celeration value from a virtual steering wheel (and
virtual acceleration pedal and brake) in a VM. The
driving simulator calculates its direction and veloc-
ity from the rotation angle and acceleration value re-
ceived, and sends them to the 3D map simulator to up-
date the vehicle’s location. Developers of self-driving
AI can execute any task they develop in a VM, their
own AI, and any libraries and runtimes. In Figure 1,
ROS (Quigley et al., 2009) is used at the runtime en-
vironment in a VM.
Figure 1: VM-based simulation environment.
The data transaction in the suggested type of self-
driving simulation has ”geographical locality”. The
geographical locality of a data transaction means that
the data transaction often occurs between objects that
are geographically close to each other in a simulation.
In the case of a traffic simulation that has two self-
driving vehicles that are about to encounter each other
at a blind corner, they would perform a data transac-
tion via a wireless ad hoc network to avoid a traffic
accident. At the point of computation, VMs that are
geographically close to each other in the simulation
should be placed on a same physical machine to elim-
inate the data transaction over a physical network in a
data center, otherwise network congestion would oc-
Figure 2 shows the VM deployment mechanism in
our environment(Kohiga and Shinoda, 2020). The left
side of the figure describes a traffic simulation, and
the right side describes a simulation cloud. In this
example, the simulation map is separated into sev-
eral segments and, at least one physical machine is
assigned to each segment of the map. A VM repre-
sents a self-driving vehicle.
For example, in Figure 2, there are two vehicles in
Area #1 and the Physical Machine 1(PM1) is assigned
to Area#1. Two VMs are executed on PM1. If a self-
driving vehicle moves over the boundary of the two
areas, the VM representing this self-driving vehicle
moves to another physical machine. In the case of
Figure 2, when a self-driving vehicle in Area#1 moves
to Area#2, the VM that represents its vehicle on PM1
also moves to PM2.
(vehicle #1)
Area#1 Area#2
(Area #3)
(Area #1)
(vehicle #1)
(Area #4)
(train #1)
(vehicle #3)
(vehicle #1)
(vehicle #4)
(“PM” stands for “Physical Machine”)
Figure 2: Division of the simulation map into several areas
and assignment of them to each physical machine.
Our simulation environment has more scalability
and flexibility, compared with the previous works.
The biggest problem in our simulation environment is
how to maintain real-time processing when there are
several spontaneous increases of VMs in one segment
described in Figure 2.
The simulation clock synchronization of all simu-
lation objects is the most important task in a loosely
coupled simulation environment. All simulation ob-
jects must maintain a simulation clock that is syn-
chronized with the others, otherwise the simulation
would lose credibility. In the case of a traffic simu-
lation, a car crash that should occur does not occur
because of the clock skew. Several techniques exist
for the synchronization of the clock in an agent-based
simulation. The most obvious technique is to have
“global virtual time” (GVT) (Fujimoto, 2001). GVT
is a clock system that is shared by all processing ob-
jects that appear in a simulation. Once GVT is set, all
processes should obey this time.
There is a case in which the lack of CPUs spon-
taneously occurs during a simulation in our environ-
ment. Figure 3 shows a typical case in which a part
of the simulation in a VM is delayed. The left side
of the figure describes a simulation map and vehicles.
The right side of the figure describes task scheduling
with a timeline. We explained the deployment mech-
anism of our simulation environment in Figure 2. As
the simulation proceeds, the number of vehicles in an
area varies. At a certain moment, a number of vehi-
cles exceeds a number of CPUs assigned in the seg-
ment. There are four vehicles on the left-hand side
of the figure; hence, four VMs should be executed on
the physical machine assigned to this segment. This
physical machine has only two CPUs; hence, the ex-
ecution of these VMs are delayed because of the lack
of a CPU. In this case, the time lapse is twice as fast
as that for the clock inside the VMs (when the real
clock is T = 2, the VMs execute task A and task B at
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications