published on TOR website [...]". We cannot
observe data exfiltration, as it was done with low-
level methods, e.g. using special I/O API calls with
undocumented flags. Instead, we can only observe
sockets binding to all the opened interfaces without
sending anything.
All of these examples of BAGUETTE graphs
show that: 1) A global view of the dynamic traces
in the BAGUETTE graph help human analysts to
quickly focus on possibly interesting behaviours. 2)
Zooming the graph and unveiling detailed informa-
tion allows human analysts to conduct deeper investi-
gation into specific payloads and help producing ex-
planations for the malware sample’s behaviour.
Malware analysis consists of understanding the ob-
jective of a malware, and its various attack, pro-
tection, and evasion techniques. BAGUETTE is a
post-processing of the dynamic analysis report pro-
duced by Cuckoo sandbox relying on a heterogeneous
graph. Based on this representation, it is easy to spec-
ify metagraphs that describe suspicious behaviours
and to use them to filter a database of analysis re-
ports to highlight malware displaying a given suspi-
cious and precise behaviors. Finally, experts can use
BAGUETTE graphs to manually analyze the interac-
tion between the malware and the host and quickly
discover and verify hypotheses. In the future, we
will use metagraphs to identify clusters of malware
exhibiting partially similar behaviors and qualify un-
known malware by recognizing partially known be-
haviors through metagraphs. We will also try to create
an algorithm to learn significant metagraphs to sepa-
rate datasets of BAGUETTEs.
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