• The first CPA scales the Catalog microservice ,
proactively scales the Order microservice and de-
fine scaling plan for the Customer microservice.
• The second CPA scales the Order microservice
and proactively scales the Customer microservice.
According to the evaluation tests, the response
time reduction rate is up to 39%. Figure 7 shows the
application’s response time when using the HPA and
figure 8 illustrates it when using TERA-Scaler.
The purpose of our contribution is to propose an auto-
scaling solution for e-business applications, with the
aim of optimizing performance and reducing costs in
the cloud environment. Although our proposed solu-
tion, TERA-Scaler, is suitable for a range of applica-
tions, it is particularly well-suited for pipelines and
component-interactive systems.
Our custom auto-scaler employs a dependency-
based approach to proactively adjust resource allo-
cation to microservices in the cloud, while consider-
ing the dependencies and quality requirements of each
microservice through a multicriteria approach.
To implement this strategy, we use the CPA frame-
work to define the TERA-Scaler policy and related
functions, which are then executed on the application.
However, by leveraging the TERA-Scheduler in the
deployment environment, to ensure the deployment of
each microservice together with its dependencies on
the same node, our policy can be defined with HPA
commands and implemented without any intermedi-
ary, resulting in faster and more efficient auto-scaling.
As a future direction, we aim to integrate the ele-
ments of TERA-Solution into an orchestration tool for
microservice-based applications, taking into account
dependencies between microservices and the mainte-
nance of quality requirements for each microservice.
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies