mance of approximated ReLU can be estimated to be
slightly faster than the 320s taken in (Hesamifard et al.,
2019) with a slight accuracy reduction.
This research proposed novel approximations of ReLU
to ensure efficient homomorphic evaluation targeting
CNNs. For unencrypted ReLU approximation, the
most accurate approximation is Chebyshev order 16
(TS). If speed is prioritised, DR Chebyshev approxima-
tions orders 8 and 12 are recommended. The DR ap-
proximation of the Taylor expansion of Softplus (order
4) is also suitable. For encrypted ReLU approximation,
TS Chebyshev polynomial approximations orders 8,
12, 16 provide significant speed-up. When applying
Chebyshev approximations (order 16, with DR and
TS) to the CNN, after 5 runs of training and classi-
fying, the TS approximation, equation 22, provides a
48% speed-up in training run-time and a 0.0011 aver-
age decrease in classification accuracy. Overall, using
TS and DR approximations in CNNs do not have sig-
nificant negative impact on accuracy and performance.
This research demonstrates significant opportunities
for acceleration of HE evaluation using AC techniques,
sacrificing minimal accuracy and helping realise the
potential of HE for large scale data analytics.
This research was supported partly by a Thales UK
placement - thanks to Adrian Waller and Naomi Farley
for their support.
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