In this paper, we proposed an intrusion detection sys-
tem aimed to automatically discriminate between le-
gitimate and malicious network traces. In detail, we
propose to represent network traces in terms of im-
ages to input several deep-learning models to detect
the application that generated the specific network
trace. We take into account also prediction explain-
ability, by adopting the Grad-CAM, aimed to high-
light with the heatmap the areas of the image symp-
tomatic of a certain prediction. The deployment of
two versions of SSIM metric to measure heatmap sim-
ilarity. These metrics help assess the degree of resem-
blance between heatmaps, offering valuable insights
into the effectiveness of various approaches or tech-
niques. The limitations of the study include the use of
a limited dataset and the need for further evaluation of
the model’s robustness with additional algorithms for
heatmap generation. For this we plan as future work
to consider more algorithms for heatmap generation,
in order to evaluate the model’s robustness. More-
over, different activation maps will be considered and
we will explore the possibility to detect also malware
in the IoT environment with the proposed method.
This work has been partially supported by EU DUCA,
EU CyberSecPro, and EU E-CORRIDOR projects
and PNRR SERICS SPOKE1 DISE, RdS 2022-2024
This work has been carried out within the Ital-
ian National Doctorate on Artificial Intelligence run
by the Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration
with the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT),
the National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
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A Method for Robust and Explainable Image-Based Network Traffic Classification with Deep Learning