An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons’ Role in Solving
OSS Newcomers’ Challenges
Ahmed Samir Imam Mahmoud
1 a
, Alexander Nolte
1,2 b
and Dietmar Pfahl
1 c
University of Tartu, Estonia
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
OSS, Open-Source, Hackathon, Newcomers, Challenges, Barriers, Evidence.
Background: OSS projects face various challenges. One major challenge is to onboard and integrate newcom-
ers to the project. Aim: We aim to understand and discuss the challenges newcomers face when joining an
OSS project and present evidence on how hackathons can mitigate those challenges. Method: We conducted
two searches on digital libraries to (1) explore challenges faced by newcomers to join OSS projects, and (2)
collect evidence on how hackathons were used to address them. We defined four evidence categories (posi-
tive, inconclusive, and no evidence) to classify evidence how hackathons address challenges. In addition, we
investigated whether a hackathon event was related to an OSS project or not. Result: We identified a range of
newcomer challenges that were successfully addressed using hackathons. However, not all of the solutions we
identified were applied in the context of OSS. Conclusion: There seems to be potential in using hackathons to
overcome newcomers’ challenges in OSS projects and allow them to integrate faster into the project.
Open source software (OSS) projects have proven
their success through projects like Debian, Linux
kernel, and many more. Researchers have stud-
ied their success factors (Mateos-Garcia and Stein-
mueller, 2008; Sadowski et al., 2008; Norris, 2004)
and presented lessons learned (M
uller, 2018) when
creating and maintaining successful OSS projects.
The management of OSS projects faces chal-
lenges. Maintaining engagement, attracting new de-
velopers (Sen et al., 2012), and integrating them such
that they become contributors to a project are exam-
ples of such challenges. The range of challenges that
exist in OSS projects has been discussed in litera-
ture (Lee et al., 2017; Hannebauer et al., 2014; Bal-
ali et al., 2018; Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017). Re-
searchers have proposed and evaluated various ap-
proaches (Steinmacher et al., 2016) that aim at help-
ing the OSS communities to onboard newcomers and
reduce the time it takes until they become productive.
Hackathons have previously been used to over-
come challenges related to networking, sharing ideas,
learning, and creating prototypes (Nolte et al., 2020b).
Hackathons might thus have the potential to address
problems related to onboarding newcomers to OSS
projects and fostering their contribution. Hackathons
are time-bounded events where individuals form ad-
hoc teams and engage in intensive collaboration on
a project idea of their interest (Falk et al., 2022).
These events have been organized and studied in var-
ious contexts, including corporations (Pe-Than et al.,
2019; Nolte et al., 2018; Komssi et al., 2015), en-
trepreneurship (Cobham et al., 2017; Nolte, 2019),
and education (Porras et al., 2019; Gama et al.,
2018; Kienzler and Fontanesi, 2017). Despite their
widespread use, research focusing on hackathons in
the context of OSS projects in general and on how
they can aid the onboarding of newcomers, in partic-
ular, is scarce.
To address this gap, we conducted a review of ex-
isting literature on challenges that affect OSS new-
comers. We contrasted our findings with prior work
on how hackathons were used to tackle such chal-
lenges. In this position paper, we report on findings
from this initial analysis. These findings will sub-
sequently serve as a basis for an empirical study on
how hackathons can support newcomers to join and
become productive members of OSS projects.
We provide the following contribution: We
Mahmoud, A., Nolte, A. and Pfahl, D.
An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons’ Role in Solving OSS Newcomers’ Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0012091200003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 420-427
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
present an overview of challenges affecting newcom-
ers to start contributing to OSS projects reported in
the literature. We also collect evidence about how
hackathons were used to tackle these challenges.
2.1 Challenges for OSS Projects
OSS projects are an important piece of the larger soft-
ware ecosystem contributing software, libraries, and
packages. Typical challenges of OSS projects that
need continuous attention and monitoring include the
risk of underproduction (Champion and Hill, 2021),
the difficulty to attract and maintain developers (Sen
et al., 2012), knowledge management (KM) (Dai
et al., 2020), and the handling of community dynam-
ics in agile OSS projects (M
uller, 2018).
In this paper, we focus on challenges related
to onboarding newcomers to OSS projects and how
hackathons were used to overcome them.
2.2 Developers Joining OSS Projects
Prior research has been conducted to understand the
onboarding of new developers joining OSS projects.
This work includes understanding their motivation
join OSS projects (Ye and Kishida, 2003). Based on
this understanding, researchers have proposed scripts
for new developers to start contributing (von Krogh
et al., 2003), proposed a joining model (Steinmacher
et al., 2014), and proposed an approach to identify and
recommend mentors in OSS projects (Canfora et al.,
2012). In addition, there is also work that aims to un-
derstand the impact of globalization and offshoring in
OSS projects and provide tools to facilitate newcom-
ers’ learning (Zhou and Mockus, 2010).
2.3 Hackathons and OSS
It is a common practice for OSS projects to arrange
in-person events like conferences or hackathons. Re-
search on such events has found that they can aid the
development of trust and build relationships (Geiger
et al., 2021). There are empirical studies on the
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) a community code
engagement event similar to hackathons. Findings
indicate that such events can be used to attract new
developers (Silva et al., 2017). Similarly, there are
studies on how project characteristics can affect the
onboarding of developers by analyzing data from a
kick-start hackathon at Facebook. Findings indicate
positive effects of mentoring on the onboarding pro-
cess (Fagerholm et al., 2014).
Our work is divided into two main steps. First, we
conducted a literature review on the challenges and
barriers affecting newcomers in OSS projects and cat-
egorized them into different groups (section 3.1). Sec-
ond, we extracted evidence from existing work about
how hackathons were used to overcome these chal-
lenges and barriers.
3.1 Identifying Challenges that Affect
Newcomers in OSS Projects
We first searched for secondary studies on newcomer
barriers in OSS projects, i.e., Systematic Literature
Reviews (SLRs) in the ACM digital library, Google
scholar, and IEEE Xplore. As keywords we used OSS,
newcomers, barriers, challenges, SLR, and systematic
literature review. One of the identified papers (Stein-
macher et al., 2015b) specifically discussed barriers
faced by newcomers in OSS projects and grouped
them into different categories and subcategories.
Since SLRs do not cover the most recent studies,
we expanded our search on the same digital libraries
for the time period after the publication of the afore-
mentioned paper (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) exclud-
ing the keywords SLR and systematic literature re-
view. The goal was to identify additional challenges
and barriers that were discussed after the SLR was
published. This new search yielded 7 additional pa-
pers discussing newcomers’ challenges and barriers
in OSS projects. We only included papers that dis-
cussed developers joining OSS projects and excluded
papers discussing newcomers in other settings.
From the final list of papers, we extracted all new-
comers’ challenges and barriers in OSS projects and
classified them based on the categories proposed in
the aforementioned SLR (Steinmacher et al., 2015b).
Because we found new types of barriers and chal-
lenges, we had to extend the original set of categories.
3.2 Finding Evidence on Hackathons
Addressing Newcomer Challenges
Before searching for prior work on how hackathons
were used to overcome newcomer challenges, we de-
fined categories that describe the state of evidence
based on two criteria. The first criterion covers evi-
dence that hackathons helped address newcomer chal-
An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons’ Role in Solving OSS Newcomers’ Challenges
lenges. The second criterion covers the context of the
hackathon events, i.e., if they were related to OSS or
not. Based on these criteria, we defined four cate-
gories. Positive evidence in open source indicates that
there is positive evidence in literature that hackathons
have helped to overcome a specific OSS challenge.
Positive evidence in different context indicates there is
positive evidence in literature that hackathons helped
overcome a specific challenge outside of OSS. Incon-
clusive evidence indicates that there is contradicting
evidence in literature, i.e., that there is evidence in
favor and against hackathons helping to overcome a
specific challenge. No evidence indicates a lack of ev-
idence that hackathons help overcome a specific chal-
lenge. Table 1 provides an overview.
Table 1: Categories of evidence (including abbreviations).
Evidence category Abbreviation
Positive Evidence in OSS Projects P-E-OSS
Positive Evidence in Different Context P-E-OTH
Inconclusive Evidence INC-E
No Evidence NO-E
After defining these categories, we conducted a
search in digital libraries, including the ACM digital
library, Google scholar, and IEEE Xplore, for papers
that discuss newcomers and hackathon outcomes in
general. There are no secondary studies on the topic
so we used the following keywords in our search:
hackathon, newcomers, outcome, challenges, engage-
ment, and collaboration. In addition, we included
newcomer challenges collected in the first step as key-
words in our search.
Based on our search, we identified 8 papers.
We analyzed these papers to find evidence that
hackathons overcome or solve any of the previously
identified challenges and barriers in the context of
OSS and beyond. We focused on the method and ap-
proach described in the paper before extracting how
newcomer challenges were addressed.
Our main goal was to find evidence that hackathons
helped overcome newcomer challenges in OSS
projects. To achieve this goal, we collected and an-
alyzed existing literature as discussed in 3. In this
section, we present our findings regarding newcomer
challenges (section 4.1) and regarding evidence about
how hackathons helped overcome them (section 4.2).
4.1 Challenges Affecting Newcomers in
OSS Projects
Several publications report on barriers and challenges
of newcomers joining an OSS project that can be cat-
egorized into five main groups (Steinmacher et al.,
2015b). These include Finding a way to start, Tech-
nical hurdles, Poorly documented code, Newcomers’
previous knowledge, Social interaction, and Individ-
uals problems. We extended these categories by in-
cluding more recent work. Table 2 shows the ex-
tended set of categories of challenges faced by new-
comers in OSS projects. It also includes the results
of the evidence where hackathons have been used to
overcome newcomer challenges in OSS and beyond.
4.1.1 Finding a Way to Start
This category is related to newcomers’ challenges to
find the first steps to become engaged in a project and
find their way to interact with the existing team of
contributors (Steinmacher et al., 2015b). One prob-
lem reported by Steinmacher et al. (2015b); Balali
et al. (2018) is to “find an appropriate task to start
with”. Steinmacher et al. (2015b,a) also report chal-
lenges to “find a mentor” who guides a newcomer
through onboarding and integration them into the
team. “Difficulties locating bugs they choose to fix”
is a related challenge reported by Lee et al. (2017);
Hannebauer and Gruhn (2017). Also related to bugs
are challenges related to “Bug reproduction” which
is reported by Hannebauer and Gruhn (2017). New-
comers struggle to reproduce bugs and test if their fix
resolved them. One last challenge reported by Bal-
ali et al. (2018) is that newcomers sometimes “start
with a too complex task” for their skillset. They might
struggle to understand the task and are not able to ac-
complish what they desire with their current experi-
ence in the OSS project.
4.1.2 Technical Hurdles
This category includes technical challenges related to
handling code. One of the main issues for newcom-
ers reported by Steinmacher et al. (2015b) is “set-
ting up the local workspace”. This is always a chal-
lenge for new developers joining a project. They of-
ten face problems building the project (Hannebauer
and Gruhn, 2017), setting up the development envi-
ronment (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017), and using
different devices (Balali et al., 2018). Other barri-
ers reported by Steinmacher et al. (2015b) are “Code
complexity” and “Software architecture complexity”
which always need time and effort by newcomers to
get a grasp of the project and its specifics. One main
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Evidence in literature where hackathons were used to overcome newcomer challenges in OSS projects.
Category Sub Category Sub Sub Category Classification
Finding a way to start (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Find appropriate task to start with (Steinmacher et al., 2015b; Balali et al., 2018) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Hogan, 2022)
Find a mentor (Steinmacher et al., 2015b,a) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Hogan, 2022)
Difficulties locating the bug they chose to fix (Lee et al., 2017) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Hogan, 2022)
Bug reproduction (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Hogan, 2022)
Willingness to start with a complex task (Balali et al., 2018) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Hogan, 2022)
Technical hurdles (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Issue setting up local workspace (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Problems to build the project (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) P-E-OTH (Hogan, 2022; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019; Steglich et al., 2020)
Setup the development environment (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) P-E-OTH (Hogan, 2022; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019; Steglich et al., 2020)
Difference in the devices that mentors and mentees use (Balali et al., 2018) NO-E
Code Complexity (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) P-E-OTH (Hogan, 2022; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019; Steglich et al., 2020)
Software architecture complexity (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) P-E-OTH (Noguera Salinas et al., 2019; Steglich et al., 2020)
Submission process is too long and too complex (Lee et al., 2017)
Submission technique (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) P-E-OTH (Hogan, 2022)
Issue tracker complexity (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) NO-E
Bureaucracy (Hannebauer and Gruhn, 2017) NO-E
Long project processes (Balali et al., 2018) NO-E
Poorly documented code (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Too much documentation (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) NO-E
Outdated documentation (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) NO-E
Unclear code comments (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) NO-E
Lack of documentation (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) NO-E
Newcomer previous knowledge (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Lack of technical experience (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019)
Lack of domain experience (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019)
Lack of knowledge of project practices (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019)
Unfamiliar project management schemes (Lee et al., 2017) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019)
Lack of knowledge of the project’s programming language (Hannebauer et al., 2014) P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Noguera Salinas et al., 2019)
Social Interaction (Steinmacher et al., 2015b) Not receiving a (timely) answer (Steinmacher et al., 2015b,a)
Delayed answers (Steinmacher et al., 2015a)
Low responsiveness (Steinmacher et al., 2015a)
P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Lyonnet, 2022)
Receive an improper answer (Steinmacher et al., 2015b)
Impolite answers (Steinmacher et al., 2015a)
Receiving answers with too advanced/complex context (Steinmacher et al., 2015a)
P-E-OTH (Nolte et al., 2020a; Lyonnet, 2022)
Communication barriers
English level (Steinmacher et al., 2015a; Balali et al., 2018) NO-E
Newcomer not sending meaningful messages (Steinmacher et al., 2015a) P-E-OTH (Lyonnet, 2022)
Making useless comments in the mailing list (Steinmacher et al., 2015a) P-E-OTH (Lyonnet, 2022)
Time zone and place barriers (Balali et al., 2018) P-E-OTH (Lyonnet, 2022)
Lack of interpersonal skills in mentors (Balali et al., 2018) P-E-OTH (Lyonnet, 2022)
Cultural differences (Balali et al., 2018) P-E-OTH (Lyonnet, 2022)
Some newcomers need to contact a real person (Steinmacher et al., 2015a) P-E-OTH (Steglich et al., 2020; Lyonnet, 2022)
Individuals problems Newcomers’ personal issues
Lack of clear professional goals (Balali et al., 2018)
Fear of judgment (Balali et al., 2018)
Low self-efficacy (Balali et al., 2018)
Performance anxiety (Balali et al., 2018)
Newcomer’s personality conflicts with the role (Balali et al., 2018)
Newcomer’s inability to improve upon criticism (Balali et al., 2018)
Difficulty in time-management (Balali et al., 2018)
Difficulty in managing different accounts (Balali et al., 2018)
Shyness (Steinmacher et al., 2015a)
Mentors’ issues
Difficulty in time-management (Balali et al., 2018) INC-E (Silva et al., 2020)
Handling a large number of mentees (Balali et al., 2018) INC-E (Silva et al., 2020)
Difficulty in switching context (Balali et al., 2018) INC-E (Silva et al., 2020)
Not having a formal procedure for introducing the community (Balali et al., 2018) NO-E
Difficulty in managing different accounts (Balali et al., 2018) NO-E
An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons’ Role in Solving OSS Newcomers’ Challenges
issue reported by Lee et al. (2017) is that the “Sub-
mission process is too long and too complex”. This
relates to issue tracker complexity (Hannebauer and
Gruhn, 2017), bureaucracy (Hannebauer and Gruhn,
2017) and submission techniques (Hannebauer and
Gruhn, 2017) (ex. patch-based or pull requests) which
can be different for each project.
4.1.3 Poorly Documented Code
This category is related to documentation, an im-
portant aspect of any software development project.
Steinmacher et al. (2015b) categorized barriers re-
lated to documentation into “Too much documen-
tation”, “Outdated documentation”, “Unclear code
comments”, and “Lack of documentation”. Lack of
documentation was also reported by Hannebauer and
Gruhn (2017) referring to newcomers having to use
scripts that are not fully documented and must be
learned by observation or trial-and-error.
4.1.4 Newcomers’ Previous Knowledge
This category is related to inadequate previous knowl-
edge that could become a challenge for newcom-
ers when joining an OSS project. “Lack of techni-
cal experience”, “Lack of domain experience”, and
“Lack of knowledge of project practices” are re-
ported by Steinmacher et al. (2015b). Other newcom-
ers’ previous knowledge challenges are “Unfamiliar
project management schemes” (Lee et al., 2017) and
“Lack of knowledge of the project’s programming
language” (Hannebauer et al., 2014).
4.1.5 Social Interaction
This category refers to one of the most common
groups of challenges faced by newcomers in OSS
projects. Subcategories include “Not receiving a
timely answer” (Steinmacher et al., 2015b,a), e.g.,
in the form of delayed answers, and “Receiving an
improper answer” (Steinmacher et al., 2015b), e.g.,
in the form of impolite answers or answers with ad-
vanced or complex content. A subcategory that we
derived covers Communication barriers. It includes
barriers related due to insufficient command of the
English language (Steinmacher et al., 2015a; Bal-
ali et al., 2018), newcomers not sending meaningful
messages (Steinmacher et al., 2015a), making use-
less comments in mailing lists (Steinmacher et al.,
2015a), issues related to timezone and geographical
location (Balali et al., 2018), lack of interpersonal
skills of mentors (Balali et al., 2018), cultural differ-
ences (Balali et al., 2018), and the need of newcomers
to contact a person face-to-face (Steinmacher et al.,
4.1.6 Individuals Problems
This category was derived by us, and it consists of var-
ious problems of individuals in OSS projects, arising
either from newcomers themselves or from mentors,
and affecting the newcomers’ contributions.
The first subcategory contains Newcomers’ per-
sonal issues that could affect their integration in an
OSS project, including lack of clear professional
goals (Balali et al., 2018), fear of judgement (Balali
et al., 2018), low self-efficacy (Balali et al., 2018),
performance anxiety (Balali et al., 2018), newcomer’s
personality conflicts with the role (Balali et al., 2018),
newcomer’s inability to improve upon criticism (Bal-
ali et al., 2018), difficulty in time management (Bal-
ali et al., 2018), difficulty in managing different ac-
counts (Balali et al., 2018), and shyness (Steinmacher
et al., 2015a).
The second subcategory contains Mentor issues
that could become barriers for newcomers in OSS
projects. Mentors are often needed by newcomers to
integrate into the team quickly. Mentor issues relate
to difficulties with time-management (Balali et al.,
2018), handling a large number of mentees (Balali
et al., 2018), switching context (Balali et al., 2018),
not having a formal procedure for introducing the
community (Balali et al., 2018), and managing dif-
ferent accounts (Balali et al., 2018).
4.2 Evidence on How Hackathons
Address Newcomer Challenges in
OSS Projects
In this subsection, we present evidence on how
hackathons have addressed newcomers’ challenges in
OSS projects and beyond (see the right-most column
of Table 2).
4.2.1 Finding a Way to Start
This category is related to newcomer challenges while
becoming engaged with the project and finding their
way to integrate with the existing team. The chal-
lenges in this category are directly related to learn-
ing and coaching when starting participation in a
project. This matches well with hackathons set-up
as time-bounded events focusing on participants as
potential project newcomers, with assigned mentors
for each team. Nolte et al. (2020a) reports about
supporting newcomers in scientific hackathons and
shares recommendations about how mentors should
focus on mentoring the team, and their learning rather
than the project completion. They also found that
teams taking ownership of their projects, receiving
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
proper support from mentors, and receiving learning-
oriented support reported positive outcomes. Besides,
Hogan (2022) also found positive outcomes for learn-
ing through hackathons. They used mentors to sup-
port teams, guide them, and carefully structure the
hackathon events in order to improve their authentic
4.2.2 Technical Hurdles
This category refers to technical challenges related to
the handling of program code by newcomers. Similar
to the first category, newcomers’ challenges related to
building the project, setting up the development envi-
ronment, code complexity, submission technique, and
software architecture complexity can also be solved
by learning (Hogan, 2022) and coaching by mentors.
Researchers Steglich et al. (2020) used hackathons for
learning and to engage students to learn and adapt
software engineering practices, highlighting positive
outcomes when hackathon participants learn from
their peers, share knowledge and simply have an ex-
perience different from that provided in a classroom
setting. On the other hand, we could not find studies
that specifically mention challenges like issue tracker
complexity, bureaucracy, long project processes, and
difference in the devices that mentors and mentees
4.2.3 Poorly Documented Code
This category relates to documentation, which is
an important aspect of any software development
project. We could not find any evidence that
hackathons were used to overcome any of the sub-
categories related to poorly documented code, includ-
ing “too much documentation”, “outdated documen-
tation”, “unclear code comments”, and “lack of doc-
umentation”. We found in one existing SLR (Med-
ina Angarita and Nolte, 2020) that documentation
could be one outcome of a hackathon, implying that
hackathons may be used to improve the documenta-
tion or generate new documentation and, thus, OSS
projects might use hackathons for that goal. How-
ever, this finding is not related to our focus on helping
newcomers integrate faster in an OSS project.
4.2.4 Newcomers’ Previous Knowledge
Newcomers’ challenges are related to the lack of
knowledge about the project as a whole or aspects
such as project management, domain, or program-
ming language. The usage of hackathons for improv-
ing the learning curve is discussed by Steglich et al.
(2020) and positive evidence has been achieved by al-
lowing participants to interact and talk with mentors
and stakeholders. Other researchers Noguera Sali-
nas et al. (2019) report on improving learning skills
through datathon events. Researchers Nolte et al.
(2020a) also provided several recommendations for
choosing experienced mentors with previous knowl-
edge about the domain, community, and project prac-
tices that can help the hackathon participants to
achieve their goal and improve their engagement.
4.2.5 Social Interaction
Hackathons are mainly social events where partici-
pants interact and work together to achieve a goal set
during the event, so it can be used to overcome most
of the challenges in the category. Challenges related
to “Not receiving a (timely) answer” and “Receive
an improper answer” are mainly discussed by Nolte
et al. (2020a) suggesting that assigning a mentor with
previous knowledge about the community may help
with guiding the team towards the idea and the solu-
tion and eliminating wrong communications between
newcomers and mentors. Researchers Lyonnet (2022)
found positive evidence for hackathons improving so-
cial interactions and communication which also cov-
ers the challenges faced by newcomers related to
Communication barriers - except the English level
barrier for which we were not able to find any evi-
dence of hackathons being used to solve it.
4.2.6 Individuals Problems
This category is connected to the individual problems
in the project that could arise from the newcomers
or from the mentors. Few of the challenges in this
category related to Mentors’ issues are mentioned in
the literature, however, no conclusive evidence was
mentioned. Researchers Silva et al. (2020) recom-
mend assigning 2 mentors (one experienced and an-
other new mentor) can help in balancing the load on
the assigned mentor, thus can help to overcome men-
tors’ challenges like difficulty in time-management,
handling a large number of mentees, and difficulty
in switching context. No evidence was found of the
usage of hackathons to overcome other challenges in
this category related to newcomers or mentors.
Our findings are based on a literature search utilizing
specific search terms. This approach does not guaran-
tee that we found all relevant papers. Moreover, our
selection of digital libraries might not have been com-
An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons’ Role in Solving OSS Newcomers’ Challenges
Since we only used refereed research publications
and did not include gray literature, we might have
missed challenges and barriers and evidence both
positive and negative – of using hackathons to address
them. Moreover, the data extraction from the relevant
literature as well as the analysis of evidence is subject
to interpretation bias.
Based on our findings, several of the newcomers’
challenges and barriers might be solved by con-
ducting hackathons and there is potential in using
hackathons to overcome newcomers’ challenges in
OSS projects, allowing them to integrate faster into
the project.
The work presented in this paper is the first step
in a larger research undertaking. It should thus be
perceived as a position paper paving the ground for
future empirical work on how hackathons can support
newcomers to join and become productive members
of OSS projects.
Part of this work was funded by grant PRG1226 of
the Estonian Research Council.
Balali, S., Steinmacher, I., Annamalai, U., Sarma, A., and
Gerosa, M. A. (2018). Newcomers’ barriers. . . is that
all? an analysis of mentors’ and newcomers’ barri-
ers in oss projects. Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW), 27.
Canfora, G., Di Penta, M., Oliveto, R., and Panichella, S.
(2012). Who is going to mentor newcomers in open
source projects? In Proceedings of the ACM SIG-
SOFT 20th International Symposium on the Founda-
tions of Software Engineering, FSE ’12, New York,
NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
Champion, K. and Hill, B. (2021). Underproduction:
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