Based on the results of the analysis of productivity,
time, operating costs of heavy equipment and
comparison of operator work efficiency in the
Nglurup reservoir body excavation, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. The cost required for the work to go according
to the 14-day plan is IDR 382,889,800
2. Because there are differences in the
specifications of excavators and the number of
dump trucks, productivity was also different.
Productivity was planned to be better than in
the field because it has bigger specifications
and more numbers.
3. The results of calculations carried out by
researchers due to delays in work in the field
where the work should have gone 14 days to
19 days, the solution needs to be a change in
the specifications of the excavator and an
increase in the number of dump trucks so that
the results obtained are in accordance with the
desired target.
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