Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight
Time Series Anomaly Detection
Ming-Chang Lee
1 a
and Jia-Chun Lin
2 b
Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Høgskulen p
a Vestlandet (HVL),
Bergen, Norway
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Gjøvik, Norway
Time Series, Univariate Time Series, Anomaly Detection, Online Model Training, Unsupervised Learning,
TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Deeplearning4j.
Providing online adaptive lightweight time series anomaly detection without human intervention and domain
knowledge is highly valuable. Several such anomaly detection approaches have been introduced in the past
years, but all of them were only implemented in one deep learning library. With the development of deep learn-
ing libraries, it is unclear how different deep learning libraries impact these anomaly detection approaches
since there is no such evaluation available. Randomly choosing a deep learning library to implement an
anomaly detection approach might not be able to show the true performance of the approach. It might also
mislead users in believing one approach is better than another. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the im-
pact of deep learning libraries on online adaptive lightweight time series anomaly detection by implementing
two state-of-the-art anomaly detection approaches in three well-known deep learning libraries and evaluating
how these two approaches are individually affected by the three deep learning libraries. A series of experi-
ments based on four real-world open-source time series datasets were conducted. The results provide a good
reference to select an appropriate deep learning library for online adaptive lightweight anomaly detection.
A time series refers to a sequence of data points in-
dexed in time order, and it is a collection of observa-
tions obtained via repeated measurements over time
(Ahmed et al., 2016). Examples of time series in-
clude stock prices, retail sales, electricity consump-
tion, temperatures, humidity, CO2, blood pressures,
heart rates, etc. Due to the increasing prevalence of
the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more different
time series are continuously generated by diverse IoT
sensors and devices over time. Analyzing time se-
ries is valuable to businesses and organizations since
it gives insight into what has happened and identifies
trends and seasonal variances to aid in the forecasting
of future events. It also enables businesses and or-
ganizations to take appropriate policies or make bet-
ter decisions (Kieu et al., 2018; Yatish and Swamy,
Time series anomaly detection is an analysis task
focusing on detecting anomalous or abnormal data
points in time series, and it has been widely used
in various applications ranging from cloud systems
(Deka et al., 2022), smart grids (Zhang et al., 2021),
healthcare (Pereira and Silveira, 2019) to agriculture
(Moso et al., 2021). Many time series anomaly de-
tection approaches have been introduced in the last
decade. Some were designed for univariate time se-
ries where there is only one time-dependent variable,
and the other approaches were designed for multivari-
ate time series that consists of more than one time-
dependent variables. In this paper, we focus on the
studies for univariate time series. To be more specific,
we focus on univariate time series anomaly detection
approaches that possess the following features: Unsu-
pervised learning, online model training, adaptability,
and lightweight since these features decide whether
an approach is practical or not. (Bl
et al., 2021).
Unsupervised learning refers to machine learning
models that have a self-learning ability to draw in-
ference from a dataset containing a small minority
Lee, M. and Lin, J.
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012082900003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 106-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of abnormal data without any label. Since most of
real-world time series data do not have any label, it is
desirable to have an unsupervised anomaly detection
approach. Conventional machine learning models are
usually trained with a pre-collected dataset in an of-
fline manner. Once the models are trained, they are
used for inference without any change. Hence, they
cannot reflect unseen situations or adapt to changes
on time series (Eom et al., 2015). Unlike offline
model training, online model training enables a ma-
chine learning model to be trained on the fly, imply-
ing that the model can adapt to changes in the pat-
tern of the time series (i.e., adaptability). This fea-
ture is getting more and more popular, and it has
been provided by some systems or approaches such
as (Lee et al., 2020b; Eom et al., 2015; Chi et al.,
2021). Finally, lightweight means that an anomaly
detection approach neither has a complex network
structure/design nor requires excessive computation
resources such as General-Purpose Graphics process-
ing units (GPGPUs) or high-performance computers.
According to our survey, only few state-of-the-art
approaches satisfy all the above-mentioned charac-
teristics, such as RePAD (Lee et al., 2020b), ReRe
(Lee et al., 2020a), SALAD (Lee et al., 2021b), and
RePAD2 (Lee and Lin, 2023). However, all of them
were only implemented in one specific deep learning
library. In fact, a number of deep learning (DL) li-
braries have been introduced and widely used, such
as TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016), PyTorch (Paszke
et al., 2019), and Deeplearning4j (Deeplearning4j,
2023). They have a common goal to facilitate the
complicated data analysis process and offer integrated
environments on top of standard programming lan-
guages (Nguyen et al., 2019). However, it is unclear
the impact of these DL libraries on online adaptive
lightweight anomaly detection.
Therefore, this paper focuses on investigating
how different DL libraries affect online adaptive
lightweight time series anomaly detection by imple-
menting two state-of-the-art anomaly detection ap-
proaches in three widely-used deep learning libraries.
It is worth noting that our focus is not to compare dif-
ferent time series anomaly detection approaches re-
garding their detection accuracy or response time. In-
stead, we emphasize on investigating how these ap-
proaches are individually affected by different DL li-
A series of experiments based on open-source
time series datasets were performed. The results show
that DL libraries have a great impact on not only
anomaly detection accuracy but also response time.
Therefore, it is important to take the selection of DL
libraries into consideration when one would like to
design and implement an online adaptive lightweight
time series anomaly detection approach.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes time series anomaly detection
approaches and DL libraries. Section 3 gives an
overview of the related work. Section 4 introduces
evaluation setup. Section 5 presents the evaluation
results. Section 6 concludes this paper and outlines
future work.
In this section, we introduce state-of-the-art anomaly
detection approaches for univariate time series and
some well-known DL libraries.
2.1 Anomaly Detection Approaches for
Univariate Time Series
Existing anomaly detection approaches for univariate
time series can be roughly classified into two cate-
gories: statistical based and machine learning based.
Statistical-based anomaly detection approaches at-
tempt to create a statistical model for normal time
series data and use this model to determine if a data
point is anomalous or not. Example approaches in-
clude AnomalyDetectionTs and AnomalyDetection-
Vec proposed by Twitter (Twitter, 2015), and Luminol
introduced by LinkedIn (LinkedIn, 2018). However,
statistical-based approaches might not perform well if
the data does not follow a known distribution (Alimo-
hammadi and Chen, 2022).
On the other hand, machine learning based ap-
proaches attempt to detect anomalies without assum-
ing a specific generative model based on the fact
that it is unnecessary to know the underlying pro-
cess of the data (Braei and Wagner, 2020). Green-
house (Lee et al., 2018) is a time series anomaly de-
tection algorithm based on Long Short-Term Mem-
ory (LSTM), which is a special recurrent neural net-
work suitable for long-term dependent tasks (Hochre-
iter and Schmidhuber, 1997). Greenhouse adopts a
Look-Back and Predict-Forward strategy to learn the
distribution of the training data. For a given time
point, a window of most recently observed data point
values are used to predict future data point values.
However, Greenhouse is not an online approach since
its LSTM model is trained with a pre-collected train-
ing data. Besides, it requires users to determine a
proper detection threshold.
RePAD (Lee et al., 2020b) is an online real-time
lightweight unsupervised time series anomaly detec-
tion approaches based on LSTM and the Look-Back
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection
and Predict-Forward strategy. RePAD utilizes a sim-
ple LSTM network (with only one hidden layer and
ten hidden units) to train a LSTM model with short-
term historical data points, predict each upcoming
data point, and then decide if each data point is
anomalous based on a dynamically calculated detec-
tion threshold. Different from Greenhouse, RePAD
does not need to go through any offline training.
Instead, RePAD trains its LSTM model on the fly.
RePAD will keep using the same LSTM model if the
model predicts well. When the prediction error of the
model is higher than or equal to a dynamically calcu-
lated detection threshold, RePAD will retrain another
new model with recent data points.
ReRe (Lee et al., 2020a) is an enhanced time se-
ries anomaly detection based on RePAD, and it was
designed to further reduce false positive rates. ReRe
utilizes two LSTM models to jointly detect anoma-
lous data points. One model works exactly like
RePAD, whereas the other model works similar to
RePAD but with a stricter detection threshold. Com-
pared with RePAD, ReRe requires more compute re-
sources due to the use of two LSTM models.
SALAD (Lee et al., 2021b) is another online self-
adaptive unsupervised time series anomaly detection
approach designed for time series with a recurrent
data pattern, and it is also based on RePAD. Different
from RePAD, SALAD consists of two phases. The
first phase converts the target time series into a series
of average absolute relative error (AARE) values on
the fly. The second phase predicts an AARE value for
every upcoming data point based on short-term his-
torical AARE values. If the difference between a cal-
culated AARE value and the corresponding forecast
AARE value is higher than a self-adaptive detection
threshold, the corresponding data point is considered
Ziu et al. (Niu et al., 2020) introduced LSTM-
based VAE-GAN, which stands for a Long Short-
Term Memory-based variational autoencoder gener-
ation adversarial networks. This method consists of
one offline training stage to learn the distribution of
normal time series, and one anomaly detection stage
to calculate anomaly score for each data point in the
target time series. This method jointly trains the en-
coder, the generator, and the discriminator to take ad-
vantage of the mapping ability of the encoder and the
discriminatory ability of the discriminator. However,
the method requires that the training data contains no
anomalies. Besides, the method is not an online ap-
proach since its detection model will not be retrained
or updated after the training stage, meaning that it is
not adaptive.
Ibrahim et al. (Ibrahim et al., 2022) proposed
a hybrid deep learning approach that combines one-
dimensional convolutional neural network with bidi-
rectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) for
anomaly detection in univariate time series. However,
the approach requires offline training and consider-
able training time due to parameter tuning required
by the used hybrid approach.
2.2 Deep Learning Libraries
Over the last few years, machine learning has seen
significant advances. Many different machine learn-
ing algorithms have been introduced to address dif-
ferent problems. In the meantime, many DL libraries
have been developed by academy, industry, and open-
source communities, attempting to provide a fair ab-
straction on the ground complex tasks with simple
functions that can be used as tools for solving larger
problems (Ketkar and Santana, 2017).
TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016) is a popular open-
source Python-based DL library created and main-
tained by Google. It uses dataflow graphs to represent
both the computation in an algorithm and the state on
which the algorithm operates. TensorFlow is designed
for large-scale distributed training and inference. It
can run on a single CPU system, GPUs, mobile de-
vices, and large-scale distributed systems. However,
its low-level application programming interface (API)
makes it difficult to use (Nguyen et al., 2019). Be-
cause of this, TensorFlow is usually used in combi-
nation with Keras (Keras, 2023), which is a Python
wrapper library providing high-level, highly modular,
and user-friendly API.
CNTK (CNTK, 2023) stands for Cognitive
Toolkit, and it was introduced by Microsoft and writ-
ten in C++ programming language. It supports the
Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format, al-
lowing easy model transformation from one DL li-
brary to another one. As compared with TensorFlow,
CNTK is less popular (Nguyen et al., 2019). More-
over, the official website of CNTK shows that CNTK
is no longer actively developed.
PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019) is an open-source
DL framework based on the Torch library. It aims to
provide an easy to use, extend, develop, and debug
framework. It is equipped with a high-performance
C++ runtime that developers can leverage for pro-
duction environments while avoiding inference via
Python (Ketkar and Santana, 2017). PyTorch sup-
ports tensor computation with strong GPU accelera-
tion and allows a network to change the way it be-
haves with small effort using dynamic computational
graphs. Similar to CNTK, it also supports the ONNX
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Deeplearning4j is an open source distributed deep
learning library released by a startup company called
Skymind in 2014 (Deeplearning4j, 2023)(Wang et al.,
2019). Deeplearning4j is written for java program-
ming language and java virtual machine (JVM). It is
powered by its own open-source numerical comput-
ing library called ND4J, and it supports both CPUs
and GPUs. Deeplearning4j provides implementa-
tions of the restricted Boltzmann machine, deep be-
lief net, deep autoencoder, recurrent neural network,
word2vec, doc2vec, etc.
Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2019) conducted a
survey on several DL libraries. They also analyzed
strong points and weak points for each library. How-
ever, they did not conduct any experiments to com-
pare these DL libraries. Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
2019) compared several DL libraries in terms of
model design ability, interface property, deployment
ability, performance, framework design, and devel-
opment prospects by using some benchmarks. The
authors also made suggestions about how to choose
DL frameworks in different scenarios. Nevertheless,
their general evaluation and analysis are unable to
answer the specific question that this paper attempts
to answer, i.e., how DL libraries affect online adap-
tive lightweight time series anomaly detection ap-
Kovalev et al. (Kovalev et al., 2016) evaluated the
training time, prediction time, and classification ac-
curacy of a fully connected neural network (FCNN)
under five different DL libraries: Theano with Keras,
Torch, Caffe, Tensorflow, and Deeplearning4j. Ap-
parently, their results are not applicable to lightweight
anomaly detection approaches.
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2018) evaluated the
performance of several state-of-the-art DL libraries,
including TensorFlow, Caffe2, MXNet, PyTorch and
TensorFlow Lite on different kinds of hardware, in-
cluding MacBook, FogNode, Jetson TX2, Raspberry
Pi, and Nexus 6P. The authors chose a large-scale
convolutional neural network (CNN) model called
AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2017) and a small-scale
CNN model called SqueezeNet (Iandola et al., 2016),
and evaluated how each of them performs under dif-
ferent combination of hardware and DL libraries in
terms of latency, memory footprint, and energy con-
sumption. According to the evaluation results, there
is no single winner on every metric since each has
its own metric. Due to the fact that two used CNN
models are much complex than lightweight anomaly
detection approaches, their evaluation results and sug-
gestions may not be applicable.
Zahidi et al. (Zahidi et al., 2021) conducted an
analysis to compare different Python-based and Java-
based DL libraries and to see how they support dif-
ferent natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Due
to the difference between NLP tasks and time series
analysis, their results still cannot be applied to the
work of this paper.
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2022) built a bench-
mark that includes six representative DL libraries
on mobile devices (TFLite, PyTorchMobile, ncnn,
MNN, Mace, and SNPE) and 15 DL models (10 of
them are for image classification, 3 of them are for
object detection, 1 for semantic segmentation, and 1
for text classification). The authors then performed a
series of experiments to evaluate the performance of
these DL libraries on the 15 DL models and different
mobile devices. According to their analysis and ob-
servation, there is no DL libraries that perform best
on all tested scenarios and that the impacts of DL
libraries may overwhelm DL algorithm design and
hardware capacity. Apparently, the target of our pa-
per is completely different from that of Zhang et al.s
paper. Even though their results point out some use-
ful conclusions, their results cannot help us get a clear
answer about how different DL libraries affect online
adaptive lightweight anomaly detection.
Based on the description in the Background sec-
tion, we chose RePAD and SALAD to be our target
anomaly detection approaches because both of them
possess all previously mentioned desirable features
(i.e., unsupervised learning, online model training,
adaptability, and lightweight). As for DL libraries, we
chose TensorFlow-Keras, PyTorch, and Deeplearn-
ing4j because they are popular and widely used. Re-
call both TensorFlow-Keras and PyTorch are based on
Python, it would be interesting to see how Deeplearn-
ing4j performs as compared with TensorFlow-Keras
and PyTorch. Here, the versions of TensorFlow-
Keras, PyTorch, and Deeplearning4j are 2.9.1, 1.13.1,
and 0.7-SNAPSHOT, respectively.
We implemented RePAD and SALAD in the three
DL libraries. Hence, there are six combinations as
shown in Table 1. RePAD-TFK refers to RePAD im-
plemented in TensorFlow-Keras, SALAD-PT refers
to SALAD implemented in PyTorch, and so on so
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection
Table 1: The six combinations studied in this paper.
TensorFlow-Keras RePAD-TFK SALAD-TFK
Deeplearning4j RePAD-DL4J SALAD-DL4J
4.1 Real-World Datasets
To evaluate the three RePAD combinations, two
real-world time series were used. One is called
ec2-cpu-utilization-825cc2 (CC2 for short), and the
other is called rds-cpu-utilization-e47b3b (B3B for
short). Both time series are provided by the Nu-
menta Anomaly Benchmark (NAB) (Lavin and Ah-
mad, 2015). CC2 contains two point anomalies and
one collective anomaly, whereas B3B contains one
point anomaly and one collective anomaly. Note that
a point anomaly is a single data point which is identi-
fied as anomalous with respect to the rest of the time
series, whereas a collective anomaly is defined as a se-
quence of data points which together form an anoma-
lous pattern (Schneider et al., 2021).
Since CC2 and B3B consist of only 4032 data
points, they are unable to show the long-term per-
formance of the three RePAD combinations. Hence,
we created two long time series called CC2-10 and
B3B-10 by individually duplicating CC2 and B3B ten
times. Table 2 lists their details. Figures 1 and 2 illus-
trate all data points in CC2-10 and B3B-10, respec-
tively. Each point anomaly is marked as a red circle,
whereas each collective anomaly is marked as a red
curve line.
Table 2: Two extended real-world time series used to eval-
uate RePAD-TFK, RePAD-PT, and RePAD-DL4J.
Name Number of data
Duration Number of anomalies
CC2-10 40,320 5 140 days
20 point and 10
collective anomalies
B3B-10 40,320 5 140 days
10 point and 10
collective anomalies
Figure 1: All data points on the CC2-10 time series. Each
anomaly is marked in red.
On the other hand, to evaluate the three SALAD
combinations, we selected another two real-world re-
Figure 2: All data points on the B3B-10 time series. Each
anomaly is marked in red.
current time series. One is Taipei Mass Rapid Transit
(TMRT for short) (Yeh et al., 2019), and the other is
New York City Taxi demand (NYC for short) from
the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark (Lavin and Ah-
mad, 2015). The former consists of 1260 data points,
whereas the latter consists of 10320 data points. Table
3 summarizes the details of TMRT and NYC. They
contain only collective anomalies.
Table 3: Two real-world time series used to evaluate
Name Number of data
Interval Duration
Number of
TMRT 1,260 1 hour 2016/02/01 00:00 to
2016/03/31 23:00
1 collective
NYC 10,320 30 min 2014/07/01 00:00 to
2015/01/31 23:30
5 collective
4.2 Hyperparameters, Parameters, and
To ensure a fair evaluation, the three RePAD combi-
nations were configured with the same hyperparam-
eters and parameters, as listed in Table 4, following
the setting used by RePAD (Lee et al., 2020b). Re-
call that RePAD utilizes the Look-Back and Predict-
Forward strategy to determine data size for online
model training and data size for prediction. In this
paper, we respectively set the Look-Back parameter
and the Predict-Forward parameter to 3 and 1 based
on the setting suggested by (Lee et al., 2021a). In
other words, the LSTM models used by RePAD-TFK,
RePAD-PT, and RePAD-DL4J will be always trained
with three historical data points, and the trained mod-
els will be used to predict the next upcoming data
point in the target time series.
In addition, RePAD-TFK, RePAD-PT, and
RePAD-DL4J inherited the simple LSTM structure
used by RePAD (Lee et al., 2020b), i.e., only one
hidden layer and ten hidden units. Note that Early
stopping (EarlyStopping, 2023) was not used to
automatically determine the number of epochs since
this technique is not officially supported by PyTorch.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
For fairness, the number of epochs was set to 50 for
the three RePAD combinations.
Table 4: The hyperparameter and parameter setting used by
Hyperparameters/parameters Value
The Look-Back parameter 3
The Predict-Forward parameter 1
The number of hidden layers 1
The number of hidden units 10
The number of epochs 50
Learning rate 0.005
Activation function tanh
Random seed 140
Table 5: The hyperparameter and parameter setting used by
Hyperparameters/parameters The conversion phase The detection phase
The Look-Back parameter
288 for NYC,
63 for TMRT
The Predict-Forward parameter 1 1
The number of hidden layers 1 1
The number of hidden units 10 10
The number of epochs 100 50
Learning rate 0.001 0.001
Activation function tanh tanh
Random seed 140 140
Similarly, to make sure a fair evaluation, the three
SALAD combinations were all configured with the
same hyperparameter and parameter setting, as listed
in Table 5. However, the setting is slightly differ-
ent when it comes to the two used time series TMRT
and NYC. Recall that SALAD consists of one con-
version phase and one detection phase. The conver-
sion phase requires more data points for model train-
ing than the detection phase does. Hence, the Look-
Back parameter for the conversion phase of SALAD-
TFK, SALAD-PT, and SALAD-DL4J were all set to
288 and 63 on NYC and TMRT, respectively. Due
to the same reason, we configured 100 and 50 epochs
for the conversion phase and the detection phase of
the three SALAD combinations, respectively. On the
other hand, the Look-Back parameter for the detec-
tion phase of the three SALAD combinations were all
set to 3 no matter the used time series is TMRT or
NYC. This is because the detection phase works ex-
actly like RePAD, and three is the recommend value
suggested by (Lee et al., 2021a) for the Look-Back
parameter of RePAD.
The evaluations for all the six combinations were
individually performed on the same laptop running
MacOS 10.15.1 with 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
and 16GB DDR4 SDRAM. Note that we did not
choose GPUs or high-performance computers to con-
duct the evaluation since it is interesting to know how
TensorFlow-Keras, PyTorch, and Deeplearning4j im-
pact RePAD and SALAD on a commodity computer.
In this section, we detail the evaluation results of
the three RePAD combinations and the three SALAD
5.1 Three RePAD Combinations
To measure the detection accuracy for each RePAD
combination, we chose precision, recall, and F-
score. Precision is the ratio between the true pos-
itives (TP) and all the positives, i.e., precision=
TP/(TP+FP) where FP represents false positive. Re-
call is the measure of the correctly identified anoma-
lies from all the actual anomalies, i.e., recall=
TP/(TP+FN) where FN represents false negative. F-
score is a well-known composite measure to eval-
uate the accuracy of a model, and it is defined
as 2·(precision·recall)/(precision+recall). A higher
value of F-score indicates better detection accuracy.
It is worth noting that we did not utilize the tra-
ditional pointwise approach to measure precision, re-
call, and F-score. Instead, we refer to the evaluation
method used by (Lee et al., 2020a). More specifically,
if a point anomaly occurring at time point Z can be
detected within a time period ranging from time point
ZK to time point Z+K, this anomaly is considered
correctly detected. On the other hand, for any col-
lective anomaly, if it starts at time point A and ends
at time point B (B>A), and it can be detected within a
period between AK and B, we consider this anomaly
correctly detected. In this paper, we set K to 7 follow-
ing the setting suggested by (Ren et al., 2019), i.e., K
is 7 if the measurement interval of a time series is a
minute, and K is 3 for a hourly time series.
In addition, we used three performance metrics to
evaluate the efficiency of each RePAD combination.
The first one is LSTM training ratio, which is the
ratio between the number of data points that require
a new LSTM model training and the total number
of data points in the target time series. A lower ra-
tio indicates less computation resources and quicker
response time because LSTM model training takes
some time. The second one is average detection time
for each data point when LSTM model training is not
required (ADT-NT for short). According to the design
of RePAD, the LSTM model will not be replaced if it
can accurately predict the next data point, which also
means that the detection can be performed immedi-
ately without any delay. The last performance metric
is average detection time when LSTM model training
is required (ADT-T for short). When LSTM model
training is required, the time to detect if a data point is
anomalous consists of the time to train a new LSTM
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection
model, the time for this new model to re-predict the
value of the data point, and the time to determine if the
data point is anomalous. Apparently, ADT-T would
be longer than ADT-NT due to LSTM model training.
Tables 6 to 9 show the performance of the three
RePAD combinations on the CC2-10 time series. It is
clear that RePAD-PT performs the best since it pro-
vides the highest detection accuracy, the least number
of LSTM training, and the shortest ADT-T. The re-
sult shows that PyTorch seems to be a good choice
for RePAD.
Although RePAD-TFK provides the second best
detection accuracy, its ADT-NT and ADT-T were ob-
viously the longest. It seems like TensorFlow-Keras
is less efficient than PyTorch and Deeplearning4j.
On the other hand, we can see from Table 6 that
RePAD-DL4J provides the lowest detection accuracy
due to the lowest recall. Nevertheless, its ADT-NT
is the shortest and its ADT-T is the second shortest
with the smallest standard deviation. It seems that
Deeplearning4j offers more stable execution perfor-
mance than the other two libraries.
Table 6: The detection accuracy of the three RePAD com-
binations on the CC2-10 time series.
Combination Precision Recall F-score
RePAD-TFK 0.957 0.9 0.928
RePAD-PT 0.954 0.934 0.944
RePAD-DL4J 0.964 0.7 0.811
Table 7: The LSTM training ratio of the three RePAD com-
binations on the CC2-10 time series.
Combination LSTM training ratio
RePAD-TFK 0.0094 (379/40320)
RePAD-PT 0.0089 (357/40320)
RePAD-DL4J 0.0131 (528/40320)
Table 8: The ADT-NT of the three RePAD combinations on
the CC2-10 time series.
Combination ADT-NT (sec) Std. Dev. (sec)
RePAD-TFK 0.518 0.726
RePAD-PT 0.069 0.263
RePAD-DL4J 0.028 0.022
Tables 10 to 13 show the detection results of
the three RePAD combinations on another time se-
ries B3B-10. Apparently, RePAD-TFK has the high-
est detection accuracy and the lowest LSTM train-
ing ratio. However, its ADT-NT and ADT-T are the
longest. This result confirms that TenserFlow-Keras
introduces more overhead to RePAD than the other
two libraries do.
When RePAD was implemented in PyTorch, it has
the second best detection accuracy, the second short-
Table 9: The ADT-T of the three RePAD combinations on
the CC2-10 time series.
Combination ADT-T (sec) Std. Dev. (sec)
RePAD-TFK 1.913 1.409
RePAD-PT 0.100 0.318
RePAD-DL4J 0.375 0.030
est ADT-NT, and the shortest ADT-T. In other words,
PyTorch provides a very good balance between detec-
tion accuracy and response time. On the other hand,
when RePAD-DL4J worked on B3B-10, its perfor-
mance is similar to its performance on CC2-10 (i.e.,
the lowest detection accuracy but satisfactory execu-
tion performance).
Table 10: The detection accuracy of the three RePAD com-
binations on B3B-10.
Combination Precision Recall F-score
RePAD-TFK 0.892 1 0.943
RePAD-PT 0.872 1 0.932
RePAD-DL4J 0.828 1 0.906
Table 11: The LSTM training ratio of the three RePAD
combinations on B3B-10.
Combination LSTM training ratio
RePAD-TFK 0.0026 (105/40320)
RePAD-PT 0.0028 (112/40320)
RePAD-DL4J 0.0042 (168/40320)
5.2 Three SALAD Combinations
To evaluate the detection accuracy of the three
SALAD combinations, we also used precision, recall,
and F-Score. Furthermore, we measured the average
time for each SALAD combination to process each
data point in their conversion phases and detection
Figure 3 shows the detection results of the three
SALAD combinations on the TMRT time series. Ap-
parently, all of them can detect the collective anomaly
without any false positive or false negative. Hence,
the precision, recall, and F-score of the three combi-
nations are all one as shown in Table 14.
Table 15 lists the time consumption of the three
SALAD combinations on TMRT. It is clear that
SALAD-PT has the shortest average conversion time
and average detection time, whereas SALAD-TFK
has the longest average conversion time and average
detection time. It seems like PyTorch is also the best
choice for SALAD so far.
Table 16 lists the detection results of the three
SALAD combinations on the NYC time series. We
can see that SALAD-DL4J has the best detection ac-
curacy. Recall that the conversion phase of SALAD
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 12: The ADT-NT of the three RePAD combinations
on the B3B-10 time series.
Combination ADT-NT (sec) Std. Dev. (sec)
RePAD-TFK 0.517 0.724
RePAD-PT 0.069 0.263
RePAD-DL4J 0.028 0.015
Table 13: The ADT-T of the three RePAD combinations on
the B3B-10 time series.
Combination ADT-NT (sec) Std. Dev. (sec)
RePAD-TFK 1.989 1.436
RePAD-PT 0.105 0.325
RePAD-DL4J 0.388 0.039
Table 14: The detection accuracy of the three SALAD com-
binations on the TMRT time series.
Combination Precision Recall F-score
SALAD-PT 1 1 1
SALAD-DL4J 1 1 1
(Lee et al., 2021b) aims to convert a complex time se-
ries into a less complex AARE series by predicting
the value for each future data point, measuring the
difference between every pair of predicted and actual
data points, and deriving the corresponding AARE
values. As we can see from Figure 4 that most of
the data points predicted by the conversion phase of
SALAD-DL4J matched the real data points. Conse-
quently, as shown in Figure 5, the detection phase
of SALAD-DL4J was able to detect all the collec-
tive anomalies even though there are some false posi-
tives. However, the good performance of the conver-
sion phase of SALAD-DL4J comes at the price of a
long conversion time (see Table 17) due to required
LSTM model training for many data points.
On the other hand, when SALAD-TFK and
SALAD-PT worked on NYC, they both had very
poor detection accuracy (see Table 16). SALAD-
TFK could detect only one collective anomaly, i.e.,
the snow storm. This is because the conversion phase
Figure 3: The detection results of the three SALAD combi-
nations on the TMRT time series.
Table 15: The time consumption of the three SALAD com-
binations on the TMRT time series.
Combination Average Conversion
Time/Std. Dev.(sec)
Average Detection
Time/Std. Dev. (sec)
SALAD-TFK 0.949/1.017 0.472/0.703
SALAD-PT 0.023/0.163 0.008/0.087
SALAD-DL4J 0.162/0.399 0.011/0.027
Table 16: The detection accuracy of the three SALAD com-
binations on the NYC time series.
Combination Precision Recall F-score
SALAD-TFK 0.447 0.2857 0.349
SALAD-PT 0.338 0.2857 0.310
SALAD-DL4J 0.709 1 0.830
Table 17: The time consumption of the three SALAD com-
binations on the NYC time series.
Combination Average Conversion
Time/Std. Dev.(sec)
Average Detection
Time/Std. Dev. (sec)
SALAD-TFK 0.477/0.798 0.488/0.721
SALAD-PT 0.045/0.273 0.022/0.147
SALAD-DL4J 2.306/4.969 0.018/0.042
Figure 4: The original data points in the NYC time series
versus the data points predicted by the conversion phase of
Figure 5: The AARE values generated by the detection
phase of SALAD-DL4J versus the self-adaptive detection
threshold of SALAD-DL4J on the NYC time series.
of SALAD-TFK was unable to correctly predict data
points (as shown in Figure 6). This bad performance
consequently affected the detection phase of SALAD-
TFK and disabled it to detect anomalies. We can see
from Figure 7 that almost all AARE values are lower
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection
Figure 6: The original data points in the NYC time series
versus the data points predicted by the conversion phase of
Figure 7: The AARE values generated by the detection
phase of SALAD-TFK versus the self-adaptive detection
threshold of SALAD-TFK on the NYC time series.
than the detection threshold.
If we look at Figure 7 more closely, we can see
that the detection threshold was very high in the be-
ginning due to the high AARE values, which makes
SALAD felt that its current LSTM model did not need
to be replaced. Even though the threshold dropped
afterwards, it was still much higher than many subse-
quent AARE values. This is why most of the anoma-
lies could not be detected. Since SALAD-TFK re-
quires only a few model training, its average conver-
sion time is much shorter than that of SALAD-DL4J
(see Table 17).
The same situation happened to SALAD-PT when
it worked on the NYC series. SALAD-PT has very
poor detection accuracy even though its average con-
version time and average detection time are the short-
In this paper, we investigated how DL libraries impact
online adaptive lightweight time series anomaly de-
tection by implementing two state-of-the-art anomaly
detection approaches (RePAD and SALAD) in three
well-known DL libraries (TensorFlow-Keras, Py-
Torch, and Deeplearning4j) and conducting a series of
experiments to evaluate their detection performance
and time consumption based on four open-source time
series. The results indicate that DL libraries have a
significant impact on RePAD and SALAD in terms of
not only their detection accuracy but also their time
consumption and response time.
According to the results, TensorFlow-Keras is not
recommended for online adaptive lightweight time se-
ries anomaly detection because it might lead to unsta-
ble detection accuracy and more time consumption.
When it was used to implement RePAD, RePAD had
satisfactory detection accuracy. However, when it was
used to implement SALAD, SALAD had unstable de-
tection accuracy on one used time series. Besides,
TensorFlow-Keras is less efficient than PyTorch and
Deeplearning4j because it causes the longest response
time for both RePAD and SALAD.
On the other hand, PyTorch is the most efficient
library among the three DL libraries since it enables
RePAD and SALAD to provide real-time processing
and instant responses. It also enables RePAD to pro-
vide high detection accuracy. However, similar to
TensorFlow-Keras, it causes unstable detection ac-
curacy when it was used to implement SALAD and
worked on the NYC time series.
Deeplearning4j is considered the most stable li-
brary among the three DL libraries because it not
only enables RePAD and SALAD to provide satisfac-
tory detection accuracy, but also enables RePAD and
SALAD to have reasonable time consumption and re-
sponse time.
We found that it is very important to carefully
choose DL libraries for online adaptive lightweight
time series anomaly detection because DL libraries
might not show the true performance of an anomaly
detection approach. What makes it even worse is
that they might mislead developers or users in believ-
ing that one bad anomaly detection approach imple-
mented in a good DL library is better than a good
anomaly detection approach implemented in a bad DL
In our future work, we would like to release all the
source code (i.e., RePAD and SALAD implemented
in the three DL libraries) on a public software reposi-
tory such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.
The authors want to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their reviews and suggestions for this paper.
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