website. The results obtained are: 1) Website
prototype maintenance; 2) Features of the location of
the batik shop are included in the google map; 3)
Available stock information for batik products; 4)
Added size chart to the product description; 5) Added
features for the category of batik products; 6) Live
chat feature in real-time.
Based on the research conducted on three similar
websites (Batik Danar Hadi, Batik Keris, and Batik
Semar) using SUS and HMW (Brainstorming)
methods, it can be concluded that:
a) The catalog of batik displayed on the website still
does not meet the user's needs to view the required
batik visual; b) The description, specifications and
size of batik products on the website are still
incomplete; c) The number of batik stock on the
website is not clearly displayed, and often not in
accordance with the actual stock; d) The websites
studied do not have a unique characteristic that makes
it easier for users to remember the batik brand; e)
Sales/Customer services are difficult to reach via the
website; f) It is difficult to find the location of the
offline batik outlet if checked via the website.
Based on the issues and the objective of this research
to evaluate the factors of the batik website problems
and provide improvement suggestions for the future,
the steps are:
a)The batik catalog is displayed with an attractive,
clear and user-friendly visual model; b) The
description, specifications, and size of the batik
products are written in detail, concise and
informative; c) Batik stock is updated regularly with
a fixed schedule and the schedule for regular stock
update is posted on the website; d) A tagline is created
according to the batik brand, becoming the
characteristic of the brand and placed on the
homepage in a bold font for easy user recognition. e)
Sales/customer service can be chatted in real-time
through the website or a third-party application such
as WhatsApp. f) The location of the batik outlet must
be registered on Google Maps and posted on the
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