Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of
Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling
Alfiatus Syifa
and Iwan Vanany
Department of Management Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Keywords: Halal Awareness, Halal Cosmetics, Purchase Intention, Religiosity, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
Abstract: This study aims to determine consumer characteristics in purchasing intention for halal cosmetic products and
to analyse the influence of religiosity, halal awareness and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The type of
research used is quantitative research, collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 242 Muslm consumers
of halal cosmetic products in Jabodetabek. Data collection is using Google Form through social media and
instant messengers. Research finding there are correlation between religiosity, halal awareness, attitude,
subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control toward purchase intention. Managerial implications can be
applied by cosmetic companies to increase consumer buying interest in halal cosmetic products. In future
studies, researchers can apply other theories to study purchase intention, such as the theory of consumption
value or the theory of innovation diffusion.
In today’s global economy, halal lifestyle has become
increasingly popular. Halal means as allowed or
permissible and refers to halal based on individual
believer. Besides, this concept does not apply merely
to food and beverages, and it is also applied in
medicines, cosmetics, personal care, and finance.
Muslims are obligated to consume halal products
obtained from halal ways wherever they lived. This
lifestyle influenced by standards, values, and
principles of each people, this affects consumers'
lifestyles, which in turn affect consumer decision-
making behavior.
According to World Population Review (2021),
the world Muslim population is growing, from 1.9
billion in 2021 and projected to be 3 billion devotees
or around 31.1% of the world’s population in 2050.
This number is the biggest increment, which is up to
6.8%. This fact shows that Indonesia is the largest
Muslim country in the world with a Muslim
population of 237 million people.
Indonesia is home to the world’s largest domestic
halal economy market, driven by the largest global
Muslim population. This population’s domestic
spending across halal economy products and services
stood at USD 184 billion in 2020 and is projected to
increased by 14.96% to reach USD 281.6 billion in
2025. In 2020, Indonesia has succeeded in
representing the largest halal consumer market in the
world with a contribution of 11.34% to the world’s
halal consumer market. (Source: Sharia Economy and
Finance Report 2020, Bank Indonesia).
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which
has weakening various sectors, such as restaurants,
retail, and tourism. However, cosmetics sector has
strengthened. According to Allied Market Research,
throughout 2020, GMV of global cosmetics reached
USD 145.3 billion and is expected to continue to
grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
of 3.6% per year, projected to reach USD 185.5
billion in 2027. The growth of the cosmetic industry
also occurred in Indonesia. According to Salam
Gateway, from 2018 to 2021, the cosmetic industry in
Indonesia has also seen positive growth with average
growth of 8% p.a.
According to the State of Global Islamic Report
2020. Globally, Muslim cosmetics consumption is
estimated to reach a value of USD 76 billion in 2024
with an average annual growth rate of 4.2%.
Currently, Muslim consumption in Indonesia is the
second largest after India.
Based on above data, all stakeholders are
competing to be able to invest and increase their
Syifa, A. and Vanany, I.
Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012111100003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 354-359
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
market share in the halal sector of cosmetics.
Investments in the cosmetics sector are expected to
reach USD 3.4 trillion or 15% of world GDP.
Indonesia is one of two countries whose get
investment in the cosmetics industry. Indonesia’s
online beauty products marketplace, Sociolla, raised
USD 98 million through its series D and E funding
rounds led by Singaporean funds. This value is the
largest investment in cosmetics industry.
Indonesia is a country that is quite consistent with
great potential to develop halal cosmetic products.
The huge market potential of halal cosmetic products
is being exploited by local and multinational cosmetic
manufacturers targeting Muslim consumers with a
strategy of making halal cosmetic products. This is
consistent with the statement that businesses that
adhere to Islamic law can attract customers.
Theory of Planned Behavior has been used in
many studies that focused on individuals’ behavioral
intention. Including studies that focus exclusively on
the intention of Muslim consumers in terms of buying
both products and services. By referring to the
outcomes that were generated for these research, it
was observed that intention is an outcome of the
influence of various types of factors.
Lada et et al. (2009) conducted research by
predicting Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) factors,
including attitudes and subjective norms that
influence purchase intention of halal food product in
Malaysia. The result show that attitude and subjective
norms are significantly influence purchase intention.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a
development of TRA which has succeeded in
identifying factors that predict and change behavior
(Ajzen, 1985). These factors are measured by on
attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral
Aisyah (2017) research that TPB influences
consumers’ purchase intention for halal cosmetics. As
a result, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived
behavioral control have a direct influence on purchase
intention. Vanany et al (2019) also confirm that TPB
factor has a positive effect on purchase intention halal
food products.
Haque (2018) conducted research in Malaysia, by
adding the religiosity variable to the Theory of
Planned Behavior model by assuming that this
variable influence purchase intention. Khan et al
(2022) also conducted research by adding several
variables, one of which was religiosity and focusing
on Generation Y in Malaysia. The results is religiosity
influences purchase intention. Mukhtar and Butt
(2012) states as well that there are differences in the
level of religiosity which will vary for every Muslim.
Shahid et al. (2019) found that globally, there is
an increment in Muslim halal awareness. Researchers
conducted research in India by adding halal
awareness to Muslim consumers regarding halal
cosmetics. As a result, halal awareness influence
purchase intention.
Kurniawati and Savitri (2020) show that the level
of halal awareness among Indonesian Generation Z
consumers is very high, with an index of 94.91. This
study also shows that religiosity is the factor that most
influences halal awareness in Indonesia with an index
of 96.91.
Wilson and Liu (2011) stated “Halal, Islam and
Muslims will always cause brand academics and
practitioners problems”, which highlights the
important of studying the buying patterns of these
consumers. In this paper, aim to modify previous
research model and investigate the factors that
influence the purchase intention of halal cosmetic
product among Muslim consumers in Jabodetabek.
2.1 Research Framework
Based on the previous studies results and based on the
description of each variable, in context of this study,
the Theory of Planned Behavior variables such as
Attitude Toward Behavior (ATP), Subjective Norm
(SN), and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), and
additional variables Religiosity (R) and Halal
Awareness (HA). The theoretical framework is
presented in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework
Based on the review of existing literature, research
objectives and the model (Fig. 1), following
hypotheses were developed:
Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling Approach
H1. Attitude Towards Behavioral (ATP) will
positively influence Purchase Intention (PI) of
halal cosmetics.
H2. Subjective Norm (SN) will positively
influence PI of halal cosmetics.
H3. Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) will
positively influence PI of halal cosmetics.
H4. Religiosity (R) will positively influence PI of
halal cosmetics.
H5. Halal Awareness (HA) will positively
influence PI of halal cosmetics.
The object determined in this study is Muslim
consumers from Jabodetabek with the following
criteria: All Men and Women between the ages of 17-
55 years who have used or currently use halal
cosmetic products. This study obtained a total of 242
respondents through a questionnaire with data
collection methods. The type of data in is quantitative
data, analysed using descriptive and verification
methods. In this study, the data were analysed using
the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method
using the IBM SPSS AMOS 26 software.
The questionnaire of this study was developed by
adopting and modifying items from previous studies
to certain extent in order to suit the needs of the
current study. Table 1 depicts the sources the
questionnaire items. The questionnaire used a 5-point
Likert-scale. The scale ranged from strongly disagree
to strongly agree whereby, 1 represented strongly
disagree, 2 indicated disagree, 3 indicated neural, 4
denoted agree and lastly 5 expressed strongly agree.
Table 1: Questionnaraire Items
No Factor Source
TPB Factor
Subjective Norm,
Behavioral Control)
Aisyah, 2017; Vanany et
al., 2019; Wirakurnia et
al., 2021.
2 Halal Awareness
Shahid et al., 2018;
Kurniawati dan Savitri,
3 Religiosity
Kurniawati dan Savitri,
2020; Awalia et al., 2021;
Khan et al, 2020
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The characteristics of the respondents in this study
can be seen in the following table:
Table 2: Respondent Characteristics
No Parameter
Frequency Percentage
- Male 104 42.98%
- Female 138 57.02%
- 18-25 years 79 32.64%
- 26-35 years 83 34.30%
- 36-45 years 45 18.60%
- 46-55 years 35 14.46%
Last Education
- Diploma 7 2.89%
- Bachelor 155 64.05%
- Master 26 10.74%
- High School 54 22.31%
- Teacher/Lecture 16 6.61%
- Housewife 21 8.68%
- Employee 125 51.65%
- Student 61 25.21%
- Entrepreneur 19 7.85%
Average Income
- < Rp 5.000.000 127 52.48%
- Rp 5.000.000 –
Rp 15.000.000
26 10.74%
- > Rp 15.000.000 89 36.78%
Source: Primary Processed Data (2022)
3.2 Assessment of Measurement Model
The researchers proceeded with verifying the
Measurement Model using Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) by employing IBM SPSS AMOS.
Before conducting SEM the overall measurement
model should be assessed, separately through validity
and reliability.
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
The result of measurement model of validity test
shows that there are 19 indicators observed in
exogenous latent variables that have passed the
validity test, as all loading factors are > 0.5, as well
critical ratio > 2.58.
The result of measurement model of validity test
shows that there are 6 variables observed that have
passed the reliability test, as all construct reliability >
0.7 and variance extracted > 0.5.
3.3 Assessment of Structural Model
From several step of SEM, there are several structural
model evaluation criteria as follows:
1. Data Normality
In the AMOS output, evaluation of data normality
is carried out using a critical skewness ratio value of
± 2.58 at a significance level of 0.01 (1%). The
outcomes of normality test are depicted in AMOS
output that all indicators have a critical ratio value
below ± 2.58. Data from indicators are normally
2. Data Outliers
Evaluation of data outliers can be seen from the
Mahalonobis Distance in the AMOS output, if
Mahalonobis d-squared value is greater than Chi-
Square value with a degree of freedom (df) of the
number of variables at a significance level of 0.05
then the data indicates an outlier. The largest
Mahalonobis d-squared value is 82.22 which is
smaller than Chi-square value of 118.75. Thus, it can
be conducted that the data are free from outliers.
3. Goodness of Fit (GOF) Model
Under this stage, all the variables were connected
to each other in order to assess the overall fit of the
model through assessment of GOF. The results of the
measurement model in Fig 2 and Table 3 using the
Maximum Likelihood estimation method.
Figure 2: Variable Measurement Model
Table 3: Goodness of Fit
GOF Index Cut-off Value Output Result
Probability p > 0.05 0.000 Not Fit
RMSEA RMSEA < 0.08 0.121 Not Fit
RMR RMR < 0.05 0.085 Not Fit
GFI GFI > 0.9 0.791 Not Fit
AGFI AGFI > 0.8 0.710 Not Fit
CMIN/DF CMIN/DF < 2 4.552 Not Fit
TLI TLI > 0.95 0.872 Not Fit
CFI CFI > 0.95 0.897 Not Fit
IFI IFI > 0.90 0.898 Not Fit
It can be seen that the indexes are not fit. SEM
model is a carried out in stages. If a fit model has not
been obtained, then the model originally needs to be
revised. First and foremost, in order to address the
issue, the researchers have deleted a number of items
that loaded with lower values as well as connecting
items with high covariance based on the modification
indices as suggested by Zainudin (2012). This process
was repeated until an adequately fitting model was
achieved that meet all the requirements for each fit
index by connecting several items. The results of
these modification are presented in Fig 3 and Table 4
as follows.
Figure 3: Variable Measurement Model After Modification
Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Table 4: Goodness of Fit After Modification
GOF Index Cut-off Value Output Result
Probability p > 0.05
0.115 Fit
0.027 Fit
RMR RMR < 0.05
0.044 Fit
GFI GFI > 0.9
0.956 Fit
0.911 Fit
1.177 Fit
TLI TLI > 0.95
0.994 Fit
CFI CFI > 0.95
0.996 Fit
IFI IFI > 0.90
0.997 Fit
3.4 Hypothesis Testing
SEM was used by the researchers to validate the
proposed conceptual framework that has been
developed for the current study. The hypotheses were
evaluated according to the statistical output attained
for the model. In total the study put forth a total 5
hypotheses in regard to prior findings from the
literature. The outcomes of the hypothesis testing are
depicte in Table 5 provided below which indicates the
values for estimates, critical ratios and significance
level are shown. By looking at the table, it can be seen
that all hypotheses were supported as they had p-
values less than 0.05.
Table 5: Result of Hypotheses Testing
P Value
H1; PI <- ATP
0.100; 0.041
H2; PI <- SN
0.133; 0.028
H3; PI <- PBC 0.302; 0.037
H4; PI <- R 0.193; 0.001
H5; PI <- HA
0.273; 0.02
Hypothesis testing and structural equations in this
study are as follows:
PI = 0.100 ATP + 0.133 SN + 0.302 PBC
+ 0.193 R + 0.273 HA + e
3.5 Coefficient of Determination (R²)
Evaluation of the structural model is carried out by
looking at the Coefficient of Determination. The
coefficient of determination aims to measure how far
the model's ability to explain the variance of the
dependent variable. The value of the coefficient of
determination is between 0 and 1. For this research,
structural relationship based on the estimate value can
see in Table 6:
Table 6: Coefficient of Determination (R²)
Squared Multiple Correlations:
(Group number 1 - Default model)
Purchase_Intention 0.633
From Table 6, it can be explained that estimate
value of Purchase Intention (PI) variable is 0.633.
This shows that 63.3% of PI variable can be
influenced by ATP, SN, PBC, R, and HA variables,
while the remaining 36.7% is influenced by other
variable outside current studies.
This study aimed to expand the TPB by introducing
additional factors that predict the intention to
purchase halal cosmetics. This study also addressed
the call from previous literature regarding the lack of
research in halal cosmetic in other countries. The
results revealed evidence of significant relationships
between attitude, subjective norm, perceived
behavioral control, religiosity, and halal awareness
with halal-cosmetic consumption among consumers
in Jabodetabek.
As a muslim, they have to be extra careful in their
choice of products, as they have to ensure that the
product they use comply with syariah law by being
halal. Therefore, this research highlights several
valuable insights, as all the antecedents of PI studied
directly influence the five hypotheses which had been
proposed. Therefore, market researchers in general
and international brands in particular should design
their marketing campaigns focusing on creating
awareness regarding their compliance with halal
products using open and crisp communication.
The background of the consumers is a crucial
factor that influences their responsiveness, and it has
made customers more cognisant and responsive to
halal products and ingredients. The external socio-
demographic variables, such as the education level
and occupation have an influence towards purchase
intention. Consumers with a high level of religiosity,
and who are well educated, are particularly concerned
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
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Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling Approach