Figure 8: Ongoing augmented reality integration prototype.
In our follow-up work, we will therefore focus on
the following directions. First, we will study the per-
formance and price point for AR-based navigation.
Second, we will investigate the scalability of the solu-
tion in larger stores, and the operational/maintenance
perspective including the adoption of more sustain-
able technology such as solar-powered ESLs and bea-
cons that are technically suitable for indoor shopping
lighting conditions. As a third research direction, in
order to support both customer and shop owner we
will investigate additional features. For that matter,
we expect an emerging mobile application to incor-
porate cutting-edge technology that enables users to
search for a product and receive recommendations for
related items. Once the customer has added all de-
sired products to their basket, the application will gen-
erate the shortest walking path from their current lo-
cation to the cash service, including all products in the
route. The path precision will be increased by lever-
aging multi-sensor fusion and multi-perspective con-
sensus voting (Gkikopoulos et al., 2022). Along this
path, the application will suggest additional products
nearby to the customer as they navigate through the
market. If the customer accepts any of the recom-
mended products, the application will automatically
generate a new walking path with the same logic. This
feature will provide a seamless shopping experience
for users, helping them discover new products while
efficiently navigating through the store.
Research partially supported by Innosuisse - Swiss In-
novation Agency in project Indoor Navigation for Per-
sonalised Shopping/62895.1 INNO-ICT. This work
has been partially supported by the European Union -
FSE, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 Axis
I - Action I.1 ”Dottorati innovativi con caratteriz-
zazione industriale” CUP: J75F20000100007.
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ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies