A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management
Jan Marius Evang
Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Oslo, Norway
Risk Assessment, Availability Management.
Effective management of service availability risk is a critical aspect of Network Operations Centers (NOCs)
as network uptime is a key performance indicator. However, commonly used risk classification systems such
as ISO27001:2013, NIST CSF, and NIST 800-53 often do not prioritize network availability, resulting in
the potential oversight of certain risks and ambiguous classifications. This paper presents a comprehensive
examination of network availability risk and proposes a 10-layer model that aligns closely with the operational
framework of NOCs. The 10-layer model encompasses hardware risk, risks across various network layers, as
well as external risks such as cloud, human errors, and political governance. By adopting this model, critical
risks are less likely to be overlooked, and the NOC’s risk management process is streamlined. The paper
outlines each layer of the model, provides illustrative examples of related risks and outages, and presents the
successful evaluation of the model on two real-life networks, where all risks were identified and appropriately
From the advent of computer networks, disruptions to
the network service have been a persistent challenge.
A Network Operations Centre (NOC)’s most impor-
tant goal has been to make these disruptions invisible
to the end users, since they can lead to lost productiv-
ity, revenue, and erode customer trust. At all times,
businesses have performed some form of risk man-
agement, whether formally or informally, and count-
less books have been written on the subject, to the
point where an official standard was created with the
1st Edition of ISO31000 (ISO, 2018) in 2009.
A “top down” approach to risk identification is to
conduct interviews with key stakeholders, based on
one of the common security standard frameworks’s
classification system. This approach may be con-
fusing and not optimal for a NOC team. Some-
times these categories are very generic, for instance
the ISO27001:2013 (ISO, 2022a) standard has chap-
ters like “Cryptography” and “Communications Se-
curity”, and NIST CSF (Barrett, 2018) has “Protec-
tive Technology”, while the updated ISO27001:2022
has only four themes of ”People”, ”Organizations”,
”Technology” and ”Physical”
. Furthermore, one
ISO27001:2022 may be an improvement over
ISO27001:2013, but detailed risk discovery data based on
network availability risk often spans multiple cate-
gories, for instance NIST800-53’s (NIST, 2022) con-
of Audit”, “Security Assessment”, “Contin-
gency Planning”, “Incident Response”, “Media Pro-
tection”, “Planning”, “Performance Measurement”,
“System and Communication Protection”, “System
Integrity” and “Supplier Risk” have significant over-
laps. We experimentally verify these in Section 3.
To address these challenges, this paper proposes a
novel framework for the discovery and classification
of availability risk in network services. Our model is
based on the ISO/OSI 7-layer reference model (OSI
model) (Zimmermann, 1980), which has proved to
be a very suitable tool for dividing network functions
into manageable compartments (See Figure 1). The
OSI model is not perfect, but is used in some form
in network courses, research and standardisation pro-
cesses. The layers of the OSI model are well defined,
common network protocols map reasonably well to
the layers and the model is universally recognized in
the networking business.
However, when it comes to network availability
risk management, a different separation of layers is
this model was not available to us at the time of writing.
Actions, devices, procedures, techniques, or other
measures that reduce the vulnerability of an information
Evang, J.
A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0012092600003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 716-723
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The ISO/OSI model, as used in a typical network
suggested in this paper. Some risks lie outside the
OSI model layers, and we slightly modify the layer
division to better match the risks that a NOC needs
to manage. Although the idea of additional layers be-
yond the 7-layer OSI model is not new, as seen in pre-
vious works like (Taylor and Wexler, 2003; Kachold,
2009), a comprehensive description of all the layers
has not been published until now. In this paper, we
use named layers to describe the new proposed lay-
ers, while numbered layers refer to the layers of the
OSI model, to avoid confusion.
Information security is often classified into three
main objects: confidentiality, integrity, and availabil-
ity (Anderson, 1972). While confidentiality and in-
tegrity are typically addressed together, availability
is often handled separately by a Network Operations
Centre (NOC). This chapter focuses on the topic of
availability and its importance for all types of NOCs,
whether in-house or outsourced. In today’s intercon-
nected world, organizations heavily rely on informa-
tion availability across various layers, encompassing
customer interactions and service delivery. However,
due to the multitude of risks involved, identifying and
managing these risks can be challenging. To facilitate
the risk identification process, common approaches
involve grouping risks into manageable areas and an-
alyzing them individually to gain a comprehensive
overview. This paper aims to categorize and discuss
risk topics associated with operating a network ser-
vice, highlighting examples of availability breaches at
each layer. Mitigation strategies within the same layer
or across different layers are also presented. Please
note that the references cited mostly refer to media
coverage of outages, as detailed research on such in-
cidents is seldom available, and the provided content
may include speculations.
Risk is defined as the impact of uncertainty on ob-
jectives, and it is typically expressed in terms of the
likelihood of an event occurring and its consequences
or impact, which can be qualitative or quantitative.
Numerically, we define the risk level as the product of
likelihood and impact. The impact can be measured
in various ways, such as packet loss, total downtime,
or financial loss.
Every layer within the model poses its own set
of risks, necessitating a holistic approach where the
NOC considers all layers, quantifies associated risks,
and determines appropriate mitigation actions. This
comprehensive perspective is crucial for effective risk
management and ensuring the availability of network
The security topics in our proposed 10-layer model
are defined with the service layer in the middle, where
the total availability (uptime) is measured. Below
the service layer, we have layers whose risks are
predictable and directly affect service delivery, and
where industry standards have emerged to handle
these risks. Above the service layer, we find topics
that indirectly and less predictably contribute to the
availability risk of the NOC, like risks associated with
human errors, company culture and legal responsibil-
Figure 2: The proposed 10-layer model for network service
risk assessment.
2.1 Physical Layer
This category encompasses risks associated with
physical hardware, including cables, networking
equipment, server equipment, workstations, phones,
and IoT devices. Outages at the physical layer can be
caused by equipment defects, broken cables, planned
maintenance activities, power failures, and physical
A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management
security breaches. Controls for managing these out-
ages can be found in ISO27002 Clause 11 (Physical &
Environmental Security) (ISO, 2022b) and NIST800-
53’s PE controls.
Physical layer outages often have longer durations
and may require on-site technician visits, resulting
in extended Time To Recover (TTR). Therefore, it is
crucial to mitigate these risks proactively. Duplication
and clustering of networking and server hardware,
along with redundant components such as power sup-
plies and hard disks with automatic failover, can be
implemented. Critical network links may require du-
plicate network cables and the use of network pro-
tocols to maintain service availability during Physi-
cal Layer failures. One particularly severe physical
layer failure is a fire in a server room triggering a
fire suppression system, potentially causing perma-
nent equipment failure. Mitigating such an outage
involves distributing the service across multiple ge-
ographic locations to ensure service continuity.
Selecting high-quality hardware and having hard-
ware service agreements can enhance the likelihood
of maintaining reliable physical layer operations. For
low TTR requirements, keeping spare parts in-house
can be considered, based on a Return on Investment
Risk discovery at the Physical Layer is relatively
straightforward, as every physical asset can fail and
should be included in the risk registry. Evaluating the
likelihood of failures and implementing measures to
reduce their impact are essential.
Examples of outages include the Jan 2020 earth-
quake in Puerto Rico (Santiago et al., 2020), which
caused prolonged power outages and network faults,
leading to significant internet disruptions. However,
communications were still upheld through the re-
silient cellular network during these events (NET-
BLOCKS, 2020). As another example, multiple sub-
sea cables following the same paths in the Suez Canal
have posed increased risks of shared-fate problems,
resulting in several outages (Burgess, 2022).
2.2 Local Network Layer
The local network refers to the network infrastructure
within a building or campus, where the NOC owns
and manages the hardware and cabling. This layer in-
cludes networks such as server-room networks, build-
ing cabling, office-space networks, as well as wireless
networks like WiFi, cellular, and IoT.
Risks at the Local Network Layer primarily stem
from firmware or configuration errors in network
equipment, along with capacity issues like full disks,
out-of-memory situations, and network capacity lim-
itations. Monitoring and proactive planning are key
measures to mitigate these risks. Additionally, this
layer plays a crucial role in mitigating most of the
risks originating from the Physical Layer by imple-
menting local (network) protocols like RAID (Pat-
terson et al., 1988), LACP (C/LM - LAN/MAN
Standards Committee, 2000), VRRP (Hinden, 2004),
High Availability protocols, and Interior Gateway
Protocols (IGP) such as IS-IS (ISO, 2002) and OSPF
(Moy, 1998).
Examples of outages include one of GitHub’s ma-
jor outages in December 2012, which occurred due to
the failure of multi-chassis link aggregation protocols
at the local network layer when a switch experienced
partial malfunctioning (Imbriaco, 2012). Another sig-
nificant outage took place in February 2020, where
the RIPE RPKI repository experienced a three-day
outage caused by a full disk quota, leading to the in-
validation of all RIPE RPKI routes (Trenaman, 2020).
2.3 Wide Area Network Layer
The wide area network (WAN) encompasses net-
works that are logically part of the NOC’s oper-
ations but physically leased from network service
providers. These networks can include optical fibers,
Layer 1 wavelengths, Layer 2/2.5 MPLS-like services
(Viswanathan et al., 2001), or overlay networks like
SD-WAN over a Layer 3 service. WANs typically
span metropolitan, national, or international areas,
and may also include in-building or space-based net-
works. Additionally, Layer 1/2 interconnections with
remote customers and suppliers of network services
are considered within this layer.
Wide area networks often experience full or par-
tial outages, as documented in (Evang et al., 2022).
These outages can have various root causes, including
physical layer or local network layer events, conges-
tion, or issues from other layers. However, the com-
mon symptoms are outages or packet loss. Mitiga-
tion strategies for network outages in WANs often in-
volve duplicate links, redundancy protocols, MPLS,
VXLAN (Mahalingam et al., 2014), BFD (Katz and
Ward, 2010), and IGP protocols such as IS-IS and
OSPF. However, the time taken for failover (TTR) is
usually longer due to the distances involved, which
may cause delays in protocol updates. Capacity risks
are more significant in wide area networks since ser-
vices are typically purchased based on capacity, and
service providers may drop packets if the agreed traf-
fic rate is exceeded. Mitigating this risk requires care-
ful consideration, including over-purchasing of ca-
pacity, planning for backup links, assessing shared-
fate risks of links, and potentially engaging multiple
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
providers to safeguard against total provider failure.
Example of outage: In June 2022, simultaneous
outages occurred in two major subsea cable systems,
leading to congestion and packet loss for numerous
wide area networks traversing the Suez Canal (Bel-
son, 2022).
2.4 Internet Layer
The internet layer focuses on the risks associated with
connectivity to external networks that are beyond the
direct control of the NOC, where they best-case have
a contractual agreement, and worst-case have no con-
trol whatsoever.
The predominant protocol at this layer is BGP
(Rekhter et al., 2006), which encompasses IP transit,
Internet Exchanges, private peering, and BGP cus-
tomers. While BGP effectively navigates the intri-
cate Internet landscape, it suffers from security lim-
itations (Freedman et al., 2019). The protocol relies
on trust and does not verify the validity of exchanged
data, leading to significant confidentiality and avail-
ability risks as highlighted in the OECD Routing Se-
curity paper of 2022 (OECD, 2022). Efforts are un-
derway to address these systemic flaws, with promis-
ing technologies like RPKI (Bush and Austein, 2013)
employing cryptographic signatures to mitigate ori-
gin hijacking risks. Other initiatives such as BGPsec
(Lepinski and Sriram, 2017) and SCION (Rustignoli
and de Kater, 2022) tackle BGP path hijacking risks
but encounter their own challenges (Durand, 2020).
Examples of outages: In February 2008, a
Pakistani network operator mistakenly announced
YouTube’s IP addresses via BGP, resulting in a two-
hour global service blackhole (Hunter, 2008). These
announcements, intended for internal use only, were
leaked to their upstream provider and subsequently
propagated throughout the entire internet.
In June 2015, Telecom Malaysia leaked 179,000
prefixes to Level3, causing a significant volume of
traffic to traverse Telecom Malaysia’s backbone, lead-
ing to network overload, severe packet loss, and inter-
net slowdown worldwide (Toonk, 2015).
The deficiencies in BGP have also been exploited
maliciously. In August 2020, AS209243 announced
the IP addresses of a critical smart contract user inter-
face for the Celer Bridge cryptocurrency exchange.
The attacker obtained authorized HTTPS certificates
and reportedly stole a total of USD 234,866.65 worth
of various cryptocurrencies (The SlowMist Security
Team, 2022; Kacherginsky, 2022).
2.5 Cloud Layer
Today, numerous services are delivered through var-
ious cloud providers, ranging from on-premises so-
lutions to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service
(SaaS). The level of risk varies depending on the ex-
tent of responsibility transferred from the NOC to
the dedicated teams of the service providers. How-
ever, it’s important to assess the Return on Security
Investments (RoSI) considering the costs involved.
ISO27017 (ISO, 2015) provides a specific code of
practice for securing Cloud Services. Cloud-related
risks also extend to supporting services such as email
systems, documentation systems, and customer man-
agement systems.
During an outage at a major cloud provider, the
impact can be severe, leaving the NOC with little to
do but wait. To mitigate cloud risks, systems can
be distributed across multiple cloud providers and
failover protocols can be implemented.
Examples of outages: In December 2021, Ama-
zon Web Services (AWS) experienced a significant
outage in their IaaS service, causing disruptions to nu-
merous dependent services (Goovaerts, 2021; AWS,
In October 2022, the Cloudflare Content Delivery
Network (CDN) cloud service suffered an outage due
to a software bug, resulting in a failure rate of around
5% for over six hours (Graham-Cumming, 2022).
2.6 Applications Layer
Application risks arise from both internally devel-
oped applications and those developed by third par-
ties. To mitigate risks associated with third-party ap-
plications, thorough sandbox testing and duplication
strategies are employed for critical services.
Ensuring well-written applications with minimal
software errors and effective error handling is crucial
for reducing availability risks. While confidentiality
risks are beyond the scope of this document, it’s worth
noting that breaches in confidentiality can also impact
availability. ISO27002’s Clause 14 provides recom-
mended controls for secure application development
and service protection.
Application-based redundancy can be imple-
mented to safeguard the service from significant out-
ages at lower layers. In such cases, if the primary
backend service fails, the application can utilize a sec-
ondary backend service.
An example of an application causing availability
issues is the Facebook outage in 2021, which resulted
from a software bug and potentially led to significant
A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management
revenue losses in the tens of millions (Integrated Hu-
man Factors, 2022).
2.7 Services Layer
The services provided by the organization are what
customers ultimately experience. These services de-
pend on all underlying layers and may also depend on
purchased services. Mitigation measures are imple-
mented at lower layers to minimize service outages.
Customer contracts often include Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) that define expected availability.
If the sold service has a better SLA than the purchased
service, risk mitigation is necessary. SLA levels can
vary widely, ranging from 99% to 99.999% uptime
per year. SLAs are addressed in ISO27002’s Clause
While planned maintenance is typically exempt
from SLA contracts, it still impacts availability and
requires mitigation. Risks may also arise from fail-
ures of subcontracted supporting services, such as
payment services. Using redundant services can re-
duce risk but increases costs.
The root DNS service exemplifies a highly critical
service with a resilient design. It is distributed across
independent servers, avoiding dependency on any sin-
gle entity. Even during heavy DDoS attacks (ICANN,
2007), the DNS service remained robust and did not
significantly disrupt internet traffic.
An undisclosed root cause led to the September
2022 Zoom outage, causing the Video Conferencing
service to be unavailable and resulting in numerous
failed video meetings (Goyal, 2022; Silberling, 2022;
Zoom, 2022).
2.8 Organizations Layer
The quality of service delivery relies heavily on
the organization itself. A positive company culture,
strong policies, and employees who adhere to those
policies can significantly reduce human errors.
Implementing a robust Information Security Man-
agement System (ISMS) with comprehensive risk
policies and effective mitigation measures is essential.
Considering the culture, policies, and certifications of
providers and peers is also important, as customers
may require adherence to standards like ISO27001 or
Furthermore, organizations may have dependen-
cies on overarching entities such as trade unions,
employer organizations, industry associations, and
Regional Internet Registries and network operators’
Examples of outages include a 10-day IT outage
in July 2022 at the UK’s largest hospital, attributed to
a lack of attention to IT security in the company cul-
ture (Thimbleby, 2022). Another instance was nation-
wide internet shutdowns in Lebanon in 2022 due to a
strike by employees of the state-owned telco, Ogero
(Barton, 2022).
2.9 People Layer
Human errors are inevitable, and a NOC must take
measures to protect the service against common mis-
takes. Implementing effective procedures and reduc-
ing stress can help mitigate this risk. It is also impor-
tant to address the risk of disloyal employees through
compartmentalization, need-based access rights, and
a strong Human Resources team.
Other people-related risks include the impact of
sick leave and employee departures, which can lead to
knowledge loss and potential exposure to competitors
or attackers. Documentation plays a crucial role in
mitigating these risks, ensuring that no individual pos-
sesses irreplaceable knowledge within the company.
Numerous significant outages in the internet world
have been caused by human errors that went unde-
tected by control systems. Examples include the June
2022 Cloudflare outage (Belson, 2022), the October
2021 outage affecting Facebook, WhatsApp, and In-
stagram (Integrated Human Factors, 2022), and the
February 2017 AWS outage (AWS, 2017).
2.10 Governance Layer
The risk of breaking local regulations or national laws
is most often associated with Confidentiality and In-
tegrity, but the punishments may be severe and even
cause availability outages, for instance if a court or-
ders the temporary or permanent shutdown of a ser-
vice. The financial impact of a breach of contract
or breach of regulations, or even a customer boycott
must also be considered, as this may lead to cost cuts,
including cut of security measures.
Example of outages: When the Russian army en-
tered Ukraine, western countries deployed sanctions
towards Russian entities. On the 3. March 2022,
Cogent terminated services to Russian organisations
with 24 hours notice and stated they would turn off
all co-located equipment and prepare it to be picked
up. Lumen at the same time disconnected all their
hardware in Russia (Madory, 2022).
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.11 Governance Layer
Governance risks are often underestimated in risk
evaluations. These risks can arise from national
governments, central internet governance bodies like
ICANN and RIR, and centralized services such as
IRR, RPKI, and Root DNS. Critical services must be
prepared to withstand potential outages of these gov-
ernance services.
Static risks in the Governance Layer exist during
implementation, while dynamic risks involve changes
in laws and regulations. Other risks include IPv4 ad-
dress exhaustion, legal actions such as “cease and de-
sist” letters, and being blocked by governmental fil-
ters or embargoes.
Failure to comply with local regulations or na-
tional laws on confidentiality and integrity, may lead
to severe punishments, which again might impact
availability. Breaches can lead to legal orders for
temporary or permanent service shutdowns, financial
penalties, and customer boycotts, potentially necessi-
tating cost cuts and reduced security measures.
Example of outage: In March 2022, following
the Russian army’s entry into Ukraine, Western coun-
tries imposed sanctions on Russian entities. Cogent
terminated services to Russian organizations with 24
hours’ notice, while Lumen disconnected their hard-
ware in Russia, causing service disruptions (Madory,
The efficiency of the 10-layer model was verified for
two different networks.
3.1 Risk Registry Analysis of Exiting
To test the new 10-layer model, we were allowed
access to the risk registry from a global network
provider, and mapped all the risks that were identi-
fied during their ISO27001:2013 risk discovery pro-
cess into the proposed model as well as into the
ISO27001:2013 and NIST800-53 models for compar-
ison. The risks are anonymized, but the statistics may
be published.
We see that for ISO27001, each risk maps to on
average 8.9 controls (median 8), and for NIST800-
53, each risk maps to an average of 4.8 controls (me-
dian 5). In the 10-layer model, however, only three
risks map to two layers, while all other risks maps
to a single layer. For ISO27001 and the 10-layer
model, all risks were covered, but for NIST800-53,
eight risks were not discovered by any of the sections.
The types of missed risks were Governance risks and
risks to non-production equipment like lab equipment
and equipment during transport.
3.2 Risk Discovery Process for a New
Network Service Provider
Our second verification project uses the new 10-layer
model to discover risks associated with the implemen-
tation of a new small research network for a local re-
search organization. The network spans a metropoli-
tan area, with two sites and two separate IP transit
The risks for this network was discovered by inter-
viewing the NOC for the new research network, using
the 10-layer model as basis. After this risk discovery
process, the ISO27001 and NIST800-53 frameworks
were briefly consulted to discover any risks that were
un-noticed by the 10-layer procedure.
The result of the risk discovery was 55 risk points
across all 10 layers, out of which 48 were assigned a
mitigation plan.
The second risk discovery process, using the
ISO27001 and NIST800-53 frameworks did not re-
veal any new risk points, and the interviewees (sub-
jectively) found this process more confusing and less
straightforward than the process based on the 10-layer
model. When asked to elaborate, the subjects stated
that the risk areas were not well defined when applied
to Network Availability and the 10-layer model was
easier to follow.
The certification market has grown into a multi-
billion dollar industry, with standards like ISO27001,
NIST800-53, and SOC2 gaining significant momen-
tum. However, we believe that the inherent classifi-
cation in these standards may not be well-suited for
effectively managing network and service availability
risks. Relying solely on these standards for risk dis-
covery can lead to confusion, oversights, and unnec-
essary work, resulting in incomplete risk management
and employee frustration.
While none of these standards provide a manda-
tory risk discovery interview template, we propose
our 10-layer model as a suitable foundation for con-
ducting such interviews in alignment with any secu-
rity standard. This model is familiar to the Network
Operations Center (NOC) and encompasses all rele-
vant risks, making it easy to understand and facilitat-
ing classification. By using this model, the NOC can
A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management
gain confidence in their ability to handle all risks ef-
It’s important to note that mitigating every single
risk may not be necessary, but being aware of all risks
and making informed management decisions about
whether to accept or mitigate them is crucial. By con-
fidently producing a comprehensive risk management
report using this model, a NOC manager can instill
trust in top management, reassuring them that the net-
work and/or service is in capable hands.
In conclusion, while existing certification stan-
dards have their merits, our proposed 10-layer model
offers a practical and comprehensive approach to risk
discovery and management. It empowers the NOC
with a familiar framework, facilitates risk classifica-
tion, and ultimately contributes to a more confident
and capable handling of network and service risks.
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