The uncertainty score of the supply chain in case 1
and case 2 is higher (4.5) than the score of business
uncertainty (4.2) means supply chain uncertainty has
a greater risk than business uncertainty.
Cases 1 and 2 assume supply chain uncertainty is
more important than business uncertainty. The
important factors in supply chain uncertainty are coal
reserves and operational efficiency.
The coal business sustainability strategy in
overcoming supply chain uncertainties in case 1 and
2 is to find new coal reserves in large quantities with
reduced mining operational costs that are more
environmentally friendly.
Political instability and economic slowdown at
national and global levels significantly influence the
growth of energy needs. Energy demand will keep
increasing in the future. The ability of the supply
chain related to the decreasing amount of coal
reserves and the low efficiency of operational
activities to produce thermal coal is a very vital
variable in the supply chain. There must be
operational efficiency to fulfill one of the indicators
for the sustainability of the thermal coal business in
achieving net zero emission. To improve coal
business sustainability (CBS), there should be an
accurate mathematical model, especially for the
optimization of uncertainty factors for improving coal
supply chain capability.
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