ation is. We now discuss the speeding up in more
One topic is focusing on optimizing the Shamir
library to reduce the execution time. In addition,
the message parsing needs to be optimized as cur-
rently it is required for the system to parse the en-
tire raw message contents to get attachments on in-
coming messages. In the future, this may be made
more simple through expanded WebExtension APIs.
Currently, due to the recent major version change and
add-on overhaul, the Thunder WebExtension APIs do
not have any direct access to message attachments.
Another potential route for optimization is selecting
another secret sharing scheme that may be more op-
timized for a JavaScript implementation and for file
sizes of up to a few megabytes. Finally, alternative
universal hashing functions should be considered.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography