Table 3: Scenario 3 - Average runtime according to the
number of database records, ranging from 16 bits of
padding (low reliability) to 64 bits of padding (strong re-
liability) (min:sec,ms).
Scenario 3 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits
5 records 00:21,93 00:25,34 00:35,23
10 records 00:44,37 00:52,88 01:13,23
50 records 03:47,27 04:28,43 06:01,55
100 records 07:38,88 08:50,99 12:07,74
The running times shown in table 3 illustrate that
this case is significantly more computationally costly
(more than 12 minutes for a hundred records and 2
false positive probability) than the previous ones, and
scales only to about ten records (about one minute for
false positive probability). Furthermore, accord-
ing to tables 1 and 3, for 10 records and 2
positive probability, we have 73s of computations, of
which 15s are devoted to calculating the Hamming
distance, which leaves 58s of computation time for
the ten tests to zero. Similarly, for 50 records and 2
false positive probability, 76s stands for the Hamming
distance and 286s of runtime for the homomorphic
tests to zero. This is the price to pay for results com-
pactness, thus for a lower communication cost. In-
deed, scenario 3 results in a O(1) size for the reply,
when scenarios 1 and 2 lead to an O(r) reply size,
where r is the number of records in the database.
This paper investigated multi-user setups, the first two
setups show two similar protocols allowing each user
to recognize the messages that are intended for him
and guaranteeing result consistency under multiple
keys. In terms of latency, these scenarios can be prac-
tically relevant (about one minute of execution time)
at a scale of 50 to 100 records in the database for
sequentially performed calculations. However, these
protocols have a natural potential for parallelization,
allowing to compute on a few thousands records per
minute. Indeed, these scenarios return one response
per record in the database, and the homomorphic cal-
culations on the records can be performed in parallel.
So for a server with 50 cores (a standard scale on the
NUMA machine market), the execution time would
be almost divided by 50. Our third setup allows users
to request the result of a calculation on the data ad-
dressed to them and returns only one response. This is
interesting for many use cases but results in a smaller
scaling potential since it can only handle about ten
records in one minute, sequentially.
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Lightweight FHE-based Protocols Achieving Results Consistency for Data Encrypted Under Different Keys