Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based
Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition Factors
Nabil Mohammad Abu Bakar
1 a
, Mahady Hasan
1 b
and M. Rokonuzzaman
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Innovation, Competition, Sustainable Development, Policy Recommendation, Business Process.
This paper aims to explore the relationship between innovation and competition and identify the conditions
that affect the industry’s innovation and welfare. The authors analyze various factors, including the proper-
ties of product market payoffs, to determine whether competition increases or decreases industry innovation.
The ultimate goal of this study is to provide policy recommendations that support innovation and competi-
tion.To achieve this objective, the authors conducted a survey to collect responses from industry professionals
and identify the challenges that hinder innovation and competition. They examined several models and case
studies,to understand how competition drives innovation. Despite the challenges, leading business consultants
found that increased competition leads to higher productivity in various industries, including manufacturing
and services.The study’s findings reveal that the recommended policy effectively overcomes the challenges
related to innovation and competition sustainability. These findings have practical implications for regulatory
organizations, highlighting the importance of adopting these policies to ensure innovation and competition for
small and medium-sized internet-based firms.This paper presents a thorough examination of the correlation be-
tween innovation and competition, outlines the key elements that foster both innovation and competition, and
suggests policy measures to bolster innovation and competition while improving product market outcomes.
Competition is a key driver of innovation in any in-
dustry. It affects innovation through two primary
channels (Li and Nguyen, 2017; Reinganum, 1985).
The first channel is related to the reduction in the
number of firms performing R&D(research and devel-
opment), which, holding product market profits equal,
can lead to a decrease in the pace of innovation in
the industry. The second channel is associated with
the direct effect of competition on the product mar-
ket payoffs, and thus, the profit gap that exists be-
tween the market leader and its followers. As a re-
sult, competition in the product market can affect the
incentives for firms to innovate. The specifics of the
product market game determine whether a lessening
of competition in the product market will increase
or decrease the profit gap between leaders and fol-
lowers (Shimomura and Thisse, 2012; Bresnahan and
Reiss, 1991).
The impact of competition on innovation has been
a subject of considerable interest in the economic lit-
erature. While some studies suggest that competition
stimulates innovation by incentivizing firms to invest
in R&D and preventing monopolies from stifling in-
novation, others argue that intense competition may
hinder innovation by discouraging firms from taking
risks and investing in R&D (Griffith and Van Reenen,
2021). Industries with less competition tend to inno-
vate less, while firms with high market shares have
greater incentives to innovate preemptively (Bloom
et al., 2002). Nonetheless, some studies show a weak
positive relationship between R&D intensity and con-
centration, indicating that fewer firms can profitably
participate in markets with high fixed costs resulting
from R&D competition (Sutton, 2007). Despite this,
competition remains a crucial factor in R&D, as firms
invest in R&D to gain a competitive advantage in the
market (Marshall and Parra, 2019).
There is no clear consensus on the relationship
between competition, R&D investment, and innova-
tion. While some research indicates that competi-
tion encourages innovation, other studies suggest the
Bakar, N., Hasan, M. and Rokonuzzaman, M.
Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0012096600003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 154-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
opposite. Further research is needed to comprehend
the complexities of this relationship and its implica-
tions for both firms and policymakers (Bessen and
Maskin, 2009). Leading business consultants such as
Michael Porter (Porter, 2011) and a team from McK-
insey Global Institute (Manyika et al., 2010) have in-
dependently discovered that increased product mar-
ket competition among firms within a nation leads
to higher productivity for companies in that country.
Nevertheless, cross-industry studies are challenging
because isolating the effect of competition is diffi-
cult. Therefore, the connection between innovation
and competition should be approached with caution.
However, it is evident that a measurable relationship
exists between innovation and R&D, as evidenced
by documented co-integration (Hanel and St-Pierre,
Innovation and competition have become the most
challenging activities faced by organizations in to-
day’s business environment, yet they often lack regu-
latory support. According to our survey, 62.5 percent
of companies are facing challenges related to regula-
tory policies, while 43.56 percent are struggling with
market competition. To gain a deeper understanding
of these challenges, we conducted an online survey
with 11 small and medium internet based firms , with
participation from key roles such as Project Manager,
CTO, Product Owner, Business Developer, Legal Ad-
visor, and CEO. The survey utilized questionnaires
specifically designed to map out the areas of innova-
tion and competition, as well as their relationship to
product market payoffs.
The key questions for this research are given be-
Q1. What measures can be taken to foster partnership
and enhance cooperation among business research
and development?
Q2. Which regulations are in place to ensure a fair
and competitive environment, with minimal barriers
to entry for new players, such as the implementation
of net neutrality for internet-based firms?
The main objective of this paper is to conduct a
comprehensive analysis of the relationship between
competition and innovation, while identifying the key
drivers that foster both. Additionally, this study pro-
poses policy recommendations that can be imple-
mented to promote innovation and competition. To
achieve these goals, we conducted a review of exist-
ing research papers, followed by a survey of 11 small
internet base firms to identify gaps in the existing lit-
erature. Our survey revealed that many companies
face similar regulatory challenges, and while some
have partially overcome these challenges, others are
unable to compete in the market due to their status as
start-ups. To address these issues, we propose a policy
guideline that considers the product market payoff, ul-
timately aiming to maximize innovation and compe-
tition. This paper presents an in-depth examination of
the correlation between competition and innovation,
highlighting the key drivers that foster innovation and
competition. Furthermore, it puts forward sugges-
tions for policies to bolster innovation and competi-
tion. Finally, the study concludes with a concise sum-
Blundell, Griffith, Van Reenen (Blundell et al., 2002)
found evidence that less competitive industries inno-
vate less, which is consistent with the second princi-
ple, while firms with a high market share have greater
incentives to preemptively innovate, which is consis-
tent with the fourth principle.
Peter Howitt (Howitt, 2007) argues that competi-
tion policy should not be relaxed in hopes of boosting
innovation, as more competition actually strengthens
the incentive to innovate.However, some studies have
observed a weak positive relationship between R&D
intensity and concentration, which can be explained
by fewer firms being able to profitably fit in markets
with high fixed costs resulting from R&D competi-
tion (Sutton, 1999).
In a study by Lin and Wu (Lin and Wu, 2021),
they examine the impact of competition on firm inno-
vation and find evidence of a non-linear relationship.
Their findings suggest that moderate levels of compe-
tition can stimulate innovation, while excessive com-
petition may have a negative effect.In a deterministic-
R&D model, Dasgupta and Stiglitz (Dasgupta and
Stiglitz, 1980) study the role of product market com-
petition in a scenario in which symmetric firms com-
pete like Cournot and in developing process innova-
tions. Under an isoelastic demand assumption, the au-
thors show that an increase in the number of firms de-
creases each firm’s investments, but increases aggre-
gate investment. Reinganum (Reinganum, 1985) in-
corporates dynamics by studying a sequence of patent
races where firms compete through a ladder of inno-
vations. She finds results analogous to DS in a con-
text where product market payoffs are unaffected by
the number of competitors.
Aghion et al. (Aghion et al., 2001; Howitt, 2005)
and other follow-up papers have examined the im-
pact of product market competition on innovation de-
cisions in duopolistic markets. In these models, the
duopolists compete in prices, and competition is cap-
tured by the degree of substitution between the prod-
Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition
ucts sold by the firms. The authors observe that in-
novation is driven by the ”escape competition” effect,
i.e., the difference between the payoffs before and af-
ter the introduction of an innovation. When there are
substantial gains to be enjoyed by ”escaping, innova-
tion is more likely to occur.
According to several studies, there is evidence of
an ”inverted U” relationship between market compe-
tition and innovation. Specifically, industries with
oligopolistic market structures, where there are only
a few dominant firms, have been found to exhibit
greater levels of innovation compared to industries
with either highly competitive or monopolistic struc-
tures (Baumol, 2002a; Sutton, 1991).
For instance, Baumol (Baumol, 2002b) argues
that oligopolistic industries incentivize firms to inno-
vate due to the presence of strong competitive pres-
sures and the need to differentiate their products from
those of their rivals. In contrast, monopolistic in-
dustries may lack the same competitive pressures,
while highly competitive markets may lead to a ”race
to the bottom” in terms of innovation as firms fo-
cus on cost-cutting rather than product differentia-
tion (Sutton, 1991).According to a study (Zitzewitz,
2003), in the tobacco industries of the United States
and United Kingdom, periods of greater competition
were associated with more rapid technological inno-
vation, despite both industries having been monopo-
lies in different decades. However, such case studies
are not entirely conclusive, as cross-industry compar-
isons face challenges in isolating the effect of compe-
tition (Howitt, 2004).Despite the challenges, greater
product market competition among firms within a na-
tion leads to higher productivity for firms in that coun-
try across a range of industries, including manufactur-
ing and services (Syverson, 2004).
Moreover, some researchers have suggested that a
strengthening of competition policy is likely to have
a positive overall effect on innovation, which con-
tradicts Schumpeterian theories (Howitt, 2005). In
general, it seems that the relationship between mar-
ket competition and innovation is complex and varies
across industries and circumstances.The level of com-
petition in a market can significantly impact firms’ in-
centives to invest in R&D. This is because firms invest
in R&D to gain a product market advantage, which
is influenced by the level of competition and the re-
sulting product market payoffs (Marshall and Parra,
Several studies have found a positive and signif-
icant effect of business, public, and higher educa-
tion R&D on innovation (Cabral, 2000; Gavil et al.,
2002). Business R&D, in particular, is seen as neces-
sary for the development of new and innovative prod-
ucts and services (Wei et al., 2001).However, one po-
tential drawback of competition is the possibility of
excessive R&D expenditures in a patent race (Mar-
shall and Parra, 2019). This means that firms may
engage in costly R&D efforts solely to obtain patents
and block their competitors, rather than to develop
innovative products that benefit consumers.The main
focus of our article is to analyze the current policies
and processes, and identify the crucial areas of in-
novation and competition that can assist small and
medium-sized software companies in increasing their
profitability in the product market. The primary ob-
jective of our survey is to propose policy recommen-
dations that can ensure the sustainability of innova-
tion in small and medium-sized internet-based firms.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate
the relationship between innovation and competition
among internet-based firms and provide policy rec-
ommendations for developing countries to support
their business continuity. In order to achieve this goal,
we are focusing on key research questions Q1 and Q2,
as mentioned in the introduction. To analyze the cur-
rent scenarios of small internet based organizations,
we reviewed previous research conducted, to explored
the relationship between productivity, economic pol-
icy, and endogenous growth, and suggested certain
policies for improvement (Howitt, 2004). Addition-
ally, researchers have analyzed related components of
innovation and competition, and facilitated them by
sharing common understanding (Howitt, 2004).
To address the challenges faced by internet-based
firms in Bangladesh, we conducted a survey with 11
firms, including CEOs, CTOs, product owners, legal
advisors, and business developers. The firms were
classified based on metrics such as age, size, project
or service-based, number of employees, and location.
After analyzing the data, the author identified the
challenges they face and proposed policy recommen-
dations that consider budget limitations, resources,
innovation timelines, and maximize product market
payoff. Our goal is to provide a clear understand-
ing of the major challenges faced by internet-based
firms and propose policy recommendations to over-
come those challenges.
To evaluate the existing challenges, we collected
data through both online and offline surveys. To eval-
uate the data, we followed two methods: Analyzing
Factors and Reliability Analysis. Factor analysis is
used to assess observable variables such as perfor-
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
mance in specific areas. It is also useful for summariz-
ing a large amount of observations into a smaller num-
ber of factors. At the early stage of the survey, the au-
thor set the following 3-point scale for each question:
1-No, 2-Partial, 3-Yes. Then the author calculated the
average value of each factor area to assess those orga-
nizations and be able to understand the gaps.
After collecting the data, we followed Reliabil-
ity Analysis. Basically, reliability analysis refers to
the consistency of measurement. This method can be
used to evaluate the survey questionnaire. The mean,
median, and mode are three ways of calculating the
average. The author can use the scale for each ques-
tion to assess responses from surveys, and each re-
spondent represents their activities, whether they in-
volve innovation or completion.
4.1 Characteristics of Firms Towards
the Topic
In the conducted research, 11 small and medium-
sized internet-based companies were evaluated based
on multiple criteria, including work experience, com-
pany size, location, and job positions. The survey
gathered data from participants with varying levels
of work experience, with 50% having 5-10 years of
experience, 45% having 2-5 years of experience, and
5% having less than one year of experience. The ma-
jority of respondents identified as project managers
(25%), CEOs (25%), CTOs (20%), business devel-
opers (10%), legal advisors (10%), and product own-
ers (10%). Table 1 provide valuable insights into the
characteristics of the surveyed companies and their
respective workforces.
4.2 Trend Followed by Company
We have received 24 responses from these 11 compa-
nies across different roles for a set of 23 questions
focused on various factor areas. Our research was
based on nine factor areas, as discussed in previous
studies (Marshall and Parra, 2019; Carayannis and
Campbell, 2009; Carayannis and Rakhmatullin, 2014;
Foundation, 2012; Baker, 2007; Merges and Nelson,
The aim of this study was to understand the trends
of small internet-based companies. To achieve this
goal, a survey was conducted and the average value
of each question was calculated based on the factor
area. Table 2 shows the percentage of factor areas
Table 1: Survey profile characteristics.
Title Measure
Total Number of company 11
Respondent Experience 50% 5-10 years
45% 2-5 years
5% 0-1 year
Product Types 100% internet
Product market place Bangladesh
Respondent Location Bangladesh
Respondent Role project managers
25%, CEO 25%,
CTOs 20%,
business devel-
opers 10%, legal
advisors 10%,
product owners
Company Size 20-70 employees
and reflects the trends in internet-based firms. The
authors analyzed the average value of each factor area
to determine the challenges faced by internet-based
firms in terms of innovation and competition. This
analysis helped the authors to understand the trends
and reasons behind the fluctuation in product market
Table 2: Percentage of following Factor Area.
Factor no. Factors Responses
F1 Competition
among rivals
F2 less incentive to
invest in R&D
F3 Antitrust inter-
F4 First movers gain 32.5
F5 Companies pre-
venting new
F6 Regulatory, mon-
etary, tax policy.
F7 Procurement,
workforce, mar-
ket access
F8 Potential profit 70
F9 Pre-innovation
4.3 Reliability Analysis
Reliability analysis is a method used to assess the
properties of measurement scales and the items that
Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition
make up those scales (Gemino et al., 2021). In our
study, we used reliability analysis to determine if our
questionnaire was related to the nine factor areas of
innovation and competition. The questionnaire con-
sisted of 23 questions in total.
To measure the reliability of the questionnaire, we
employed Cronbach Alpha method, which is a coef-
ficient of reliability that assesses internal consistency
based on the average inter-item correlation. In Ta-
ble 3, the number of items refers to the 23 survey
questionnaires. According to the general rule, the ac-
ceptable level of reliability alpha is in the range of
0.6-1.0 (Gemino et al., 2021). Our study obtained
a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.943, which indicates a
strong level of internal consistency and a satisfactory
level of reliability for the survey questionnaire.
Table 3: Unwavering quality insights.
Cronbach Alpha Cronbachalpha
Based on Stan-
dardized Things
Item No
0.943 0.940 23
5.1 Factors that Effect Innovation
Public policies, such as regulatory, monetary and
tax policy, procurements, standards, human capital
of the workforce, and market access, play a crucial
role in creating an environment that fosters innova-
tion (Foundation, 2012). These policies can have a
significant impact on the innovative capabilities of
firms and their ability to compete in the market.
The potential profit from innovation is another im-
portant factor that influences a firm’s innovation ef-
forts. The size of the expected reward to innova-
tion depends on several factors, including the size of
the innovation, the size of the market, and the extent
to which innovating eliminates the innovator’s profit
from its pre-innovation technology (Baker, 2007). A
larger potential profit from innovation can provide a
stronger incentive for a firm to invest in research and
However, a firm facing less pre-innovation compe-
tition, and therefore having a more steeply downward
sloping demand curve, may have a greater legacy flow
of economic profits. As a result, the firm may have
an incentive to protect its profits by slowing down its
innovative efforts (Merges and Nelson, 2007). This
highlights the importance of competition in encour-
aging firms to innovate and invest in research and de-
5.2 Insights from Survey Analysis
Based on the pivot chart 1 created from the table 2, it
can be seen that the most challenging factor that small
internet-based companies face is ”Potential profit”
(70%). This is followed by ”Less incentive to in-
vest in R&D” (62.5%) and ”Regulatory, monetary,
tax policy” (62.5%). Other factors such as ”Compe-
tition among rivals” (43.5%), ”Companies preventing
new entrants” (37.5%), and ”Procurement, workforce,
market access” (43.75%) also play a role in the chal-
lenges faced by these companies. However, factors
such as ”Antitrust intervention” (18.75%) and ”Pre-
innovation competition (25%) appear to be less sig-
nificant compared to the other factors. Overall, this
pivot chart provides a visual representation of the key
factors that affect small internet-based companies and
can be used to inform further analysis and decision-
Figure 1: Key factors affecting small internet-based compa-
5.3 Regression Graph
The results of the regression analysis suggest that cer-
tain factors, specifically F2, F8, and F6, located above
the linear regression line (outliers), got the highest
priority from companies. These findings reveal areas
where companies facing difficulties and can serve as a
guide for policy recommendations with the aim of en-
hancing the product market payoff. See the following
figure 2.
Based on analysis of the data, the authors suggest pol-
icy recommendations that take into account factors
such as innovation, competition, budget constraints,
and available resources, with the ultimate goal of
maximizing product market returns. These policies
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 2: Linear regression.
recommended to address the particular obstacles to
innovation and competition encountered by internet-
based companies.
6.1 Antimonopoly and Merger
Based on our survey and analysis, it appears that small
and medium internet base firms are facing signifi-
cant competition from large corporations. To address
this issue and promote innovation, the authors recom-
mend implementing anti-monopoly and merger poli-
cies (Baker, 2007; Gemino et al., 2021).
a. Reversal of previous mergers that have reduced
competition: Reversing previous mergers that have
resulted in reduced competition can be an effective
way to restore competition and promote innovation.
This can be done by breaking up the merged compa-
nies or requiring them to divest some of their assets.
b. Laws and regulations geared towards prevent-
ing dominant companies from preventing new en-
trants: Laws and regulations that prevent dominant
companies from using their market power to prevent
new entrants can help to promote competition and in-
novation. This can include measures such as prohibit-
ing exclusive dealing, tying arrangements, and preda-
tory pricing.
c. Disallowing shareholders’ horizontal share-
holdings: Disallowing shareholders’ horizontal share-
holdings can prevent them from acquiring significant
stakes in multiple companies in the same industry.
This can help to prevent the formation of interlock-
ing ownership structures that can reduce competition.
d. No shareholder should be able to buy more than
5 percent of competitors in the same industry: Lim-
iting the amount of shares that a shareholder can ac-
quire in competitors in the same industry can help to
prevent the concentration of ownership and promote
e. Speeding up antitrust trials rapidly to ensure
laws are enforced: Speeding up antitrust trials can
help to ensure that laws are enforced in a timely man-
ner and can prevent companies from engaging in an-
ticompetitive practices for extended periods.
f. Eliminating frequent appeals: Eliminating fre-
quent appeals can help to reduce the time and cost of
antitrust trials, which can help to promote competi-
tion and innovation. However, it is important to en-
sure that there are sufficient safeguards to protect the
rights of defendants.
6.2 Regulation
Our findings suggest that small firms are particularly
concerned about market payoff. Implementing the
proposed regulations can help to ensure fair compe-
tition in the market, which can result in better product
market payoff for all firms, including small ones.
a. level playing field where new entrants face low
barriers to entry, such as passing net neutrality for
internet-based companies (Vandal, 2017).b.Creating
rules that reduce switching costs and customer lock-
in, which promote competition by eliminating barri-
ers to entry (Brynjolfsson et al., 2013).
6.3 Patents and Copyright
Encouraging competition once patents expire, such
as faster approval of generics and the importation of
generics from developed countries to under developed
countries, which can promote innovation and serve
the public interest.
The primary objective of this study is to enhance the
product market payoff of small and medium internet-
based firms through the lens of innovation and com-
petition. To achieve this goal, the authors conducted
a survey to map out the areas of innovation and com-
petition factors, along with policy recommendations.
Our research focuses on innovation and compe-
tition, with specific factor areas outlined in Table 1.
Using various research methodologies, the authors
evaluated the existing practices and policies of these
firms, and related them to standard policies and pro-
cesses to offer suggestions for improving competi-
tion and product market payoff. The authors received
24 responses from 11 internet-based firms, which en-
abled us to identify their gaps and activities regarding
innovation and competition. Through result analysis,
the authors elaborated on the factors that impact inno-
vation and competition in internet-based products. Fi-
nally, authors proposed policy recommendations that
consider budget limitations, resources, and ultimately
maximize product market payoff.
Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition
Future research in this field should prioritize iden-
tifying and addressing the factor areas that have the
greatest impact and optimizing any gaps. To gain a
better understanding of the reasons behind fluctua-
tions in specific factors, researchers should analyze
trends in greater detail. In addition, conducting fur-
ther surveys to validate product market payoffs and
performing more comparative evaluations with the
company’s internal processes would be advantageous.
Implementing standard policies and existing policies
in parallel is critical to ensure a continuous improve-
ment process. In order to improve specific factors,
it is essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of
that area and identify all possible related tasks. Such
an approach would have a significant impact on en-
hancing competition and promoting innovation.
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