Figure 3 Vissim Analysis Results.
1) Existing conditions at the intersection indicate
that its performance does not fulfill the
requirements of MKJI'1997 for an
unsignalized intersection or existing
conditions where DS= 2.151 > 1 and then in
signalized intersection conditions where DS=
0.89 ≤ 0.9. From no signal to signal, the degree
of service (Level Of Services) at the
intersection ranges from category F to
category D.
2) In comparison to the Vissim program with
existing data calculations and calculating data
utilizing MKJI'1997 computations, the queue
length has decreased, with the existing data
now measuring 394.3 meters than for
calculations using MKJI'1997, the result is
163.71 meters while the vissim software
returns 296.44 meters.
3) Comparing the existing data to the planning
data reveals that restrictions or limitations can
be placed on parking spaces at the intersection
for traffic management.
1) Additional research can be conducted on other
ways to enhance the intersection performance
at Jl. Demak – Jl. Kalibutuh – Jl. Tembok
2) It is evident from the decline in the degree of
saturation, or DS (Degree Of Saturation)., that
traffic engineering, in the form of a Traffic
Light, is necessary on Jl. Demak, Jl. Kalibutuh,
and Jl. Tembok Dukuh.
3) To avoid interfering with traffic activities, it
can be designated for street sellers or street
vendors who utilize surrounding lanes, such as
selling or parking in the area on Jalan Tembok
Dukuh, and adding traffic signs that state that
parking is not permitted in the intersection
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