MSMI Development Strategy in the
Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
Erni Puspanantasari Putri
, Supardi
, Luvia Friska Narulita
, Intan Kusumaningayu
Bonifacius Raditya Sri Pramana Putra
, Annisa Purnamasari
and Vincent Oktavianus Pranata
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Jl. Semolowaru No.45, Surabaya 60118, Indonesia
Keywords: MSMI, Development Strategy, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Society 5.0.
Abstract: Indonesia's economy is heavily dependent on its micro, small, and medium-sized industries (MSMI).
Approximately 90% of the workforce and 60% of their GDP contribution can be absorbed by MSMIs. The
sectional economy in Indonesia can be expanded through MSMI development. If MSMI wants to succeed,
they need a strategy to coordinate their company expansion activities. This will enable the company to
generate the highest profit margins. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, MSMI actors were compelled
to use information technology. In order to compete, MSMI must get ready for three things: having a high level
of digital literacy, being able to adapt to digital, and enhancing the product quality of MSMI. The ideas from
the Industrial Revolution 4.0 that already existed are supplemented with the idea of Society 5.0. In society
5.0, individuals can use several technologies from the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era to tackle various economic
and social challenges. There are seven competencies required of human resource professionals. These are
leadership, IT literacy, writing abilities, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking abilities, and creative
The industrial sector plays a crucial role in
Indonesia's national economic development, acting as
both a catalyst for growth and a pillar of the economy.
The ability of the industrial sector to absorb the labour
and its export-related operations can both result in
foreign exchange earnings. The industrial sector's
ability to absorb labours from capital-intensive,
labour-intensive, and high-tech industries, as well as
its ability to link and supply other sectors, are some
of its key characteristics. Other important
characteristics include: relatively high productivity
and ability to absorb labours for knowledge-based
and high-tech industries. The focus of government
policy initiatives is to revitalize and move the
country's industry by building an industrial region
with amenities that are welcoming to investors, such
as bonded logistic areas and special economic zones
(Putri et al., 2016).
Indonesia's economy is heavily dependent on its
micro, small, and medium-sized industries (MSMIs).
Approximately 90% of the workforce and 60% of
their gross domestic product (GDP) contribution can
be absorbed by MSMI. The sectional economy in
Indonesia can be expanded through MSMI
Development. Strategically speaking, MSMIs greatly
speed up the home industry. The following are the
four main defenses. MSMIs contribute to GDP, the
labor force, and the distribution of sectoral
community prosperity. MSMIs also have the
potential to narrow the income gap. The business of
Putri, E., Supardi, ., Narulita, L., Kusumaningayu, I., Putra, B., Purnamasari, A. and Pranata, V.
MSMI Development Strategy in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0012103800003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 292-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
MSMIs is typically a domestic one. Indonesia has
gone through two economic downturns: a monetary
crisis in 1998 and a global financial crisis in 2008.
The national economy is still strongly supported by
MSMIs. It is because MSMI continued to absorb
labor during these two economic downturns.
However, this is not the case when it comes to the
effects of the financial and economic crises during the
global coronavirus outbreak (COVID-2019). MSMIs
have developed into the economy's most vulnerable
sector. The economic crisis and the consequences of
the COVID-19 outbreak are once again putting the
MSMI's resistance to failure to the test in Indonesia.
MSMIs need to develop breakthroughs and strategies
in addition to government assistance if they are to
survive the economic crisis. MSMIs can thereby
improve the Indonesian economy. This is so that
MSMIs can continue to grow and compete in the face
of fierce global competition without jeopardizing the
existence of their companies (Putri and Aurellia,
Several things prevent the growth of the MSMI
firm, including: weak advertising and marketing,
producing products that don't meet market demands,
using inferior raw materials, having employees with
inadequate training or education, using inappropriate
fabrication facilities, using unmodern manufacturing
technology, having inadequate access to a resource,
still reliant on family support, high expenses for
manufacture, minimally innovative, and not having
enough distribution channels (Putri et al., 2017).
During the Industrial Revolution 4.0, MSMI
actors were compelled to use information technology,
such as digital marketing media, to meet commercial
difficulties. Product advertising on the internet is a
cost-effective and efficient way to spread information
about products and facilitate transactions. MSMI
actors must thoughtfully address opportunities and
problems in this era. It is divided into two sections as
follows: Firstly, it is needed for the consistency of the
quality and quantity of local products. Secondly, there
is competition for similar products in both traditional
and online markets (Rachmanto, 2019).
Humans are the main component (human-
centered) on a technical basis in the Era of Society
5.0. This era is a development of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 concept. The divide between human
resources and artificial intelligence can be closed in
Era Society 5.0. If MSMI is able to transform through
digitalization, then it will gain significantly. MSMI
will be able to manage their businesses, such as
manufacturing cost efficiency, shipping,
warehousing, and even promotion (Rachmasari and
Arsanti, 2021).
2.1 Micro, Small, and Medium
Industry (MSMI)
The MSMI sector is significant to the Indonesian
economy. MSMI are essentially businesses run by
people, groups, small business entities, and homes.
Due to its significant contribution to economic
progress, MSMI's presence in Indonesia is heavily
The following describes what a micro industry is:
(i) privately founded, economically successful firms;
and (ii) a single person combining several businesses.
The following are the requirements for the micro
industry: (i) have a net worth of at least 50 million
IDR (excluding land and buildings); and (ii) make at
least 300 million IDR in sales each year. The
following describes what a small industry is:
productive economic companies that were founded
privately; and Small businesses that are independent
enterprises do not belong to a division of a larger
corporation. The following are the requirements for
small businesses: have net assets worth between 50
and 500 million IDR (excluding land and buildings);
and hold yearly sales revenues worth between 300
million and 2.5 billion IDR.
The definition of medium industry is as follows:
(i) economically successful private enterprises; and
(ii) they are individual enterprise aggregations and do
not have a subdivision into small or large enterprises.
The medium enterprise's criteria are the following: (i)
have net assets ranging from 500 million to 10 billion
IDR (excluding land and buildings); and (ii) hold
annual sales revenue from 2.5 billion to 50 billion
IDR (Putri and Aurellia, 2021a).
2.2 Development Strategy
The development strategy seeks to analyze both
internal environmental conditions (weaknesses and
strengths) and external environmental factors
(opportunities and threats). The strategy to be used
considers alternatives. Environmental analysis is the
process of determining a company's competitive
advantages. These strategies have the following
benefits: (i) the company can use them successfully;
(ii) a profile of resources and excellence can be
developed; (iii) the profile can be compared to the
secret to success; and (iv) the key strengths of the
industry can be identified to develop strategies to take
advantage of opportunities, reduce weaknesses, and
avoid failure.
MSMI Development Strategy in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
Companies need a plan to organize their business
growth efforts if they want to be successful. As a
result, the business will be able to make the most
profit possible. The following are the five business
development strategies: (i) Market-share tactics
include selling goods or services in the same market;
(ii) Hunt strategy involves selling goods or services
in different markets; (iii) Farm strategy involves
looking for new clients to maintain long-term sales;
(iv) New product strategy involves developing new
goods to boost brand competitiveness; and (v) The
acquisition strategy involves increasing market share
(Putri, 2016; Putri and Aurellia, 2021b).
2.3 Industrial Revolution 4.0
The industrial revolution marked a significant shift in
how people use resources and create commodities.
The advent of mechanical manufacturing facilities
employing water and steam power coincided with the
first industrial revolution towards the end of the 18th
century. The industrial revolution is still evolving
today. The fourth industrial revolution, sometimes
known as "4.0," is now under way. Cyber-physical
systems are prevalent in practically every human
activity throughout this time period, and
communication between people, machines, and real-
time data is pervasive. According to some,
Revolution 4.0 is more complicated, expansive, and
large-scale than its predecessor. The journey of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 is described as follows: (i)
Industrial Revolution 1.0 (end of the 18th century):
This era saw the introduction of mechanical
production facilities powered by water and steam
power; (ii) Industrial Revolution 2.0 (early 20th
century): Society began to recognize mass production
based on the division of labour; (iii) Industrial
Revolution 3.0 (early 1970s): This era saw the
introduction of electronics and information
technology to automate production; and (iv)
Industrial Revolution 4.0 (currently ongoing).
There is no doubt that the interference of a system
or technology is part of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
In essence, Industry 4.0 forces business stakeholders
to allow computers to connect and communicate with
one another so they may finally make choices without
human intervention. Smart factories might be
produced as a result of Industry 4.0. The Internet of
Systems (IoS), the Internet of Things (IoT), and their
integration make it possible. The industry's key
players have long placed great significance on time
management. The presence of this circumstance may
boost output. In addition, good time management will
have an exponential impact on the quality of labour
and production costs. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is
a change in the industrial sector of the world. The
internet and technology's quick development have an
impact on it. There are eight technologies that are the
main pillars in developing the industrial revolution
4.0, namely: the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial
intelligence (AI), big data, argument reality, cyber
security, addictive manufacturing, system
integration, and cloud computing (Winastya, 2021).
2.4 Society 5.0
A concept known as "society 5.0" enables people to
use contemporary technology-based science (such as
robotics and artificial intelligence) to suit their
requirements and make life easier. Understanding
earlier generations, from Society 1.0 to Society 4.0, is
equally crucial to comprehend the growth of Society
5.0. I Society 1.0: The era of hunting, when people
had not yet learned to write; (ii) Society 2.0: The era
of agriculture, when people had learned what plants
were appropriate to plant; (iii) Society 3.0: The
industrial era, when people started using machines for
daily tasks; (iv) Society 4.0: The era of computer
technology on the internet to support human
activities; and (v) Society 5.0: The technological era
in which technology permeates every aspect of
human existence.
Humans are the primary element of Society 5.0
since they can invent new values through
technological advancements. It is anticipated that this
progress will lessen social inequalities and economic
issues. The growth of technology has significantly
altered how humans play a part in society. Machines
have been able to take the place of many jobs. Along
with this situation, human capacities are also
developing in new ways, such as by: (i) enhancing
self-worth; (ii) expanding job options; (iii) enhancing
abilities and streamlining labour; and also (iv)
enhancing welfare (Sitanggang, 2022).
2.5 Relations Between Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
The revolution idea that started in Japan was more
focused on the contribution of people in shattering the
"Industrial Revolution 4.0" paradigm of
advancement. This indicates that in civilization 5.0,
people will need to be more capable of thinking
critically, solving complicated problems, and being
innovative. Global human existence will be impacted
by the availability of high technology with
automation and data interchange trends in the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 period, such as cyber-
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud
computing, and cognitive computing. These
circumstances lead to unrest, doubt, complexity, and
ambiguity. The existence of Society 5.0 provides a
remedy for these effects. The function of humans in
Society 5.0 is based on the technology that has been
developed. Thus, by connecting the virtual and
physical worlds, people may achieve a balance
between advancing the economy and addressing
social issues (Ayu, 2021).
2.6 Research Methodology
Document and text studies were employed in this
study as a qualitative research method. The steps of
research are as follows: (i) the description stage,
which includes problem identification and study
focus; (ii) the reduction stage, which includes
selecting the research topic and data collection; and
(iii) the selection stage, which includes data
gathering, data processing, and data analysis. Based
on data processing, several discussions can be
analyzed, namely: (i) micro, small, and medium
industry (MSMI); (ii) development strategy; (iii)
industrial revolution 4.0; (iv) society 5.0; (v) relations
between industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0; (vi)
factors affecting MSMI's high and low productivity;
(vii) six main pillar technologies in the industrial
revolution 4.0; (viii) MSMI's development strategy in
the industrial revolution 4.0; and (ix) MSMI's
development strategy in society 5.0.
3.1 Factors Affecting MSMI's High
and Low Productivity
Several factors contributed to the high productivity of
MSMI, including (i) good product quality; (ii)
productive consumers; (iii) product bargaining; (iv)
qualified human resources; (v) availability of
working capital; (vi) easy access to bank credit; (vii)
market sensitivity; (viii) benchmarking to assess the
market; (ix) price reduction; (x) new technological
advances; (xi) suppliers of raw materials; and (xii)
achieving marketing targets.
The following factors contribute to lower MSMI
productivity: (i) a lack of a marketing strategy; (ii)
product sales decreased; (iii) less qualified human
resources; (iv) traditional production process; (v) a
lack of manufacturing facilities; (vi) poor-quality raw
materials; (vii) restrictions on the purchase of raw
materials; (viii) capital resource limitations; (viii)
poor financial administration; and (xvii) rising raw
material prices all contribute to the reduction in
productivity (Putri et. al., 2016).
3.2 Six Main Pillar Technologies in the
Industrial Revolution 4.0
There are five basic technologies to face the Industrial
Revolution 4.0, namely: cloud computing, additive
manufacturing, big data, artificial intelligence (AI),
and the Internet of Things (IoT). Cloud computing is
a technology that turns the internet into a hub for
managing data and applications, allowing computer
users to access the cloud and set up servers remotely
via a login. A recent development in the
manufacturing sector is additive manufacturing,
which makes use of 3D printing technology. Real
items are created from digital design drawings at a
specified scale or at the exact size and shape of the
original design. The utilisation of additive
manufacturing technology enables the creation of
more designs and of products that cannot be produced
using conventional manufacturing methods. More
designs and products that can't be built with
conventional manufacturing technology can be
created with additive manufacturing technology.
The term "big data" refers to large amounts of
structured and unstructured data. The organization's
use of the data, not the volume of data itself, is what
counts. Big data analysis can improve business
strategy and decision-making. Artificial intelligence
(AI) is the term used to describe computer or machine
technology that possesses intellect akin to that of a
person and may be modified in accordance with
human preferences. AI operates by analysing data
that is continuously received. The AI will receive
more skilful in making predictions. It is because AI
has more data gathered and examined. The Internet of
Things (IoT) is carrying out its functions through data
communication on the internet network. IoT does not
necessitate human or human-computer interaction.
IoT makes use of connected computing devices,
mechanical components, and digital machines. IoT
systems combine four elements. Those are user
interfaces, networking, sensor devices, and data
processing (Rizkinaswara, 2020).
3.3 MSMI's Development Strategy in
the Industrial Revolution 4.0
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 causes disruptions in
daily life. Industry 4.0 adoption has a remarkable
ability to influence present manufacturing industry
policies and has the power to alter many facets of
MSMI Development Strategy in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
human society. As a result, Indonesia has been getting
ready since 2018 through Making Indonesia 4.0 in an
effort to take advantage of the opportunities presented
by the current digital era to promote national
economic growth.
In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, digitization is the
key, and this includes networks, products, services,
business strategies, and even customer access. On the
one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has helped hasten
the adoption of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Many
businesses are looking for digitally based solutions to
increase productivity and advance their businesses.
The implementation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 is
anticipated to boost productivity and innovation,
lower production costs, enhance domestic product
exports, and boost the competitiveness of business
people's output (Ramdhani, 2021).
MSMI must get ready for three things in order to
compete in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, such as:
(i) having a high level of digital literacy; (ii) being
able to adapt to digital; and (iii) enhancing the product
quality of MSMI. Digital literacy to a high degree is
necessary to compete in the digital world. MSMI
must be able to adjust to digital in order to do it.
Actors from MSMI can thus compete globally and
succeed in commercial competitions. The MSMI
company's ability to survive depends on its products.
Because their goods are not selling successfully,
many business people are unable to manage a
business. Products that don't sell well are those that
aren't appealing to consumers and don't satisfy market
needs. Because of this, MSMI needs to be able to
comprehend the market's need for high-quality
products and possess a sales approach that appeals to
customers (Septiana, 2019).
3.4 MSMI's Development Strategy in
Society 5.0
In society 5.0, individuals can use several
technologies from the industrial revolution 4.0 era to
tackle various economic and social challenges,
including the Internet of Things (the internet for
everything), artificial intelligence, big data (huge
volumes of data), and robots that can enhance human
life. In Society 5.0, excellent and fiercely competitive
human resources are required. HR must therefore be
qualified. Seven competencies are required for human
resources professionals: leadership, IT literacy,
writing abilities, problem-solving abilities, critical
thinking abilities, and creative abilities.
Leadership is the capacity to take on leadership
roles. A strong leader undoubtedly makes wise
choices that affect the group of people he is in charge
of. All literature is driven by IT literacy. It is because
the internet makes it possible to seek out any piece of
information. All data can currently be easily searched
via the internet network. Therefore, human resources
must have a wider, more precise, and unlimited
knowledge base. Writing skills can be a motivator to
produce writing that is useful for the wider
community. In addition, HR can share perspectives,
innovations and fresh ideas to face Society 5.0.
In Society 5.0, problem-solving skills are a crucial
need for human resources. At this time, the world
faces the VUCA situation. It consists of volatility,
uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It is
impossible to predict this condition. These days, there
are a lot of things that could happen. Consequently,
in Society 5.0, problem-solving proficiency is a skill
that is required. Problem-solving necessitates critical
thinking. To solve difficulties successfully and
efficiently, one needs to be able to critically think and
analyze situations. Critical thinking is necessary for
problem-solving. To solve problems effectively and
efficiently, one needs to be able to critically think and
analyze situations. The level of creativity in human
resources must be very high. The Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 require it. Both
modern and pre-modern times emphasize invention
as a way to stay current (NN, 2021).
The micro, small, and medium industry (MSMI) is
important for Indonesia's economy. In essence,
MSMI is housed in communities and operated by
small companies and individuals operating
them. MSMI's presence is extensively taken into
account because of its major contribution to economic
advancement. If MSMI wants to succeed, they need a
strategy to coordinate their company expansion
activities. This will enable the company to generate
the highest profit margins. MSMI actors were
compelled to use information technology in Industrial
Revolution 4.0. MSMI's development strategy to face
this era consists of five technologies as follows: cloud
computing, additive manufacturing, big data,
artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things
(IoT). Digitalization has an essential role in the fourth
industrial revolution. It has applied to networks,
goods, services, business plans, and even customer
access. Industrial Revolution 4.0 is expected to have
advantages as follows: (i) increase productivity and
innovation; (ii) reduce production costs; (iii) improve
exports of domestic goods; and (iv) increase the
output competitiveness of entrepreneurs. MSMI
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
needs to prepare for three things in order to compete
in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Those are (i) having a
high level of digital literacy; (ii) being able to adapt
to digital; and (iii) improving the quality of MSMI's
In Society 5.0, humans are the main component
(human-centered) on a technical basis. Therefore,
MSMI's development strategy must consider the
quality of its human resources. The divide between
human resources and artificial intelligence can be
closed in Society 5.0. This is because Society 5.0 is a
concept that complements preexisting ideas from the
Industrial Revolution 4.0. People can use a variety of
technologies from the industrial revolution 4.0 era,
such as the internet of things (IoT, the internet for
everything), artificial intelligence (AI), big data (huge
volumes of data), and robots that can improve human
life. Excellent and fiercely competitive human
resources are necessary for the era of Society 5.0.
Therefore, MSMI needs qualified labor skills, such as
leadership, IT literacy, writing skills, problem-
solving skills, critical thinking skills, and creative
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ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology