ing on paths, flexible path length, or incomplete
path specifications) and a property graph holding all
authorization-relevant data, which we call source-
subset graph. The proof-of-concept prototype im-
plements the latest language and architecture of
XACML4G and a case for a real knowledge graph
(RQ3). The XML schemas are further extended to
define the authorization-relevant data, support flexi-
ble path specification in the policy, and specify edges
as resources. To enforce the XACML4G language,
extensibility points in the PIP and proprietary exten-
sions of the XACML architecture (i.e., context han-
dler, PAP, and PDP) are implemented. The proto-
type extends the open source XACML implementa-
tion Balana and uses Neo4j along with Cypher for
a datastore-independent enforcement. No more pre-
processing of policies and requests is required. Com-
pared to our previous work and a statically imple-
mented XACML prototype, our current prototype has
better performance and stability in evaluating paths
with different lengths. Additionally, the current ap-
proach no longer introduces constant overhead.
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are now evaluated within the XACML model as con-
ditions, but no pattern-related errors can be detected.
Moreover, multiple labels on vertices and edges have
to be considered to match with real-world graph mod-
els. The performance comparison can be improved by
excluding influencing factors, such as different graph
database systems for policy enforcement.
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supported by the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab
funded by the State of Upper Austria. The work was
also funded within the FFG BRIDGE project KnoP-
2D (grant no. 871299).
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XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement