Responses to this change in risk will be new
procedures and materials can reduce corrosion risk in
unbuilt structures. Existing concrete structures can be
made more durable to reduce climate change. Cover
design, cement and mix selection, surface coating
barriers, extraction, and cathodic protection are
examples. A new design might reduce environmental
exposure by enhancing cover and strength grade and
lowering material diffusion coefficient without
harming concrete durability and serviceability. Our
research will highlight the design improvements
needed to maintain concrete structure durability.
Climate change is projected to accelerate the
decay of many existing concrete structures that did
not account for environmental changes. A little
increase in damage hazards could cost hundreds of
billions or trillions of dollars in maintenance and
repair. A cautious approach would propose enhanced
monitoring and maintenance of concrete structures
because this risk varies widely based on location,
environmental exposure, and material design, making
it impossible to predict for each structure. This
research shows that site-specific costs and benefits
will be critical for successful adoption.
In order to evaluate the probabilities of corrosion
initiation and corrosion damage for existing concrete
infrastructure in Indonesia that is subject to climate
change in the current year, which shows future
change, a time-dependent probability study has been
carried out. Compared to the previous figure,
forecasts of atmospheric CO
concentration, local
temperature, and humidity changes across the
Indonesian continent for the next 100 years will
increase. The probabilistic study factored in the
unpredictability of CO
concentration, degradation
processes, material characteristics, dimensions, and
predictive models. Carbonation-induced damage
risks have been found to rise similarly to the
environment during the past year. The risk of
corrosion due to chloride increases by less than 10
percent, as indicated by the larger figure. The results
were especially sensitive to fluctuations in
atmospheric CO
levels. Since CO
concentration and
temperature are the key drivers of accelerated
concrete deterioration, the elevated infrastructure
damage risks in Indonesia are anticipated to be
observed in many other concrete infrastructures
across the world. Existing concrete structures whose
design does not account for the effects of climate
change may deteriorate more quickly than expected.
In accordance with the research strategy of
collaboration No.1031/PKS/ITS/2022 with Eskisehir
Technical University, the author would like to
express their gratitude to the ITS – department of civil
engineering as well as the ITS – laboratory of
concrete, advanced materials, and computational
mechanics for their assistance in conducting this
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