Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints
Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach
Jaka Propika
1,2 a
, Yanisfa Septiarsilia
1,3 b
, Dita Kamarul Fitria
1,3 c
, Eka Susanti
1,3 d
Dewi Pertiwi
, Heri Istiono
1,2 f
and Indra Komara
1,* g
Civil Engineering Department, Institute Technology Adhi Tama Surabaya, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim 100, Klampis Ngasem,
Sukolilo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Petra Christian Unviersity, Jl. Siwalankerto No.121-131, Siwalankerto, Surabaya, 60236,
East Java, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jl. Teknik Kimia, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, East
Java, Indonesia,,*,
Keywords: RC Beam-Column Joints, Progressive Collapse, Reinforced Concrete Finite Element Analysis, Structural
Abstract: The surrounding elements of a reinforced concrete frame generally undergo a significant overload that may
result in their own collapse when the frame is subjected to progressive collapse as a result of the loss of a
structural column. This may cause the frame to collapse. One of the most important factors in establishing the
structural resiliency is the rotational capacity of the beams and, as a result of this, the beam-column
connections. The response of the beam-column junction needs to be accounted for in any numerical models
that are developed to analyse the response of the structure in the event of a progressive collapse. In this
research, a systematic literature review of the different modelling approaches for beam-column joints, as well
as the different constitutive models and how easy it is to implement them numerically, are presented. Some
of these models are used to simulate the reaction of a reinforced concrete frame that has already been put
through its paces. The structural response parameters that were calculated are compared to the experimental
findings, and a discussion is had regarding the accuracy of each constitutive model.
The term "progressive collapse" refers to a localized
structural failure that causes the neighbouring
members to fail, thereby setting off a domino effect.
It can also be referred to as "disproportionate
collapse." The progressive collapse of a structure can
be caused by a wide variety of events, including but
not limited to earthquake, localized fires, natural
catastrophes, vehicle impacts, terrorist attacks, and
many others (Yap and Li, 2011; Salgado and Guner,
In order to lessen the severity of the effects of a
progressive collapse, a structure needs to incorporate
a variety of different load routes (Lew et al., 2014).
In a prototypical instance of progressive collapse,
wherein a structural column is absent, three
significant load-resisting mechanisms emerge: The
three mechanisms that contribute to the flexural
resistance of structures under load are the
compressive arch action, the plastic hinge action, and
Propika, J., Septiarsilia, Y., Fitria, D., Susanti, E., Pertiwi, D., Istiono, H. and Komara, I.
Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012105800003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 316-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the catenary action. The compressive arch action is a
result of the axial restraint of the surrounding
structure, which provides additional flexural
resistance. The plastic hinge action occurs when the
formation of a plastic hinge causes large structural
displacements on the beams. Finally, the catenary
action is characterized by the development of tensile
resistance due to the presence of cracks (see Figure
Previous research has indicated that the ability of
beams to rotate can effectively regulate the
emergence of catenary actions. This phenomenon is
attributed to the localized deformations that occur at
the connections between the concrete beams and
columns (Parastesh, Hajirasouliha and Ramezani,
2014). Furthermore, beam-column joints are essential
for the purposes of resisting and distributing loads
(Elsouri and Harajli, 2013), in addition to determining
the rotational capability of the beams.
Figure 1: Plastic hinge mechanism (Lew et al., 2014).
Figure 2: Illustrative common models to classify
assessment analysis of RC joints.
In this study, both existing state-of-the-art
numerical beam-column joint modelling
methodologies as well as constitutive behaviors taken
from the existing body of literature are analyzed and
compared. The creation of novel modelling
approaches that are both optimized for effectiveness
and capable of duplicating the behavior of RC joints
is a topic that is now the focus of academic
investigation. In the most recent few decades, a
considerable amount of research has been carried out
on the topic, and a wide variety of modelling
strategies have been proposed (Azoti et al., 2013;
Elsouri and Harajli, 2013; Lew et al., 2014; Parastesh,
Hajirasouliha and Ramezani, 2014; Khan, Basit and
Ahmad, 2021). In general, existing beam column
joint models can be divided into two categories:
mathematical models and experimental models, as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3: Scope of investigation; research impact
experimental models and analytical models.
This scope of the investigation also includes the
research impact considering from various studies,
including experimental program models and
analytical models, as illustrated in Figure 3. This
model criteria inputted on aspects of the collapse
mechanism for RC structures (Lew et al., 2014; De
Risi et al., 2016; Salgado and Guner, 2017).
Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach
Previous research developed a number of models
that describe the cyclic behavior of beam–column
connections and explain the gradual decrease in
strength and stiffness that occurs over the course of
multiple cycles (Parastesh, Hajirasouliha and
Ramezani, 2014). In terms of the experimental
program, these formulations were able to accurately
represent the cyclic behavior of the beam–column
couplings (Hosseini et al., 2012). When several
different formulations for the first quarter cycle are
combined, the controlling equation that results are as
=0.172 + 1.03𝛾− 0.167𝛾
− 0.00846𝛾
where γ is the value that represent the stiffness when
the hinge rotation and the derivative of M/My gives
joint stiffness.
Panel shear and bond-slip actions are the two primary
variables that influence the behaviour of the beam-
column joint. When extreme loading is applied to
members that are adjacent to a beam-column
junction, the joint panel zone experiences significant
shear deformation as a consequence of the loading. In
addition, decreasing the flexural resistance of the
beams is a frequent practice that involves terminating
the longitudinal reinforcing rebar inside the joint
(Ilyas et al., 2022).
Because of this, the frame's strength and stiffness
are reduced due to the joint damage mechanism that
is caused by high shear and bond pressures. As a
direct result of this, the frame has less strength and
less stiffness (Celik and Ellingwood, 2008). The
rigid-joint, rotational-hinge, and component models
are the three modelling strategies that have seen the
most widespread application among the many beam-
column joint modelling strategies.
Because rigid-joint models simulate an entirely
rigid connection between the beam and column
elements, joint deterioration can be omitted in these
models (Salgado and Guner, 2017). As a result,
moments can be entirely transferred from one element
to the other. The physical joint core is contained
within the rigid element region, which, as a result of
its more responsive nature, causes the joint injury to
become more concentrated at the point of contact
with the beam or column. Rigid joints yield results
that are somewhat accurate when beam-column joint
degradation is not the dominating structural behavior.
When this is not the case, these models fail to take
into account the actual deformations of the joint
panels, which leads to an inaccurate calculation of
strength and deformation (Pantazopoulou and
Bonacci, 1994).
Figure 4: Simulation of Beam column joint modelling
(Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021).
In the models of rotational hinge joints, there is a
single rotational spring that is incorporated at the
center of the beam-column connection. This
rotational spring is responsible for the shear panel
stress-strain displacement and nothing else. The
connection is modelled with rigid-end offsets (Ilyas
et al., 2022). While the moment rotation constitutive
behavior of the center spring is used to simulate joint
deformations, the rigid links are used to ignore any
damage that may have occurred in the components
that make up the joint panel. This model was utilized
quite frequently in the published works for example,
(Celik and Ellingwood, 2008; Salgado and Guner,
2017; Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021), and despite the
fact that its methodology was oversimplified, it
produced findings that were reasonably accurate.
However, when the bond-slip action is an essential
behavior, you shouldn't use this model at all.
Component models incorporate a more realistic
constitutive model, which specifically models joint
panel shear deformation and bond-slip. This makes
the component models more accurate representations
of the underlying material. Continuous panel
components or springs usually account for shear
deformation, but 1-D springs account for bond-slip
interactions. There have been many component
models proposed in the scientific literature for
example (Grande et al., 2021; Khan, Basit and
Ahmad, 2021; Ilyas et al., 2022)); however, these
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
models require many constitutive models for each
considered behavior (such as a spring), which, in
most cases, are not easily accessible or are difficult to
obtain, which hinders their ability to be effectively
applied in real-world situations.
2.1 Shear Panel
A calibrated joint-panel shear stress-strain response
from experimental testing of specimens with a given
shape and reinforcing configuration is used in most
models (De Risi et al., 2016). When using these
models to perform an analysis of a structure that
already exists or is in the planning stages, the
accuracy of the calculations will be significantly
impacted by the degree of similarity that exists
between the structure being modelled and the
experimental dataset that is being used in the model
calibration (Ricci et al., 2016). As a result, the
currently available joint models ought to be utilized
with extreme prudence.
Figure 5 shows that concrete cracking, stirrup
yielding, shear strength, and residual joint shear
capacity regulate joint panel shear stress-strain
response (De Risi and Verderame, 2017). These four
damage states serve as the backbone of the response
(Celik and Ellingwood, 2008; Nawy, 2008;
Alexander, Dehn and Moyo, 2015; De and Wallace,
Figure 5: Shear panel damage conditions (Kim and Lafave,
The constitutive model developed by Teraoka and
Fujii characterizes each damage state with a
predetermined strain pattern that is derived from an
experimental collection through curve fitting. The
relationships were established purely on the basis of
the properties of the concrete and the type of joint (i.e.,
an exterior or an interior joint, and transverse beams
or not). As a direct result of this, the model allows for
the rapid definition of four joint backbone locations.
On the other hand, the reduced complexity may lead
to a reduction in dependability and accuracy (Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2000).
Another study proposed a constitutive joint
backbone reaction model (De Risi et al., 2016; Ricci
et al., 2016) and uses fixed strain values and
percentages of the maximum shear stress. The
theoretical shear capacity of the joint is calculated
using the modified compression field theory (Kim
and Lafave, 2008). However, the model uses an
iterative, 17-step calculation process to determine the
shear stress capacity, which limits the model's ability
to be used in real-world situations. The fixed stiffness
values for each segment used in the presented model
(Filippou, Popov and Bertero, 1982), which are based
on the joint maximum shear stress, are used to
compute the stress and strain backbone points.
Because it was calibrated for internal beam-column
joint assemblies with inadequate transverse
reinforcement, it may not be as accurate for joints
with proper design.
Additionally, the joint-shear backbone can be
defined using the variety model with only two points
(Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021): brittle failure after
the adjacent beam's flexural yield and maximal shear
capacity. This model is at the beam-joint contact, not
the beam-column connection. Model joint reaction
limits beam moment capacity. The method is
comparatively straightforward due to the bilinear
constitutive behavior. However, this model, which
employs fixed maximal strain and stiffness values,
was created exclusively for interior joints. According
to Kim and LaFave (Kim and Lafave, 2008, 2009),
the damage states of crack, yield, and residual
strength are inversely correlated with the highest
shear and strain values. Its "unified" constitutive
model, which does not use fixed values of stress or
strain, is its primary benefit. It considers the
concrete's compressive strength, in-plane and out-of-
plane geometry, joint eccentricity, beam
reinforcement, and joint transverse reinforcement to
calculate maximum shear and strain.
2.2 Cyclic Model
The hysteresis response at beam-column joints under
cyclic loading conditions is usually very pinched. The
beam column joint still experiences unloading as a
result of the compression-tension alternation between
each mechanism, despite the fact that this study only
conducts nonlinear static analyses. For analyses of
progressive collapse, it is crucial to take the joint's
hysteretic reaction into account. The combined cyclic
behavior suggested by Khan et al. is depicted in
Figure 6 (Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021).
Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach
Figure 6: Hysteretic loop behaviour of beam column joint
(Dabiri, Kaviani and Kheyroddin, 2020).
The majority of current studies determine the
cyclic pinching parameters based on an experimental
approach to curve fitting, much like the backbone
response of the joint; very few studies suggest
pinching that is generally applicable. Due to the
study's understandable analysis of 124 beam-column
joint specimens.
2.2.1 Rotational Hinge Models
The stress–strain envelope and cyclic hysteretic rules
are standard input parameters in rotational hinge
models. A multilinear monotonic curve with many
constitutive models based on empirical equations and
experimental observations controls these models.
This curve controls these models. Several calibration
parameters determine the pinching effect, strength,
stiffness, and energy degradation in following cycles
based on structural reaction. Structural response
determines these characteristics. The original model
in this field was based on the idea that the joint should
flex plastically under lateral loads (Ilyas et al., 2022).
This concept served as the framework upon which the
model was built. The non-linear response that was
created by the shear demand that was made on the
beam as a result of the flexural response of the
connecting elements was able to be captured by the
two rotational hinges that were placed at the
extremities of the member. These hinges were able to
do this because they were located at the extremities of
the member.
In rotating hinge models, examples of typical
input parameters are the stress–strain envelope and
hysteretic rules that explain cyclic activity. Both of
these types of rules describe cyclic behavior. A
multilinear monotonic curve guides these models.
Using empirical equations and actual measurements,
different constitutive models define this curve's
important points. This curve controls and directs the
majority of these models. This curve is also the
primary controller for these models, acting in that
capacity here. Depending on the structural reaction,
calibration factors regulate the pinching effect,
strength, stiffness, and energy degradation in
subsequent cycles. These parameters are determined
by the actual structural response. The real structural
response serves as the foundation for all of these
factors. Ilyas et al., (Ilyas et al., 2022) developed the
first model in this field, and it was founded on the
concept that the joint should be allowed to deform
plastically when it is subjected to lateral loads. This
idea was the foundation of the model. The non-linear
response that was created by the shear demand that
was placed on the beam as a result of the flexural
response of the connecting parts was able to be
captured by the member thanks to the placement of
two rotational hinges that were positioned at the
member's extremities. This can be seen on Equation
Equation (1) states that each link has a bilinear
elastic strain hardening relationship-based M-curve.
The equation provided effectively maintains the
length of the plastic zone. The real-time value of the
shear force is represented by the variable M. This
approach is popular to be taken into design due to the
easiest approach and its accuracy related to the joint
mechanics. Notwithstanding, the design intent to fail
on the part of simulate shear panel and diagonal
cracks under cyclic loads. Further development to
include shear panel and bar slip was studied by Ilyas
et al., (Ilyas et al., 2022) represented from various
research with proposed (Celik and Ellingwood, 2008;
Ricci et al., 2016; Salgado and Guner, 2017; Grande
et al., 2021; Ilyas et al., 2022) Equation (4) (5) as
is the embedment length while 𝑙
is the
development length and 𝐴
is reinforcement area. D is
illustrated as index of
(0-1), 𝛿
is presented
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
maximum deformation, 𝛿
is the ultimate deformation, 𝛽 is
the strength of deterioration rate, 𝑃
is yield capacity and
𝑑𝐸 represents hysteretic energy dissipation.
Figure 7: Fixed-end rotation considering deterioration in
joint hysteretic behaviour (Ilyas et al., 2022).
When considering the damage, (De Risi and
Verderame, 2017) the model was developed to
estimate the intensity of damage in relation to
deformation and energy dissipation, as demonstrated
in Equation (6).
The following case is flexural rigidity. Normally,
the flexural rigidity is not considered into joints
mechanics. The previous research learn and take into
consideration the flexural rigidity of the joints, a
model used rigid connections as illustrated in Figure
7 (Celik and Ellingwood, 2008; Ilyas et al., 2022).
The ability of these methods to forecast responses for
a joint panel with a finite length is constrained. Joint
mechanics did not take the joint's flexural stiffness
into account. The corresponding constitutive models
and hysteresis rules depicted the individual rotations
of connecting elements. The cyclic hysteretic
response was founded on experimental findings,
whereas the shear stress-strain behavior was
empirically derived. A rotational spring that simulates
the shear behavior of the concrete core serves as the
joint's sole non-linear reaction prediction device.
Furthermore, the interface shear or bond-slip process
cannot be predicted by this model.
A simplified rotational spring model was put forth
by Khan et. al.(Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021) for the
nonlinear cyclic response estimate of RC beam-
column joints. As shown in Figure 8, the joint model
was configured to have rigid offset components and
focused plasticity. A shear-demand ratio was used to
calibrate the rigid offsets, giving a reasonable
approximation of the joint's initial stiffness. Each
connecting member had two springs in sequence at
the end. The non-linear reaction of the connecting
element and joint was recorded by means of the two
springs located at the end of each member. A distinct
M- relationship was employed to ascertain the
individual rotational springs. Each rotational spring
exhibited a distinct moment-rotation reaction curve.
The experimental findings of RC joints are very
closely supported by the model-simulated response.
The research did not include any corner or exterior
joints, only internal joints where the confinement
effects of the transverse beams are significant. The
joint's bond mechanism was also not taken into
consideration in the research.
Typically, the load-drift curve must exhibit a
closure of approximately 20% and 5% as per the
standard parameters established by FEMA356 and
ASCE/SEI 41-06. Based on the studies examined by
Khan et al. (Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021). The
preliminary rigidity was observed to be closely
approximated, exhibiting disparities of 20.3% and
5.4% for both FEMA356 and ASCE/SEI 41 06. The
proposed beam design beam-column joint element
with rigid offset and details of rotational springs,
based on literature. On the basis of the available
literature, the suggested beam design includes a
beam-column joint element with a rigid offset and
specifics of rotational springs (see Figure 7).
Figure 8: Experimental program beam column joint
element with rigid offset and proposed rotational springs
(Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021).
The utilization of rotational hinge joint models
allows for the autonomous evaluation of the non-
elastic joint reaction while incurring only a negligible
escalation in computational expenses. This approach
offers a simpler and more dependable alternative to
the traditional method of representing joints as rigid
elastic components, while incurring only a marginal
rise in computational expenses. On the other hand,
this modeling technique makes it more difficult to
achieve design objectives and achieve precise
calibration in respect to a variety of loading scenarios
and orientations. For the purpose of constructing an
M-θ curve, it is necessary to make use of a significant
amount of experimental data. In order to develop a
model that is capable of simulating the joint response
with a variety of design features, either a complicated
calibration method that uses enormous data sets or
Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach
numerous joint models that each have their own
unique design details are required. Because
experimental data of all potential orientations and
loading scenarios are not currently accessible for
calibration, the applications of these models are
severely restricted. Utilizing the constitutive models
that have been suggested by a variety of researchers
in the past (Pantazopoulou and Bonacci, 1994; Celik
and Ellingwood, 2008; Ricci et al., 2016; De Risi and
Verderame, 2017; Salgado and Guner, 2017; Khan,
Basit and Ahmad, 2021; Ilyas et al., 2022), will allow
for the development of the M-θ curves. The
constitutive models found in the scientific literature
are expressed in terms of shear stress and strain, both
of which can be transformed to M via joint
The proposed cracking onset studied by Uzumeri,
shear stress (τ
) under Equation (7), while its
maximum shear stress value
) represented from
various studies as inform as follow Equation (8)
= 0.483(𝐵𝐼)
𝐵𝐼 =
=0.642𝛽 1 + 0.5551 −
𝑐 (10)
The Equation (8-9) is in accordance with Kim and
LaFave, where Equation (10) follow the calculation
of Vollumn and Newman. As the other illustrations,
Jeon proposed Equation (11). The models that have
been suggested by a variety of researchers can be used
(Yap and Li, 2011; De Risi et al., 2016; Ricci et al.,
2016; Salgado and Guner, 2017; Grande et al., 2021;
Khan, Basit and Ahmad, 2021) for the purposes of
calculating the remaining values of pre-peak and
post-peak shear stress and strains.
A level of understanding, analysis, and evaluation of
the response of RC beam–column joints that has not
been seen in previous decades has been attained
thanks to the significant advancements achieved in
these areas. The non-linear reaction of joints in RC
frames that have been subjected to lateral loads has
been modeled using a variety of different modeling
approaches and methods. The non-linear response of
RC joints is dominated by two primary mechanisms:
panel shear deformation and the bar–slip mechanism.
These mechanisms, which have been modeled using
a variety of different approaches, are responsible for
the majority of the non-linear response. In recent
times, there has been a substantial development in the
modeling techniques, which has resulted in an
improvement in accuracy and a reduction in the
amount of computational effort required. The early
models were built on the results of experimental
research; however, it was discovered that these
models were unreliable because they were contingent
on a large amount of experimental data. As our
knowledge of how connections behaved expanded,
more complex and accurate models were put forward
to explain this behavior.
For the purpose of connecting the elastic beams
and columns to the joint in rotational spring models,
a central zero-length element is utilized as the
connection point. Because the complete non-linear
behavior is combined into a single rotational spring,
it is challenging to individually evaluate the joint
panel shear, interface shear, and bar–slip mechanism.
This is because the non-linear behavior is
encapsulated in a single rotational spring.
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Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach