DEFeND project, and SecTro tool. We also indicate
the design of our GDPR patterns, developed on top of
2.1 DEFeND Project
GDPR introduced regulations to address the problem
of citizen data protection, due to lack of control over
management and privacy issue of citizen data. These
regulations have posed challenges and difficulties for
organisations, which have led to pay heavy fines for
not being GDPR compliant. DEFeND provided tools
and methods that can be reused to support and guide
organisations in achieving GDPR compliance (Piras
et al., 2019).
DEFeND platform reviewed tools and prototypes
from the industry and the literature and discovered
that while there are many tools and prototypes that
can help organisations comply with specific/isolated
GDPR requirements, there was no comprehensive
platform that could help organisations comply with
all of the GDPR requirements.
2.2 SecTro Tool
It is already agreed, by the industry and relevant
research communities, that security should be
considered from the early phases of the development
process. SecTro is an automated tool offering well-
established security requirements method (Pavlidis et
al., 2012). SecTro tool guides and supports analysts
in the building of appropriate models (Piras et al.,
2020). Moreover, SecTro supports the designers
during the security modelling activities and assists
them in producing the output based on these activities
(Pavlidis et al., 2011).
Secure Tropos is an extension of Tropos
methodology that takes security into account
(Mouratidis & Giorgini, 2007). Secure Tropos
considers the basic Tropos concepts such as
dependency, goal, task, resource, and capability and
adds security concepts, such as security constraint,
secure goal, secure plan, secure resource, and secure
capability. The SecTro tool was developed to support
the Secure Tropos modeling activities for the creation
of the visual models and to assist the designers with
the automation of some aspects of the methodology.
The main functionalities of the SecTro tool are to
support the security modelling activities of Secure
Tropos. Therefore, the tool enables the designer to
perform security reference modelling, security
constraint modelling, secure entities modelling, and
secure capability-modelling activities (Pavlidis et al.,
2.3 Principles and Design of GDPR
EDPB (European Data Protection Board) guidelines
provide general guidance on the GDPR Data
Protection by Design and by Default mandate,
requiring the implementation of data protection
principles and data subjects’ rights and freedoms by
design and by default (Bincoletto, 2020).
However, the EDPB guidelines are still high-level
and abstract. According to our research on DEFeND
EU Project (Piras et al., 2019), pilots (from different
important sectors such as banking, healthcare, energy
and public administration) found such guidelines are
not enough to be used in systematic and
comprehensive model supported PbD analysis (Piras
et al., 2020). Consequently, this paper started from
that structure and, realised on the literature and on the
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: The Pattern of the Accuracy GDPR Principle modeled using SecTro.
best practices from the industry. The new proposed
GDPR patterns have been adopted based on our
collaboration with the DEFeND pilots (including
companies and university privacy/security experts).
The baseline elements of our proposed patterns are
abstract representing the EDPB guidelines, and
further levels can be achieved by extending the
abstract layers to more concrete elements.
In the following sub sections, we present our
proposed GDPR patterns. These patterns represented
as models are provided by SecTro tool. The models
aim at supporting the requirements analyst, during
PbD modelling analysis, to represent the GDPR
principles, and offering ready-to-use concepts, such
as privacy and security mechanisms for fulfilling
GDPR principles. Due to lack of space, we present
the first two patterns, and then, we just summarise the
other GDPR principles in one Section.
2.3.1 Accuracy
According to the EDPB guidelines, “Personal data
shall be accurate and kept up-to-date, and every
reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal
data that is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes
for which they are processed, are erased or rectified
without delay” (Bincoletto, 2020). Other elements of
the GDPR, such as data subjects’ rights to
rectification and erasure of their personal data,
support this notion. This gives the data subject the
right to have inaccurate personal data corrected and
incomplete personal data completed (Finck & Pallas,
2020). The “right to be forgotten” gives Data Subjects
the right to ask that their information be destroyed
(Finck & Pallas, 2020).
The key aspects included in our new proposed
design pattern implementing the GDPR Accuracy
principle are presented in in Figure 1. These aspects
can be summarized as follows:
The data controller must ensure that data is
gotten from a reliable source.
The controller should verify the accuracy of
personal data at various stages of the
processing, depending on the nature of data and
how frequently it may change.
Inaccurate data must be erased or corrected as
soon as possible by the controller.
The impact of an accumulated error in the
processing chain must be mitigated by
Data subjects should have an overview of their
personal data and simple access to it so that
they can check for accuracy and correct it as
needed. Individuals must also be allowed to
make a DSAR (Data subject access request)
and “to exercise that right easily and at
acceptable intervals”, according to the
controller. This may demand a review of
customer-facing processes and procedures, as
well as additional staff training, to ensure
compliance with the Regulation’s data access
and portability requirements.
Accuracy testing should be performed at key
points to ensure all personal data are correct.
2.3.2 Data Minimization
According to the EDPB guidelines, “Only personal
data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is
necessary for the purpose shall be processed”
(Bincoletto, 2020).
Data minimization as the name implies requires
that data collection is minimized to only the purpose
it is intended for. This involves the controller
Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR Compliance
Figure 2: The pattern of the Data Minimisation GDPR Principle modeled using SecTro.
avoiding personal data processing where possible
except when necessary, demonstrating the relevance
of the personal data processed. Avoid creating more
copies of personal data by having an efficient data
flow. Figure 2 shows our proposed pattern for the data
minimisation principle implemented on the top of
SecTro tool as mechanisms entities.
Some of the key aspects included in our new
proposed design pattern implementing the data
minimisation principle are:
Aggregate personal data when possible. Data
aggregation technologies integrate data from
numerous sources into a single location to gain
new insights and uncover new linkages and
patterns. Ideally, without losing track of the
source data and its history.
Pseudonymize personal data when the
identifier is no longer needed, and store the
identification key separately.
When personal data is no longer needed, it
should be anonymised or deleted.
The data flow must be efficient enough that no
additional copies or entry points for data
collecting are required. This can be facilitated
by data mapping.
Finally, the controller should implement the
criteria of “State of the art” which requires
controllers to keep up with technological
advancements to ensure that data minimisation
principles are implemented effectively in the
future (Bincoletto, 2020).
2.3.3 Other GDPR Principles
Other GDPR principles must be considered during the
modelling process, such as integrity and
confidentiality, transparency, lawfulness, fairness,
and storage limitation. The security attributes of
confidentiality, integrity, and availability are
included in the security principle, which increase data
processing resilience. To reinforce principles and
allow individuals to exercise their rights in a seamless
manner, personal data security must both prevent data
breach occurrences and promote the appropriate
execution of data processing duties, independent of
individuals (Bincoletto, 2020). The controller must be
transparent and upfront with the data subject about
how they will collect, use, and share personal data.
Transparency makes easier for data subjects to
understand and, if necessary, exercise their rights
(Bincoletto, 2020).
The controller must identify a valid legal basis for
the processing of personal data. Measures and
safeguards put in place to support the concept of
lawfulness should also support the requirement that
the entire processing life cycle is compliant with the
appropriate legal grounds for processing (Bincoletto,
Fairness is a broad principle that states that
personal data should not be processed in a way that is
harmful, discriminating, surprising, or misleading to
the data subject. Measures and safeguards that
implement the idea of fairness protect data rights and
freedoms (Bincoletto, 2020).
Personal data must be maintained in a form that
allows data subjects to be identified for no longer than
is required for the purposes for which they are
processed, according to the controller. The controller
must understand exactly what personal data the
organisation processes and why (Bincoletto, 2020).
2.4 SecTro Extension
Our proposed GDPR patterns were integrated as
models on the top of SecTro tool. More specifically,
we enriched the currently supported library of SecTro
with our privacy and security patterns as models.
Hence, the analyst can use our patterns via the library
and integrate them with the PbD analysis, and other
views of SecTro. For example, the patterns of Figures
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
1 and 2 can be added into the privacy by design view
of SecTro to model the GDPR principles. The analyst
can drag and drop the required model (green bold in
the Figure). Each addressed GDPR principle has its
own model in the library. The privacy by design view
of SecTro presented in Section 3 shows an example
about how the model will appear after using our
proposed patterns.
The functionality of the extended SecTro tool,
alongside with the models created by using our
GDPR patterns, will be demonstrated using a real
case scenario from the DEFeND Project (Piras et al.,
2020). The preliminary case study was originally
conducted by (Maguire, 2001) and (Wohlin et al.,
2012). We considered the complete case study
performed within the EU DEFeND Project (Piras et
al., 2019) related to healthcare, and we repeated it by
using the extended SecTro tool, this time by using our
new proposed GDPR patterns. We compared the
resulting mechanisms offered by the GDPR patterns,
we designed, compared to the mechanisms identified
within the DEFeND case study for fulfilling GDPR
principles (e.g., accuracy, integrity and
confidentiality, etc.). Accordingly, we performed
quantitative and qualitative analysis: quantitative by
identifying per principle how many mechanisms have
been identified in the DEFeND case study before and
after the use of our proposed GDPR patterns, and
qualitative on the basis of the overall solution and
concepts provided by each model fulfilling a
In the next paragraph, we briefly introduce the
scenario and the case study adopted from DEFeND
project (Piras et al., 2019). The scenario can be
summarized as follows: a healthcare facility, with an
electronic record, aims to improve its GDPR
compliance. The healthcare facility collects and
manages the patient medical record, and obtains
supervisory approval for any modifications made to
it. These modifications can be adding new medical
results or records as well as defining data retention
periods (Piras et al., 2019). Ensuring that only
accurate medical data is collected, while limiting
personal data collection to the purpose it was intended
for. Data from the hospital should not be stolen or
compromised, for example, in the case of possible
threats and data breaches. As a result, the hospital
must analyse, create, and implement a monitoring
system for those possible issues (Piras et al., 2019).
Some of the relevant aspects to consider: the Hospital
collects data about the patients; the Hospital staff
access data to add and update medical records (unless
authorised by default). Only staff assigned to a patient
can view and edit medical record at the time of
The application of the previous scenario using the
extended version of SecTro which supports our new
proposed GDPR patterns can be summarized in two
phases. In the first phase, the organisational analysis
is performed. During this phase, the structure of the
organization will be defined by identifying the key
scenario concepts, such as actors, departments,
divisions, third parties, involved during data
processing activities. Fig 3 presents the organisational
view of our case study modeled using SecTro tool.
The scenario has been represented using numerous
goals, and each goal has been assigned to a related
requirement. For example, we have modeled some
aspects, such as the Doctor must obtain patient
medical results from an employee, and such
information must be kept discreetly and handled with
integrity. This task must remain anonymous while
the doctor performs a patient examination or updates
the patient’s medical records. On the other hand, a
Supervisor who should create an account must
validate the data. Any changes made by the doctor to
the patient’s medical records must be performed
under GDPR principles (Alkubaisy et al., 2021). In
the first phase, we identify the organisational
elements for representing the dynamics between
actors. Most of GDPR principles will be modeled in
the second phase, where the analyst is supported by
our GDPR patterns.
In the second phase, the Privacy-by-Design
Analysis supported with GDPR Patterns is
performed. Based on the organisational concepts and
dynamics modeled during the organisational view, it
is possible to perform the PbD design analysis by
using our GDPR patterns as shown in Fig. 4. We
identified for each activity of an actor, the GDPR
principles that should be satisfied. These principles
are modeled, in SecTro, as privacy requirements and
are supported by using our ready-to-use GDPR
patterns. For example, the doctor updates patients’
medical records in the hospital system which requires
various GDPR principles, including the Accuracy,
Integrity and Confidentiality principles, as shown in
Figure 4. In fact, personal data that is inaccurate may
jeopardise data subjects’ rights and freedoms.
Table 1 below shows a comparison between the
number of mechanisms identified in the DEFeND
Case Study before and after the application of our
Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR Compliance
Figure 3: The Case Study Modeled using the Organisational View of SecTro.
proposed GDPR patterns. As Table 1 illustrates, more
mechanism were identified after the application of
our GDPR patterns. The new proposed GDPR
patterns presented in this paper helped in identifying
more mechanisms and potential alternatives, per
GDPR principle, than the ones of the original
DEFeND case study. This is particularly evident in
relation to Integrity and Confidentiality, and
Transparency principles. Concerning Accuracy
principle (Table 1), the advantage is slightly less
important, but still valuable. Regarding the
Accountability principle, the original DEFeND case
study identified three mechanisms. After the
application of our GDPR patterns, Zero mechanism
Table 1: GDPR Mechanisms Comparison between
DEFeND Case Study and this one.
GDPR Principle Number of
mechanisms in the
DEFeND case
study before the
application of our
GDPR patterns
Number of
mechanisms in
the DEFeND
case study after
the application
of our GDPR
0 4
Integrity and
2 33
0 12
Accountability 3 0
This is because we have not developed an
Accountability GDPR pattern. Moreover, based on
Table 1, and on our qualitative observations on the
overall models produced by SecTro, in particular the
one of Fig. 4 with the GDPR patterns, we noticed that
the subject case study helped the analyst in PbD
modeling analysis, by representing GDPR principles
and considering relevant ready-to-use alternatives,
towards achieving GDPR compliance. The extended
version of SecTro provides the analyst with a set of
patterns as models, for GDPR principles, which can
be used by the analyst for performing PbD modelling,
and checking current compliance of the modelled
system with GDPR principles.
Our study has different limitations, which will be
handled in our future work. For example, we only
considered the principles indicated in Table 1, and in
our future work we will take into account more
principles. We will also involve more participants and
actors in the case study. Moreover, we will consider
other different scenarios from other fields.
VICINITY is an IoT platform that addresses IoT
security and privacy challenges to provide a
comprehensive and reliable solution. VICINITY
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 4: The Case Study Modeled using the Privacy-by-Design View of SecTro where GDPR Patterns implemented (bold
green concepts).
allows users with the appropriate role to register their
IoT devices and services, discover other registered
Things, and enable their Things to be discovered, all
while adhering to the privacy limits they set (Koutli
et al., 2019). Compared to our work, VICINITY is
specifically related to IoT and has been designed ad-
hoc towards implementation of GDPR principles for
the healthcare. Our GDPR patterns are oriented
towards requirements engineering and analysis, and
offer generic patterns that can be used to analyse
heterogeneous scenarios. We applied our GDPR
patterns to a healthcare scenario, and due to the
patterns flexibility, it will be possible to use them for
modeling analysis within other areas. The work of
Amato et al. provides a valuable solution that is
specific for the important area of e-health systems
(Amato et al., 2021). Specifically, a security and
privacy validation approach has been developed. To
build a comprehensive model for the system that can
be analysed using automated model checking and
ontology-based reasoning techniques, a methodology
for the validation of security and privacy policies in a
complex e-Health system was used.
Diamantopoulou et al. state that delivering
innovative information will aim to contribute to the
ecology of e-Participation approaches, notably
crowdsourcing environments. Participants on such
platforms may expose sensitive categories of their
personal data, compromising their privacy. The key
conclusions were of interest to e-Participation
organizations. In order to ensure that all of the
minimal requirements for the implementation of a
compliance framework were met, the public
administrations facing GDPR inspections should
adopt a methodology. Diamantopoulou et al. focused
on e-participation and collaboration approaches. In
particular, these approaches are oriented towards
crowdsourcing environments. Our work is oriented
towards providing reference GDPR patterns that can
be applied in a wide range of heterogeneous
scenarios. Tomashchuk et al. conducted a comparison
analysis of the privacy and security requirements for
e-Health IoT applications (Tomashchuk et al., 2020).
They compared between the legal criteria set by the
EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
and China’s Cybersecurity Law (CSL) into
technological requirements for a generic eHealth IoT
system. Caruccio et al. presented a methodology that
exploits relaxed functional dependencies (RFDs) to
automatically identify data that could imply the
values of sensitive ones, which permits to increase the
Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR Compliance
confidentiality of a dataset while reducing the number
of values to be obscured (Caruccio et al., 2020).
This paper extended SecTro, a requirements
modelling tool, to include privacy patterns that
incorporate GDPR principles. The extended version
of SecTro provides the analyst with a set of patterns
as models, for GDPR principles, which can be used
by the analyst for performing PbD modelling, and
checking current compliance of the modeled system
with GDPR principles. The most recent guidelines
and relevant documentation on GDPR have been used
to identify and design the required privacy patterns,
together with relevant literature and collaboration
with privacy/security experts (from companies and
universities) involved within the DEFeND EU
Project. The privacy patterns have been implemented
on the top of SecTro, and evaluated using a healthcare
scenario where the analyst can model the privacy
aspects at early requirements analysis stages. The
evaluation results suggest that our proposed GDPR
patterns can help analysts in PbD modeling analysis,
by representing GDPR principles and considering
relevant ready-to-use alternatives, towards achieving
GDPR compliance.
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies