watchdog operations are dominated by any reason-
ably complex query.
Ultimately, category cluster graph storage allows
for managing heterogeneous vertices, heterogeneous
edges, and heterogeneous security levels by segregat-
ing vertices and edges into homogeneous groupings
and applying existing privacy protection techniques
for single or multi-level homogeneous graphs. Dif-
ferent privacy protections may be applied to different
clusters based on the varying sensitivity of different
edge sets, allowing slower storage techniques, such as
those that use homomorphic encryption, to operate on
smaller data sets. This yields better performance by
limiting the scope of the slowest operations (HE-HE
operations) to only where they are necessary and en-
abling faster operations (HE-cleartext and cleartext-
cleartext) everywhere else.
We sincerely acknowledge and thank the National
Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity,
housed in the Division of Cybersecurity Educa-
tion, Innovation and Outreach, at the National Secu-
rity Agency (NSA) for partially supporting our re-
search through grants H98230-20-1-0329, H98230-
20-1-0414, H98230-21-1-0262, H98230-21-1-0262,
and H98230-22-1-0329.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography