Table 1: Comparison of related schemes in distributed database setting with n instances each with m data objects each of l
Scheme Lipmaa Boneh Chandran PIUDI
Communication (logn + l)k ∗m(best case ) O(l ∗m
n) O(m ∗
n)polylog(n) O(l ∗n)
Computation O(m ∗(n ∗logn + n)) O(l ∗m ∗n) O(n ∗m ∗ polylog(n)) O(n)
DB size change None None None None
Table 2: Gas fee comparison between trival encrypted db(Best case), homomorphically encrypted db(Best case) and our
approach for updating n data objects with c being the gas cost for a trivial addition operation.
Scheme Encrypted Homomorphic encrypted PIUDI
Single update gas cost O(n ∗logn + n) ∗c O(n ∗logn + n) ∗c O(1) ∗c
Batch update gas cost N.A. N.A. O(1) ∗c
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