proposed architecture demonstrates that a coordinated
edge server system delivers continuous responses as
vehicles travel along the road. The edge server’s fail-
ure handling mechanism effectively addresses real-
time communication breakdowns. We illustrate that
the coordinated edge server system enables faster data
processing, lower latency, and higher throughput for
requests compared to the cloud-mediated transmis-
sion model.
In future work, we aim to expand our research on
the feedback system between cloud and edge servers.
We plan to adapt the cloud to identify variations in
friction estimates generated over time and use this in-
formation to determine the feedback interval with the
edge servers.
This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under grant no. CNS-
1932509 “CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research:
Automated Discovery of Data Validity for Safety-
Critical Feedback Control in a Population of Con-
nected Vehicles”
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Distributed Edge Computing System for Vehicle Communication