IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data
Hashem Mohamed
, Alia El Bolock
and Caroline Sabty
Informatics and Computer Science, German International University, Cairo, Egypt
Intrusion Detection, Big data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning.
The rise of cyber-attacks has become a serious problem due to our growing reliance on technology, making it
essential for both individuals and businesses to use efficient cybersecurity solutions. This work continues on
previous work to improve the accuracy of intrusion detection systems by employing advanced classification
techniques and an up-to-date dataset. In this work, we propose IntrusionHunter, an anomaly-based intrusion
detection system operating on the CSE-CICIDS2018 dataset. IntrusionHunter classifies intrusions based on
three models, each catering to different purposes: binary classification (2C), multiclass classification with 7
classes (7C), and multiclass classification with 15 classes (15C). Four main classification models were used:
Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Deep Neural Networks. The
results show that Random Forest and XGBoost algorithms outperformed state-of-the-art intrusion detection
systems in binary and multiclass classification (15 classes). The findings also show that the dataset imbalance
needs to be addressed to improve the performance of deep learning techniques.
The Internet and cloud computing have increased se-
curity breaches, with cyberattacks becoming more so-
phisticated and widespread (Burbank, 2008). The
rise of big data poses a significant threat to cyber-
security, making it essential for organizations to im-
plement robust security measures. Cybersecurity is
complex and consists of multiple vital components
in keeping hackers out and protecting sensitive infor-
mation. Network security is essential for any mod-
ern organization, as it is the backbone of communi-
cation, collaboration, and productivity. However, net-
work security faces the challenge of constantly evolv-
ing security threats, requiring a proactive and multi-
layered approach to stay ahead of attackers (Dowd
and McHenry, 1998). The concept of defense in depth
is a fundamental principle of network security, where
multiple layers of security are put in place to protect a
network. Standard techniques and technologies used
in network security include firewalls, encryption, au-
thentication, and intrusion detection and prevention
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitor net-
work activity, alerting administrators to potential
threats before they cause significant damage and pro-
viding valuable insights into the nature and scope of
security threats, helping organizations improve their
overall security posture and prevent similar incidents.
There are two main types of IDS: signature-based and
anomaly-based. Signature-based IDS, also known as
network-based IDS (NIDS), monitors network traffic
and searches for known attack signatures, such as sus-
picious network traffic patterns and attempts to access
prohibited network resources. Anomaly-based IDS
monitors individual devices on a network, looking for
patterns of behavior that deviate from regular activ-
ity and could indicate unauthorized access attempts
(Marchang et al., 2017).
Previous studies in the field of intrusion detection
systems have limitations, including the use of out-
dated datasets that may not accurately reflect current
cybersecurity threats, and the focus on binary clas-
sification without considering different types of at-
tacks. These limitations highlight the need for more
recent and comprehensive studies that employ ad-
vanced classification techniques to improve the iden-
tification of different types of attacks.
This work presents an anomaly-based intrusion
detection system using the CSE-CICIDS2018 dataset
(Communications Security Establishment (CSE),
2018). The dataset underwent several preprocess-
ing steps to ensure high-quality data for model train-
Mohamed, H., El Bolock, A. and Sabty, C.
IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012081900003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 311-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing, including feature selection to decrease training
time. The system evaluates the performance of sev-
eral popular machine learning algorithms, including
Random Forest, XGBoost, Convolutional Neural Net-
works, and Deep Neural Networks, in binary and mul-
ticlass classifications. Results show that Random For-
est and XGBoost algorithms outperform state-of-the-
art intrusion detection systems in terms of accuracy
and F1-score, and that handling the dataset imbalance
can improve the performance of deep learning tech-
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 re-
views previous related work on intrusion detection
systems and the classification models used in the field.
Section 3 presents the methodology used in this re-
search, including the data preprocessing, feature se-
lection, and evaluation of different classification mod-
els. Section 4 presents the evaluation results, dis-
cussing the performance of the different classification
models for each type of classification. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 provides conclusions and suggestions for future
This section summarizes the essential findings and
contributions of previous studies, discussing their im-
plications for the current research. The previous stud-
ies use various intrusion detection approaches, includ-
ing machine learning and deep learning algorithms. It
also identifies gaps in the existing literature and po-
tential avenues for future research.
2.1 Machine Learning Approaches
Machine learning classification algorithms, including
Random Decision Forest, Bayesian Network, Naive
Bayes classifier, Decision Tree, Random Tree, Deci-
sion Table, and Artificial Neural Network, are used
in cyber-security for intrusion detection as explored
in (Alqahtani et al., 2020) using the KDD Cup 99
(Information and of California, 1999) dataset. IDS
models based on Random Forest classifiers outper-
form other classifiers, particularly the Random Deci-
sion Forest, which has an accuracy of 99%, precision,
recall of 93%, and F1-score of 0.97. The Random
Forest model derives rules for the forest from a num-
ber of decision trees and generates more logic rules
by considering the majority vote of these trees. Fu-
ture work involves expanding cyber-security datasets
and creating a data-driven intrusion detection system
for automated security services.
The work presented in (He et al., 2019) looked
into the issue of machine learning-based threat de-
tection in network security. The stochastic gradient
descent enhanced the K-means clustering technique;
therefore, the Support vector machine was coupled
with it and was trained and tested on the KDD Cup 99
(Information and of California, 1999) dataset. It was
discovered that the method used in this study had an
(87.1%) detection rate and a (3.1%) false alarm rate,
and that its detection effects were superior to those of
both the SVM algorithm and a single K-means clus-
tering algorithm. The dependability of the approach
used in this investigation was demonstrated by the
DoS detection rate (94.5%). The improved algorithm
had a greater detection rate and a lower false alarm
rate, showing that the upgrade to the clustering algo-
rithm was successful.
2.2 Deep Learning Approaches
The performance of intrusion detection systems is
enhanced by integrating big data and deep learning
techniques in (Faker and Dogdu, 2019). Deep Feed-
Forward Neural Networks (DNN) and two ensem-
ble methods—Random Forest and Gradient Boost-
ing Tree (GBT)—are used for classification. UNSW
NB15 (Sydney, ) and CICIDS2017 (for Cybersecu-
rity (CIC), 2018) are the datasets used in this pa-
per and include attacks several types of attacks. On
the UNSW-NB15 dataset, the findings demonstrate
very short prediction times and high accuracy lev-
els with DNN for binary and multiclass classification
(99.19 % and 97.04 %, respectively). Using the CI-
CIDS2017 dataset, the GBT classifier had the best
accuracy (99.99 %) for binary classification, and the
DNN classifier had the best accuracy (99.57 %) for
multiclass classification.
In (Awan et al., 2021), various machine learning
models are used to predict real-time DDoS attacks at
the application layer, utilizing Apache Spark, a dis-
tributed system, and a classification method to im-
prove algorithm execution. The big data method’s
outcomes are compared to the non-big data approach,
using the Scikit ML library and Spark-ML library
with Random Forest (RF) and Multi-Layer Percep-
tron (MLP) machine learning techniques on the ap-
plication layer DDoS dataset from Kaggle to detect
DoS attacks. The MLP classifier using the non-big
data approach has a minimum accuracy of 99.05%. In
contrast, the RF classifier using the big data approach
achieved a maximum accuracy of 99.94% and an F1-
score of 99.95%. The proposed model’s minimal pro-
cessing time using an MLP classifier and big-data ap-
proach was 0.04 seconds. Limitations include only
using two machine learning models and the dataset
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
having only two classes.
This chapter describes the tools and methods utilized
to develop IntrusionHunter. Fig 1 gives an overview
of the entire process of detecting attacks accurately
and efficiently. The entire process consists of three
main phases: data cleaning (1), feature selection (2),
and classification (3).
Figure 1: The three phases for intrusion detection by Intru-
3.1 Dataset
The CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset (Communications
Security Establishment (CSE), 2018) is a popular re-
source for creating and assessing intrusion detection
systems. It contains over 10 million network traffic
examples gathered over nine months in 2018, includ-
ing a wide variety of malicious and benign traffic,
with 14 attack classes categorized into Brute-force,
Botnet, DoS, DDoS, infiltration, and Web attacks.
The dataset’s realism and diversity are among its es-
sential characteristics, with traffic from various de-
vices and networks. Each instance of network traf-
fic is represented by a collection of attributes, includ-
ing source and destination IP addresses, port num-
bers, protocol, and other specifics, which can be used
to evaluate and train IDS systems’ accuracy and false
positive rate performance. The dataset also includes
labels describing each instance’s traffic type, allowing
for the evaluation of IDS systems’ recall and preci-
3.2 Data Cleaning (Phase 1)
In phase 1, preprocessing steps are taken to ensure
the dataset is clean and suitable for training. The
raw dataset comprises ten separate CSV files, each
containing network traffic records for a single day
of operation. During dataset exploration, it was dis-
covered that several column names were duplicated
due to merging several CSV files. To resolve this is-
sue, header-containing columns are deleted, and the
data frame is exported to a temporary CSV file to be
reread with appropriate column datatypes. The data is
cleaned by dropping unnecessary columns, removing
missing values and duplicates, and replacing ”Infin-
ity” with the mean value of the column. Fig 2 shows
the process to ensure the data is clean and efficient for
usage in the following steps.
Figure 2: Data Cleaning Steps.
3.3 Feature Selection (Phase 2)
In phase 2, a subset of features is chosen from a
dataset to employ in a machine learning model, en-
hancing performance and decreasing the risk of over-
fitting. Random forest is a popular technique for fea-
ture selection, initially trained on the dataset using
several decision trees. The importance of each fea-
ture is assessed by calculating the decrease in impu-
rity caused by splits using the feature, with each tree
built using a random subset of the features. Averaging
the scores across all the trees yields the final impor-
IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data
tance score for each feature. Features with a higher
significance score are more beneficial for predicting
the target variable, and 25 features were selected out
of the 80 features in the dataset. Fig 3 explains the
feature selection process, which is applied to the train-
ing data after splitting the dataset into training and
testing data.
Figure 3: Feature Selection Phase.
3.4 Classification Models (Phase 3)
In phase 3, four primary classifiers are used for
anomaly-based intrusion detection: Random forest,
XGBoost, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Deep
Neural Networks. Each model performs three types of
classifications, as described in 3.4.1, and is referred to
with a unique name consisting of the model’s abbre-
viation and the number of classes it classifies. For ex-
ample, a random forest classifier that performs binary
classification is referred to as (RF-2C). Fig 4 provides
an overview of the code flow until testing the per-
formance of the proposed intrusion detection system.
After the data is split into training and testing data and
feature selection is applied, the hyperparameter tun-
ing process is performed to optimize the model’s hy-
perparameters and improve its performance. Optuna,
a library that performs a search for the best hyper-
parameters by trying out different combinations and
evaluating the model’s performance for each combi-
nation, is used to tune the model with 50 trials. Strat-
ified sampling is used to take a sample of the dataset
for hyperparameter tuning, as the dataset is exces-
sively large and imbalanced. After hyperparameter
tuning, the model is trained with the best-performing
hyperparameters and the whole training data. Finally,
the model is tested with the testing data, and the re-
sults are evaluated.
Figure 4: Model Classification.
3.4.1 Types of Classifications (2C-7C-15C)
After preprocessing and feature selection, various
classification algorithms are applied to the data.
The dataset undergoes binary classification (2C) and
multiclass classification with seven (7C) and fif-
teen classes (15C). Binary classification is crucial
in anomaly-based intrusion detection systems for
identifying suspicious behavior indicative of security
threats and classifying network traffic as benign or
malicious. The multiclass classification is conducted
in two ways: grouping similar attacks into seven main
clusters (Benign, Brute-force, Botnet, DoS, DDoS,
Infiltration, and Web attacks) to identify prevalent at-
tack types, and classifying each of the original 15 at-
tacks individually to enhance detection and preven-
tion of specific attack types and recognize malicious
patterns and trends.
3.4.2 Random Forest (2C, 7C, 15C)
Our study utilized the random forest algorithm as the
first classifier. This algorithm is a popular choice for
classification tasks due to its ability to handle large
and imbalanced datasets, which is often the case in
anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. Random
forests construct multiple decision trees, each trained
on a different subset of the data, to avoid bias towards
the majority class. Additionally, the technique of bag-
ging helps to avoid overfitting by training each tree
on a random subset of the data. Random forests do
not require data standardization before classification,
making them a strong choice for our study.
Table 1 provides the parameters used in the ran-
dom forest classifier. These parameters were returned
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Random Forest Parameters.
Parameter RF-2C RF-7C RF-15C
number of estimators 150 170 200
after hyperparameter tuning was performed. It was
noticed that when increasing the number of parame-
ters to be tuned, the performance degraded. There-
fore, n estimators was the parameter chosen, as it
greatly influences the classifier’s performance.
3.4.3 Extreme Gradient Boosting (2C, 7C, 15C)
The XGBoost classifier, is a potent gradient boost-
ing method, in addition to the random forest classi-
fier. XGBoost builds a sequence of decision trees,
each boosting the performance of the previous one. It
has more capabilities than Random Forest, including
better performance due to its optimization of the ob-
jective function, resulting in better predictions. XG-
Boost also includes built-in regularization techniques,
such as L1 and L2 regularization and a dropout regu-
larization technique, to prevent overfitting, a common
problem with machine learning models.
Table 2: XGBoost Parameters.
Parameter XGB-2C XGB-7C XGB-15C
number of estimators 1900 2000 2200
number of jobs -1 -1 -1
tree method ’hist’ ’hist’ ’hist’
Table 2 includes the parameters of the XGBoost
classifier. The number of estimators parameter was
chosen using hyperparameter tuning, with the max-
imum value in each range selected. The n jobs pa-
rameter specifies the number of CPUs used to train a
model, with -1 using all available CPU cores to speed
up training but potentially consuming more system
resources. The tree method parameter specifies the
method for constructing decision trees, with ’hist’ be-
ing an efficient histogram-based algorithm for high-
dimensional data that can lead to faster training times
than the traditional ’exact’ method.
3.4.4 Convolutional Neural Networks (2C, 7C,
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are com-
monly used in computer vision applications, includ-
ing object detection and image classification, and
are well-suited for anomaly-based intrusion detection
systems. Before training data using CNNs, standard-
ization was performed to reduce the model’s sensi-
tivity to input feature scaling. Reshaping the 2D
data into a 3D array allows us to use CNNs to ex-
tract features for classification. Dropout regulariza-
tion and batch normalization were used to prevent
overfitting during training. Dropout randomly sets a
fraction of input units to zero during each training
epoch, while batch normalization normalizes the in-
put of each layer to have zero mean and unit variance,
stabilizing and accelerating the training process.
Table 3: CNN Layers.
Parameter CNN-2C CNN-7C CNN-15C
Number of Conv1D layer 4 4 6
Number of MaxPooling layer 2 2 3
Number of Dropout layer 2 2 3
Number of BatchNormalization layer 2 2 3
As shown in table 3, a summary of the parame-
ters used in three different convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) models are provided, labeled as ”CNN-
2C”, ”CNN-7C”, and ”CNN-15C”. The table in-
cludes the number of Conv1D layers, MaxPooling
layers, Dropout layers, BatchNormalization layers,
activation function, optimizer, batch size, and num-
ber of epochs for each of the three models. The
CNN-2C model uses 4 Conv1D layers, 2 MaxPooling
layers, 2 Dropout layers, 2 BatchNormalization lay-
ers, relu’ activation function, ’adam’ optimizer, batch
size 4096, and 50 epochs. The CNN-7C model uses
4 Conv1D layers, 2 MaxPooling layers, 2 Dropout
layers, 2 BatchNormalization layers, relu’ activation
function, ’adam’ optimizer, batch size 256 and 50
epochs. The CNN-15C model uses 6 Conv1D layers,
3 MaxPooling layers, 3 Dropout layers, 3 BatchNor-
malization layers, relu’ activation function, ’adam’
optimizer, batch size 4096, and 50 epochs.
3.4.5 Deep Neural Networks (2C, 7C, 15C)
As a final classification method in our IDS, deep neu-
ral networks (DNNs) are employed. DNNs are a form
of artificial neural network that is made up of many
layers of interconnected nodes. They can learn from
new data by modifying the weights of the connections
between the nodes. DNNs are widely employed in
numerous applications and have been demonstrated
to be exceptionally effective at classification jobs. As
the CNNs, the data also need to be standardized be-
fore training. Both the performance and the behavior
of the classifiers were enhanced by tuning their hyper-
parameters using a library named Optuna and some
manual tuning. Unlike the CNN model, only drop out
layers were used to prevent overfitting.
Table 4: DNN Layers.
Parameter DNN-2C DNN-7C DNN-15C
Number of Dense layer 6 7 10
Number of Dropout layer 6 7 10
IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data
Table 4 displays the parameters of three deep neu-
ral network models (DNN-2C, DNN-7C, DNN-15C)
used for classifying network intrusions. These mod-
els use dense layers as the primary building blocks,
with the number of dense layers increasing from 2 to 7
and finally to 10 as we move from DNN-2C to DNN-
15C. The activation function used in all three models
is relu’. The models are optimized using the ’adam’
optimizer and are trained using a batch size of 4096
samples for 50 epochs. The number of dropout lay-
ers in each model equals the number of dense layers.
Dropout layers reduce overfitting by randomly setting
some activations to zero during training.
This section evaluates the performance of the pro-
posed anomaly-based intrusion detection system
(IDS) models and compares them to state-of-the-art
models using the same dataset. The dataset includes
binary and multi-class classification tasks, and mod-
els are assessed using a variety of metrics 4.1, which
is suitable for imbalanced datasets. Tables display
each model’s performance, with separate tables for
each classification type. The aim is to showcase the
effectiveness of the proposed models in anomaly de-
tection and identify their strengths and weaknesses
compared to state-of-the-art models.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
The F1-score, a prevalent metric for evaluating
anomaly-based intrusion detection systems, is the har-
monic mean of precision and recall, where higher val-
ues signify better performance. Precision quantifies
the ratio of accurate positive predictions, while re-
call assesses the model’s capacity to identify all true
positive instances. The F1-score is useful for IDS as
it enables the evaluation of both false positives and
false negatives, which have significant consequences
(Cardenas et al., 2006). The formulas to calculate F1-
score 1, precision 2, recall 3, and accuracy 4 are pro-
F1 score = 2
precision recall
precision + recall
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall =
T P + FN
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
True positive (TP): The number of instances cor-
rectly classified as positive.
True negative (TN): The number of instances cor-
rectly classified as negative.
False positive (FP): The number of instances in-
correctly classified as positive.
False negative (FN): The number of instances in-
correctly classified as negative.
4.2 Binary Classification (2C)
Table 5: Binary Classification Results.
Study Accuracy F1-score Approach
CNN-2C 97.997% 97.939% CNN
RF-2C 99.332% 99.328% Random Forest
XGB-2C 99.036% 99.041% XGBoost
DNN-2C 94.667% 94.234% DNN
RF-2C-Botnet 99.999% 99.996% Random Forest
XGB-2C-Botnet 99.911% 99.996% XGBoost
Kanimozhi and Prem Jacob (Kanimozhi and Jacob, 2019) 99.97% 99.91% ANN
Praneeth (Praneeth et al., 2021) 99.57% 98% DNN
Seth, Singh, and Chahal (Seth et al., 2021) 97.73% 97.73% LightGBM
Table 5 displays the binary classification outcomes
of various anomaly-based intrusion detection systems
(IDS), including CNN-2C, RF-2C, XGB-2C, DNN-
2C, RF-2C-Botnet, XGB-2C-Botnet, Kanimozhi and
Prem Jacob (Kanimozhi and Jacob, 2019), Praneeth
(Praneeth et al., 2021), Seth, Singh, and Chahal (Seth
et al., 2021). RF-2C achieves the highest accuracy
and F1-score for classifying the entire dataset, with
99.332% and 99.328%, respectively. XGB-2C has the
second-highest accuracy and F1-score, with 99.036%
and 99.041%, respectively. RF-2C-Botnet and XGB-
2C-Botnet outperform Kanimozhi and Prem Jacob’s
model (Kanimozhi and Jacob, 2019) for classify-
ing botnet attacks, with accuracies of 99.999% and
99.911% and F1-scores of 99.996% and 99.996%, re-
spectively. DNN-2C has the lowest accuracy and F1-
score, while Seth, Singh, and Chahal’s model (Seth
et al., 2021) has the second-lowest. It is worth noting
that Praneeth’s IDS (Praneeth et al., 2021) only uses
a subset of the dataset.
4.3 Multiclass Classification (7C)
Table 6: Multiclass Classification (7 Classes) Results.
Study Accuracy F1-score Approach
CNN-7C 97.814% 97.206% CNN
RF-7C 99.240% 99.135% Random Forest
XGB-7C 98.949% 98.626% XGBoost
DNN-7C 94.244% 93.215% DNN
Lin, Ye, and Xu (Lin et al., 2019) 96.2% 85% LSTM
Karatas, Demir, and Sahingoz (Karatas et al., 2020) 95.49% 99.7% Adaboost
Table 6 presents the results of six different anomaly-
based intrusion detection systems (IDSs) applied to
classify network intrusions into seven classes. The
CNN-7C, RF-7C, XGB-7C, and DNN-7C IDSs use
the CNN, Random Forest, XGBoost, and DNN ap-
proaches. The table also includes the results of
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
two additional IDSs proposed by Lin, Ye, and Xu
(Lin et al., 2019) and Karatas, Demir, and Sahin-
goz (Karatas et al., 2020), which use the LSTM and
Adaboost with gradient boosting approaches, respec-
tively. The CNN-7C IDS has an accuracy of 97.814%,
while the RF-7C IDS has the highest accuracy at
99.240%. The F1-score is also the highest for the
RF-7C IDS at 99.135%. The XGB-7C and DNN-
7C IDSs have lower F1-score compared to their ac-
curacy values. The LSTM-based IDS proposed by
Lin, Ye, and Xu (Lin et al., 2019) has a relatively
high accuracy of 96.2%, but a lower F1-score of 85%.
The Adaboost and gradient boosting IDS proposed by
Karatas, Demir, and Sahingoz (Karatas et al., 2020)
has a high F1-score of 99.7%, but a lower accuracy
of 95.49%. Overall, among the seven-class IDSs, the
RF-7C IDS appears to have the best balance of accu-
racy and F1-score.
4.4 Multiclass Classification (15C)
Table 7: Multiclass Classification (15 Classes) Results.
Study Accuracy F1-score Approach
CNN-15C 97.313% 96.643% CNN
RF-15C 99.239% 99.124% Random Forest
XGB-15C 98.951% 98.628% XGBoost
DNN-15C 95.152% 94.077% DNN
Ferrag (Ferrag et al., 2020) 97.376% - CNN
Table 7 displays the outcomes of several anomaly-
based intrusion detection systems for multiclass clas-
sification with 15 classes, including CNN, Random
Forest, XGBoost, and DNN. RF-15C has the high-
est accuracy with 99.239% and the highest F1-score
with 99.124%. DNN-15C has the lowest accuracy
with 95.152% and the lowest F1-score with 94.077%.
The other models have accuracy and F1-score scores
between these two extremes. Ferrag’s study (Ferrag
et al., 2020) uses a CNN model, achieves an accuracy
of 97.376%, and does not state the F1-score. Over-
all, the CNN, Random Forest, and XGBoost models
perform well in terms of accuracy, but RF-15C and
XGB-15C have the best F1-score. The DNN model
has a moderate performance, with relatively lower ac-
curacy and F1-score than the other models.
4.5 Discussion
The performance of anomaly-based intrusion detec-
tion systems (IDSs) varies across classification tasks
and approaches. In binary classification (Table 5),
Random Forest (RF-2C) and XGBoost (XGB-2C)
IDSs outperform other models like DNN (DNN-
2C) with the highest accuracy and F1-score values
(99.332% and 99.328%, respectively). For seven-
class classification (Table 6), the Random Forest (RF-
7C) IDS achieves the highest accuracy and F1-score
values (99.240% and 99.135%, respectively). In
15-class classification (Table 7), the Random Forest
model (RF-15C) achieves the highest accuracy and
F1-score (99.239% and 99.124%, respectively). Tree-
based models, particularly Random Forest and XG-
Boost, consistently perform well across binary and
multiclass classification tasks in intrusion detection
systems. Deep learning models, such as CNNs and
DNNs, show lower performance compared to tree-
based models, which may be due to dataset imbal-
ance. Neural networks may learn to predict the major-
ity class more accurately at the expense of the minor-
ity class as they are optimized to minimize the overall
error, which is dominated by the majority class (Shin
et al., 2016). Additionally, the F1-score is a more re-
liable metric than accuracy when evaluating the per-
formance of an intrusion detection system because it
takes into account both precision and recall. Accu-
racy, on the other hand, only measures the proportion
of correct classifications out of all instances, which
can be misleading in the context of intrusion detec-
This section will analyze the study’s primary findings,
limitations of the classification models used, and fu-
ture work on anomaly-based intrusion detection.
5.1 Conclusion
This paper evaluates the performance of the
presented IDS (IntrusionHunter) using the CSE-
CICIDS2018 dataset (Communications Security Es-
tablishment (CSE), 2018). Data cleaning was per-
formed to ensure high-quality data, including remov-
ing missing or invalid values. Feature selection was
done using the random forest approach, and four clas-
sification approaches were used: random forest, XG-
Boost, deep neural network, and convolutional neu-
ral network. The IDSs were evaluated using binary,
multiclass classification with 7 classes, and multiclass
classification with 15 classes. The Random Forest
IDSs outperformed the other approaches, with supe-
rior accuracy and F1-score values in binary classifi-
cation (2C) and multiclass classification (15C) tasks,
and favorable results in the multiclass classification
(7C) task. The CNN and DNN approaches did not
perform as well, mainly due to dataset imbalance, re-
sulting in lower accuracy and F1-score values. Fur-
IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data
ther research is needed to improve the performance
of IDSs and develop approaches that can effectively
classify network intrusions into different classes.
5.2 Future Work
The study’s limitations include the small dataset size
that may not represent all attacks and an imbalanced
dataset. The classification models were only evalu-
ated on one dataset, and testing them on additional
datasets would be beneficial. Future work aims to
address the imbalance issue, evaluate the models on
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications