the ranking, surpassing CWE-200. This can be ex-
plained by considering that, although there are more
vulnerabilities mapped to CWE-200 than to CWE-
310 and the average severity is comparable across the
two CWEs, the vulnerability in CWE-200 with the
highest number of instances has lower-than-average
severity and the vulnerability in CWE-310 with the
highest number of instances has higher-than-average
severity, thus shifting the weighted average in favor of
Finally, we can observe that CWE-20 and CWE-
200 rank high in all three rankings. These can be ex-
plained by considering that these two CWEs have a
significant number of mapped CVEs (4.3k and 2.6k
respectively) – which increases their S
score –
and have the largest number of vulnerability instances
discovered by the scanner – which increases their S
and S
Table 5: Ranking based on S
1 Others 9.03
2 CWE-20 7.73
3 CWE-310 3.77
4 CWE-200 3.65
5 CWE-284 1.76
6 CWE-254 1.65
7 CWE-732 1.48
8 CWE-617 1.34
9 CWE-264 1.13
10 CWE-74 0.88
10 CWE-787 0.88
10 CWE-89 0.88
10 CWE-94 0.88
14 CWE-327 0.70
14 CWE-331 0.70
14 CWE-400 0.70
17 CWE-16 0.68
17 CWE-326 0.68
17 CWE-79 0.68
In summary, the analysis of these results confirms
that the proposed metrics work as expected and can
effectively identify the most severe weaknesses for a
given system.
Building upon the existing body of work on vulner-
ability metrics and ranking of common weaknesses,
we have proposed a simple yet elegant approach for
ranking weaknesses that integrates the results of vul-
nerability scanning. Accordingly, we have defined
two new scoring metrics to enable the generation of
system-specific rankings that can provide administra-
tors with actionable intelligence to guide vulnerabil-
ity remediation. Future work may involve establish-
ing a collaboration with MITRE to further evaluate
and possibly standardize the proposed metrics within
the context of the CWE framework, and working with
vendors of scanning software to explore the integra-
tion of our solution into their products.
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