needs to prepare for three things in order to compete
in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Those are (i) having a
high level of digital literacy; (ii) being able to adapt
to digital; and (iii) improving the quality of MSMI's
In Society 5.0, humans are the main component
(human-centered) on a technical basis. Therefore,
MSMI's development strategy must consider the
quality of its human resources. The divide between
human resources and artificial intelligence can be
closed in Society 5.0. This is because Society 5.0 is a
concept that complements preexisting ideas from the
Industrial Revolution 4.0. People can use a variety of
technologies from the industrial revolution 4.0 era,
such as the internet of things (IoT, the internet for
everything), artificial intelligence (AI), big data (huge
volumes of data), and robots that can improve human
life. Excellent and fiercely competitive human
resources are necessary for the era of Society 5.0.
Therefore, MSMI needs qualified labor skills, such as
leadership, IT literacy, writing skills, problem-
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