A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme
Dimitri Bratzel, Stefan Wittek and Andreas Rausch
Institute for Software and Systems Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology,
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 1, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Keywords: Machine Learning, Flood Prediction, Benchmark, Dataset, Unknown Events.
Abstract: Global warming is causing an increase in extreme weather events, making flood events more likely. In order
to prevent casualties and damages in urban areas, flood prediction has become an essential task. While
machine learning methods have shown promising results in this task, they face challenges when predicting
events that fall outside the range of their training data. Since climate change is also impacting the intensity of
rare events (i.e. by heavy rainfall) this challenge gets more and more pressing. Thus, this paper presents a
benchmark for the evaluation of machine learning-based flood prediction for such rare, extreme events that
exceed known maxima. The benchmark includes a real-world dataset, the implementation of a reference
model, and an evaluation framework that is especially suited analysing potential danger during an extreme
event and measuring overall performance. The dataset, the code of the evaluation framework, and the
reference models are publicated alongside this paper.
Global warming not only leads to a rise in
temperature but also causes an increase in the
frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.
Floods are one such example of an event affected by
this trend (Alfieri et al., 2017).
In order to mitigate the negative impact of floods,
accurate and timely predictions of flood events are
critical. Predictions made 2-3 hours in advance can
provide crucial warning time to allow evacuation and
the implementation of preventative measures, thereby
reducing the damage caused by floods.
Artificial neural networks (ANN) and other
machine learning (ML) methods have shown
promising results in the prediction of flood events
(Goymann et al., 2019). However, a major challenge
in flood prediction is the issue of unknown extreme
events. If the precipation or the resulting water levels
exceed previous records, the ML algorithm is forced
to extrapolate i.e., to do predictions outside of the
range of its training data. Many ML algorithms,
especially ANN, are known to perform poorly in
extrapolation scenarios (Minns and Hall, 1996).
Another factor that complicates unknown extreme
events is the rare occurrence of even the known
extreme events in the training set. This makes
predictions even more challenging.
These challenges are becoming increasingly
relevant with the effects of climate change, which are
likely to lead to an increase in the frequency of
record-breaking heavy rain and, consequently floods
in the future.
Despite the importance of this issue, existing
works on the extrapolation of ML-based flood
predictions are limited, with most studies focusing on
performance within the range of the training data.
While public datasets on water levels exist, they are
missing a framework for actual comprehensive
evaluation as well as a focus on unknown events and
In this paper, we provide a benchmark based on
the city of Goslar in Germany, focusing on the
aforementioned challenges in flood predictions. This
benchmark case is particularly important since it is
located near the Harz region, a mountainous area in
Lower Saxony. Areas like this are suspected of
suffering from this increase in flood events as a result
of global warming (Allamano et al., 2009).
This benchmark includes the real-world dataset
spanning about 14 years and including one big flood
event as well as an evaluation framework focused on
the performance of these unknown situations. We
Bratzel, D., Wittek, S. and Rausch, A.
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events.
DOI: 10.5220/0012081700003546
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), pages 267-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; ISSN: 2184-2841
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
also provide a reference implementation using a
Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) model. For the
evaluation framework as well as for the reference
implementation, code is provided
This allows other researchers to test their ML-
based flood prediction approaches with respect to
unknown events and compare the performance with
our baseline implementation.
The paper is structured as follows. After stating
the related work in section 2, section 3 gives a
detailed description of the data set. Section 4
describes the predictiv task definded based on this
dataset. Section 5 contains the evaluation framework,
incuding an event focused framework (section 5.1)
and a variety of metrics applied to the overall
prediction quality (section 5.2). In section 6 a
reference precitive model is described which is
evaluated using the framework in section 7.
The discussed related work in this section can be
separated as follows: The forecast of a flood event
through ML, dealing with unseen events, datasets,
and mainly used framework for evaluating
hydrological models.
The ML-Based Flood Prediction
An extensive range of research has been done on
forecasting a high-water event. Usually, these papers
differ in hydrogeological features or the ML-
technology that was used to forecast the flood event.
This leads to the differences in the range of the
forecasting window, the data quality and quantity,
and the event that needs to be forecasted. Since ANN
offers advantages such as rapid development, low
execution time, the parsimony of data requirements
and a substantial open-source community
(Shamseldin, 2010), many works are using this
technique. Riad et al. discuss the forecast of a flood
event with a one-layer artificial neural network on
data collected in the Ourika basin in Morocco from
1990-1996 (Riad et al., 2004). Shameseldin et al.
apply the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model for
the Nile River in Sudan. The model considers data
such as rainfall index and seasonal expectation
rainfall index, and other meteorological input
information (Shamseldin, 2010). A similar
application of MLP was used in the region of Greater
Manchester, where the application of MLP was
justified because this technique is more suitable for
finding patterns and trends in complex data than
regular statistical models and algorithms (Danso-
Amoako et al., 2012). Although Danso-Amoako et
al., in their work, do not forecast the future status of
water level or similar, they predict the actual risk of
dam failure by creating a data-driven surrogate model
with using a MLP model. Very different is the case in
catchments with open water, for example, coastal
areas, where different sources may cause the
occurrence of extreme storm surges. In their work
Kim et al. discuss these effects of the surge and test
them on a MLP model to predict the surge in the
coastal region of Japan in Tottori (Kim et al., 2016).
Although the results are promising, the target of the
forecast is so-called "after-runner surge”, which
occurs 15-18 hours after a typhoon. Therefore, two
important pieces of information are used for the
forecast: the quantitative description of the typhoon
and the knowledge that an extreme surge event is very
likely to occur within the next 18 hours. A
comparison of the performance of different
techniques: MLP, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
System (ANFIS) and empirical models, on a huge
area of Peninsular Spain is presented in (Jimeno-Sáez
et al., 2017). A good systematic overview of the ML-
based prediction was done in (Mosavi et al., 2018)
where most common ML techniques are explained
and their application in different areas datasets and
forecast horizons are presented.
Prediction of Extreme Events
Despite the good results in forecasting weather
phenomena, most of the works deal with problems in
finding a pattern and recognizing an event that has
already happened in the past. The anomalous
behaviour of Artificial Neural Networks on
forecasting unseen events was observed in (Minns
and Hall, 1996), where the ANN performed very well
on test data that had the same minimal and maximal
values but could not overcome the maximal values in
the test set where the flood event had higher values
than the ones that could be observed on training data.
The authors concluded that MLP tends to recall seen
values but has problems generalizing if the flood
event shows higher values than the training data. To
solve the problem in (Hettiarachchi et al., 2005), the
solution of the so-called Estimated Maximum Flood
(EMF) was presented. In this case, the authors used
additional domain knowledge to generate artificial
data where an extreme event appears. This extreme
event is much higher than ever observed empirical
data with a probability higher than zero. The problem
was also observed and discussed in (Xu et al., 2020)
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
where the general problem of extrapolation of ANN
was analysed and theoretical and empirical evidences
were given that simple ANN does not predict
properly when values are out of the range of the
training sample. Whereas (Pektas and Cigizoglu,
2017) observe the ANN behaviour in the hydrology
during minima and maxima of the dataset that are out
of the training sample. (Goymann et al., 2019)
presented in their work in the catchment Goslar the
forecast of the flood event from 2017. Facing a
similar problem with LSTM-ANN, the authors
provided a classification-based approach. Therefore,
the result was a value of one if it was expectable that
a flood event in the next two hours could appear or
zero if no flood event was expected.
Flood Prediction Metrics
To evaluate the prediction models, several metrics
were used. This includes well-known, mean-based
metrics like root mean squared error (RMSE)
(Dtissibe et al., 2020; Jimeno-Sáez et al., 2017;
Mulualem and Liou, 2020), normalized root mean
square error (NRMSE) (Kim et al., 2016), mean
absolute and relative error (MARE) (Dtissibe et al.,
2020; Riad et al., 2004) also indices like the
correlation coefficient (CC) (Kim et al., 2016) and
coefficient of determination (R²) (Danso-Amoako et
al., 2012; Jimeno-Sáez et al., 2017; Riad et al., 2004;
Shamseldin, 2010). The main disadvantage of mean-
based metrics is that even significant forecast errors
decrease with the increasing number of right-
predicted values. This is a problem in big datasets
where an extreme, rare event should be predicted. The
paper (Krause et al., 2005) discusses several
efficiency criteria for the hydrological model. The
leading critique is that the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency
(NSE) and the index of agreement (IoA) are sensitive
to errors in the peaks and less sensitive to systematic
errors in lower regions. By modifying the metrics,
authors propose how these metrics could be used as a
benchmark to evaluate errors in lower and higher
During the research, no related work could be
found that could fulfil the requirements for the
application in the catchment area of Goslar for the
forecast of values during high water levels, such as:
show difference of prediction versus Ground Truth,
robustness against growing number of predicted
values, explanation of errors (systematic error or
outlier), exact focus on the performance during
critical time (flood event).
Therefore, we present a benchmark that includes
the dataset of a rare extreme flood event, an
evaluation framework with event-focused evaluation
Figure 1: Geological overview of catchment Goslar (City
Goslar, Goymann, et al. 2019).
framework and modified overall metrics and the
example of the application of residual LSTM-Neural
Network on the problem of flood forecast in 2, 3 and
4 hours.
The catchment area of interest is the city of Goslar
and the high ground part from the settlement in south-
west (Figure 1). The riverGose (highlighted in
purple) that was responsible for the flood event in
2017 could be measured at station Sennhuette (D)
since the artificial under-earth connection between
the dam “Granetalsperre” at (B) and the river Gose at
Sennhuette (D) needs to be considered. As additional
input for the sudden rainfall, the weather stations (A)
Hahnenklee and (B) Margaretenklippe are available.
The river stream goes from the Southwest to the
city in the Northeast; therefore, the sensors are
essential to catch early data for sensing actual level of
the Gose, that enter the city centre at (D), the latest
point for measuring the water level before the city.
Granetalsperre (C) and Sennhuette (D) measure
the actual level of the water in [cm]. The current of
the water stream in [m³/s], which is also part of the
collected data, is not measured directly but is
automatically derived from this level and mixed
formal and parametrical model from
Harzwasserwerke GmbH during data collection. The
weather stations collect the rainfall in [l/m²]. The data
collection of all sensors happens every 15 minutes.
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
Table 1: Statistical overview of collected data.
Figure 2: Split in training and test data.
The data set consists of 514176 samples in the
time range from 01.11.2003 until 30.06.2018. In the
statistical description (Table 1), it can be observed
that the Sennhuette reaches its maximum value at
170.4 [cm], whereas the upper quartile is 9.8[cm].
This can be explained by the dataset that includes the
flood event from 2017 in Goslar (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Data during flood event 2017, Goslar.
Thus, a similar effect can also be observed in the
other data but the rainfall, where 75% of the data is 0.
The situation where quartiles are very close to each
other but relatively far away from the maximum value
and the maximum value cannot be considered as an
outlier; we call extreme, rare event. In the case of
Sennhuette the maximal value is almost 17 times
bigger than the upper quartile and cannot be reduced
as an outlier since this is the actual value that needs
to be predicted properly.
The hydrogeological experts of the catchment of
Goslar agree that with the view on the growing
importance of global climatic changes, the prediction
of high-level water events will grow, since the risk of
unexpected and intense rainfalls will grow. To allow
emergency services to activate the protection
procedure and warn the population of the catchment,
a prediction of at least 120 minutes is required.
Moreover, emergency services ask for immense
forecast horizons like 180 minutes (3 hours) and 240
minutes (4 hours).
Even though previous work of the Institute of
System Engineering at the Technical University of
Clausthal shows a promising and robust forecast for
the warning of extreme events that could meet the
requirements (Goymann et al., 2019), show that
despite accurate predictions of the water level, ANNs
work poorly during an extreme event. Although the
poor performance of regular ANN on unseen, rare
events is known, no dataset could be found that
514176 514176 514176 514176 514176 514176
mean 0.03 0.04 10.40 0.12 7.98 0.11
std 0.19 0.21 5.84 0.20 6.26 0.20
min 0.00 0.00 3.70 0.01 1.50 0.01
25% 0.00 0.00 6.60 0.04 4.00 0.03
50% 0.00 0.00 8.70 0.07 6.00 0.05
75% 0.00 0.00 12.10 0.13 9.80 0.12
max 25.40 24.50 160.60 12.50 170.40 16.68
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
represents the problem correctly. Therefore, the
discussion about the evaluation of the performance of
models to forecast extreme, rare, and unseen events
could not make progress, which is demanded by
global climatic changes and concepts of safety
For the training, 70% of the data can be used and
30% for testing. Even though more data could be used
for predicting the extreme event, it must be
considered that the extreme event must be a part of
the test set (Figure 2) and operations like shuffling are
only allowed to do after the split operation.
Therefore, the contribution of this work is a
benchmark for predictive models containing the data
set from the catchment area of Goslar including one
extreme event, an event-focused evaluation
framework and a set of adapted overall metrics.
The data, source code of the evaluation
framework and reference implementations of models
for 2-, 3- and 4-hours forecast are available as a git
The presented evaluation framework consists of an
event-focused evaluation framework and a set of
overall metrics suitable for evaluating the models.
The event-focused part gives an insight on the
performance of the model if applied to events that
exceed this training horizon. In contrast the overall
metrics allow the assessment of the model in general,
without this focus.
5.1 Event-Focused Framework
As discussed in previous chapters, a sudden high-
water event causes serious danger to the environment
of the catchment. Also, we discussed how average-
based metrics underestimate errors in regions with
lower values. Therefore, a framework for evaluating
predictive models was created that defines potential
danger events and allows the framework to be
adjusted to local hydrogeological conditions and
safety concerns.
The schematic visualization of the event-focused
framework is presented in Figure 4. The analytical
evaluation of a situation is as follows: dangerous
floods seem very likely when the water level rises, as
a drop in the measurements might indicate a
mitigation of the situation. Clusters where a constant
rise of the level 𝑦 is observed represent a severe
potential danger.
Let 𝑇
be a set that represents the number
of time points where the measurements of the dataset
were made. The time points where the level is rising
can be described as:
Furthermore, the rising level is usually only
dangerous after overcoming a certain level of interest
𝛽 , which is specific to each catchment. The
measurements over this lowest level of interest can be
defined as
The time point where relevant measurements were
taken can be separated into three sets
∪ 𝑇
Since the exact value is not needed in the
application scenario, a certain level of tolerance 𝑏 is
Describes the time points where forecasted values
are acceptable and can be considered as correct.
Are time points of overestimation of the model
which could cause a potential false alarm.
Are time points of underestimation of the model
where a potential flood alert could have been
overseen. These points are more critical than
overestimation since the consequences of a false alert
are less critical than the consequences of an overseen
flood event. The event-focused evaluation framework
was done by the definition of 𝜷𝟒𝟎 𝐜𝐦 as level
where the dangerous flood can appear, and the
acceptable variance of the prediction is 𝒃𝟏𝟎 𝐜𝐦.
Both values have been consolidated with the safety
concept of the city of Goslar.
These values can be interpreted accumulated as
the number of time points where the model forecasted
correct values or under- or overestimated the values
during a flood event. Also, the interpretation of
potential annual or relative right and false predictions
can be made. This is especially useful when
comparing models on datasets with different sizes.
The relative metrics are based on the amount of
all events:
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
Figure 4: Schematic visualisation of the event-focused framework.
 
The annual comparison metrics have as a basis the
number of years in which the relevant events were
𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟s 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑
𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
24  4  365
While this measure gives a good comparative
overview of the performance of different models in
the predictive task, an interoperable metric related to
the actual probability of missing dangerous events is
still missing. For the example, a value of
12 can be understand a mean of 12
potential flood events per year, that would not be
predicted correctly by the model. But there is no
information on how cluttered this missed floods are.
It is possible that these 12 events are spread out
evenly across this year, meaning that only a single
prediction for only a single 15 min interval is wrong
every month. This would be a neglectable error,
because all other prediction around this error would
be correct and correctly implying an incoming flood,
thus only reducing the warning time by 15 minutes.
In the other extreme these 12 events could indeed be
aligned in a single chain of errors hiding the flood for
3 hours. Also, the mean over the duration of observed
years may have a high variance, with some years
aggregating huge singe blind spots.
To tackle this issue, we added the statistic of
chains of underestimated levels (events in 𝑇
) as
an additional metric. A chain in this context is defined
as a subsequence of model predictions out of the
ordered set of all model predictions in which all
elements are within 𝑇
. Intuitively speaking,
how often the model underestimated a potential flood
event in a row. If a chain is broken by a correct
prediction, the parts are counted as different chains.
As a metric, we record the length of all chains
longer than a single element, and the length of the
longest chain, indicating the longest “blind spot” that
the model would have in the context of a warning
5.2 Overall Metrics
To observe the performance of the model in all
regions, outside and during the extreme event, the
following overall metrics were adapted and applied
(Krause et al., 2005):
r: Bravais Pearson Correlation Coefficient (BP),
where one means that there is a perfect correlation
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
between the observed values O and the predicted P,
and zero when no correlation could be found. The
correlation coefficient could be used as an additional
indicator, but this coefficient is unsuitable for making
judgments about the size of the error.
E : Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) has,
according to Krause et al., low sensitivity to
systematic errors in lower regions and high
systematic errors in peaks of prediction.
E 0
total fit
no fit
worse than average
With the range E 1:  ∞ it can be interpreted as
d: Index of Agreement (IoA) faces the same
tendency to overrate errors in peaks and underrate
errors in lower regions.
With the range d1: 0 , the interpretation of the
model is as follows: d
1: total fit
0: no fit
: Modified Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency and
modified Index of Agreement were alternated
to be more sensitive in lower regions when the
modification value J is smaller than two. In order to
focus on peaks, the factor J should be alternated to
values higher than 2. In this work, mainly the value
J3 was used.
  1   
 P
 O
Because the event-focused framework is mainly
focused on rare, extreme events and the discussed
overall metrics are adjusted to observe prediction
errors in peaks, the systematic errors in lower regions
could rise and give the observer overall wrong
predictions. This could damage the reputation of the
prediction model so that emergency services would
only trust the values in higher regions where the
model would give better results. To compare the
overall prediction in lower regions, the modified
Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency and modified Index of
Agreement with J2 should be used or as
suggested, relative derivation of both these metrics.
The overall framework shows in all metrics a
perfect fit. Meanwhile, all metrics show a poor result
in absolute negative correlation (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Negative linear correlation.
Figure 6: Evaluation with the high and low differences in
In this framework, the relative metrics were
chosen to observe lower regions since they have
shown less sensitivity to small error changes.
Figure 7: Total linear correlation.
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
Figure 8: Rising number of compared values.
To observe the behaviour of the overall metrics,
different situations were modelled. In the first
example, the observed values equal the measured
OP (Figure 7).
Two situations are modelled to observe the effect
of error during peak, where all measured and
predicted values are equal but one (Figure 6). In the
first situation, the last value’s absolute error is 5; in
the second situation, the error of the peak is 20. The
metrics clearly show that NSA and IoA are sensitive
to the peak in the first situation and show the error
change in the peak in the second situation. The
modified NSA and IoA show similar results, and the
relative NSA and IoA show that model performs well
in lower regions. In all modified, relative and original
metrics, IoA shows more stability, whereas NSA
seems to be more sensitive.
The overall metrics generally show minimal
sensitivity to the growing number of predicted values
compared to the error. Unlike average-based metrics,
the error did not approach zero, even with very high
data. To observe the stability of the metric due to the
growing number of measurements, the situation with
an absolute error of 20 in the peak was alternated by
growing from 8 to 10^3 and 10^6 measurements
(Figure 8). The original and modified metrics could
sense the error in the peak even when the model is
improving due to the growing number of correct
predicted values in the lower region. For the lower
region, the relative metrics show a good performance
of the estimated values and are improving with the
growing number of equal measurements. Also
remarkable is the stability of all alternations of IoA in
these situations. In all these situations the BP
coefficient is failing to show any changes due to a
perfect correlation. Meanwhile, the Mean Absolute
Error (MAE) shows clearly how a relatively
significant error in a small dataset could lose
importance with the growing size of the data.
The criteria for a successful prevention of more
significant damages from the sudden flood event in
Goslar requires a prediction of the flood at least two
hours in advance. Furthermore, rescue task forces
could improve their actions with the larger forecast
horizon. The results show that the forecast of 4 hours
in the observed catchment is possible. Therefore,
three models were generated with 2, 3 and 4 hours of
the forecast horizon. For all 3-time horizons two
architectures were tested; a simple LSTM-ANN with
32 neurons in each of four layers and a residual
LSTM-ANN with 8 residual blocks and 6 neurons in
each layer. All models take as input a series of 32 last
observed values from each sensor, presented in
Section 3, except from the data from Sennhuette and
gives back a forecast of the value of data stream
Sennhuette in 8, 12 or 16 future data points (2, 3 or 4
hours).Additional features were extracted to improve
the model performance. The 2- hours model includes
the gradient of the input of Sennhuette of one timestep
(in the past). In 3- and 4-hour models, a gradient of
192 timesteps (in the past) for Sennhuette and the area
under the curve for each of the two rainfalls were also
calculated for the past 96 timesteps.
In the tests, the residual LSTM neural network
outperformed the regular LSTM and the MLP of
different architecture in forecasting the values during
the extreme, unseen event. This might be explained
by the capability of the residual ANN architectures to
bypass input to the over layers. Meanwhile, in the
regular ANN, the information is passed from the
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
previous layer to the following. The residual neural
network gives to one hidden layer the information
that was generated by its direct predecessor and the
information from one of the predecessors or even
from the input layer. This reduces the risk of
overfitting, where neuronal connections that seem to
be unimportant are assigned lower weights and
important new information is ignored.
The validation split of the training data was done
with a pre-defined function of Keras-TensorFlow API
with 20%. The training was done for a maximum of
30 epochs with the possibility of early stopping and a
batch size of 265. The data was scaled using the
method StandardScaler, from the library sklearn.
As mentioned before, the evaluation framework
should be applied in two stages: the analysis of the
defined rare–extreme event via the event-focused
evaluation framework and the model's overall
performance in lower and upper regions of the
prediction via the overall metrics framework.
Therefore, in the next two chapters, an evaluation of
the residual LSTM-ANN is discussed and the
comparison with the performance of the simple
LSTM-ANN is done.
Table 2: Event focused evaluation of the LSTM-residual
7.1 Evaluation Residual LSTM
In Table 2 it can be observed that the count of the
timesteps where measurements are considered
irrelevant have a difference of 4. This can be
explained by the reshaping of the dataset. Since one
hour is precisely four times 15 minutes, four data
points are cut off for each prediction hour. Since the
relevant points are not at the beginning nor at the end
of the dataset, they are not affected. The amount of
297 in all three
models shows the robust detection of the extreme
event, regardless of the used model. Nonetheless, the
distribution of the absolute amount of
is different. While the number of
overrated events is not showing a clear trend and are
in the range of 14-18, the range of underrated events
shows a clear and robust trend from 26 underrated
events in the 2 hours prediction to almost double, 50
in the 3 hours prediction and 60 for the 4 hours
prediction. Proportionally, the number of right-
guessed events (𝑇
) is sinking with each additional
forecasted hour. This trend can be observed in
absolute and in relative numbers. The most
dangerous, underrated annual events proportionately
grow from 4.4 to 10.2 times. This means that,
annually, the model would wrongly predict about four
events in two-hour prediction, around nine events for
three and ten events in a four-hour prediction.
Table 3: Residual-LSTM overall metric evaluation.
The sum of errors made during the event shows a
similar trend of growing with the prediction horizon.
The overall metric evaluation in Table 2 does not
show a clear trend between the two- and three-hours
model. Meanwhile, the original overall metrics show
a better performance of the two-hours model and the
modified NSE and IoE show the superior prediction
of the three-hours model in higher regions. The
relative metrics also show better performance in the
lower regions. All metrics show the 4 hours model
performance as the worst.
It can be said that the overall performance of all
three models is very close to each other. The slight
differences should be noticed and observed. The
event-focused framework, which considers the
extreme and dangerous event, says clearly that the
model with a smaller horizon is outperforming the
model with a wider horizon and seems more reliable
in dangerous situations.
2_h 3_h 4_h
T_not_relevant 205334 205330 205326
T_ok 253 233 222
T_over 18 14 15
T_under 26 50 60
T_ok_average[%] 0.123 0.1133 0.108
T_over_relative_average[%] 0.0088 0.0068 0.0073
T_under_average[%] 0.0126 0.0243 0.0292
anual_events_all 50.6 50.6 50.6
anual_events_ok 43.1 39.7 37.8
anual_events_over 3.1 2.4 2.6
anual_events_under 4.4 8.5 10.2
summ_error 1214.6 1549.2 1972.5
average_error 27.6 24.2 26.3
max_error 84.3 77.5 84.6
median_error 21.9 19.2 21
2h 3h 4h
BravaisPearson 0.986 0.985 0.980
(E)NSE 0.969 0.969 0.953
(d)IoA 0.992 0.992 0.987
(E)NSE_mod_J=3 0.971 0.976 0.962
(d)IoA_mod_J=3 0.997 0.997 0.995
(E)NSE_rel 0.955 0.981 0.908
(d)IoA_rel 0.988 0.995 0.975
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
Table 4: Simple architecture LSTM-neuronal network
event-focused framework.
7.2 Evaluation of Simple LSTM
As mentioned before, the initial goal of the evaluation
framework is not only to investigate the performance
of one kind of architecture but to evaluate two or more
architectures in comparison to each other. Therefore,
a simple LSTM-ANN was prepared.
In Table 4 one can observe the apparent change of
the distribution of the time points where
measurements were overrated and underrated.
Meanwhile, the residual LSTM-ANN also has a high
number of overrated measurements during the event.
Table 5: Simple-LSTM overall metric evaluation.
The simple architecture of LSTM shows a trend
towards underrating more overrating a measurement.
With 50, 88 or 135 it has almost doubled the amount
of the underrated measurements. Furthermore, it
reduces the number of right-guessed forecasts. This
trend can be observed also in relative evaluation,
meanwhile the average error or median fails to
represent the difference. However, the overall
framework analysis in Table 5 shows that this
architecture has generally worse performance in
upper regions (NSE, IoA and modified NSE and IoA)
and awful performance in lower regions, according to
relative NSE and IoE. The interpretation of the
number is that the model makes a systematic error in
lower regions. Though the performance in higher
regions is rising, it has more errors than the residual
LSTM-ANN. This observation can be confirmed with
the event-focused evaluation in Table 4. The
performance difference during the extreme event can
be qualitatively observed in Figure 11 and Figure 12.
The observation of the overall performance of both
models can be done in Figure 10 and Figure 9.
Meanwhile, the residual ANN-model prediction
visually covers the measured level, the simple LSTM
ANN-model shows systematical overprediction in the
lower region and high underrating during extreme
The Table 6 gives a comprehensive overview of
the distribution of error-chains among the models and
for the different prediction horizons. The last raw of
the table shows the average length of all chains. The
residual LSTM-ANN produces consistently slightly
shorter longest chains than the simple LSTM-ANN (9
versus 10) and also sorter chains on average (2.3:3.9;
4.1:8.1; 5.4:11).
Table 6: Distribution of chain length among models and
prediction horizons.
In this article, we presented a benchmark for machine
learning-based forecasting models. One crucial part
of the benchmark is the real-world data from the
settlement Goslar in Germany that were collected
from Harzwasserwerke GmbH for 14 years.
2h 3h 4h
BravaisPearson 0.958 0.955 0.953
(E)NSE 0.830 0.741 0.827
(d)IoA 0.955 0.924 0.947
(E)NSE_mod_J=3 0.945 0.911 0.902
(d)IoA_mod_J=3 0.992 0.985 0.981
(E)NSE_rel 0.327 ‐0.237 0.352
rel 0.822 0.636 0.800
Average length
3,9 2,3 8,2 4,1 11 5,4
2h 3h 4h
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 9: Overall prediction line of residual LSTM-ANN.
Figure 10: Overall prediction line of simple LSTM-ANN.
We discussed the problem that ANN are facing
during the prediction of unseen, extreme events like
floods caused by sudden rain as it happened in the
year 2017 in Goslar. The presented results of the
residual LSTM-ANN could outperform the regular
LSTM-ANN during the regular operation and the
extreme event. The discussed and presented
framework that consists of an overall evaluation
framework and event-focused evaluation framework
could prove the improvement of the used model. The
robust evaluation allows further evaluation of risks
for the city of Goslar's safety concepts. The presented
models are also a part of the actual real-time
observation system in the settlement.
Nevertheless, the benchmark gives a consolidated
and substantial challenge for machine-learning-based
models that should be applied to rare, extreme events.
The framework's flexibility also allows the evaluation
on settlements with other geological conditions.
The consolidation of the benchmark allows for
improvement in the methods of forecasting and
evaluating the constantly evolving research of
machine learning algorithms in the area of
At this point, thanks to all the people who supported
this work during the execution of the project and
preparation of this paper. Our special thanks goes to
the Harzwasserwerke GmbH for providing the data
from the measuring stations in Goslar and Bad
Harzburg and to the city of Goslar for great
collaboration and providing the local geohydrological
domain knowledge. Also our thanks to
Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für
Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
(NLWKN) and Niedersächsisches Ministerium für
Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz for funding of the
project “Goslar - KI Hochwasserfrühwarnsystem”.
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
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SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications