Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts
in Shipping Container Buildings:
Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang
Zilzal Ananta Mustofa, Nurhayatu Nufut Alimin
and Mulyadi
Interior Design, Sebelas Maret University, Ir. Sutami Street, No. 36 A (57126), Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Eco-Interior, Shipping Container Building, Sustainable Design.
Abstract: Globally, more than seventeen million shipping containers are left for days in ports and keep piling up at the
port since delivering empty shipping containers to their origin is considered cost-prohibitive. Therefore,
Shipping container building is one of the buildings that apply eco-friendly and sustainable practices in this
modern era. The Arbanat Restaurant is one of the interesting buildings made out of shipping containers in
Indonesia since it was the first shipping container building in Indonesia. This research tried to scrutinize
whether this building has already applied the sustainable principle. In this research, we use the descriptive
qualitative methodology with analysis data using eco-interior theory. The result of this research showed that
the Arbanat restaurant had applied sustainable principles, especially in eco-interior design with mild effort,
which means that it was not fully optimal or ideal. It is categorized as the first: substantial effort on the part
of space organization, lighting system, ventilation system, and indoor pollution. The second is a mild effort
with material selection, electromagnetic emission, and indoor waste management. The last one was a common
application on the part of water sanitation.
Ecological and green design is an emerging topic
broadly discussed in building environment-related
fields (Aktas, 2013). In the field of interior study, this
concept is also known as an eco-interior design
(Kusumarini et al., 2011). It is an interior space
concept that is considered environmentally friendly
and energy-efficient. This concept is a part of the
sustainable interior design concept (Jain, 2023),
which could be attained by creating a design adaptive
to activity changes, energy conservation, and efficient
material management, in addition to thermal control
and views to outdoor access (Winchip, 2011).
Today’s design and construction activities must be
ecological and sustainable approaches (Soegijanto,
2014). Sustainable design means that a design must
respond to the environment; it is necessary to
consider the natural resources that affect human
beings in the future. One of the most critical aspects
of this approach is the idea of sustainability, which
according to the World Commission on Environment
and Development "must take into account the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs (Papanek,
1995). Moreover, the building design must prioritize
good planning comprehensively, which does not
damage nature but can blend with nature itself
(Alimin et al., 2021).
Shipping container building is one of the buildings
that apply eco-friendly and sustainable practices in
this modern era (Kiil, 2021). The shipping container
has been reused as a part of urban architecture since
it was introduced in the early 20th century
(Schwarzer, 2013). Globally, more than seventeen
million shipping containers are left for days in ports
after their first shipping period (Gharehgozli, 2012).
These shipping containers keep piling up at the port
since delivering empty shipping containers to their
origin is considered cost-prohibitive (Kuzmicz &
Pesch, 2019). Therefore, using a shipping container
as a building component or material could address
this issue (Primasetra, 2019). Furthermore, turning
Mustofa, Z., Alimin, N. and Mulyadi, .
Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts in Shipping Container Buildings: Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0012116000003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 375-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
shipping containers into buildings could significantly
reduce the energy used during the construction
process compared to the energy required for the
common building (Haque et al., 2022).
Arbanat Restaurant is one of many buildings made
out of shipping containers in Indonesia. This
restaurant exhibits a more interesting and variative
arrangement than other shipping containers in
Indonesia, making it the first shipping container
building in Indonesia mentioned in the well-known
Southeast Asian architecture magazine, Archinesia
vol.12 (ARCHINESIA 12, n.d.).
From an architectural perspective, Arbanat restaurant
is categorized as a building that implements a
sustainable concept for reusing shipping containers.
Reusing shipping containers as a building structure is
a reasonable practice of sustainability because most
of its structures are made of recycled materials (El
Messeidy, 2018). From the interior design
perspective, there has yet to be a study reporting the
ecological concept of Arbanat restaurant. Therefore,
this study attempts to identify whether or not Arbanat
restaurant’s building has met the sustainability
criteria, particularly its eco-interior aspects.
More specifically, this study aimed to see the
implementation of the eco-interior design concept in
Arbanat restaurant’s shipping container building. The
discussion of eco-interior design is necessary to
introduce this concept to the public, especially
designers, so they are more familiar with and apply it
(Soegijanto, 2014). To this end, we scrutinized the
object that has implemented ecological principles to
see its implementation and classification of its
This qualitative descriptive observed the interior of
the service area in Arbanat restaurant and
documented the area using a camera. An interview
with the restaurant manager was also conducted to
ensure data validity. Data were analyzed using eco-
interior design concepts and parameters. The
parameter was adapted from and developed based on
Sustainable Housing in Indonesia (Larasati et al.,
2007) by adjusting it to the eco-interior design
The eco-interior concept included: space
organization, material selection, lighting system,
ventilation, water sanitation, indoor pollution,
electromagnetic emission, and indoor waste
management (Kusumarini et al., 2011).
The finding of this study is presented as follows: first,
we describe the interior design condition of Arbanat
restaurant based on the eco-interior design concept.
Second, we classify the implementation of the eco-
interior design concept in Arbanat restaurant based on
the eco-interior design parameters, which are
classified into common application, mild effort,
substantial effort, and ideal situation (Kusumarini et
al., 2011). Common application refers to the
implementation usually done by people without any
specific reason to respond to environmental issues.
The mild effort is an implementation done as a
response to the environmental issue, yet it does not
become the focus and has significant impacts. The
substantial effort is an implementation done as a
response to environmental issues, which is done
deliberately and thoroughly and brings significant
impacts. The ideal situation is an implementation
consciously done to respond to environmental issues,
which serve as a priority.
3.1 An Analysis of the Eco-Interior
Design Concept in Arbanat
Analysis of the application of the eco-interior design
concept in Arbanat restaurant was carried out using
an eco-interior design approach, namely in the
aspects of spatial organization, material selection,
lighting system, ventilation system, water sanitation,
indoor pollution, electromagnetic emission, and
indoor waste management.
3.1.1 Spatial Organization
Arbanat restaurant has three areas: private, service,
and public areas. On its ground floor, a shipping
container is placed diagonally, serving as the cashier
room, service room, and restroom. Other shipping
containers on this floor were arranged horizontally
and served as kitchen, service, dining, and coffee
shop areas. On the second and third floors, shipping
containers were stacked in different positions from
those on the ground floor. This arrangement aimed to
break opinions that shipping containers should be
stacked in parallel. Directions of these rooms were
adjusted to the circulation flow, natural opening, and
room accessibility. The rooms were set to have
minimal, multifunctional properties. Each room used
at least two 40ft shipping containers. The restaurant’s
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
spatial organization was adjusted to the container
shape and lengthwise arrangement.
Figure 1: Spatial organization in Arbanat Restaurant's
ground floor, consisting of coffee shop (A), service room-1
(B), semi-outdoor area (C), service room-2 (D), kitchen (E),
and warehouse (F).
Figure 2: Spatial organization in Arbanat Restaurant's
second floor, consisting of semi-outdoor area (A), service
room-3 (B), restroom (C), praying room (D), office (E), and
warehouse (F).
Figure 3: Spatial organization in Arbanat Restaurant's third
floor, consisting of lounge (A), preparation room (B),
restroom (C), service area-4 (D), semi-outdoor area (E), and
service area-5 (F).
3.1.2 Material Selection
Shipping containers were used as the restaurant’s wall
and ceiling on the ground floor. However, some areas
were covered by gypsum board. The floor was made
using vinyl and ceramics. The interior materials were
dominated by gypsum, wallpaper, wood, iron, and
high-pressure laminate. Some furniture was made
from reclaimed wood from the restaurant's
surroundings, which was finished using water-based
(eco-friendly) and melamine-based (containing
hazardous chemicals) materials.
Figure 4: Interior design of the coffee shop area in Arbanat
Figure 5: Interior design of the service room-1 in Arbanat
Figure 6: Interior design of the service room-2 in Arbanat
3.1.3 Lighting System
Arbanat restaurant is designed for energy efficiency
and conservation. The containers were arranged
following the sun's path. Small windows were also
installed in every room to reduce the restaurant’s
electric power consumption. Energy conservation
was done by optimizing natural light in every room
and utilizing energy-saving lamps. The restaurant
also attempted to reduce the sun's heat using plants
placed around the building. However, this restaurant
Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts in Shipping Container Buildings: Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang
has not used renewable energy sources and still has
incandescent lamps in some areas.
Figure 7: Natural light in coffee shop area.
Figure 8: Natural light in service room-1.
Figure 9: Natural light in service room-2.
3.1.4 Ventilation System
The restaurant utilized both natural and mechanical
ventilation. The former included the installation of
ventilation and crossed building mass arrangement.
Meanwhile, the latter was in the form of air
conditioning (AC) and fans. The restaurant's energy
conservation effort was made by limiting AC use. It
was only turned on when customers came and during
the hot weather. The restaurant also used energy-
saving AC to ensure energy efficiency. The crossing
container arrangement, semi-outdoor area, and void
were found to significantly affect the airflow to the
centre of the building, thus reducing the heat.
Figure 10: Ventilation and air circulation flow in coffee
shop area.
Figure 11: Ventilation and air circulation flow in service
Figure 12: Ventilation and air circulation flow in service
3.1.5 Water Sanitation
The restaurant's water source was a deep well. The
water was stored in a tank, filtered, and passed to the
areas that needed water. The restaurant does not have
a water conservation system such as rainwater
collection and wastewater management. Arbanat
restaurant used water for cooking, washing, toilets,
and watering plants. There were two sewages: grey
water and black water. The former was disposed to
the public drainage, while the latter was disposed to
the septic tank.
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Figure 13: Water sanitation on the Arbanat Restaurants
ground floor.
3.1.6 Indoor Pollution
Arbanat restaurant used a natural ventilation system
to minimize indoor air pollution. It also selected eco-
and human-friendly finishing materials for several
rooms. However, some rooms still used chemical
finishing materials. The restaurant also maintained its
hygiene to minimize indoor pollution by using
Natural, non-hazardous cleaners. Arbanat restaurant
did not have a noise pollution management system
such as acoustic or noise control.
Figure 14: Void area in the center of Arbanat Restaurant.
Figure 15: Void area in the back of Arbanat Restaurant.
3.1.7 Electromagnetic Emission
Arbanat restaurant anticipated the radiation by using
electrical grounding. The power cables were neatly
inserted into PVC pipes to protect customers from
electric shock potentials. The electrical use in the
restaurant was also limited according to the service
area needs.
Figure 16: Electrical safety system in Arbanat Restaurant's
ground floor.
3.1.8 Indoor Waste Management
The restaurant's waste was divided into two types:
kitchen waste and food waste. The kitchen waste
comes from the cooking activities in the kitchen,
while the food waste refers to the customers’ food
leftovers. Each room was equipped with one type of
trash bin without separation of organic and non-
organic waste. The waste was collected in one place,
separated into organic and nonorganic materials, and
disposed to the public waste collection site.
Figure 17: Trash bin in Arbanat Restaurant’s service room.
Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts in Shipping Container Buildings: Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang
3.2 The Classification of Eco-Interior
Design Concept Application in
Arbanat Restaurant
Table 1: Common Application of Eco-Interior Design.
ects Anal
The room adjustment with natural
circulation and openings.
Substantial effort
Minimizing the use of common
materials without ecological
Mild effort
Lighting system Using natural light during the day
and using efficient lighting at
night. (Substantial effort)
Using energy-saving air
conditioning, and optimizing air
circulation while minimizing air
conditioning use. (Substantial
Using conventional water sources
and direct drainage. (Common
Indoor pollution Adequate attention to the cause
and effect of indoor pollution.
Substantial effort
Minimal understanding of the
electromagnetic issue. (Mild
Based on the analysis result, applying the shipping
container does not mean that building has already
applied sustainable principle. In this research, the
Arbanat restaurant has not completely applied the
eco-interior design concept as part of sustainable
principle. The restaurant’s application was divided
into three categories: substantial, mild, and common
efforts. A substantial effort was made for the spatial
organization, lighting system, ventilation, and indoor
pollution. A mild effort was made for material
selection, electromagnetic emission, and indoor
waste management. However, the restaurant’s water
sanitation is considered to be a common application.
Figure 18: The classification of eco-interior concept in
Arbanat restaurant.
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Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts in Shipping Container Buildings: Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang